Thank you. I am thrilled to get such a reaction from my words.
'I miss my family.'
Days had gone by and he had said no more of Rose. My promptings to continue had met with moody silence or detours onto lighter subjects. There was a tension, a waiting and everywhere the sickly sweet perfume of roses. I could no longer escape into the castle to be rid of it. It wafted through the thick oak door of my bedroom, surprised me as I rounded a dark corridor, pervaded the pages of the books I read.
I was restless, uneasy. I longed for the mundane pleasures I once enjoyed at home.
I stood now at the window staring out into the darkness. Rain pattered gently on the glass. Behind me, the fire crackled in the hearth.
On a night such as this, my family would be gathered in the kitchen, huddling around the stove for warmth. Brigitte would be stoking the fire and fretting because the wood was damp and there was more smoke than flame. I would offer to run out to the woodpile to see if I could find some drier logs but that would not make her happy either.
‘And then you will get wet and chilled.’ She would snap, ‘And I will have to take care of you if you fall ill. We do not have the money for potions either so pray, do not cause me more vexation than is necessary.’
Blanche would be concentrating on the sewing in her hands, perhaps squinting at the tiny stitches in the dim light. Her thoughts would be far away and her lips curved into a small, secret smile as she dreamt of marriage and escape to a better life. Had she yet convinced the vintner’s son to make her his bride?
Ah my sisters, do you think of me at all? Have you yet forgiven me for the burden of beauty that I never wanted or valued?
And my father. He would be planning his next trip to market. Perhaps he had a map spread in front of him on the heavy table and was tracing the route he would take, gently smoothing the creases from the paper. His brow would knit as he worried over which goods to take to make enough money to feed and clothe his small family and still have enough to spare to surprise his daughters with small gifts on his return. He loved to make them smile. Always the shiniest, the most unusual, the one that overshadowed the other gifts, he would reserve to delight me, his Belle.
Oh papa. No pearls or gold or precious jewels could ever compare to those simple trinkets chosen with your love. Did did you not see, however, that such favour made my sisters frown?
My breath had fogged the glass but my view was already blurred as tears filled my eyes.
The Beast did not look up from his book.
'I would have let him go, you know, if he had returned instead of you.'
'My father could not know that.'
'He could not know that I would not kill you and eat you,' He grinned and the light caught an incisor and for a moment he looked like the beast he was. 'Or worse.'
I felt the blood rush to my face.
‘It was my choice to take his place. I could be spared. He could not.’
‘I am sure he argued strenuously for days to change your mind.’
‘He did.‘ I protested defensively. ‘He begged me to reconsider.’
‘And yet, here you are.' He closed his book with a snap.
‘If you were mine, I would never surrender you.'
His words were light but the intensity in his eyes made me uncomfortable.
'Why me?' I spoke quickly to hide my embarrassment. 'You did not know me.'
'The rose chose you.'