Author Topic: Von Struggle Dynasty  (Read 2633 times)

Offline aenito

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Von Struggle Dynasty
« on: May 21, 2013, 01:13:41 AM »

Witchcraft and Immortality
a case study by Alice Von Struggle

As the final asignment for World Dominance 204 i decided to deploy an immortal dynasty on the well known world of Union Cove. Well, not so well known because i added some modifications to the simulator. Metro's Mansion was demolished to make space to settle the Champ Les Sims Nectary; on Amberlea Manor was placed an ancient town graveyard like the one in Riverview (just without the gravestones); on Regency Road 876 was deployed the Aleister's Elixirs and Sundries; on Green Acrees were demolished McEleven Estate and the Starter farm to make palce for Keith's Komics, B's Bowlarama and The Grotto. Finally the Roasted Toasted Beans Coffee Shop was placed on Knollwood (Rustic Glen 5634/2).

Next step was to transmute myself onto a sim to be inserted in the simverse. Here is how i look like a sim:

Generation 1:
Traits: brave, natural cook, charismatic, friendly & ambitious
likes: latin music, autumn salad & irish green
[]LTW: Alchemy Artisan
[]Super Max: Alchemy
[]Career: Fortune Teller
[X]Building: Gipsy Wagon
[X]Property: Aleister's Elixir & Sundries
[]Best Friends:
[2]Black Ops: From one Chef to Another, Borrowing Ingredients

[]Paintings []YA, []Adult, []Elder
[]Sculptures []YA, []Adult, []Elder

Disclaimer: My game is localised in spanish, so at translating back into english few stuff may suffer changes from original. For example, i translated "verde irlandés" as irish green but really don't know the original english in-game term.

Offline aenito

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Re: Von Struggle Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2013, 03:37:47 AM »
Chapter 1: crumplebottom gambit

Most important literature about deploying dynasties fast do favor the crumplebottom gambit. The good part about choose Union Cove is that many sims performed it in the past, so they are very aware of the procediments. With a little more research on my part i would find more suitable partners for the gambit, but there is no time if i had to present this work before final exam, so i choosed the obvious: So you need an artist to make sculptures, portraits and paintings? Then head to the Artist Colony. There i meet James Douglas

And after few hours of chitchating i told him i was about to build a big house down the street, and was looking for some artist to work full time on it.... yes, you can call it some kind of patron of art.

He came with me to the lot in his car

Just to find there was nothing on it.

- You a cheater, you only want to steal my car, rigth? Yeah i know, there are many stories about newcomers stealing cars in this neighborhood.
- No. I told you i have plenty of resources. Just it will take few days to land all the stuff here. What i cannot bring is some good painters and sculptors. Are you interested?

Hopefully he agreed, and told me he knows who will be perfect for the painter asignment. Some rebel artistic girl named Emily Carr. So while we where waiting for Emily to come i asked James to go shopping some errands as i was new on the town. He went to the Open Market...

... to the Aleister's Elixirs and Sundries...

... and back to the Open Market

Meanwhile i went to the comic shop where i met Carl Ratcliff

And instead of hours and hours of chitchatting, i'd simply throw at him a Jar of Potent Friendship and told him to bring me somewhere. I was confident in get enough cash with the proper use of the Midas Touch elixir on my pocket so there would be no need to steal anyone's car.

One problem about the lot asigned to the deployment is the awkward route to reach it. You must leave the car down the hill, next to the Townhall, and walk up some 500 meters.

Here you can see how Carl and i run to the lot while James is at the back. Yes, he was on a taxi, because i had to take a loan to buy all the elixirs, so i used his car as deposit. Hopefully next day he wil get the car back.

So i explained Carl how can he help me with some special tasks nobody else must know. Ever. Even James will be ignorant of them. The problem will be to keep it incognito as many know there live a Carl Ratcliff in the Carl's Castle, and of course there is the Ratcliff Hall Country Club. So we had a plan to masquerade what Carl was about to do. We agreed to tell everyone Carl is my butler and he would change his surname. We are both terrible at choosing names, so the final choosen one was Shipton.

When James arrived, he told us a sad story about an orphan child he knows and how he was about to adopt the child if we don't mind. I didn't tell him with this words, but a son of him would be very usefull to the deployment. So yes, we agreed and James called the Adopting Services.

And soon arrived the small child who ran to hug his new parent.

As you can see on last image, the rest of the day all of us where working hard on raising skills. James sculpting, Emily painting, Carl reading books (with his pet Callie always near) and me on alchemy

The house was finished following few simple rules: two wall paintings (one interior and one exterior), two floor tiles (green on the ground and red on upper floor), no decor and just the minimun items.

On last image you can see why it's important to have diferent colors on each floor. You go up to the upper floor by the two stairs that divide main hall of kitchen. Each wing have 2 dorms and 1 bathroom but the center is empty.

Before midnigth we all were tired and went to sleep, except Carl that had enough energy to stay 6 hours touching sculptures.

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Re: Von Struggle Dinasty
« Reply #2 on: May 21, 2013, 08:52:28 AM »
Good luck with your unofficial dynasty!  I love playing in Union Cove myself. 

Oh and Irish Green is the name for one of the colors in the English version.
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Re: Von Struggle Dinasty
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2013, 11:11:31 PM »
I'm sure the real Carl would approve of Alice dating the Sim Carl. I'm sure they'll make a nice nooboo.
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Offline aenito

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Re: Von Struggle Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2013, 02:28:09 AM »
Chapter 2: The longest week

Next day early in the morning I managed to cook my first breakfast. Pankakes. And also we managed to assemble all household together to eat it. This was indeed a remarcable acomplishement as the remaining of the week each of we had diferent schedule and never meet again at breakfast.

There was a lot of things to do this first week. I had to train my alchemy skill and also my witchcraft...

Also i had to work on my cooking. One day i had a call to share my cooking tricks with a cook of the Bistro... I think I've seen her in the house in front of ours but didn't befriend her before.

Other day, i met a zombie. Fortunatelly i trained hard all the week, so i was able to heal the zombie curse with my sun spell. The sim was very gratefull and i added her to my list of contacts.

I also improved the furniture with magic rituals. The WC and showers with autoclean, the kitchen with improved cooking, the dishwasher, the television, the radio, ...

Soon I maxed both spellcraft and alchemy, so i moved to the gypsy wagon to enrol as fortuneteller. The next phase of the plan was about to start.

Of course, i wouldn't accomplished it without the help of Carl. Hopefully he was a loner and had no friends in the town, so when he changed his surname to Shipton and dressed in smoking noone noticed he was the same Carl as the owner of the Ratcliff County Club. He also inscribed as self-employed photographer in the townhall. That was a very clever cover, as he was able to wander up and down all day taking shoots of every inch of the town.

Each morning, he goes to the store to get ingredients and recipes for my alchemy training. Most of what he buys is of no use for us, so we resell it in the black market just to keep busy the shop clerk. The clerk don't know, but we already bought all the shares of the Aleister's Elixir and Sundies.

He also was instructed to get any special seed he found. With a little magic we did the first day, Carl become bookworm (to read skill books fast), Gatherer and Green Thumb (to improve gardening and ingredient's search), Photographer's Eye (to improve photography) and loves outdoor (as most of the time he is wandering town or working in the garden).

So with Carl all day up and down, we will need a reliable transport system. My first thought was to enroll in the politics to promote the expansion of subway it but Carl told me there was a faster way to accomplish it, if we get the cash...

So we worked few nigths with the midas touch elixir and finally we got enought simoleons to build a subway line from the beach to the uptown cementery, with a stop in the Library and conected with the one at Central Park.

Once at home, Carl analyze all the seeds he got that day. This way we can plant exactly the seeds we need and don't waste time and fertilizers. This first week we focused on some worlfbane, red valerian and mandrake root to make elixirs, and one single seed of fruit of life to start the cloning mechanisms. We stored many seeds of death flowers and flaming fruits for a later use. Plasma fruit and money tree seeds we sell on the blackmarket because they don't fit our plans.

So yes, this may seem incredible but Carl was able to learn Science 10, Gardening 10, Photography 10 and Handiness 7 in less than a week. Photo and garden by using the skill a lot and Science and Handiness reading books at nigth before going to sleep.

Meanwhile, the rest of the household keep working on the arts. There was Emily, a brave, flirty, rebel, natural cook, artistic painter. Her lifetime wish is to max painting and guitar, so she was producing small paintings all the week...

Except for one day, that she was sick of being in the house all the time, so she decided to walk up to the new cementery and maybe playing the guitar in the subway. But guess what? Just that same day at that same hour, a meteor also decided to land in the cementery. She returned home and never went out the remaining of the week. Now her painting skill is at 10 and each day works on a portraint of myself. We have 9 more days until my birthday so i hope she will be able to make a masterpiece.

I've already told about the other artist, James. He is a savvy sculptor, dog person, friendly, angler, who like outdoors. He went to the townhall to change his self-employed fisher job by a self-employed sculptor and keep making ice sculptures with my help.

He usually can make up to 4 each day if he don't eat and don't sleep and don't go to the bathroom so I cast him enchants and throw an invigorating elixir every now and then. The first day of the second week his account of ice sculptures was 19 so I will start to pose for him very soon.

There is another resident at the house. Callie cat, the cat of Carl. She usually pursue pests in the garden and get some fish for Carl to use as fertilizer but she also helped me with an opportunity to get a philosopher's stone. First i had to bring some bugs to the Science building so here Callie was very helpfull.

Then I was asked to bring some plants to the Arboretum. Here the help was from Carl, but we needed to make a little magic to open the door and enter the building.

And finally i must cut some gems and melt some metals

And finally, we have Junior Douglas. A Heavy Sleeper, Party Animal with Good Sense of Humor. His lifetime wish was to be a Renaissance Sim, and he is near to achieve it as teenager. He was able to get A grade at school without doing his homework every day, and improved photography up to 8 by shooting at buildings and sims he met while returning home from school. Once in the house, he usually paint near Emily until suppertime.

First day of second week was his birthday, so we prepared a party and he invited all his friends from school. Some of them are already teens, as Wednesday Adams, Betsy Williams or Smaull Thyme and others like Pietro Gepeto and Pugsley Adams will become teens one day later.

The first stage is almost completed but all was faster than expected. I can't believe Carl was able to almost max 4 skills in one week by simply reading books, shooting photos and working in the garden. Maybe he is diferent from other sims. As i don't know what will bring the future, I will store some adn samples of Carl.