It seems that Diahl was rather worn out. In general, he tried to avoid people, but at the moment, he was so tired, he didn't mind sleeping even with a still non-aged-up Wilhemina Wolff sharing the couch.
It is true, Diahl has been very busy with his research and inventing. His father has been quite pleased and has been encouraging Diahl to put in long hours. All of this was going on in addition to Diahl's school work.
However, that is not what has made him so tired this particular day. Rather, it was the interesting visitor that came to their house last night.
She had the most fascinating technology.
He found her thoroughly intriguing. She was quite possibly as passionate about technology as he was. She even had green skin, just like him. He definitely felt like an outcast among his classmates. He was about as popular as a zombie.
Here was someone who understood him. A true friend. And who knows, when he aged up, maybe they would be something more...?