Author Topic: The Frio-Mae Townie DecaDynasty  (Read 83190 times)

Offline Brisayshi

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Re: The Frio-Mae Townie DecaDynasty
« Reply #135 on: May 24, 2014, 05:39:31 PM »
(Ivory POV)

Alright, well, the player has something new in store. She wants to try mixing things up, so I get to tell the story for this part! We ended with my birthday, and in a house of four the birthdays are nonstop, so lets start out now with two of them.

First, mom's birthday. It came unexpectedly, with so much focus on the heiress (that's me) and the not-so-important brother of the heiress. She aged up to an adult and reverted back to her old hairstyle. She changed it back to her nicer 'do afterwards. Poor mom celebrated by herself in the bathroom, just as she was about to clean the toilet.

I thought she might be upset about being old, but she went to bed pretty early with a smile on her face, so I guess it's all okay.

And then the day after that, it was Leo's birthday. Everyone agreed to having cake in the morning because it was a school day. We didn't have cake for mom, so you know, we had to have some for Leo. It was kind of like a joint-birthday-celebration.

I said that his bunny slippers made him look like a dork. I got an elbow in the ribs for that one. Thanks, mom.

And because he aged up in the morning, Leo didn't even have to go to school that day! Darn that "Lucky" trait of his! I, unfortunately, still had to go to school. I can't ever skip, either. Something about how I have to get on honor roll. Part of being the third heir, so I'm not going to mess with it. Leo said that mom coached him in driving while he had a day off, though. In the red car, not the "mom van".

Oh, then on Thursday was the REAL Leisure Day. Don't get me started on Dad thinking LAST Thursday was a holiday. I think he and mom did it on purpose. But aside from that, Dad threw another pool party, and Leo and I were there for it this time. Before the party we all got some time to ourselves, though. I got to paint, but afterwards I was told that I needed to hold off a bit until my next birthday. Something about Black Ops, this time. And then I'm not allowed to do anything that'll let me pick up any other skills, either. But Leo still gets to play with his new telescope he got for his birthday.

On the bright side, we did get a new snow cone machine for the party.

And the party was pretty cool, too.

Prom was the same day, so there was that, too. I looked pretty good, even if I do say so myself.

Leo pulled together pretty well, too.

Our cousins Molly and Jonathan left from our party and rode in the limo with us to prom, too.

All in all, it was great. Leo got Prom King and I got Prom King. Leo got into two fights at prom and was rejected by a popular guy at school, but he did hit it off with another guy. I always had a bit of a feeling that Leo steered towards other men. Female intuition, I suppose. I, too, was rejected by a guy for a dance. But I did get the attention of another-- Kelley. He's not related by blood, but he still feels too much like a cousin to me. Plus, it's against some dynasty rules, so I'll have to let him down when I get the chance.

Well, I think I'll stop there for now. But feel free to admire Leo and I's crowns!

Offline Brisayshi

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Re: The Frio-Mae Townie DecaDynasty
« Reply #136 on: May 25, 2014, 07:51:39 PM »
(Ivory POV)

On Friday, Kelley invited me to his house after school. I figured that would be a good time to break the news to him that I wasn't interested in a romantic relationship. Get it over with fast. Some things need a lot of long work and thought, like art. Things like this need to be done before they become too complicated.

And he didn't take it well at first. Yelled at me. He was broken-hearted. Yeah, I felt bad, but it needed to be done. I was gentle as possible, but he was still upset. It's understandable.

I apologized to him, let him know that I still wanted to be friends. We're practically family. A romantic relationship, however, just isn't right. He accepted that a little more calmly, and he didn't kick me out or get mean, so even though he was still upset, I think everything went okay.

I asked to sleep over so we could hang out, and he agreed to it. Thinking back, maybe that was kind of like rubbing salt into the wound... But that wasn't my intention! I honestly just wanted to chill with him. It feels like I'm always either at home or in school. It was still a good time, though. We had a water balloon fight in his yard.

And I slept over as planned, even if his house creeped me out a bit. The whole lot is like a cemetary. And then there's the creepy attic. But they claim it's all just stuff left behind by the last owners.

I slept down near the fireplace in the handy sleeping bag Dad gave me. He said I might find it handy one day, and I did. I wanted to sleep as close to the front door as possible...

Something just isn't right there....

(Player POV)

Also, Jersey had his adult birthday on Friday night! Thank Plumbob for Young Again potions, amirite? He was so excited that he stepped right through the table next to his bed. His hair was promptly changed back to its usual style.

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Re: The Frio-Mae Townie DecaDynasty
« Reply #137 on: May 27, 2014, 09:44:16 AM »
Too bad she had to dump Kelley,  but why is he against the rules? It would be pretty cool to play the next generation in that house.
Whoa, he must've been VERY excited to break the laws of physics :D
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline Brisayshi

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Re: The Frio-Mae Townie DecaDynasty
« Reply #138 on: May 28, 2014, 10:14:30 AM »
Too bad she had to dump Kelley,  but why is he against the rules? It would be pretty cool to play the next generation in that house.
Whoa, he must've been VERY excited to break the laws of physics :D

That would be because I got Pogo's wife pregnant before Pogo officially left the previous household. I was doing it just to have some Gen-Genes around town, but now I'm hoping that by doing that I didn't mess up Ivory's chances of finding a spouse later on. I think it'll be alright, though. She's still only a teen.

But yeah, then I asked hypothetically whether or not Ivory could marry Kelley if it came down to it, and since Pogo was still part of the previous household when his wife, Sharon, got pregnant, the rules consider Kelley to be part of the previous household, even though Sharon herself wasn't in the household when she got pregnant or when she gave birth.

Offline Brisayshi

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Re: The Frio-Mae Townie DecaDynasty
« Reply #139 on: June 16, 2014, 06:57:35 PM »
[Ivory's POV]

Mom and Dad were offered some free vacation. They figured Leo and I were old enough to handle ourselves and left without a second thought in the middle of the night.

Things were pretty bland. The same as usual, except we did all of the cleaning and cooking. That is, until Leo came up with an idea after cleaning the toilet.

We were throwing a party. He told me after he invited every teenager we knew. I was excited enough to put my swimsuit on before he even finished telling me! Finally, a party we throw and plan without any adults!

Cooking? Nah, all Leo knows how to make is salad and macaroni, anyway. Pizza it is!

And then there was plenty of dancing to be done!

Oh, Leo had to end up calling a handyman after we managed to break a toilet and the radio in a matter of an hour or two (why stop partying to fix things?) He stayed for a while. Even though he was an adult, nobody seemed to complain, and he didn't seem the least bit phased by the dancing swimsuit-clad teenagers all over the house.

The boy Leo hit it off with at prom showed up, too. His name is Jonah Vaughn, and he's a babysitter. I don't know if they plan to make anything serious of that relationship, but they made sure to enjoy themselves that night.

The late hours started to roll around and people were beginning to pass out from dancing so much, Bernard Ortega being the first to do so.

And that's when I knew there was no denying it; Leo's party idea really did turn out AWESOME.

Around one in the morning Leo gave in and went to bed, and Jonathan (having woken up earlier, still exhausted) followed him. They shared Leo's bed. No big deal, they're cousins and good friends.

Then all of the guests started looking for places to sleep, which was okay, I guess, because we had a guest room as well with two beds, but considering that even the hosts were starting to fall asleep, I decided it was time to call things off.

Everybody ran off, thrilled about our party. I think Leo and I might just be the coolest kids on the block.

And just about when I was about to go to sleep, the parents called to say they were on their way home. Thankfully due to the repairman visit and some simple cleaning throughout the party before things could become too much of a wreck, Leo and I had the house spotless before mom and dad came back. They didn't suspect a thing!

And Leo and I? It's just our little secret. ;)

Offline QueenOfSquirrels

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Re: The Frio-Mae Townie DecaDynasty
« Reply #140 on: June 16, 2014, 09:26:30 PM »
I just recently read your story from the beginning, and I love it! Your writing is great, and I love your sims, especially Ivory!

Offline Malley

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Re: The Frio-Mae Townie DecaDynasty
« Reply #141 on: June 17, 2014, 12:19:02 AM »
Nice story so far!  Ivory is pretty awesome.  It's been fun to read her narrations and see what's going on inside her head.  Random tidbit: Ivory is actually the name of the final heir of the decadynasty I'm working on.  How about that coincidence? ;)

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Re: The Frio-Mae Townie DecaDynasty
« Reply #142 on: June 17, 2014, 08:46:40 AM »
That sure was a cool party, one of the rares without the police and parents showing up earlier :D
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD

Offline Brisayshi

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Re: The Frio-Mae Townie DecaDynasty
« Reply #143 on: June 17, 2014, 01:53:52 PM »
@Butterfly; Right?? That was definitely new for me. Usually the parents show up soon after the party starts and everybody has to be rushed out!

@Malley; Thank you! I love the input. I decided to try the narrations from a character's point of view, and I'm glad that's working out. And that's interesting about the name! I've been sort of choosing them as I go, I've been relating them to each supermax, if everyone hasn't already caught on. Lyric for guitar, Jersey for Athletic, and I plan to have Ivory as painting. :)

@QueenOfSquirrels; Wow, thank you! I'm really happy to hear it :)

Offline Brisayshi

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Re: The Frio-Mae Townie DecaDynasty
« Reply #144 on: June 21, 2014, 06:05:53 PM »
[Jersey's POV]

Everybody's doing fine, and I've got a chance to talk! I should, I was an heir, too. Too bad my father never got a chance...

Oh well. The kids are finishing up high school, I've been at the top of my game for a long time now, and Lucinda's taking it easy. She tends to her garden, but she's not too worried about progressing in her career. It's more of a hobby for her. Still, sometimes I catch her crying when her plants die and she has to dig them up... And then such a stony face as she goes to the recycling bin...

However, she has been visiting the Science Lab a bit lately. They've been teaching her some gardening tips, and suddenly she's been growing eggs and cheese... Literally growing them on plants. I'm not entirely sure how that works, but I have noticed that her waffles taste better than usual!

Also, recently Ivory has been calling my new work uniform "lame".

I asked Lucinda her opinion, and it she said it was alright, but she didn't sound completely sure. So I changed back to the traditional sports uniform. My teammates appreciate it, and I suspect I'll suffer less heat strokes, too! Lucy seems impressed, as well. ;)

Thursday finally came around and I got my first day off in what feels like FOREVER (even though it's just a week). I celebrated by visiting the park, and I was thinking, aren't flowers cool? After getting an allergy shot recently, I've realized that they're pretty great. Really pretty, and they smell good!

I decided to call over one of my teammates, Shanika. She's at the bottom of the Athlete-chain, but she seems to be the only other person on the team that hasn't gone wrinkly and gray... It was nice to visit with her.

I also made a point of talking to Ivory about her duties as an heiress. She's going to become a young adult soon, after all. I mentioned that she has to find someone to marry to continue the chain, and that's when she decided she was done with the conversation. I guess she doesn't think it's too cool to talk to your dad about getting married one day. Not as a teenager, anyway. But I think she at least listened, because the same day she asked Leo to call up an acquaintance of his, Conrad Casillas. He lives in one of the giant mansions up on Summer Hill with his sister, Whitney. My daughter sure has her priorities straight.

Ivory was quick to talk to Conrad when he arrived. Things started off rocky when Conrad blew off Ivory's congratulations of graduating. I thought it was all over when Conrad expressed his disliking of art...

Somehow the pair ended up putting aside their differences and getting long, though. They had a nice conversation of ice cream and leftover veggie burgers.

[Ivory's POV]

Watch out, Dad. It's my turn! This chapter is turning to focus on me, now, anyway. My birthday came about and Mom was eager to throw a party. Swimsuits required, of course.

My dad insisted we had a little father-daughter dance. Leo popped in some of his favorite emotional Classical music, and the self-proclaimed "Dance King" started dropping it like it was hot. We never did learn how to dance appropriately to music that wasn't Hip-Hop...

A girl named Rain Perkins from school showed up by Mom's invitation, and she seemed to like following Leo around. I wonder if that could turn into anything. She actually lives in the neighborhood, unlike that other guy Leo's been flirting around with. By the way, he never showed up to the party, even though he was invited. Rain could be pretty pleasant, if she'd stop making nasty faces... and got her bowl hair out of her face... and learned how to match her clothes...

And then it was time to blow out the candles... I wonder if there's something I'm missing, I wonder if there's more to the teenage life that I've seen...

It's a tough time, with storms of hormones. On top of that, you're trying to become an adult, getting responsibilities, balancing family and friends, a social life with school and maybe even a job, and everybody expects you to know what you want to do with your life. What if--

Wait, I wasn't done yet!!

Will you get that noisemaker out of my ear? --Ooh, cake!

After cake, my father gave me a present.

"Being an heir is a big responsibility... To acknowledge your advancement into adulthood, I was going to give you something special like a death flower that's gone down through the generations as a family heirloom......But we don't have one of those, so I'm giving you this apple I picked this morning in your mother's garden."

Thanks, Dad.

[Gamer POV]

Well, that's enough of that! Here's Ivory's new look. I decided to give her a new hairstyle, move her bangs out of her face. I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to do with her clothes, but I tried using the soft yellows and whites to give her a gentler artsy style as opposed to a more rebellious look.

And to finish off, have a picture of the excitable Molly Frio's cute face!

Offline butterfly

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Re: The Frio-Mae Townie DecaDynasty
« Reply #145 on: June 21, 2014, 06:28:49 PM »
Ivory is soo cute! And smart, too, immidiately found a guy with a big house ;)
My TS3 Dynasty: Avilla TDD


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Re: The Frio-Mae Townie DecaDynasty
« Reply #147 on: June 22, 2014, 02:38:56 PM »
Just speed read this story, I'm now really in the mood for pizza. Curse you for making that pizza look so tasty, Gimme!

Offline Brisayshi

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Re: The Frio-Mae Townie DecaDynasty
« Reply #148 on: August 22, 2014, 05:07:27 PM »
Hi, sorry, guys! Just wanted to let everyone know that I haven't abandoned this story! Got distracted by The Elder Scrolls, a new job, and college. Going to put some work into the Decadynasty!

Offline WynterSnow

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Re: The Frio-Mae Townie DecaDynasty
« Reply #149 on: September 08, 2014, 10:32:24 AM »
I love the way you set it up. It seems like you know what your doing. I'm using the spread sheet, I'm debating on posting it or not when I start my new one.

