Hysteria is looking beautiful! Are you going to start on her handiness or wait until she's a YA to do so?
I think I'm going to let her start, though I don't know if I'll let her finish it until she's older. I've never had a problem with getting enough opportunities, but I do worry about it.
Yay! It's Nightmare again! lol, I cracked up when she said she couldn't even remember which one she married XD I couldn't remember which one either XD
Nightmare is the type to forget who she married - after all, it's been a while! I was really surprised by how similar all three were when they were around back then. I can't even tell their ghosts apart when I happen to see them.
Now that Hyst is a teen, isn't a certain somebody entitled to narrate? I wonder what kind of voice Hysteria will have?
Looking forward to seeing Hyst find her own style and her won voice in this.
The time for Hysteria to narrate has finally arrived! I've enjoyed having different narrators, but its a lot easier when I can just focus on one instead of switching and trying to keep them all from sounding the same. Also, Nightmare's narration is a nightmare to format!
And Raven (the raven) will probably still be sticking around.
Hyst's reaction to the "age-up outfit curse" was fun. Strong style-coordination is one of the best sides of the Sheogoraths.
I am glad that their outfits are being enjoyed and not blinding people! I rather fond of oversaturated colors and, thus, so are my sims. I also just really enjoy creating each heir's look.
Oh my gosh, I had forgotten all about Mr. Sosa who Cooked Yummy Things. I loved him!
He was a lot of fun to write about! I wanted Nightmare to marry him at first, but in the end they really didn't get along very well. There is a definite downside to being evil and insane, even if Nightmare wouldn't agree.