Author Topic: The Incarnations of Immortality- Move to Graveyard please!  (Read 52210 times)

Offline azokka361

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Welcome, Phobos! Your parents are beautiful so you can't help but be a superstar  ;D . After all, did you see how Nox has turned out?

Yay for Star and Hypnos! Star is one of my favorite Hidden Springs sims, so I'm sooo happy to see her here!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Shewolf13

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Aw. Poor Clotho. And yay Newboo!

Yeah, she was having a bit of an issue without her mama around.  Chronos is even worse...

Welcome, Phobos! Your parents are beautiful so you can't help but be a superstar  ;D . After all, did you see how Nox has turned out?

Yay for Star and Hypnos! Star is one of my favorite Hidden Springs sims, so I'm sooo happy to see her here!

He's adorable!  He's almost to child in game.  And Nox is just... I can't spoil it :P  hehehe.  I love Star.  Hypnos is constantly popping wishes, including the wish to propose and marry her.  I feel bad that he can't.

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Offline Tiamet

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Just got caught up again, Shewolf.  You tell this story so well.  Yay, Phobos!  Welcome to the dynasty!
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Man, you must be really good at managing your household space; I'm surprised to see a second sibling this far into the dynasty. I bet Star's children are going to be lovely, and I hope some of them get her skin tone because she looks like she's on the green slider. I'm imaging little green children with that green striped hair. So cute! Welcome, little Phobos! (Also, Nox is adorable!)

Offline Shewolf13

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Just got caught up again, Shewolf.  You tell this story so well.  Yay, Phobos!  Welcome to the dynasty!

Aw, thanks Tia!  That is high praise indeed coming from you!

Man, you must be really good at managing your household space; I'm surprised to see a second sibling this far into the dynasty. I bet Star's children are going to be lovely, and I hope some of them get her skin tone because she looks like she's on the green slider. I'm imaging little green children with that green striped hair. So cute! Welcome, little Phobos! (Also, Nox is adorable!)

Heh yeah... It should work out ok.  The only thing that is going to really screw me up is if Eros somehow lives as long as Jess did... then I'm in trouble XD  We'll see.  Hoping to get to play more once this week is over.  Been kinda hectic.

Offline Shewolf13

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Chapter 40: Birthdays Everywhere!

I rather like how my sculpture turned out though it's not -quite- the pose I was going for.  But Eros does truly know me best.  He works so hard on everything, from sculpting to the alchemy station.  I sometimes wonder if he regrets being... well, mine.  If he had been someone else's Imaginery friend, he might have had an ordinary life.

I asked him that one night, and he looked at me with the sternest look he'd ever given me.  "If I had been someone else's, we wouldn't have. Nox or Phobos.  If I had been someone else's, I wouldn't be able to do this-"  He pulled me close and kissed me, then rested his forehead on mine.  "I'm an Incarnation, Clotho.  And I love you.  I couldn't have been anyone else's.  I'm yours and always will be."

*sighs dreamily*  What could I say to that?  The answer?  Well, I'm sure you can guess.

Every time I hold my little boy or see Eros with him, I think about what he said. He's right.  We all may rail against our Fates at times but I wouldn't trade what I have for anything.  Even my dad is coming out of his doldrums for his grandson which is great to see.  He still misses mom but he should.  It's a reminder of what we're doing this for.  If we fail, it was all for naught.

Grandma Gaea's just happy to have another nooboo around.  Even after living for three generations, she's still as sharp as ever but I think the children remind her of the start of her journey.  They also represent the next step.  Though my boy is not to live forever (a thought I try not to contemplate) he, like his father, is an Incarnation and is as vital to this endeavor as any of us.

In other, less depression-inducing news, this is Michel Shue, my brother's second son with Star.  He goes to school with Nox and is one of her pals.  He needs a haircut and some fashion advice, otherwise, he's a handsome lad.

Hypnos visited his kids at the Shue house.  He's got a hold of Athena here, the oldest of his daughters.  Here's Virgil and Michel along with Athena's twin Corrine.

Hypnos settles down to help Michel with his homework and here's a cute shot of Corrine.

Nox was given a doll just like one that her father came from.  I can't sense anything from this one.  I don't think it is one of us... but it is difficult to tell when He will send one to us.  Only time will tell.

I can't believe that my little girl becomes a teenager today!  She didn't want a party and snick upstairs, only her grandfather allowed to watch... then again, he has an advantage, what with being the Incarnation of Time and all...  Isn't Nox a beautiful girl?  Yes, I may be biased but I'm the daughter of a world-renowned painter.  I know beauty.  And Nox is gorgeous.  She looks a lot like her grandmother.

That same night, my brother celebrated his mid-life crisis in peace.  I don't see any wrinkles: I just see my baby brother.  I think maturity looks good on him.

Speaking of baby brothers, Nox loves Phobos.  She's so excited that she can hold him now.  She's a great help with him and she now often beats the rest of us to his crib if he so much as squeaks.

Nox is also looking forward to her first day of high school, though she was reluctant to leave her brother.

She was sad to miss his toddler birthday.  Isn't he precious?  It's been a while since anyone in this family has liked a color that isn't black or pink.  As you can see he likes yellow.

His daddy carries him up for a nap after the excitement of blowing out candles and picking out a wardrobe.

Nox comes right home and does her homework hoping to get to play with her brother.

She was disappointed that he was asleep, so I challenged her to a racing game while we waited for Phobos to wake up from his nap.  I won, of course.


Offline Trip

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So many birthdays! Nox really is pretty; I love her eyes. It's nice to see Hypnos' kids a little closer too.
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Offline Wolfie585

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All the kids are so cute! especially Phobos!

Offline azokka361

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Nox is absolutely gorgeous! Hope obviously has some very strong genes, which is wonderful!

Phobos isn't half-bad either  ;) .
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Shewolf13

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So many birthdays! Nox really is pretty; I love her eyes. It's nice to see Hypnos' kids a little closer too.

Lol, yeah... tons of birthdays.  And his kids are pretty good lookin', though they need a makeover, desperately XD

All the kids are so cute! especially Phobos!

Yes, Hope's genes are going strong in Phobos and he only gets cuter!

Nox is absolutely gorgeous! Hope obviously has some very strong genes, which is wonderful!

Phobos isn't half-bad either  ;) .

Yes, she really is.  I'm so happy with how she turned out.  The Anderson/Willow genes are going strong and mix really well.  I love the fact that she got her father's eyes, though.  Such a pretty color on her!

Ok, just a quick head's up.  I haven't forgotten this.  I'm tryin' to play through to get a bit ahead.  Unfortunately, game froze and I lost several days of play.  With how busy I've been lately, and then losing stuff, I kinda lost the heart to play the file for a bit.  I am going to pick it up today and see how far I can get and then get an update for everyone. 

EDIT:  For those looking for something else to read, check out my Legacy.  It's in my sig if you are interested ^^

Offline Tiamet

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Sorry to hear about your computer troubles, Shewolf.  Hope it's up and running well now.  Is it just me or does Hypnos look an awful lot like Chronos?
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Offline Rhoxi

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Nox reminds me of someone, but I can't think who. She definitely lucked out on the gene pool, especially with her daddy's eyes. Sorry to hear about losing gameplay; that's never fun.

Offline Shewolf13

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Another head's up: life is rather busy for me at the moment.  Mostly because I am suffering heavily from lack of sleep.  I have more or less just been playing for fun on another file.  Hope to get an update for the Incarnations at some point soon, maybe tomorrow or Sunday, depending.


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So  far I'd say this story has been fantastic, thank you for making it and I hope to see more soon  ;D

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Re: The Incarnations of Immortality- an Immortal Dynasty, Chapter 40, 7/19/2013
« Reply #149 on: September 07, 2013, 08:53:55 AM »
I have been trying to read through this super fast, and I LOVE this story! I love the ideas of incarnations! ;D I hope you'll continue with this story soon so we can see more!
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