Author Topic: The Incarnations of Immortality- Move to Graveyard please!  (Read 52238 times)

Offline Shewolf13

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Okay, I'll say it again: Chronos is even cuter this time around! I can't wait to see his and Hope's nooboos!

And bad Gaea! Wasn't the lighting bad enough?

Yes, I know.  He is definitely cuter.  The fact he looks a bit more like Nick helps.  For some reason, Gaea's genes earlier didn't mix as well as I had hoped.  Her lips on Chronos just didn't quite look right.

And yeah... you'd have thought! lol, though that was from the very first attempt that I lost the save file XD

Offline Tiamet

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The Falls of Life look great!  Lots of stuff for everyone to do.  I love the shot of Chronos and Hope painting together.  Please ask Gaea to stay away from the electronics until she gets her death flower,  ;D
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Offline Shewolf13

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The Falls of Life look great!  Lots of stuff for everyone to do.  I love the shot of Chronos and Hope painting together.  Please ask Gaea to stay away from the electronics until she gets her death flower,  ;D

Heh, yeah XD Trust me, I watch her carefully XD  I swear, this file is bound and determined to give me a heart attack... if it's not a fire, it's electrocution!  Luckily, no one's actually died from the accidents, just gotten singed XD

Chapter 14: Heartache

Monday was the kids’ first day of school.  They didn’t seem very nervous and actually seemed a bit excited about it.  Having each other helped a lot, I think.  When they got home, they each did their homework without being told to, though Hope took a short nap first since she had been unable to sleep the night before.

Watching our little boy go off to school is a bit bitter-sweet.  I love that he’s growing up to be such a happy young boy, but I also wonder where that little burrito went.  It seems like only yesterday I went into labor…  Nick senses my mood and kisses me, then gives me a little massage.  He never fails to know how I’m feeling and then react accordingly.  I didn’t think it was possible, but I do love him more than the day I met him and it only seems to grow.

Chronos is very serious about his painting.  He and Hope are both doing very well.

I had gone to the bistro in town to deliver some produce they had requested when I bumped into Katerina Vanderburg.  She’s a bit of a local celebrity and rather wealthy.  She and her family are pretty well known.  What amazed me a bit though was that she had heard of me!  We talked for a little bit and exchanged phone numbers.  Then she invited me a party she was throwing.

While I was out making friends… tragedy struck at home.  Jess and Ryan had lain down early, having been up early this morning.  Ryan hadn’t been feeling well the last couple of days.  He awoke with a jolt, in terrible pain.  Jess jumped out, trying to help… but there was nothing anyone could have done.  Ryan’s heart had given out.  Grim came to claim him.  Ryan smiled at his wife tenderly, mouthing silently that he loved her, then he shook Grim’s hand and went peacefully.  Jess could only sob in grief.

I knew something was terribly wrong; I hurried home as quickly as I could, still dressed in my party dress.  I knew before I passed the threshold of our home that Ryan was no longer of this world.  I found Jess in the bathroom, still sobbing.

I did my best to be there for her, to give her what comfort I could offer, but the truth of the matter is, Ryan’s loss is felt keenly by all of us.  The kids are still sleeping… how are we going to tell them?  My heart breaks even more, thinking about poor Hope.

We told them together.  Chronos seems almost numb.  He just paints, though I have noticed a bit of a difference in what he paints.  Poor Hope though… she bursts into tears at random intervals.  Little things remind her of her father.  We do the best we can to help her cope, but I know that time is really the only thing that will help the wound.  Nothing will ever heal it completely, but it will scab over.

I can’t help but feel guilty now.  I get to sleep next to my husband, unlike poor Jess.  Yet… there is a part of me, a part that I am ashamed of, that feels relief.  Once again, Nick can feel the war within me and he tilts my head gently up to look into his eyes.  “I know you’ll miss me,” he murmured, “when the time comes.  But this is the way it has to be my love.  Just know that no matter what, I’ll always love you and Chronos.  I’m sure Ryan will be watching over us.”  He hugged me tightly.  Eventually, knowing he was right, I did fall asleep.

Life goes on, but our house is a somber place right now.

We’re really worried about Hope… Rather than come home right away after school, she stays at the school, doing her homework.  She says she is unable to face the house without her dad being there.  Chronos seems to be the only one who can comfort her.

Things are slowly settling back down once again, though Jess does go out often to mourn at Ryan’s grave.  We had him buried in the backyard.  I thought it only fitting and right that he remain here, close to his family.

RIP Ryan Anderson; none of this would be possible without your help.  You will be missed greatly.


Offline Tiamet

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Goodbye, Ryan, you will be missed!
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Offline azokka361

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RIP, Ryan! Let's hope your death opens the gateway for Chronos to romance your daughter!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Shewolf13

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Goodbye, Ryan, you will be missed!

Yeah, I was strangely attached to Ryan.  Not as much as I am to Nick, but I liked Ryan.  His paintings were pretty good right off the bat and he was really handy as a nanny.

RIP, Ryan! Let's hope your death opens the gateway for Chronos to romance your daughter!

*snort* Oh azokka!  That made me giggle.  Don't worry, there is romancing ;)  I'm actually like... 6 chapters ahead right now.  So I'm taking a small break from playing my dynasty.  I want to keep ahead of course, but 2 chapters is better than 6 XD.  Cause then I gotta watch about giving stuff away and whatnot.  I'm wondering if I shouldn't try doing one or two update every day until I get to where I want, but I also know that it can be confusing for readers.  What do you guys think?  And anyone else reading as well.

Offline Shewolf13

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Chapter 15: Anniversaries and Birthdays

It’s been hard, dealing with Ryan’s loss, but we do our best to cope together.  I know Ryan would want us to move on, and we’re trying.  It’s just hard for all of us right now.  But we do remember the good times and that helps.

Things have also been a bit lively around here as well.  The ghost of the stray cat that died on our doorstep decided to make an appearance.  It was a bit tough on Chronos.  It reminded him of Ryan.  Of all of us, he has been the quietest about the loss and won’t talk about it.  It worries me, but I know that forcing him will do more harm than good.

We have a new friend running around.  His name is Brawnie.

While working in my garden, I had a visitor.  The stray cat came to keep me company.

Nick called upon his genie friend.  Nick just needed someone not finally to talk to, I think.  As much as he wanted to bring Ryan back, he knew he couldn’t.

We had a surprise visit from Ryan this evening!  His ghost has made its first appearance.  He decided to have a bit of fun by possessing his daughter’s toy.  The kids were in their room, painting.  Rather than being frightened, I think his presence was a comfort to them.

Nick and I celebrated our one year anniversary.  Our courtship was whirlwind and we never really got to go on a date.  So, he and I took a little time out from all of the hustle and bustle and we went to the Falls of Life.  We spent a romantic, simple evening there.  Nick made some delicious vegetarian salmon on the grill and we made judicious use of the hot tub.

It seems that Hope has decided to embrace her witchiness a bit more than her father did.  She’s rather enjoying using her broom to get places.

It’s Hope’s birthday today.  We have a teenager in the house!  Isn’t she a beautiful girl though?

The cat came out to play again tonight.  He likes to keep Jess company.  I wouldn’t be surprised if Ryan asked the cat to look out for her when he isn’t around.  It’s rather sweet.

Though she’s a teenager now, Hope has no problem whatsoever playing tag with Chronos.  The two are very close and I know they are looking forward to tomorrow.  Chronos becomes a teen… Oh my… two teenagers in the house.

Isn’t my boy handsome? 

The two are still passionately devoted to painting and spend a lot of time in their room together.

And of course, it’s time for Nick to sculpt Chronos’s teenage sculpture.  My son definitely has a thing for his pink slippers.


Also, be prepared for another update later today.

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Offline Shewolf13

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Chapter 16: The Cycle Continues

It was an inevitability, I suppose.  We all knew they were close.  So it really didn’t come as a surprise when Chronos asked Hope to be his girlfriend.  The two are very sweet together.  Ryan has given his opinion on the matter, too, it seems by rattling their toybox.

Nick still acts like a big kid.  He likes to play in the sprinklers, though he does also help me in the garden.  It’s something we both enjoy.

The ghost cat stayed around long enough for me to get a chance to pet him.  He’s a sweet little thing.  I’ve been contemplating getting a cat, though at the moment, we’re all so busy, I don’t want to neglect an animal.  Perhaps in a little while.

Hope and Chronos went to their first day of high school.  Neither are nervous; they have one another and plan to take the school by storm, I think.

Nick is our handiman around the house.  He’s done a lot of upgrading lately.  Here he is upgrading the stove to make it self-cleaning.

We were a bit surprised when a limo pulled up in front of the house one night.  It was Katarina, come to make a surprise visit!  I was thrilled.  We had a good visit.

It's Nick's birthday; we’ve been so busy, it snuck up on us.  Then again, just because he’s an elder now, I don’t see any difference… other than the fact that he gave up his chin-strap so he is now clean shaven.

Chronos and Hope still sleep in their bunkbeds; they agreed to wait until they were older to share a bed.  I have no doubt they will get to that point, but for now, they keep their bunkbeds.  I do often hear talking late into the night when I walk past their door. 

Jess headed to the cemetery to gather more deathfish; the ghosts don't seem to bother her much while she’s there.

Somehow… a wild horse found its way inside… but then couldn't find its way out…  Nick had to actually demolish a wall and then we had to coax the horse back outside.  We built the wall back up… but it was decidedly odd.
(Author’s Note: This is actually the second time this has happened… I have no idea how the horse gets inside!)

Every day that passes, Chronos and Hope only grow closer.  Watching them together is sweet and brings a smile to all our faces.  I can see the frisson of pain that passes through Jess’s eyes, but she’s also very happy for her daughter and she’s always been close to Chronos as well.  Of course, the two went to prom together.  They both looked so good in their formalwear!  Everyone at the dance thought they made a terrific couple.  They thoroughly enjoyed their night.

I met someone new while I was consigning some of my produce at the alchemist shop.  I prefer going there because it’s open at all hours.

It’s Jess's birthday today.  I think she’s actually looking forward to growing older.  It puts her closer to being able to join her husband, though she isn’t in a hurry.  She wants to watch her daughter continue to grow, of course.


Sorry for the double post, but trying to get a bit caught up ^^

Offline honeylamb

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It's lovely! You're not the only one trying to catch up :)

Offline azokka361

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In my opinion, the more updates every day, the better! Jess is a truly lovely elder. She makes me want Hidden Springs . . . no, must stay strong!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Shewolf13

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It's lovely! You're not the only one trying to catch up :)

Heh, I just feel that I'm so far ahead with the game itself that I'm going to give something away if I don't slow down a bit.  But then, I'm addicted to the Sims, so not playing drives me a bit crazy lol

In my opinion, the more updates every day, the better! Jess is a truly lovely elder. She makes me want Hidden Springs . . . no, must stay strong!

Give in!  Hidden Springs is an amazing town.  I love it.  It's so pretty.  If you like a mountainy feel, it truly is a spectacular town.

Offline Tiamet

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Bring on the updates, Shewolf!  I'm with you, I hate playing so far ahead of the story. 

Poor Chronos looked so sad when he aged up, like he's starting to feel the weight of the Dynasty on his shoulders already.  And I love the stray ghost cat.  Will you name him?  I love that he's sleeping with Jess.
..."For my schemes are as devious as yours, and my crazy as great..." Erik to Sarah and Jareth
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Offline Shewolf13

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Bring on the updates, Shewolf!  I'm with you, I hate playing so far ahead of the story. 

Poor Chronos looked so sad when he aged up, like he's starting to feel the weight of the Dynasty on his shoulders already.  And I love the stray ghost cat.  Will you name him?  I love that he's sleeping with Jess.

Well, I hope you guys enjoy this update ^^.  And yeah, poor Chronos.  I probably will name him, though haven't seen him come out lately.

Ok, guys.  Enjoy this chapter.  Hope everyone likes it ^^

Chapter 17: Mother Nature

We had another visit from Ryan tonight.  I think he feels it in the air.  He came in and sat down to watch TV.  Hope was ecstatic; she sat down next to him and joined her father’s ghost.  As they watched, they caught up on all that was happening in the house.  “Dad, Gaea’s done it.  It’s all comin’ together,” she murmured to him.

Jess was ecstatic to see her husband.  She had missed him the last couple times he’d made an appearance.  She didn’t this time.  Their reunion was beautiful to watch and very heart warming.  Jess told him that they’d be reunited soon.

I have become an elder.  I was just walking out of Varg’s tavern after hanging out with a couple friends when it happened.  While I don’t mind being gray, I much prefer my normal hair color.  So I did die my hair back, though I left some gray in it.  I think it suits me.

Chronos and Hope still spend a good majority of their downtime painting.  Hope has also taken up sculpting as well.  I’m fairly sure that Nick encouraged her.  He knows there will need to be someone to take over for him, when it is… that time.

Nick bought the recipe for Ambrosia and has been reading up on it.  I only need my portrait, and my sculpture finished, then it will be time for me to descend the stairs to the basement…  I almost cannot fathom that I’ve done it, that this is the first step in restoring the balance.  Nick is in the kitchen, preparing the ambrosia now.  I find myself… a little numb I think.  It almost seems like a dream.

Nick calls me over to sculpt me.  My portrait is already downstairs.  Can it be?

Nick hasn’t let me downstairs yet.  But he did snap a couple pictures of my finished museum room.  I will see it soon enough, he tells me.

Before I descend into the basement, Nick and I have a small celebration.  I cling to him a little, things finally starting to settle in, to make me realize that this is reality.  That I’ve done it.  After tonight… the responsibility passes onto my son.  This will most likely be my last entry for quite a while.

I hesitate to leave Nick.  I wanted him to come with me, but he just smiled at me in that crooked way he had.  It was the first time I had seen even a hint of sadness there… “No, my love,” he murmured.  “This is for you alone to do.”  He had to swallow before he hugged me tightly and then released me.  “Go, Gaea.  Go, my Goddess.  Fulfill your destiny.”  With tears blurring my vision, I walked to the small shed in the back and opened the door.  It had always been locked to me before, but now, the door opened and I stepped inside.  I could see the way the stairs disappeared into the darkness.  I had to hold my breath.  When I reached for the railing, my hands were shaking.  But I descended the stairs.

I slowed down when I went past the wall Nick and the others had set up.  There he was… his portrait on the wall along with a few photos he and I had taken together.  Tears pricked my eyes.  At least I would have this in the time to come.

When I entered my own little room, I paused again, looking at the images of me, images of me made by loving, selfless hands.  Tears blurred my eyes as I programed the replicator and grabbed the plate. 

I went to the long table that Nick had had placed down here.  A table with eight places.  Taking a deep breath, the heady aroma of the Ambrosia flowing into my nostrils, I sat down.  My fork hovered over it for a moment, then it delved in.  The taste… I still don’t know if I can describe it.  It is a combination of the best thing I have ever eaten… and the worst thing.  It mixes in your mouth.  But then the taste is overshadowed.  It felt like my life passed before my eyes.  Meeting Nick for the first time, the first time we kissed… holding my son in my arms, watching him and Hope grow… watching Ryan and Jess, their love as strong as Nick and mine.

Energy seemed to swirl around me, infuse my body.  Old I may have been, but now, I felt young again, like the Earth itself was giving me its power.  Then a voice sounded in my head, a voice that I recognized, “You are the first, Gaea.  The first link in the chain.  You have restored some of what was lost.  Your descendants will have to do the rest now.  I look forward to seeing you again, Gaea.  When next we meet.”  Then the voice was gone, the bright iridescent lights were gone.  And I was alone.

I am Gaea.  I am Mother Nature and I am Immortal.


Offline azokka361

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Congratulations on your first immortal! Somehow, the first is always the most exciting. Or is it the eighth?

There's nothing nicer than when the spouse comes back and ambushes kisses his living spouse  :)
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Shewolf13

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Congratulations on your first immortal! Somehow, the first is always the most exciting. Or is it the eighth?

There's nothing nicer than when the spouse comes back and ambushes kisses his living spouse  :)

I know for me, the first is the most exciting, particularly after the issues before XD  I was so relieved when I went through her requirements and then she hit the top of her career a day before her elder birthday.  At that point, she just needed to get two best friends.  Which a couple potent jars of friendship took care of hehe.  Then, she needed her portraits and other stuff and then it was go time! hehehe  So I'm very happy about it. 

I also found something out as I was writing this chapter.  It's amazing how attached you get to the helpers.  I mean without them... there'd be no Dynasty, and Gaea is very attached to all of them, so it was a lot of fun writing this chapter, aside from the fact that it meant she succeeded ^^