If this is in the wrong section, please move it and I am sorry, it isn't so much as asking for help to fix, just in understanding.
I have been having problems in the area of story progression. Children of townies age, but hardly marry and if they do they don't have children. Their parents die and occasionally a new family moves in, but no chilldren.
SV has become in a couple of games a town of YA, Adults and Elders, none getting married, no new births, just the the set families, such as the Bunch, with the adults aging, dying, the kids age up to YA but none are getting married. Pauline and Hank marry, but no children, same with some other couples, the Keatons, son ages up, but doesn't seem to marry, has girlfriends but breaks up and no marriage, his parents die with him as the only child.
Same in RV, the main townies are aging and dying off, but very few marry and those who do very few have children. Those who are children can either age up and same as SV, or seem to be staying young for longer periods of time. In one game I had a sim offspring attend school with no classmates until the end of his teen age and then they didn't fit what I was seeking for my plans for the family. In MF the Woff family's children stayed childen for three generations of my sim family.
I generally end up creating a new game, make some single sims with the traits and LTW's that I need to fulfill the personal dynasty I have designed for this family.
Families seem to move randomly from one house to another during a game, and sometimes they move from a four bedroom house worth close to $100,000, with three family members to a house with one bedroom and worth $16,000.
What gives? I'm starting back to saving families that I created that have children so I can add them to another town when a family I created has children and they can hopefully find a future mate for that personal dynasty.
Is the computer you are playing on a factor in the story progression; the power of it affecting how much it can handle, do, the size and actions of the sim families?