Here are today's efforts. I messed around a lot today and didn't get much done, but I think it was because I was looking for something specific and didn't really find it. Plus, paisley is hard to do because of the fine detail. I found a nice paisley cardigan while I was shoe-shopping yesterday - hopefully they'll still have one when I can go clothes shopping in August. In the meantime, I'll make my sim one.
Paisley_01Seamless, found in fabrics, 2 colours
Paisley_02Seamless, found in fabrics, 2 colours
Paisley_ModernSeamless, found in fabrics, 3 colours
Satin_01LSeamless, found in fabrics, 3 colours
Satin_01SSeamless, found in fabrics, 3 colours
Sandstone_01Seamless, found in masonry, 3 colours
Long_Thin_Textured_TilesSeamless, found in tiles, 3 colours
Velvet_01Seamless, found in fabrics, 2 colours
Sunflower_Tiles_01Seamless, found in tiles, 4 channels, tiles and grout are recolourable, but sunflowers are not.
Sunflower_Tiles_02Seamless, found in tiles, 4 channels, tiles and grout are recolourable, but sunflowers are not.