Author Topic: The Lady of the Lake: Epilogue (Completed)  (Read 71889 times)

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 25 - Explanations and Experiments
« Reply #135 on: October 04, 2013, 03:47:49 PM »
My do I feel that the TARDIS might have pumped the tunes. Or one specific tune. Well, music will hardly change the outcome of the child, now will it?

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 25 - Explanations and Experiments
« Reply #136 on: October 04, 2013, 04:14:37 PM »
Bors took the news very well. I suppose technically they are still obeying Merlin's words despite the TARDIS's interference, because Galeas was still born first. But what of that baby girl...? You have definitely piqued my curiosity there. ;)

Judging by the latent white fairy wings, Valerie cloned Morgan leFay.  Woot!  I wonder how that's going to turn out.  When Lancelot is born it will be like having triplets!  That will be 'wildly chaotic'!  ;)

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Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 25 - Explanations and Experiments
« Reply #137 on: October 04, 2013, 04:31:31 PM »
Let's home the baby doesn't have a 'time'head' =P
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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 25 - Explanations and Experiments
« Reply #138 on: October 14, 2013, 01:48:51 AM »
Lady of the Lake:  Chapter 26 – Full House

Valerie placed the clone of her lifelong friend and step-sister into the second crib.  She named the clone Morgana, a variant of the name Morgan which, in the Celtic tongue, meant ‘all encompassing brightness’. 

To Valerie, her new world would be forever brightened with the knowledge that her beloved sister would share her experience of the 21st century and, just maybe, Morgana duGaunnes would play as important a role in the new world as Morgan le Fay had in the days of Camelot.

By registering the adoption and their new names on the same day, Galeas and Morgana were widely accepted as being twins.  Valerie and Bors said and did nothing to dispel that myth.  Those citizens of Dragon Valley privy to the actual adoption details did not think it odd that the obviously pregnant Valerie and her husband would adopt the two orphans because the babies were kin.  Dragon Valley was very old world about family responsibilities.

For Valerie and Bors, the constant care of the babies produced considerable disorder in a household yet to establish a normal routine. 

Meal times became quick snacks on the run and time together as a couple was nonexistent.  Amid that general chaos the duGaunnes had their first visitor, a neighbour Dr Lorna McCann, who welcomed them to Dragon Valley. 

Valerie and Bors took an instant liking to her as there was something faintly old world about the elderly elven physician.  Although not a witch, Lorna exuded a magical bearing that Valerie felt immediately comfortable with.  There was also something so familiar and reassuring about Lorna that Valerie felt as if an old and trusted friend had been returned to her.  Even when Lorna seemed to know intuitively that the duGaunnes were not from this century, Valerie was not fazed for she sensed that neither was Lorna from this century. 

Lorna taught Valerie how to use the many labour saving machines around the house that helped greatly with the myriad of household chores.  Thus Valerie learnt how to use the stove, the dishwasher, the trash compactor and the washing machine although Valerie didn’t need an elf to show her how to clean house.

Lorna also demonstrated to Valerie how to use the computer to buy various items online, including real estate.  Valerie told Lorna that they would not even think about buying real estate until Bors was able to get a job.  But when Lorna showed Valerie that their bank account balance was well into the six figures, Valerie was shocked.  Merlin had specifically said they would need to find employment.  Could the TARDIS have arranged that money for them?  With the unexpected windfall, Lorna suggested a sizable donation to a local orphanage would ease their way into Dragon Valley society.  Valerie was happy to accept the suggestion and felt sure Bors would be too.

All too soon the work of caring for their babies increased with the birth of Lancelot. 

Not having the space for another crib, Valerie bought a Solace Snugabunny Delux Baby Swing and Lorna arrived not long after the birth to check on the babies. 

Lorna took time to carefully check out Lancelot’s health and beamed as she declared Lancelot was in perfect health.

Lorna speculated that all three children were destined to take important roles in making society better:  Galeas would one day become the Leader of the Free World implementing many public policy changes to make life significantly better; Morgana would become a World Renowned Surgeon saving hundreds of lives and brightening thousands more; and Lancelot would meet an old friend and travel widely before becoming an Astronaut. 

By Lorna’s choice of words, Valerie began to wonder about Lorna’s origins and whether they had a ‘sentimental friend’ in common, but Lorna would not be drawn into revealing her secrets.  Valerie felt certain that Lorna McCann knew of the Doctor and the TARDIS.   And when Lorna mentioned that ‘time was relative’ - Merlin’s parting words – Valerie suspected that Lorna had definitely known Merlin as well.  Lorna said she was a simple physician but winked broadly at Valerie’s consternation as she left Valerie and Bors to take care of their brood.

And a demanding brood they were.  All too soon Galeas and Morgana became toddlers and Bors began teaching Galeas the skills from the list the Doctor and Merlin had provided.

Into that busy schedule Morgana demanded to learn alongside her brother.  When Lancelot became a toddler pandemonium reigned.  But through it all Valerie and Bors kept their heads and by taking advantage of any respite, all the toddlers learned their skills.

When Galeas and Morgana became old enough to go to school, a new round of skill acquisition and tutoring began. 

Whatever skill Galeas was required to learn, Morgana was right there insisting that she be taught as well, with Lancelot trailing after them whenever he could. 

Morgana adored her brothers and in time the three became inseparable yet very competitive to excel at school and all the skills. 

Before long a fourth sibling - Guinevere - was born. 

As teenagers, the older trio spent long hours in the library but Morgana always took care to spend time with her little sister Ginny. 

And finally, on the night of the school prom, the family became complete with the arrival of twin daughters, Bronwyn and Daisy.

The new twins were fussed over endlessly by big sister Morgana. 

One evening Morgana told her mother that her lifetime wish was to have a large family of her own.  Valerie smiled, her wish for Morgan le Fay’s clone had come true.  Morgana was as loving and caring as the original and Valerie felt sure her daughter/sister/friend was indeed destined for great things.

Before long Galeas was ready to attend university with the eventual aim of a career in politics but Morgana decided to defer university for a while to help the aging Cassidy Predegast at the local orphanage.  Although Galeas was happy to wait for his sister, Morgana urged him to go alone and set up what was sure to be, the duGaunnes kids’ home away from home for the next several years.

Galeas eagerly went to university, secure in the knowledge that he had the love and support of his family and wholly comfortable with his ambitions, yet totally unaware that he was completing the final stages in Camelot’s last quest. 

Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

Offline ilovethesims

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 26 - Full House
« Reply #139 on: October 14, 2013, 02:42:56 AM »
Love the twist with Morgana duGaunnes Wolff? Hehe.

I have just bought University Life myself and am quite enjoying the frenetic pace of academic life. I'm pretty sure Galeas would be great at prioritizing his tasks.

I wonder if Galeas will also meet the love of his life in the University?

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 26 - Full House
« Reply #140 on: October 14, 2013, 11:27:05 AM »
Such a full house!  Can't wait to see what everyone gets up to!

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 26 - Full House
« Reply #141 on: October 14, 2013, 07:29:30 PM »
Hehe...I knew that Morgan le Fey looked familiar. ;)

Wow, so many children and such a lovely family. A beautiful, sweet chapter for sure.

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Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 27 - University
« Reply #142 on: December 01, 2013, 08:16:37 AM »
Lady of the Lake:  Chapter 27 – University

From: [email protected]
To: DuGaunnes.B&[email protected]
Subject:  Hi

Hi Mum, Dad, Lance, Ginny, Winnie and Daisy,

Happy Birthday Ginny!  I sent you something by express post that I think you’ll really like. 

I’ve had an amazing time.  I met students from all over the world at the Meet and Greet.  Some are good eggs but some of the others, well... I don’t think they’re here to study and are a bit too loud for my taste. 

I have made a couple of friends – Connor and Blair - who both come from a small town not far from here, called Sunset Valley.  Since it looks like I’m the only student from Dragon Valley here, we sort of hang out together.  Connor is doing a major in Journalism and Blair plans a career in Law Enforcement.  They’ve asked me to join them in Sunset Valley for spring break, but I said I’d talk to you about it first.

I am studying hard and you’ll be pleased, no doubt, to know that I’m already cool with the uncool crowd.  I always thought after all those years of Dad training me in athletics, martial arts, riding and all sorts of sports that I’d end up a jock, but no, I’m a nerd! 

And I have also found a sport I’m not good at – 10 pin bowling.  I only hope that after all this cramming for academia; I can still kick Dad’s butt at archery.

Some good news though, I was able to change my schedule so I can pick up Morgana from the train next Friday.  I’ll even tidy up the house.  You know I’ll keep an eye on her, Mum.  I’ve really missed all of you.  After living with a large family, being on my own hasn’t been as exciting as I thought it would be.

I’ve got a class starting in ten minutes, so catch you later.


From: DuGaunnes.B&[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject:  Re: Hi

Hi Galeas,

We’re glad to finally hear from you.  We do have phones you know, and they work 24/7.  Your mother wanted to call you straight away when you didn’t call the first evening, but I made her wait.  This is not something she’s good at.  ;) Three days! 

And we’ll see who can kick butt in archery.  I’ve been teaching Ginny now that she’s in high school, so I’m not the least bit rusty. 

Thank you for rearranging your schedule to meet your sister.  While Morgana says she doesn’t need to be met, I’d prefer that you do.

Your mother and I don’t mind if you go with your friends to Sunset Valley for the spring break.  I’m sure Morgana can cope on her own.  Also please remember that Lance plans to join you two at University after the spring break.  I transferred some extra money into your bank account for the holidays.  If you need anything else, let me know.

Your loving father,


Ring Ring


Hi mum it’s Morgana,

Hi Honey, how was the train trip?

Great!  I loved it.  Thanks for suggesting it.  This is really just a quick call to tell you that I’ve arrived safely.  Galeas was only slightly late meeting me off the train.  I’m trying to arrange a meeting with my professor, to discuss my accelerated timetable, ohh... incoming call...this could be her... I’ll catch up with you all later.

Okay Honey.  Thanks for ringing.

Love to all and give the twins a kiss for me.

Will do.  Bye

Bye Mum.

From: [email protected]
To: DuGaunnes.B&[email protected]
Subject: Touch Base

Dear Mum, Dad, Lance, Ginny, Winnie & Daisy

Just a quick email to touch base, it’s been a pretty long day for me.  I got the class schedule I wanted although the Professor said I should ease it off a bit or I might struggle.  I’ve taken one tough elective and the easiest of the compulsory classes.  So I’m sure I can handle this.

Galeas has rented us a great place here just off campus and tonight he introduced me to his new friends.  They are really nice and not the usual rowdy rent-a-crowd I see everywhere on campus. 

His friends have extended their invitation and asked me to join them in Sunset Valley over the spring break.  It was very kind of them to include me as we’ve only just met.  But since there’s nothing on over the spring break but parties, I’d said I would go too.  I’d like to see Sunset Valley and someone has got to keep an eye on Galeas.  Blair thinks he’s smitten with a known heartbreaker here on campus.  I hope he’s just being his usual polite self.  Time will tell.

It’s really late so bye for now.

Love always


From: DuGaunnes.B&[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject:  Re: Touch Base

Hi Honey,

I wasn’t expecting you to write so soon. 

I do hope you’ve worked out a sensible class schedule.  I agree with your professor: you’re better off just taking your first semester easy until you get into the rhythm of things.  But I also know your determination, so if you do find your schedule too ambitious, don’t feel you’re letting us down if you drop a class or two from what I know will be a full-on and gruelling schedule.

I don’t expect to hear from you every day, because I know you’ll be busy.  Don't worry too much about Galeas.  I think perhaps he's not as interested in the heartbreaker as it looks.  I'm sure he was just being polite.

Love always. 


PS:  Winnie and Daisy miss you terribly and I’m sending you a bunch of stuff they made for you at Kindy.

Ring Ring


Hi mum it’s Morgana.  I received the parcel of drawings and posters from the girls.  I love them.  I’ve put some drawings up on my wall.  I sent the twins a little thank you note for you to read to them.

That’s nice.  How is everything at uni?

Busy.  Thank heavens for energy drinks, Ginseng, Lavender and a dash or two of Wonderpetal. 

I’m glad I learnt gardening, alchemy and mixology.  They are a tired student’s best friend.

Well Honey, they’re a good short term solution but I’d hate to think you’re existing on them.  Please don’t over use them or your health will pay for it.  There is nothing better than a good night’s sleep to kick start your brain and body.

I'm alright mum.  I do know all that.  I just add a herb or two if I really need it.

I know you’re too smart to get hooked on those things but just go easy on yourself, okay?

Okay Mum.  I’m really looking forward to the spring break in Sunset Valley though.  I shouldn’t chat long, I’m in the library and I’m getting shushed by everybody.  Give my love to the tribe.  Bye.

Bye Honey, have a nice time in Sunset Valley.

You bet... bye.

From: [email protected]
To: DuGaunnes.B&[email protected]
Subject: Back to the grindstone

Dear Mum,

Galeas and I just flew back from Sunset Valley this morning.  We had a fantastic time there.  Connor shares a house with his brother and Blair shares a place with a bunch of friends.  We all went to a party and we had a great time meeting some of the locals.

So before Galeas blabs, I did meet someone special at the party.  His name is Thornton Wolff.  He’s a businessman and so incredibly handsome.

Thanks for making me do all those dancing lessons so I didn’t make a fool of myself in front of him. 

Thornton introduced me to a friend of his who works as a Trauma Surgeon at the local hospital and she tells me Sunset Valley is always looking for medical personnel.  She says she’ll put in a good word for me if I want to come to Sunset Valley when I graduate.  Sweet! 

Eek look at the time!  I’ve got to fly mum, I’ve got so much to do today and I want to tidy up the house before Lance comes tomorrow.

Love to all and big hugs and kisses for Ginny and the twins


PS:  How long did you know Dad before you fell in love with him?  No – scrub that question.  Is love at first sight real because I just can’t stop thinking about him?

Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 27 - University
« Reply #143 on: December 01, 2013, 09:35:59 AM »
And it's all beginning to come together. :D I love how this is all tying in with the townies we already know and love!

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 27 - University
« Reply #144 on: December 01, 2013, 02:30:51 PM »
It was lovely to see familiar faces, can't wait to see how Morgana finds out about Thornton having a wife o.o
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Offline Banana Bender

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 27 - University
« Reply #145 on: December 02, 2013, 02:04:59 AM »
It was lovely to see familiar faces, can't wait to see how Morgana finds out about Thornton having a wife o.o

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seemed to me that Morgana duGaunnes is to become Morgana Wolff or have I erred in thinking that the whole story has become an amazing backstory for Morgana Wolff.

BTW how did you get Connor and Blair to University with Galeas and Morgana?

Offline ilovethesims

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 27 - University
« Reply #146 on: December 02, 2013, 11:43:14 PM »
This update...just made my day!

Hmmm...will there be Bunches in the stories to come?

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 27 - University
« Reply #147 on: December 03, 2013, 02:07:21 AM »
oooooo!  This is soo cool!

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 28 - Destinies
« Reply #148 on: December 24, 2013, 06:30:37 PM »
Lady of the Lake:  Chapter 28 – Destinies

From: DuGaunnes.B&[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject:  Re: Return to the Grindstone

Hi Honey,

I trust you and the boys are well.  Galeas doesn’t call or text or email much anymore.  I hope Lance will be a better communicator but I’m not overly optimistic.  Thank you for taking the time to keeping us in the loop.

I am glad you had a terrific time in Sunset Valley.  As to your first question, I’ve known your father since he was ten years old.  That was when he and his brother came to live with their cousin on the small island where I lived.

Is love at first sight real?  I don’t know.  I never experienced it.  I think like any first bloom of love, it’s real, but you have to work at it to make it something stronger or even to find out if it is indeed love and not something less profound.

I never told you this, but my first love died before I was ever able to tell him how I felt about him.  In those days it was not proper for a lady to be forward and tell a man how she felt, but maybe if he’d known how I felt, he would have made different choices and not even gone to the Middle-East.  But when Bors kissed me for the first time, it was wondrous and magical and I just knew from that moment on, that I wanted him to kiss me like that every day for the rest of my life.  Clearly it was Bors I really loved and not the other man. 

Please don’t tell your father I told you about this, he’s really old fashioned about such personal things.

Obviously you have two choices; either you follow your head or your heart.  I can’t advise you because you’re the one who has to live with the consequences.  I know your father will tell you to concentrate on your studies.  Medicine has been your lifelong dream.  After you graduate, you’ll have plenty of time to explore your feelings further.  If your love interest is a good man, he’ll wait for you. 

But since you can’t stop thinking about your Thornton, you could follow your heart and pick up your studies at another time.  We’ll be there for you whatever choice you make.

Please make sure those boys pull their weight around the house with the chores.  You have more than enough to do.

Love you all


From: [email protected]
To: DuGaunnes.B&[email protected]
Subject:  Re: Re: Return to the Grindstone

Hi Mum,

Thanks for your advice.  Oh mum, I really want to have the love you and dad have and I won’t settle for anything less.  I think this could be it, even if it has occurred at an inconvenient time in my life plan. 

In the meantime, Thornton and I are working out how we can fit ‘us’ into our busy schedules: my study programme and his work hours.  Next semester I won’t overload my schedule so we can have more time together.  For now, Thornton rings me first thing in the morning before class and I call him in the evening. 

I am planning to go back to Sunset Valley for the next long weekend and Thornton has agreed to come to Dragon Valley for the holidays and meet you all.  I think this a good compromise.

Lance has settled in at university well.  He makes friends so easily and has made a new BFF who he spends every spare second with.  It’s most peculiar in that this man just calls himself ‘The Doctor’ – no first name or surname – just ‘The Doctor’.  I don’t think he’s an MD doctor, although he sure knows his anatomy; and history and physics and astronomy now that I think about it.  The Doctor hasn’t actually mentioned it, so I’m not sure what his degree is in.  This is really unusual in itself.  Just about every professor on campus brags about their PHD but not this man.  Anyway, Lance doesn’t mind and The Doctor seems nice enough, albeit a wee bit odd.

Anyway I’ve too much on my plate to worry needlessly about it.  I’ve got assignments piling up and experiments to analyse and write up.  Bye for now.

Love to all.  Hugs for Ginny and the twins.


[Submitted through Smart Phone app]

From: [email protected]
To: DuGaunnes.B&[email protected]
Subject:  Secret Men’s Business

Hi Mum and Dad, Ginny, Winnie and Daisy,

I arrived safely and have started classes.  As I expected, it’s a bit full-on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays but Tuesdays and Thursdays are easier with only the practicum classes.

By the way, I ran into an old friend of yours who simply calls himself The Doctor.   

He said he was at your wedding and that you all travelled to Dragon Valley together when you left the old country.  He seemed delighted that you two are still together and have settled into Dragon Valley and are raising a large family.

The Doctor knows Dr McCann and says he has the same heart irregularity that I have.  He says I got that because I was conceived on the journey to Dragon Valley despite his best efforts to dissuade you two otherwise.  Initially, that didn’t make any sense to me but intuitively I know that it’s true.  How do I know this?

Oh... and he’s invited me to visit a sentimental friend of yours where much of what he’s said will be explained.  I think he means Dr McCann.  And although he seems a bit strange, there’s something about him that I implicitly trust.  Should I go with him?



From: DuGaunnes.B&[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject:  Re: Secret Men’s Business

Hi Lance,

Thanks for your email.  I’m glad to hear that you are settling in well.  Yes Dad and I remember The Doctor vividly.  He was a friend of my Godfather’s and I am thrilled that he remembers us.

I’m sure you will have an interesting time if you visit with my dear sentimental friend, who is not Lorna McCann.  I know I am being ambiguous but I’m sure it’ll be a more memorable and incredibly exciting experience if you go there with no preconceived ideas.

Yes, the Doctor appears somewhat unusual but he is completely trustworthy.  Please send him our regards and be sure to let me know how you get on if you go.



Ring Ring

“Hi Mum it’s Lance.”

“Hi Lance.  How are you?”

“Good.  Mum, I met your sentimental friend.  Wow.  Just Wow!”

“She’s really something isn’t she?”

“You bet.  The Doctor and I are working on getting me one of my own.  Except you don’t build a TARDIS, you grow them because they’re sentient.  So it’s going to take some time and as it turns out, it seems I’ve got plenty of that!”
“So you do have Time Lord DNA.  I wondered about that.  Dr McCann wouldn’t tell me, but when a baby has two heartbeats, it is pretty hard to miss spotting it.”

“Yeah so it seems.  I’ll be careful.  The Doctor advises me not to tell anybody unless I absolutely have to – even Galeas.” 

“I think that’s wise.  Galeas is a worrier.”

“You’re not wrong!  Look, Galeas is on my back about skipping my last class, and he wouldn’t listen when I told him that I already caught it up, twice!  Since I’m not supposed to tell him, I’ll do what I can to placate Galeas and study extra hard this week.”

“That would be best Lance.”

“Yeah, I’ll catch you later.  Bye Mum.”

“Bye Lance.”

From: [email protected]
To: DuGaunnes.B&[email protected]
Subject:  Thursday

Hi Mum and Dad,

I tried calling you two but the calls go straight through to voicemail.  Has either of you two spoken to Morgana lately?  She’s really freaking out about something.  I thought it was just stress with her hectic schedule or something went pear shaped with Thornton then Professor Mahoney asked to see me.  She said Morgana has been acting strangely since she analysed the results of one of her experiments.  Morgana asked Professor Mahoney to double check her work because she thought she’d screwed up but the professor said Morgana did a brilliant job on the experiment and the analysis.

When I asked which experiment, Professor Mahoney said it was the forensic pathology experiments.  Mum, Dad, this is my fault.  Before Lance arrived, Morgana asked me for a DNA sample because she had a lab experiment to do and the sample she had been given was too degraded to work with.  She asked me for the sample in a hurry between classes and it totally slipped my mind until today. 

Morgana is asleep now, but I think you’d better call her tomorrow before class or between classes.  Don’t tell her I dobbed her in.  I’ve got three exams tomorrow.  Call me after 6:00 PM.


Next day...

Ring Ring


“Hi Honey, it’s mum.  I’ve haven’t heard from you lately.  Are you okay?”

“No I’m not okay Valerie and whoever you are, you’re not my mother and Galeas is not my twin brother or even a brother for that matter.  I have no DNA markers in common with any of you and while Galeas has some common patrilineal markers with Lance, there are not enough markers in common for him to be Lance’s brother.  Who are we Valerie?  Were we adopted?”

“Morgana, I think we need to have this conversation face to face.  Can we come visit you?”

“No!  I can’t wait that long!  I want the truth!”

“Honey, calm down, I’ll tell you whatever you want to know but it’s really complicated.”

“I’m listening.” [sniffle]

[Deep sigh]  “Morgana you are sort of my step-sister.  You are my father’s wife’s child from another marriage.

“Is my mother alive?”

“No.  She passed long ago.”

[Sob] “What about my real father?”

“I never met him but I know he died before your mother passed.”

[Sob]  “Okay... and Galeas?”

“His father was Bors’ cousin.  They were very close.  He passed long ago too.”

“What about Galeas’ mother?”

“Please don’t tell Galeas, but Elaine took her own life.”

“Oh my God!  Are you serious?”


“Do you have any pictures or anything?”

“No, sorry.  Bors and I arrived in Dragon Valley with little more than the clothes we wore.

“Why didn’t you ever tell us any of this before now?”

“We’d planned to but the time never seemed right.  It was more or less a condition of his adoption that we were not to tell Galeas the truth.  In the end, Bors and I decided to tell you both the truth if you ever asked.  Honey, can we please come visit?”

“Not right now.  Please, let me just digest this over the weekend and I’ll get back to you.”

“Please remember that Bors and I love you and Galeas very much.

“I guess I know that, but it’s just a little hard to take, finding out about it like this.  Give me time to think this through.”

I’m here any time you want to talk about this.  I’d really like to tell you about your mother, but I believe that now is not the time.  Please call me when you’ve thought this through and we can talk further.

Okay.  Just give me some time.  Goodnight.

We love you Morgana.  Always remember that.

I will.  I promise.

...Disconnect tone

Later that evening...

Ring Ring

“Hello, duGaunnes residence.  Guinevere duGaunnes speaking.”

“Hi Ginny, what are you doing up so late?  Don’t you have that medieval fair you’re competing in tomorrow?”

“Hey Galeas, lighten up will ya, it’s a Friday.  Dad and I were going to search the galaxy for stars but the clouds rolled in.  My archery competition isn’t on til Sunday but
Dad’s in the main event tomorrow with his mare, Prairie Rose.  I've been meditating to get my focus.  What’s up?”

“Can I speak to mum or dad?”

“They’re in their bedroom.  Want me to knock?”

“Heavens no!  I’ll send mum an email.  Tell mum about it please.  Tell her before you all go off to the fair.”

“Yeah sure.”

“Good luck with the archery competition.”

“Thanks.  Dad says I’m good enough to go up against you.”

“Let’s do that someday soon.  Love you kiddo.  Give the rugrats a kiss for me.”

“Will do.  Love you back big brother.  Bye.”

From: [email protected]
To: DuGaunnes.B&[email protected]
Subject:  Friday

Hi Mum and Dad,

I know I said to call me after 6:00PM but I got sidetracked.

I tried calling the house but you’d already gone to bed.  You wouldn’t believe the day I’ve had. 

Problem 1:  This guy showed up at our place about a month ago and Lance and he became really good mates.  Lance said he was a Doctor from Gallifrey.  I thought it was just a campus friendship like Connor and Blair and me.  But Lance told me this evening he is going to get a deferral from his studies and is going away with the Doctor for a while.  He’s only just got here!  This really worries me especially as Lance has gone away with that man a couple of times before and always comes back covered in cuts, scratches and bruises that he wouldn’t talk to us about.
Look I know you and Dad know and trust this Doctor, but Mum, I’m seriously worried.  I searched the whole map and there isn’t any Gallifrey or anything that sounds remotely like that.  Is that part of the old country that you two never seemed to want to talk about?  I know you still have a similar accent to that man Mum, but our name duGaunnes, is French.  Is Gallifrey in the UK or France?  I could really do with your advice on this one.

Problem 2:  I don’t quite know how to tell you this but lately Morgana’s behaviour is troubling me.  Earlier today she got caught spraying graffiti on the pavement in front of the Science Building. 

Morgana!  Tagging!  Yeah, I know that’s unbelievable but I’m not kidding!  The Campus Police brought her home and gave her a lecture about graffiti but she just flew off somewhere.  I paid the fine and then cleaned up the graffiti.

By the time I got home all Morgana’s clothes and personal things were gone.  I’ve had a totally rotten day but I’m sure I passed the exams.  Please call me ASAP.

Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 28 - Destinies
« Reply #149 on: December 24, 2013, 07:26:10 PM »
Oh my!  Such drama!  Loved the update!  Poor Morgana...  How to explain the whole conundrum, right?

