Author Topic: The Lady of the Lake: Epilogue (Completed)  (Read 71884 times)

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 23 - A Strange Feeling
« Reply #120 on: September 25, 2013, 12:07:41 PM »
Oh my...Valerie won't be keeping that secret for too long. This might be interesting to see how both the Doctor and Bors will react. :)

Magz, this just gets better and better.

I could not agree more!

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 23 - A Strange Feeling
« Reply #121 on: September 25, 2013, 05:09:19 PM »
Gosh, TARDIS's mess up even the most well laid out plans.

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Offline ilovethesims

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 23 - A Strange Feeling
« Reply #122 on: September 27, 2013, 03:00:40 AM »
Just a little more wait before Dragon Valley (and the baby)!

Say, the covers of their science books looked really interesting...

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 23 - A Strange Feeling
« Reply #123 on: September 27, 2013, 05:31:55 AM »
Say, the covers of their science books looked really interesting...

The TARDIS versions have different covers  ;)
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

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2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 24 - Timelines and Paradoxes
« Reply #124 on: September 28, 2013, 06:43:28 AM »
Lady of the Lake:  Chapter 24 – Timelines and Paradoxes

Valerie would have dearly loved to tell her friends of her fantastic news, but they were now hundreds of years distant.  However to Valerie, the TARDIS was like a special friend, a most amazing friend who had given her the second half of her most cherished wish: a child of her own.

Secretly, Valerie hoped for a boy whom she would call Lancelot after her husband’s cousin and her former Father-in-Law.  If the baby was a girl, she would name her after Guinevere.  In that way she would feel her family and friends were a part of her new and wonderful life: married to a man she loved and esteemed above all others and a baby on the way.  But Valerie’s joy was constrained by fearful thoughts - afraid to be too happy because fate had a way of ruining things.  Reining her thoughts in, she focused again on the book.

Dinner was the same routine as previously and the escort back to their bedchamber brought the same admonition from the Doctor against trying for a baby and well wishes for a pleasant slumber.  Valerie didn’t tell Bors what she now knew and calmly had a quick shower and went to bed.  Bors took his turn in the bathroom and joined his wife in bed.  This night their slumber was undisturbed by forces other than wonderful dreams.

Valerie again woke early, showered, dressed and went to the library to read the science book she hadn’t finished the night before.  Now with her new knowledge of what DNA was Valerie had no concerns that her baby could have Time Lord DNA.  After all, she reasoned, the Doctor was a remarkable person, so Time Lord DNA should not disadvantage her baby.  Besides, she felt sure that the TARDIS would not have caused her to have a baby that would be harmed by having it. 

She selected the book she needed and sat down to read.  Shortly after Bors joined her in the library. 

Sometime later the Doctor strode in the library as Valerie and Bors heard the strangest sounds.

“What was that sound Doctor?” Bors asked.  “I have heard it before, but never knew what it was.”

“That is the sound the TARDIS makes when she materialises.  Despite what River Song says, I do not leave the handbrake on.  The TARDIS chooses to make that sound but she can materialise without sound effects.  We have arrived in Dragon Valley.  Are you ready to face your new future?”

“Yes” replied Bors and Valerie almost in unison.

They exited the TARDIS to see the TARDIS stood outside a large house. 

The Doctor said, “I have chosen this house as your new home but if it does not suit, you are welcome to sell it and move to one you prefer.  The main part of the village is to the east.  This house is somewhat remote but I am sure that you will find your feet more easily if you have some privacy.”

“Thank you Doctor.  Before you go, may I speak to the TARDIS alone?” asked Valerie

“You may, but you might not understand her answers.”

“Thanks, I’ll get by,” replied Valerie

While Valerie went back inside the TARDIS, Bors asked the Doctor, “If you do not mind, I have a few questions.”

The Doctor looked squarely at him and said, “Fire away.”

Bors looked quizzically at him not quite understanding his response.  “Firstly, I have heard the sound of the TARDIS materialising several times before.  So I am led to understand that you must have visited Merlin often in the past but I do not understand why, as you can move backwards as well as forwards in time, that you did not save Merlin or King Arthur or Galahad for that matter?”

“I try not to interfere too much with the Web of Time, that is, the normal ebb and flow of events.  Interferences can cause time paradoxes, which can vary in severity depending on the terms of origin.  So unless it is critically important to the future, I don’t save people from the natural causes and effects of their normal timeline.”

Bors was clearly puzzled.  “But surely transporting us fifteen hundred years into the future to clone Galahad would interfere enough with Web of Time to cause a time paradox as one of your books asserts?”

“I didn’t expect you to read that particular book but I obviously underestimated how clever you are.  There used to be laws preventing creating time paradoxes, but since the Last Great Time War, I’m in control of the Laws of Time.  So long as I don’t interfere too much in my own timeline, this little side trip shouldn’t cause too much of a problem for me.  Also you need to understand that most people in this century believe the reign of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table to be myth.  Unless you travel in a reliable time machine and meet your former self, there is no chance of this causing a time paradox.  There are no foreseeable consequences in you and Valerie travelling through time or cloning Galahad.”

“Secondly, what happened to Valerie in her own time line?”

“Her survival to adulthood was my fault.  Merlin and I spirited her to Avalon as we abhor infanticide.  Valerie had no original timeline and she is not mentioned in any of the literature of the time.”

“And myself?”

“We have met before but you do not recognise me in this regeneration.  But for my interference, you would have a very distinctive scar on your forehead.  You were given amnesia about those events but you were saved from that scaring for a reason; this quest.”  Bors looked quizzically at the Doctor as he tried to remember events where he was saved by a stranger.  “In your original timeline, after the fall of Camelot, you stayed with your cousin Lancelot for a time then joined Sirs Hector, Blamore and Bleoberis on a crusade to the Holy Land where you died valiantly in battle on Good Friday.”

“And my son, Elyan?”

“According to some recorded histories Elyan became the emperor of Constantinople.  He did not have any children and the Kingdom of Gaunnes fell into the hands of the Frankish Kings.  The name Gaunnes is lost to antiquity and is spelt so many different ways nowadays so nobody will connect you to your former self.  I should warn you that the film and television industry has not treated you with any kindness.  Just remember that they believe the story of the Knights of the Round Table to be fiction so they feel free to alter the facts and personalities to fit their story.  They do the same to me.  I just don’t let it bother me.”

“So the rest of the world knows about you?”

“In a manner of speaking, yes.  At least, they think they do.  Like you, they believe I am fiction and it works in my favour to let them think that.”

“Are you the reason that Galahad is to be reborn?”

“This I cannot answer.  I have not engineered this quest for you.  Like you, I am privy to my role in it but not the reason for it.  Sometimes life doesn’t give you what you want, but it often gives you what you need.  Similarly the TARDIS doesn’t always take me where I want to go, but where I need to be.” 

With those enigmatic words lingering in the air, Valerie exited the TARDIS and joined them.  “Are you ready now?” the Doctor asked.

“Yes,” Valerie replied.  “The TARDIS was most informative and she is very fond of you.”

“As I am of her...  Then this is goodbye... for now.  I do not like long goodbyes so enjoy your new life and make the most of it.”

Valerie gave the Doctor a friendly hug and Bors shook the Doctor's hand.  Bors thought that they had not seen the last of the Doctor.

“Stand back” called the Doctor as he opened the TARDIS door.  They stood back and watched as he went back into the TARDIS and the door swung shut.  With the same distinctive sound, the TARDIS dematerialised and Bors and Valerie were left alone in their wonderfully exciting strange new World.  Valerie and Bors walked toward the front door. 

“Oh, I just remembered, I need to go to the book merchant to buy volume III of the Science Book,” said Bors.

“You can buy books online using the Multitab.  Besides, I have something to tell you.”

Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 24 - Timelines and Paradoxes
« Reply #125 on: September 28, 2013, 07:42:33 AM »
oooh, the big reveal! ;D

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 24 - Timelines and Paradoxes
« Reply #126 on: September 28, 2013, 10:19:38 AM »
Oooo.... wonder how this news will go XD  should be very interesting.

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Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 24 - Timelines and Paradoxes
« Reply #127 on: September 28, 2013, 02:40:14 PM »
I imagine that Bors is going to be a wee bit bewildered when Valerie reveals the news. :P

Offline Banana Bender

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 24 - Timelines and Paradoxes
« Reply #128 on: September 29, 2013, 06:29:55 PM »
I imagine that Bors is going to be a wee bit bewildered when Valerie reveals the news. :P

I imagine that Bors is going to be stunned.  The poor guy never seems to be able to chose when he is thrust into parenthood.  First the mother of Elyan uses a magic ring and now the TARDIS manipulates him ;)  Still given his professed love for Valerie, I don't think he'll be too unhappy.

Offline ilovethesims

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 24 - Timelines and Paradoxes
« Reply #129 on: October 01, 2013, 12:56:00 AM »
I wonder what Valerie and TARDIS talked about...

Yay, Valerie is going to tell Bors she is pregnant! I just know they are going to have a wonderful time.

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 24 - Timelines and Paradoxes
« Reply #130 on: October 02, 2013, 01:13:28 AM »
This is a wonderful story, it took a while to read it all but it was definitely worth it. I love the medieval theme then the Doctor turned up and surprised me =]
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Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 25 - Explanations and Experiments
« Reply #131 on: October 04, 2013, 07:46:36 AM »
Lady of the Lake:  Chapter 25 – Explanations and Experiments

“Maybe we should go in.  I would like to see inside the house I wonder if there is any food in there.  Are you hungry?  Do you want breakfast?  Would you like some tea?  I would dearly love a cup of chamomile tea right about now.” 

Bors took her hand gently, “My love, you are babbling.  Breakfast sounds nice, but all in good time.  First, there is a tradition for the husband to carry his bride across the threshold.”  And with those words Bors swiftly but lightly cradled his wife in his arms.  “After all my love, this is our first home together”, said Bors as he carried Valerie into the house. 

“Hmm... Carrying you was a lot easier before we went into the TARDIS.  Perhaps all that inactivity aboard the TARDIS has not been good for me.  I think I need to get back into training.”

“Perhaps there is another explanation” suggested Valerie once she was back on her feet.  “I need a cup of tea.  Would you like one too?”  Before Bors could respond, Valerie strode off through the house in search of the kitchen.

Upon reaching the kitchen Valerie looked in dismay at the stove.  “Bors, it is one of those electric stoves.  I don’t know how to use it.  Maybe I can search Google for instructions.”  With quick steps Valerie marched out of the kitchen into the family area in search of a computer but couldn’t immediately see one.  “That’s strange, the TARDIS told me that all I would ever need would be in this house.  Perhaps it’s upstairs... or downstairs.  I wonder what is in the basement.”

“Valerie stop!” said Bors taking her hand.  “You are not making sense. That is very unlike you.  What exactly did the TARDIS tell you that has got you so bothered?  And how were you able to communicate with the TARDIS?”

“I heard her thoughts in my head.  I believe it is called telepathy.”

“Is that another witch thing I need to know about?”

“No.  It’s a TARDIS thing.”

“What did the TARDIS say that is upsetting you?”

“I am not upset.”

“Nervous then.  You certainly seem ill at ease.” Said Bors holding Valerie’s hand in his.  Her hands were cold.

“Maybe I am a little nervous.”

“Of me?”

“Heavens no!” replied Valerie startled.  That was true.  She was not nervous of her husband - just afraid of disappointing him. 

“Then why?”  Bors asked.

“Well, as I said earlier, there is something I want to tell you, but... but… um...  But I, eh…” mumbled Valerie looking at her feet.

“Just tell me my love.  I am your husband: do not be nervous around me.  Since you have never been reticent to speak your mind before, do not start now.”

Taking a deep breath, Valerie began tentatively, “You are not less strong.  I could feel the strength in your arms as you lifted and carried me across the threshold. The difference you felt is with me, not you.  I think perhaps I may be heavier.”

“Why would you think that?  You scarcely ate a thing on board.”

“Well... perhaps, because I am with child.”

“I... you... we... eh... I... eh... how?”

“In the usual way.”

“But we did not try for a baby.  How did this happen?”

“The TARDIS manipulated us while we slept.”

“She did what!  When?”

“She manipulated us into trying for a baby in our sleep.  I cannot say for certain when, but perhaps the first or second night onboard... or both.”

“Well we were warned the TARDIS could do that.  Are you sure?” Bors asked stroking her flustered face.

“Yes.  The TARDIS told me that she made us try for a baby.”

“Did the TARDIS tell you why she did that?”

“She said that Time Lords and TARDISes are virtually extinct and she made a pact with her last remaining sisters to do what she could to make more Time Lords.”

“Does the TARDIS do this often?”

“Apparently the Doctor rarely travels with married companions these days, so the TARDIS has only done this once before.  She said she could only start the process.  She could not control whether our baby would actually have Time Lord DNA or not but she did whatever she could to lengthen the odds that our baby would.  The TARDIS also said we should not be concerned because other factors were required before a person with Time Lord DNA could actually become a Time Lord.  She said if the other events did not occur, simply having Time Lord DNA would not harm him in any way.”

“Him?  We are expecting a son?”  Bors said gathering Valerie in his arms.

“Yes.  You do not mind, do you?  I mean about us having a baby,” said Valerie cupping Bors’ head.  “I would very much like to call him Lancelot.”

“I would be honoured to name him after my cousin.  But how do you feel about having a baby so soon?” asked Bors.

“I am enormously thrilled.  I know you wanted some time for us to be by ourselves but this is what I have always wanted.”

“My love, if you are truly happy then I am too.  The joy in your eyes tells me we will have more children in time.  And perhaps next time - TARDIS and magic rings aside - fate will allow us to choose when we have another child.”

“I think that is reasonable.  And yes, I do want lots of children.”

“I heard you say that to Merlin.  I am happy to oblige but let’s make it a joint decision?” said Bor stroking her cheek.

“Yes my love.”

“Can I please feel the baby?”

“I thought you were never going to ask.”  Valerie chided gently.  As he reached out his hand to feel her tummy, Bors’ throat tightened at the sight and thought of his wife, this beautiful woman standing before him carrying his child.

“I love you so much,” said Bors, his voice barely more than a whisper.

“And I love you so much.” Valerie replied softly, confident that she now knew the meaning of true love.

“Well now we have a deadline to work to,” said Bors.  “We were supposed to clone Galahad first, then we could have our baby.  I hope that it matters not if Galahad is not first.”

“But he still can be.  With the help of the TARDIS, I have learned enough Science skill to be able to clone him.  The Doctor has already given me the DNA sample.  We can do that right now if you want?”

“Perhaps later.  I want to have some time alone with you before we get overwhelmed by other responsibilities.”

“That sounds wonderful.  Let us start with that and then have breakfast.”  Exploring the ground floor, they found a bedroom and made the most of it. 

Later, after a quick brunch of salad, they explored the rest of the house and found some interesting equipment in the large attic space on the third floor.  “Look Bors, this is a Science Research Station which makes a clone from a sample.  Are we ready to proceed now?”


Valerie was a little anxious.  “The Doctor could only make one sample from the hair I gave him, so I hope this works.” 

“Do you know what you are doing?”

“The TARDIS said to just follow the prompts on the screen.”  Valerie pressed a few buttons on the machine, put the sample in the appropriate slot and calmly followed the instructions on the screen.  However, no one could have been more astonished than Valerie, when a compartment slid open and the baby made from Galahad’s DNA lay there swaddled in a blue blanket blinking up at them.

“Welcome to the 20th century baby Galeas,” whispered Valerie picking up the little blue bundle.

Galeas gurgled as Valerie passed him to Bors.  Bors choked back tears as he held his reborn cousin in his arms.  Valerie then took Galeas to the nursery that they had discovered on the second floor.  As Valerie snuggled, fed and changed Galeas, she could hear the melodic strains of a violin being expertly played.

After placing Galeas in his crib, she went downstairs to investigate and found Bors playing the violin with tears streaming down his cheeks.  On seeing her, he put down his violin and wiped his tears.

“We have achieved the first part of our quest, my love.”  Valerie said as she sighed deeply.  “All this seemed so impossible when Merlin told us what we had to do, but we have done it.”

“Our success was mostly due to your tenacity.  Because of you, my cousin is alive again to brighten this world.”

Valerie glowed at her husband’s praise.  “I know you may think this is wildly chaotic but I would like to do one more thing.”  Bors listened attentively as Valerie outlined her proposal.  After carefully considering the idea, Bors gave his approval. 

Valerie went back to the attic and later returned to the nursery.

Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 25 - Explanations and Experiments
« Reply #132 on: October 04, 2013, 11:44:51 AM »
Bors took the news very well. I suppose technically they are still obeying Merlin's words despite the TARDIS's interference, because Galeas was still born first. But what of that baby girl...? You have definitely piqued my curiosity there. ;)

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 25 - Explanations and Experiments
« Reply #133 on: October 04, 2013, 01:08:10 PM »
o.o  Oh my... Just what is going on!?  Lol hope she doesn't have triplets XD  So glad that Bors took it well.  I have to agree with him though.  It'll be nice for them to get to choose when they get to have a baby XD

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 25 - Explanations and Experiments
« Reply #134 on: October 04, 2013, 03:04:18 PM »
Aww, this was so sweet. Bors took it well, and I expect him not to mind having two toddlers and a baby in a few days.
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