Author Topic: The Lady of the Lake: Epilogue (Completed)  (Read 71884 times)

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 21 - Bigger on the Inside!
« Reply #105 on: September 06, 2013, 04:00:46 PM »
The Tardis is amazing, Mags!   Sooooo awesome!  The part with the dresser cracked me up with the clothes; hehehe, Bors looked good in the Speedo hehehehe.

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 21 - Bigger on the Inside!
« Reply #106 on: September 06, 2013, 04:04:50 PM »
It's going to be quite a challenge for Bors and Valerie to try and acclimate themselves to new technology and new clothing styles. Imagine what Valerie would say to all of those rather revealing dresses from Late Night. :P

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Offline Banana Bender

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 21 - Bigger on the Inside!
« Reply #107 on: September 08, 2013, 09:59:41 PM »
Shewolf is right, the TARDIS is amazing.  Are the controls and the wall more CC from that other site? 

I agree with RaiaDraconis, Valerie wouldn't like either the Late Night clothes range or the date night clothes.  I can just imagine Bors saying 'eye contact' to himself like Brandon did.  Bors is such a gentleman, not like the movie portrayals of him at all.   ;)

That dresser scene was hilarious.  I remember 'The Three Doctors' story arc and the 1st Doctor saying the line about the others being dressed as a clown and a dandy but which one was dressed like a jester?

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 21 - Bigger on the Inside!
« Reply #108 on: September 09, 2013, 09:59:27 AM »
The Tardis is amazing, Mags!   Sooooo awesome!  The part with the dresser cracked me up with the clothes; hehehe, Bors looked good in the Speedo hehehehe.

It's going to be quite a challenge for Bors and Valerie to try and acclimate themselves to new technology and new clothing styles. Imagine what Valerie would say to all of those rather revealing dresses from Late Night. :P

That dresser scene was hilarious.  I remember 'The Three Doctors' story arc and the 1st Doctor saying the line about the others being dressed as a clown and a dandy but which one was dressed like a jester?

Thanks everybody for your kind comments.  If anybody wants details of the TARDIS décor, please PM me.

I had a bit of fun with the dresser because it took forever to load the outfits, so I would try to hurry it up and ended up with the wrong outfit.   ::) 

The Sixth Doctor has often been referred to as dressed like a jester because of his multi-coloured clothes and umbrella.   
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My Stories:
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2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
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Offline ilovethesims

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 21 - Bigger on the Inside!
« Reply #109 on: September 13, 2013, 12:33:24 AM »
Everyone seems to know the Doctor pretty well, but this is the first time I've seen him.

In using the smartphone with unlimited access, won't Bors and Valerie be bombarded with all the information?

I can't wait for Valerie to start craving for cobbler with grapes. =)

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 21 - Bigger on the Inside!
« Reply #110 on: September 13, 2013, 06:00:14 AM »
Everyone seems to know the Doctor pretty well, but this is the first time I've seen him.

In using the smartphone with unlimited access, won't Bors and Valerie be bombarded with all the information?

I can't wait for Valerie to start craving for cobbler with grapes. =)

Not necessarily.  And they would have to understand it.  I have a smart phone with all these bells and whistles and I use it as a phone.   ;D  When I remember to turn it on.   :-[

It seems people doesn't always listen to the Doctor's instructions... and things.  The TARDIS has a mind all of its own   ::)
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

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2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
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Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 22 - A Sentimental Friend
« Reply #111 on: September 15, 2013, 10:35:59 PM »
Lady of the Lake:  Chapter 22 – A Sentimental Friend

Valerie and Bors studied hard in the TARDIS library until hunger pangs set in.

Easily ignored at first but unsure what the Doctor had in mind for a meal or indeed when he would return, Valerie conjured them both an apple to ward off their hunger.  With their appetite satiated temporarily, each continued their reading.

Eventually, the Doctor returned saying, “I’m so sorry, I got caught up with things.  Are you hungry?” Valerie and Bors both nodded.  “I do like to experiment with food.  So I hope you will enjoy dinner.”

Valerie and Bors followed the Doctor along a maze of corridors, up a spiral staircase, and through more corridors passing a dining hall that would have seated the entire Knights of the Round Table. 

Eventually they reached a kitchen area, “Grab a plate and sit wherever you want,” said the Doctor.

When neither of his guests made a move, the Doctor took a plate to demonstrate what he meant and sat on a stool at a counter.  Valerie and Bors followed his lead and joined him.

“You know I haven’t always had a kitchen on board.  The TARDIS used to have a food machine, but it kept wandering off.  I don’t think you would have liked food that came wrapped in foil or looked like tofu.  Still that food machine came in very handy to get rid of a Glutonoid.  I actually remodelled this space into a kitchen for Fitz Kreiner but since I am something of a foodie myself, I use it whenever I get the chance.”

Valerie and Bors looked at each other.  They didn’t understand much of what the Doctor had said.  Valerie thought that tomorrow she would spend more time studying the translation dictionary because if the Doctor’s chatter was anything like they may encounter in Dragon Valley, their lack of understanding of modern discourse may draw unwanted attention to themselves.

After dinner, the Doctor escorted them back to their bedchamber.  “If all goes well, we should arrive in Dragon Valley at 8:00 AM on Sunday morning.  Now I know that you’re probably thinking that today is Sunday and that you’ll be on board another week.  So I should tell you, apart from the fact that your time and date are immaterial in time travel, there has been a change of calendar.  In 1582 the Gregorian calendar was introduced to correct the old Julian calendar which became out of sync and no longer aligned to the spring and autumn equinox.  It is also irrelevant that the British Empire took some time, about 170 years in fact, to implement the new calendar.  Nonetheless, today in the year you're going to is actually Friday.”

Valerie was confused by the Doctor’s lengthy explanation.  She looked across to her husband who simply shrugged his shoulders, seemingly equally perplexed.  The Doctor continued, unaware that he was bamboozling his guests, “The reason you need to know how much time you’ll be on board is that I must remind you again, please don’t try for a baby.  I reiterate this caution because I know the TARDIS is a sentimental old girl and she likes happy endings.  I want you to be aware that she can manipulate your thoughts if she wants to.  But your free will over yourself is greater than hers, so if you resolve not to, you will not succumb to her machinations.  I bid you goodnight and will meet you in the Library in the morning to collect you for breakfast.”

“Doctor,” Valerie asked, “Would it not be better if Bors and I did not share the same bedchamber?  Then you need not have the concerns you have expressed.”

“That had crossed my mind also,” replied the Doctor.  “But as newlyweds in an unfamiliar environment, your thoughts would naturally turn to the welfare of each other and the TARDIS can manipulate your individual anxieties more than she could your combined determination.  Also I don’t want either of you two sleepwalking around the TARDIS in your anxiety.  I particularly ask you not to try for a baby because a child conceived aboard a TARDIS can acquire Time Lord DNA.  That is a complication I hope to avoid.  No, I have to trust that this time she listens to my wishes, and will leave you two alone.  Good night.  Sleep well.”

Once alone in the Rose bedchamber, Valerie turned to Bors.  “What is DNA?”

“I do not know.  I have not heard that word before nor seen it in the texts I read today.”

“Then perhaps we should abstain for the next two nights until we arrive in Dragon Valley.  Then the doctor need not have any fear that I shall conceive a child with Time Lord DNA.”

“If that is your wish, my love, then I am in agreement.  Do you want to use the bathroom first?” asked Bors.

“Thank you, yes.” answered Valerie.  She later emerged from the bathroom in her sleepwear and climbed into bed.  She was asleep before Bors returned from the bathroom.  Bors was still having trouble with the recalcitrant dresser and giving up, climbed into bed beside his wife. 

In her sleep state, Valerie snuggled closely into Bors and then later, he spoon-cuddled into her. 

Their dreams, which were initially nonsense, gradually changed tone. 

Were their dreams being controlled or were they the natural inclination of newlyweds? 

Despite their best intentions, unbeknown to either of them, their deep sleep state was being inexplicably manipulated...

Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 22 - A Sentimental Friend
« Reply #112 on: September 15, 2013, 10:40:35 PM »
Naughty TARDIS!  Very bad TARDIS, lol.  I think we may have a new Time Lord...

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 22 - A Sentimental Friend
« Reply #113 on: September 15, 2013, 11:41:29 PM »
Oh dear...the TARDIS has thrown quite the monkey-wrench into things. <giggle>

Offline ilovethesims

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 22 - A Sentimental Friend
« Reply #114 on: September 16, 2013, 12:42:57 AM »
If the child turns out to be with Time Lord DNA, will he/she have to go with the current Time Lord to be trained as one? That will certainly break our heroes' hearts. So much for having a normal family.

Offline NotGwendy

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 22 - A Sentimental Friend
« Reply #115 on: September 17, 2013, 04:37:17 AM »
Man I love this story. I only know a little bit of the Arthurian legend I got from movies, and songs, but I love your take on it.
I also like how The Doctor showed up. Just one tiny question about the TARDIS, is there a pool in the library?  ;)
I'm also relatively sure that the Ivy cottage was bag end. ^-^
Overall I'm happy I found this story, and excited to see where it goes next.

Offline Swirl-Girl

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 22 - A Sentimental Friend
« Reply #116 on: September 17, 2013, 09:51:24 PM »
Oh, TARDIS. This could be disastrous. TARDIS, TARDIS, TARDIS.

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Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 23 - A Strange Feeling
« Reply #117 on: September 24, 2013, 08:58:59 PM »
Lady of the Lake:  Chapter 23 – A Strange Feeling

In the morning Valerie woke early feeling strangely elated although uncharacteristically lightheaded when she rose to use the bathroom. 

Yesterday Valerie had learned the function of the shower and eagerly stepped into its spray.  She turned the water on warm then hot – an unimagined luxury in the dark ages - and was both energised and fascinated by the feel of the hot water falling on her skin.

Returning to the bedroom, Valerie found Bors still sleeping soundly.  Quietly, she opened the dresser to change her clothes but the dresser had a new outfit for her.  She rather liked the new look and couldn’t wait to show it off to her husband who slumbered peacefully on.

For a moment, Valerie considered jumping back into bed to cuddle into her husband and wake him with a kiss.  But she knew where those actions might lead and remembering the Doctor’s caution, thought it prudent not to give in to her inclination.  Wanting a baby with Bors so much, Valerie knew she would be tempted to ignore the Doctor’s advice.  But as the Doctor specifically did not want it to happen on board his TARDIS, and not knowing exactly what Time Lord DNA was, then Valerie thought she should refrain from actions that could result in the very thing the Doctor was hoping to prevent.  Valerie thought Time Lord DNA must be some strange futuristic affliction to be avoided at all cost.

Unsure when Bors would wake, Valerie thought it wise to leave the bedroom and remove further temptation.  Valerie was hungry, although not as hungry as they had been yesterday, but the mere thought of food seemed mildly disturbing.  Valerie decided instead to get a head start on her studies and went to the library. 

Aware of her confusion at the Doctor’s chatter last evening, Valerie chose to study the translation dictionary and began learning new phrases and terms.  Discovering many of the new English words had Latin roots, Valerie read through the text at an easy pace. 

When Bors joined her in the library some time later, he was astonished to find that Valerie was able to read the paper books and was easily making her way through book after book.  “Good morning my love, you should have woken me.  We have too much to learn to idle away hours in slumber,” he said picking up a book she had discarded, ‘Science Volume I: Chew the Fact’.  “You are reading the paper books already?”

“Yes.  It’s easy.  Most of the words have Latin roots while other words are derived from the languages of Gaul and a few words from the Visigoths and the tribes to the north.  The spelling and grammar are slightly different but I can understand enough to get by.  When you are ready, read that book and you can have this one when I’ve finished.”

“What are you reading now?”

Science Volume II: Quantum Genetics.  Oh and I now know what DNA is.  You’ll find all this fascinating.”  Bors began to read the book when the Doctor walked in.

“Good morning Valerie and Bors.  I trust you slept well?” he asked.

“Thank you, yes,” replied Bors and Valerie almost in unison.

“I see that you are now able to read the paper books.  That is excellent progress.  Are you hungry?”

“Yes” replied Bors.  Valerie did not respond but as she stood up she felt very lightheaded and decided that she would just have a light breakfast.  She thought maybe she had been concentrating too long.  As they followed the Doctor back along the corridors toward the kitchen, Valerie began to feel unwell.  As they approached the kitchen the aroma of the coffee the Doctor had prepared had Valerie wondering if breakfast was such a good idea. 

Valerie initially picked at her breakfast but soon gave up.  Bors asked, “Are you unwell?  You look rather pale.”

“I am well, I think.  I just don’t feel so hungry.  I am keen to get back to that book.”  As he ate his breakfast, Bors continued to be concerned for his wife.  Perhaps time travel was not agreeable to her.  He found the travel remarkably smooth.  He expected the journey to be similar to a sea voyage, since Merlin referred to the TARDIS as a ship, but Bors could discern no noticeable movement.

As he had the previous day, the Doctor escorted his guests back to the library then excused himself and left them to their own devices.  Valerie and Bors returned to their reading.  On finishing her book Valerie stood to get the next book but as she did so, her head spun alarmingly and Bors leapt up from the couch to catch her from falling.

“I am sorry, I am not well.  I think I shall take a nap” said Valerie unsure why she felt so ill.  She had never been sick a day in her life and found this bout of poor health irritating, especially as she was making such good progress on the science skill.

“I think I should accompany you” said Bors, worried about Valerie.

“That will not be necessary.  You need to catch up on your reading.”

Valerie returned to the bedchamber and took a brief nap. 

On awaking, she felt a great deal better.  She conjured an apple to eat and then followed it with a cool shower.  Valerie returned to the library and Bors looked up.  “How do you feel now?” he asked.

“Much better.  Have you caught up with me on the science book yet?”

“No.  I have only just begun reading the second volume.”

“Then I shall begin volume III.”

Bors cautioned.  “Perhaps you should take on an easier task until you are perfectly well again?”

“I am perfectly well now.  I want to do this.  I hope I can master this skill by this evening.  Then we will be able to bring back Galahad and maybe try for a baby of our own as soon as we get to Dragon Valley.” Valerie suggested.

“That would be wonderful but it sounds wildly chaotic.  I know this sounds selfish but I would like to have you to myself for a little while first, after all, we are newlyweds.  Perhaps we should not overcomplicate things until we find our feet in that strange new world,” Bors counselled.

“I have waited far too long to have a baby of my own.  I can multitask.  Besides, I have a feeling that nature has a way of taking its own course.”  Valerie began looking for the other book to resume her reading. 

While Bors was immersed in his book Valerie touched her flat tummy.  She had a strange feeling that she knew what the TARDIS had done for her and she could hold her excitement inside for one more day until they reached Dragon Valley.

Valerie found the book she needed and settled back to her reading.  A smile played over her lips as she wondered why the TARDIS had given nature a helping hand.  But Valerie was not about to reveal her secret – this would be between her and the TARDIS... for a while at least...
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 23 - A Strange Feeling
« Reply #118 on: September 24, 2013, 11:15:08 PM »
Hehehehe. that was very nicely done!  I love how it's her and the TARDIS's secret. 

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Re: The Lady of the Lake: Chapter 23 - A Strange Feeling
« Reply #119 on: September 25, 2013, 06:27:31 AM »
Magz, this just gets better and better. Oh, that interfering TARDIS!
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