So, I have sims 3 and all expansion packs except 70/80/90's and Diesel. I've been playing for quite awhile. Recently, a friend of mine and I decided to challenge each other to a game. I'm on my 7th generation (the furthest I've ever gotten so far,) and the challenge is almost over. It's been saving regulary for almost a month, but about 3 days ago, it stopped saving. Everytime I've logged on I'm back in bed and cranky (this is where I saved last,) and I have to start all over. I've gotten married 8 times now to the same man, and depending on time sometimes we have a child. I've been video recording all major events in my family and uploading them, so I have the video to prove it's happening, but it's not saving in my game. It says it does and then won't. I'd appreciate any help. Thank you very much.