Author Topic: The Bedlington Random Town Jump! **Graveyard, please**  (Read 42024 times)

Offline Snufflesxx

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Chapter 8 - Proms and Birthdays
« Reply #30 on: June 10, 2013, 11:39:38 AM »
We start our chapter with some sad news. Asta, the family's horse, pasted on. I'm not sure of her precise age, but I know she was over 60 days old.

This was actually my first horse death ever so it was really quite exciting for me, even though it should have been sad.

Pat arrived just before they disappeared to say a final goodbye to her  horse.

But life moves on and Emmy has her toddler birthday. Thankfully, she is spared from the annoying -40 death moodle.

Here she is in her adorable new outfits. They're so cute, I just have to show you ALL of them!

Aw.  :)

Buckley seems to be suffering from Asta's absence. He doesn't strut around the house as he used to. He just mopes about, sleeping mostly. Poor Buckley  :(

Hugo's birthday wasn't far behind Emmy's. He lost his hat but gained a store emo cut. None of the other hairstyles suited him.

His bedroom was also redesigned. I think this is one of the best ones I've designed in a while.

Hugo immediately starts to take advantage of the large wall mirror.

The boys get yet another snow day and Simon heads to the dog park to play for tips on his keyboard. Despite being there all day and there being several people around him, poor Simon didn't get a single penny. Better luck next time, buddy!

Meanwhile, Bert and Pat decided to have some private time together. They'll soon be leaving their home in Appaloosa Plains so the time they spend here is precious.

The night of the school prom arrives. Hugo spends at least an hour getting ready in his bedroom.

The boys practise their dancing before heading out. They've got some funky moves!

Simon's Smustle face made me giggle.

Somehow, Hugo and Bridgette (Simon's girlfriend/date) ended up in the limo together and Simon had to go in a taxi behind them. But at least they all got there on time!

They had a great time and Simon was voted prom king and Hugo picked up a romantic interest. I planned on having her as Hugo's girlfriend until I spotted this girl at the field trip the next day...

This is Casie Pelly. Isn't she beautiful? *plots* (Mwahahaha!)
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Re: The Bedlington Random Town Jump! (Chapter 7 - 08/06/2013)
« Reply #31 on: June 11, 2013, 11:45:41 AM »
That Imogen always has such beautiful kids. ::)
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Chapter 9 - Love Day
« Reply #32 on: June 12, 2013, 03:31:14 AM »
Hugo met up with the beautiful Casie that very night, after the field trip.

And there's attraction!! She was more than happy to receive some flowers from him.

And then...

Go Hugo! Look at his cute face afterwards:

They decided to go steady so Hugo needed to call it off with his prom romantic interest, Anastasia. She's pretty, but not quite as nice as Casie. Her traits aren't too good either (I can't remember what they were but I think there was one that conflicted with one of Hugo's)

She wasn't too happy about it, but they managed to stay friends due to Hugo's good trait.

In other news, Hugo bought a dragon egg! I really wanted a purple dragon so he talked about friends over and over again.

But what did I get?

Hmm, not  really what I wanted. He served no use to Hugo so he gave him to his Mum. She named him Rex.

It was a rainy love day but Simon and Hugo decided to celebrate with their special girls.

They headed to the festival across the road and both couples headed over to the love tester machine.

Both couples got to about half way, but that didn't bother them. They didn't need a machine to know that they loved each other.

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Chapter 10 - When the Watcher runs out of chapter titles
« Reply #33 on: June 14, 2013, 02:13:17 AM »
Emmy's birthday came too quick! She didn't have seemed to have had much time as a toddler, but I did get plenty of cute screenshots!

Mummy helped her blow out the candles on her cake.

She rolled Bookworm to go with good and Loves the Heat.

Her bedroom:

Simon managed to max the piano skill (mostly due to that skilling glitch!) so he decides to move on to guitar. Piano will always be his favourite, though.

Emmy's new hobby has become reading. She reads everything, everywhere!

She's also started her writing skill. She's working on her first novel 'Pat and Bert of Appaloosa Plains'.

She also looks after the family's animals, Buckley the Dog and their new pet, Gary the turtle.

Pat doesn't have much to do now that he children are all independent, so she just goes out and makes Rex shoot fireballs at people. It's really quite... amusing >:D

Bert's elder birthday finally arrives and he's surrounded by his family as he blows out the candles.

I didn't bother to dye his hair back. The grey seemed to suit him.

But look at his career outfit! Is that a bald cap or his normal hair a wig??

Elderhood certainty isn't stopping Bert and Pat though. They're as in love now as they ever were.

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Chapter 11 - Nearly there...
« Reply #34 on: June 14, 2013, 02:54:13 AM »
It's absolutely crazy that Simon is ageing up into a YA. It was just yesterday that he was a toddler, right? No? Alrighty then...

And I am happy to present the YA Simon, with a new swanky outfit.

He didn't waste any time proposing to the newly aged-up Bridgette.

The first time, she laughed  :o

The second time, she turned him down flat (when I discovered she had the Commitment Issues trait)

The third time, she happily accepted.

But it wasn't all happy news in the house. Buckley, the family's dog, died late one night of old age. It was tragic to see him go and I even I shed a tear :'(

The family laid him to rest beside Asta.

The day after, Hugo and Bert were having a heart-to-heart chat. They had important things to talk about.

Hugo: You see, Dad, Simon will be marrying Bridgette soon and then we'll be moving towns. But I need to become a Young Adult before then, so I can marry Casie. She's my true love.

Bert: Are you sure, son? You'll lose your freedom and you're so young, too. Simon has no choice because the Watcher seems certain on him being the heir. There will be other girls, you know.

Hugo: I know, Dad. But Casie is my jewel. There's no one for me except her.

Bert: Well, if you're sure, son. We'll wait until your birthday.
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Chapter 12 - The Voice of Emmy
« Reply #35 on: June 17, 2013, 09:23:36 AM »
Hello, friends! You haven't heard much about me so far in this story yet. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I'm the youngest? Maybe it's because I was only born to give my parents happiness points? Well, whatever the reason, I just haven't had a big role in this story. But I thought I'd come and rescue the story from the most tedious writing style I've ever read. So, you get to read it from MY perspective now! Yipee!

My big brother Simon was due to marry his fiancée, Bridgette, the day after he proposed but we decided to stick around for some more birthdays: mine and Mum's.

Don't I look grown up? I know I'm not that pretty -- I'm too much like my Dad. But I don't mind. Love and romance and all that icky stuff is overrated.

I became Ambitious, because what's life without goals and ambition? 

Mum decided to wait until we move towns to get her makeover. Something about file size and loading speeds? I don't know about you, but I think her age is getting to her.

The next day was fun-filled too... for some. I had to go to school on my brother's wedding day! I thought it was super-duper unfair because it meant I didn't get any wedding cake! And, of course, there was the wedding itself, but it was the cake issue that angered me most!

Mum said it was a beautiful wedding. She was very disapproving of Bridgette's "wedding dress" but my brother looked very handsome, so it didn't matter so much.

Here they are cutting the cake in question. It looked delicious...  >:(

Bridgette (Parrott) Bedlington moved in and received her complimentary makeover, courtesy of the Watcher.


Hugo went to see his girlfriend, Casie, who had now grown-up. Dad had tried to overhear their conversation, but only managed to catch the word "soon".

But we soon found out what he was up to. In the early hours of the next morning (the day of his birthday), Hugo sneaked downstairs to blow out the candles on his cake.

He wasn't even decent enough to save me a slice! How very rude!

He headed up to the mirror for a change of clothes and quickly checked himself out in the mirror. It was all set.

Casie was waiting for him when he left the house and walked down the driveway.

Like any old lovers would do, they embraced each other fondly (*sick noises*).

He then pulled a small box from his sleeve, dropped to one knee and proposed.

Obviously, Casie was more than happy to slip on the ring. Well, how could she resist? My brother is a Hopeless Romantic now.

My only question is how did he manage to acquire an expensive engagement ring in the few short hours as an adult without leaving the house?!

They wasted no time and decided to marry on the spot. I thought you had to have witnesses and everything but apparently not...

Casie moved into our (now very full) household and she got a makeover. Hugo was always raving about how pretty she was and she really is very beautiful, especially with Watcher designed clothes.

The next few hours were a bit of a rush. Dad and Mum were telling me to pack my favourite stuff. I don't really have that much stuff, but I brought Graham, my (immortal) butterfly. And then we were bundled in a taxi and were sped away from our lovely house.

Bye, Appaloosa Plains. We'll miss you.

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Offline JudesSims

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The Bedlington Random Town Jump! (Chapter 12 - 17/06/2013)
« Reply #36 on: June 17, 2013, 09:32:35 AM »
Congratulations on the move to your second town! I can't wait to see where they go!

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Re: The Bedlington Random Town Jump! (Chapter 12 - 17/06/2013)
« Reply #37 on: June 17, 2013, 09:40:07 AM »
Congratulations on the move to your second town! I can't wait to see where they go!

Thanks, judewright! Generation 2 (or three, if you count Bert & Pat as a generation) has already been born and I'm just uploading the screenshots now  :)
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Chapter 13 - Hello Monte Vista! (Part 1)
« Reply #38 on: June 17, 2013, 10:49:45 AM »
Ah, it feels good to have the sun beating down on me as I type! It's so beautiful here in Monte Vista. In fact, it's my dream town. All of this sun, sun, SUN!

(I have the Loves the Heat trait, remember?)

Let me give you the grande tour of our house.

Here's my room, with my very own bathroom:

Mum and Dad's room:

Hugo and Casie's room:

The dinning room:

The living room:

And the nursery:

Some bird's eye view shots, just to get an idea of the layout:

You'll probably be asking, "Hey, what about Simon and Bridgette? Don't they get a room? Do they have to sleep on the sofa?". Well, it's a long story, but I am a FABULOUS story-teller (and a modest one too!) so I'll try and write like one of my books.

Ehem *clears throat*

"You see, Simon, it's all quite simple." Hugo muttered, so that only his brother may hear him.

"How, may I ask, dear brother, is this in any way simple?" Simon asked, unconvinced by his brother's tone.

"Simon, I can sort this so that you..." Hugo pointed at Simon.

"And I may get what we both desire."

"But how? The only way I can lead a free life with Bridgette would be if I abdicated as heir!"

"Why not? I long to be here with Casie and raise our children under the eye of the Watcher while you wish to be free. It is a fair deal, is it not?"

"Yes! That would be simply divine, dear brother. I will depart immediately!"

"If it is settled then, I wish you farewell, dearest brother Simon."

Was it good? Maybe a tad over-dramatic and my brothers don't even speak like that but I thought it sounded pretty good, even if I do say so myself.

It was also slightly untrue. Simon and Bridgette didn't depart right immediately...

They found a little house not too far away. I'm sure they'll be very happy there together.

Mum and Dad are enjoying their new, relaxed Monte Vista lifestyles.

Mum likes to sit and watch the world go by...

... but she also likes to throw elixers at the world!

Poor Dante Costa. I hope Mum doesn't make us too many enemies with the locals!

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Re: The Bedlington Random Town Jump! (Chapter 12 - 17/06/2013)
« Reply #39 on: June 17, 2013, 11:07:21 AM »
Monte Vista looks so pretty! I think I may have to buy it soon. I have far too many things to save up for. Maybe I should make a list. Anyway, congratulations on your first move!
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Chapter 14 - Hello Monte Vista (Part 2)
« Reply #40 on: June 17, 2013, 11:15:59 AM »
There's at least one local that doesn't seem to mind us, though. In fact, this paparazzi has practically moved herself into our house! She just randomly wandered in on our first day and start to take photos. Excuse me!

It's even worse when she comes into your bedroom and watches over you as you sleep *shudders*.

We now have lots of pets in our new household. Some we brought with us, like Graham the Butterfly and Gary the turtle.

And there's also Rex, the red baby dragon.

But we also have a couple of new friends. This is Stew the Cockatoo.

We also hatched a second baby dragon; a purple one, which we've named Spyro (well what else do you call a small purple dragon?)

And, finally, this is Molly, our little kitty. We've never had a cat so it should be interesting.

Casie has been working hard on her athletics (she dreams of being a sports star) and uses a workout DVD until we buy some better equipment.

But, halfway through her workout, she rushed off to be sick! (I can't blame her. That Mac and Cheese that Hugo made was awful!)

But we soon found out it wasn't the Mac and Cheese. It turned out that Casie was pregnant!

I think I was more excited than she was (despite her having the Excitable trait). I was going to be an aunt and I couldn't be more thrilled about it!

Casie: You'll never guess what, Hugo...

Casie: I'm pregnant!

Hugo: *Gasp*

Hugo: Really?! I'm going to be a Daddy?

Casie: That's right, my gorgeous little red haired muffin...

Hugo: Come here, little cupcake...

Blegh. Ew. Romance. This is all I saw for three days:

So sickly sweet! I was more than happy to go to school, just to escape from all that. It was weird having no brothers to sit with, though.

Casie headed out to Simon and Bridgette's house while Hugo was out at work (he got a job in politics) and I was out at school and Mum and Dad were out  throwing elixers at our neighbours. It was a shock for both women to find that the other was pregnant too!

And it was even more of a shock when Bridgette went into labour right then!

Simon seemed fairly relaxed about the whole situation while Casie took Bridgette to the hospital (Bridgette driving, of course. It's a family tradition now!)

Bridgette emerged some time later with a baby boy, which they named Warren. He's disciplined and clumsy.

It was a very exciting beginning to our life in Monte Vista!
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Re: The Bedlington Random Town Jump! (Chapter 14 - 17/06/2013)
« Reply #41 on: June 17, 2013, 03:05:45 PM »
Did Bridgette fall pregnant by story progression or have I missed something? I can't wait to see more nooboos!
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Re: The Bedlington Random Town Jump! (Chapter 14 - 17/06/2013)
« Reply #42 on: June 17, 2013, 03:22:01 PM »
Did Bridgette fall pregnant by story progression or have I missed something? I can't wait to see more nooboos!

Unfortunately not. I wish! ::)  She got pregnant just before they left the house on the first day.

There's one coming up in the next chapter so...
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Chapter 15 - The Second Nooboo of Monte Vista
« Reply #43 on: June 17, 2013, 03:53:22 PM »
Good day friends. I have been posting a lot, haven't I? Well, a writer must keep the creative flow flowing or their river of creativity will simply dry up! So I must keep my river flowing and pen a new chapter!

But before I launch into the real chapter, may I present the Bedlington Wall of Achievement. It has rewards, pictures, diplomas and all of that kind of stuff. So far, it's only my brothers who have gotten anything on the wall but I'm telling you now, I'll have my achievements splattered all over that wall one day!

Alright, back to the story!

We recently swapped our nice but boring courtyard fountain for a swimming pool! It has everything, even a diving board!

Our paparazzi friend definitely makes the most of it. Here's a nice series of pictures to show one of her dives.

The Daddy-to-be Hugo takes a more unrefined approach.

His splashing days didn't last long because Casie went into labour late in the night. He was pretty freaked about it.

Poor Casie. Seriously, are babies really worth all this?

Dad comes in and seems strangely relaxed.

Bert: Hi there, Casie. Are you doing okay? You look like you're in pain.

Casie: I'm giving birth. I'M IN AGONY!

Bert: That's lovely, dear. I just popped in to ask if you had any spare toilet roll. Do you?


Bert: Oh well, see you later.

After a hectic birth, baby Luke eventually makes his grand debut. Hehe, look at me, two little nephews in two days. Aren't I the lucky one?

He's a Insane couch potato. Boy, are things going to interesting around here!

Everyone loves baby Luke. We literally queue to give him attention.

Here he is with Mummy:

And here he is with Daddy:

But, wow, can that boy cry! If this is what he's like as a nooboo, I'm sure he'll be ten times worse as a toddler!

That's not the only thing keeping poor Mum up at night, though. Dad has a habit of playing his guitar late at night.

I'd make that face too if I was woken up at 2 in the morning!

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Re: The Bedlington Random Town Jump! (Chapter 15 - 17/06/2013)
« Reply #44 on: June 17, 2013, 05:00:56 PM »
Oh wow, so much has happened! Congrats on two weddings, a town jump, and now two births! I'm glad that Bert and Patricia are around to see their grandbabies. :)

And I'd absolutely name any purple dragon Spyro if given the chance. :P