Author Topic: Cops...Ugh!  (Read 2708 times)

Offline Flower1552

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« on: April 23, 2013, 09:54:44 PM »
                    So, after my Sim's parents go on a free vacation, (leaving the teen by herself with the cat) Always about 1-2 day in of the parents being gone, always at the same time in the night, a burglar will come in. No, of course he wont use the front door! He sneaks to the backyard and takes their 6,500$ science-thingy. Then he walks BACK through the front door, (because that makes sense..) therefore triggering the alarm, then the cops come and, well, everything seems handled until the cop TOTALLY fails in the fight they have, and the burglar just runs away with their expensive science-thingy. The cop then just walks away and my Sim goes back to sleep.

The second time the same thing happens, but right when the music kicks in my ten is already dialing the phone. Then, they have their battle, and the cop loses AGAIN, and by now its 13 k from these cops failing at their job, and thinking nothing of it.

This got really annoying but got me to thinking, the more valuable the item the burglar gets when it fights, the better its performance is in the fight? Because I can tell you right now, I bet if he took a 5$ item he might lose. Or maybe its just the stupid cops being stupid? I really don't know, and was wondering if anyone else has had this happen and the fight outcome change depending on the item stolen.
Thanks for reading


Offline Mahmeya

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Re: Cops...Ugh!
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2013, 01:51:25 AM »
I'd say the cop has lower athletic skill than the burglar. Anyway, I recommend putting alarms to every entrance you have so it sounds before the burglar can even reach anything valuable.
If you have backyard entrance far away from the house, just make 1x1 "room" serving as pillar with the alarm next to the entrance.
Maybe one more thing: allways put the alarm on the outer side so they start yelling before the thief goes inside. Works perfectly for me as the thief just stands panicking until the police comes.

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Offline Niana

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Re: Cops...Ugh!
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2013, 02:13:36 AM »
If you don't mind using moveobjects on, you can just stick a pillar anywhere you want and put an alarm on it (just so it doesn't look like a floating alarm, of course)

Offline Mahmeya

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Re: Cops...Ugh!
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2013, 07:29:20 AM »
Or maybe you can try to troll the thief by creating a labyrinth by placing multiple fences to the back yard, giving you more time to respond  ;D

Offline Wai

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Re: Cops...Ugh!
« Reply #4 on: April 24, 2013, 10:34:57 AM »
Place your alarm on the outside wall of your house and it will trigger the moment a burglar steps on your lot regardless of where the burglar appears.  If you have no foundations, this is easy, with foundations, you will need a piece of wall near an entrance door.  The burglar stops when the alarm sounds, so, this way, he never gets into the house and anywhere near your expensive thingy.

Fencing also helps, the burglar will not enter through a fence without a gate, so if you fence the back garden, lock any gates to allow household only, the burglar will always attempt to enter by the front door.
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