Author Topic: Redeeming Faith - The Angel Legacy 9/23  (Read 21952 times)

Offline CarelessSparks

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Re: Redeeming Faith - The Angel Legacy
« Reply #30 on: June 19, 2013, 04:04:49 PM »
Ugh! I'm really sorry the update is taking so long, but finals kinda put everything else in my life way down on the priorities list. I'll be done them this week though, so I'll update this weekend!  ;D

Offline CarelessSparks

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Re: Redeeming Faith - The Angel Legacy
« Reply #31 on: June 22, 2013, 10:53:25 PM »
Chapter 11 - Snow Angel

Hi! My name is Snow. Um.. I'm not very good at this sort of thing, but Mom says that I have to write about my life in this book. I read through some of Mom's entries, and honestly I'm not sure what to think.  In the very first entry in the book she's calling everyone mortals and talking about the "City of the Clouds". I can't tell whether she believes that stuff or if was just her writing whatever. When I tried to talk to her about it, she got all dodgy. Veeeery mysterious. She gave me this book on my Young Adult birthday and got really serious and stuff, telling me how I am now the leader of the family.

I don't really understand what she meant, but before I could ask, it was time for cake.

I'm an adult now! My traits are Loves the Outdoors, Family Oriented, Good, Light Sleeper, and now Hates Art. Hating art is not a great thing to do in my household, since we have two artists - Mom and Sam. My Lifetime Wish is to be a World Renowned Surgeon, so I signed up for doctoring right away. I wanted to go to University, but I didn't want to leave my family just yet. Maybe later. The braided look I aged up with was actually really nice on me, but it's a little outdated, so I just cut all my hair off and decked myself out in hot pink - and the necklace which was Mom's other birthday present to me. She says that it means 'love' in the Watcher's script.

Then the party was over. Sam got all concerned that he hadn't seen Bella at the party, so he ran off as soon as he could to look for her. He's a little overexcitable if you ask me. Dad has started building snowmen all night (yeah, it snowed on my birthday AGAIN). He never sleeps, eats, showers, or goes to the bathroom. It's like he's a robot, with that Moodlet Manager. He even made a friend from building so many snowmen - a snowgnome. His name is Rebecca.

Lewit is always busy in his workshop, often wandering in there in the middle of the night without getting dressed. He actually made something useful the other day, a "Floor Hygienator" that he installed under the weight lifting bench so that Laila doesn't get quite so stinky when she spends hours working out.

Now... I'm going to tell you a secret. Ready?

Yeah! My family thinks I'm such a good girl, but Kory and I have been going out since I went to prom in high school. Actually, we haven't really been going out seriously, but we've snuck out together once or twice. Time to change that!

He said yes, of course. Maybe I'll introduce him to the family soon. Then again, I like having a little secret.

Speaking of love, Sam seems to have dumped Bella. I don't really know why, but he's moved on to this lovely girl named Griselda. They meet all the time at the pond across the street from our house and go ice skating together.

The snow melted and now Rebecca is really sad. He tries to do snow angels in puddles, but it's just not the same.

The next day it was Sam's adult birthday. Of course we threw a party (we Angels throw parties for everything), and Sam aged up looking exactly the same. I personally don't see the big deal with adult birthdays.

Afterwards Griselda took Sam aside for a moment and they made a run for Sunset Valley's Cutest Couple. I don't understand how he landed her, because not only is she adorable, but she's also a level ten Jock, totally opposite our very Nerd family, and she has all the traits to go along with it.

Then Sam caught sight of Bella, who Mom had invited to the party. She'd been watching Sam all night with a slightly predatory stare.

Oh. My. Watcher. Bella's a vampire! I'd known that the curse was spreading in Sunset Valley, but I never imagined Bella getting it. Sam left Griselda and made straight for his ex. He didn't even see the look on Griselda's face when they hugged.

If that idiot doesn't smarten up, he's going to lose the perfect (human) girl who clearly loves him.

Next we had two more birthdays. Laila's and Mom's fell on the same day, so we threw an extra big party! Actually, all of our parties are extra big parties, so it was the same size as all the others. But still big! Mom went first at the cake. She'd never admit it, but I think she was terrified of turning old and saggy. I could see it in her eyes.

She doesn't look that bad, for an oldie. She dressed herself up in nice sea-foam and azure, rocking an old lady sweater (but with style).

Next Laila was up. Bella freaked me right out when she cheered. Does she have to open her mouth like that?

Laila went next, eager to grow up. She sparkled and grew up, then sprinted to the bathroom to fix herself up.

Way to wear the exact same skirt as your 73 year old mother, sis! She actually looks scarily similar to Mom when she was younger.

Dad got Mom a present, which is really sweet because we almost never do that. It was a little bird Dad found with his new Collection Helper, who Mom named Ramsey.

And for Laila we got her own house, because if I'm ever going to marry, she needs to get out. It was sad saying goodbye, especially since none of us are really close to her. She was always in our room reading a book or something, and now she's even further away than that.

Tada! I did it! My first entry into the book is complete. I guess this isn't so hard after all. See you soon!
-Snow Angel

Next time: A couple weddings and a vampire.

Author's Note: Wooo! A thousand views! You guys are great, even when I don't update for like three weeks. Thanks for sticking with me!

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Re: Redeeming Faith - The Angel Legacy
« Reply #32 on: June 24, 2013, 12:12:55 PM »
Oooo!  Very nice story!  Love your founder!  Can't wait to see more!

Offline CarelessSparks

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Re: Redeeming Faith - The Angel Legacy
« Reply #33 on: June 25, 2013, 06:01:47 PM »
Chapter 12 - Sam Sucks

Sam! That idiot! How could he- Whoah. Okay, Snow, whoever is reading this book has no idea what you're talking about. Deep breathing. Give me a second, and I'll explain.

Whew. Okay, so Sam is an idiot and a jerk. You might be able to guess why, if you read my last entry. So I was coming out of work the other day, and what do I see across the street?

Hey, Sam, remember your girlfriend? The gorgeous, human, incredibly cool girlfriend who is NOT the girl you are kissing right now. In full view of a reporter, too. How could he be so stupid? Of course Griselda found out, since a detailed report and photo evidence of Sam and Bella's not very private moment appeared in the tabloids the next day. Now, you might think I'm angry now, and I definately am. But that is nothing compared to how I was when I ambushed Sam in his studio that day.There was screaming, lots of screaming. I pretty much said everything that I've written here, but in a very angry and loud voice. Probably everyone in Sunset Valley heard me, and the always-there reporters outside the window definately did.

He had no excuse, but he got really angry right back at me and said that I have no say in his love life. I guess he has a point, but I get really offended by cheaters. Later that night Sam broke up with Griselda... by text. Jerk! Ahem.

So, moving on from that, I have some super exciting news! I'm engaged! I proposed right in the front hall of our home, which was the first time anyone in my family even knew about Kory.

At the same time, less exciting news (at least for me). Sam is now engaged to a literal monster. I guess he got over her enormous teeth, creepy glowing eyes, and thirst for blood. Too bad.

They got married within a few days, setting the wedding arch up as deep into the shade of the house as they could. You know, so the bride doesn't catch fire.

I refused to have a vampire living in the same house as me, but I didn't want to kick Sam out, so I had a rather difficult dilemma, at least until I came up with this genius solution.

Yeah! It's a detached home on the same lot, so we can lock our doors against vampires but Sam can stay and paint portraits and stuff.

The decor's pretty standard, except for this one room that no one but Bella's allowed to go in. I did manage to get a shot through the window though.

In case you can't make it out, that's Bella's head floating above a vampire coffin-bed. Creeeepy. Seriously, I have no idea how Sam gets past the fact that he's married to a vampire.

So I, instead of rushing into my marriage, decided to throw a bachelorette party at The Grind, which is the hot new dance club in town. Bella came, eating one of those disgusting plasma fruits. Better than my neck, I suppose.

Laila came too, but she spent the whole time staring at things in shock, whether it be Christopher Steel or party dancers. She really needs to get out more.

Speaking of party dancers...

The one on the right is Simon Steele, and he was my last guilty pleasure before tying the knot with Kory. (We just flirted a little... What were you thinking?)

The rest of the night is a little foggy. I'm pretty sure I remember spraying my little sis with fizzy nectar...

I think I got a little emotional...

Then it all fades to black.

Meanwhile Mom got out of her last day of work and retired.

The next day was the boys' Young Adult birthday. I'm afraid I missed it, as I was sleeping, so all I can show you are the final products.



And Lewit.

Abdiel and Azrael moved out, but I let Liwet stay, because he's hilarious. He aged up with the Equestrian trait, so you know what I got him? A horse.

Doesn't he look super thrilled?

The day after that was my wedding day. We got the necessary dopey wedding day picture in.

Then we exchanged rings and YEAH HE'S MINE I WON. Ahem. I get a little overexcited occasionally.

Then he got dressed up for our honeymoon. Can you possibly guess where we might be going?


Next time: France and a vampire

Offline CarelessSparks

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Re: Redeeming Faith - The Angel Legacy
« Reply #34 on: June 25, 2013, 06:04:03 PM »
Oooo!  Very nice story!  Love your founder!  Can't wait to see more!

Thanks! ;D Now that I'm out of school I should be able to update a lot more than I have been, like every few days or so.

Offline CarelessSparks

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Re: Redeeming Faith - The Angel Legacy
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2013, 06:54:54 PM »
Chapter 13

Ah, France. Romantic, exotic, but very brief. None of us have ever been before, so we only had three days to enjoy the sights, the nectar, and each other. Yes, we had to bring along Bella and Sam for their honeymoon, even though they got married almost a week ago. Bella was stuck inside all day, so Sam explored a few tombs and found some treasure to take home with us. Meanwhile Kory and I explored the above ground tourist attractions, like the market.

My favourite part, though, was probably the Nectary. They  let us try some free samples and I bought a ton of nectar, even some plasma fruit nectar for Bella, even though that's totally gross. Kory tried diving into the nectar well and actually brought up a few bottles of really old nectar that must have been down there for decades.

While he was doing that I was sitting with my nectar pretending I didn't know him.

It was over incredibly fast, but I was almost glad to be home. Besides, I had some business to take care of regarding a certain vampire and I didn't really want to ruin a perfectly good vacation with it. Actually, Bella started it when I went over to her and Sam's house to drop of that plasma fruit nectar. I was honestly hoping that we could be friends, even if she is a blood sucking monster. No one was answering the door so I used my master key. I was just going to leave the nectar on the counter, honest! Okay, and maybe do a bit of snooping in Bella's super secret room. But as soon as I walked in, BAM, there was a potion exploding at my feet.
   "Wha-" I started, confused. Then this terrible feeling came over me, like I was so sad that I could never enjoy anything again, and the mere thought of talking to someone made me sick.

I turned to see who else but Bella staring at me in shock.
   After a moment she stammered, "I'm so sorry, Snow, I thought-"
   "Thought what?" I hissed. "Thought that you could hit me with your vampire magic and you would just get off the hook with a little excuse?"

   "No, I thought you were a burgler!" she insisted, glowing eyes widening.
   "Yeah, and I thought you were a nuisance! But no, you're a danger, to me and my family, and especially to Sam."
   "What? Why Sam?"
   "He's living with a vampire," I shouted, "there's nothing more dangerous!"

   "You're rather ignorant, you know that?" Bella grinned, showing off her teeth, "You're acting like the human supremists of the sixteenth century, trying to cast us in a negative light."

Bella stalked away then, probably off to get one of those blood packets that she feeds from. As she did, I got the most incredible news at the worst moment - I'm pregnant!

Kory is the sweetest father to be, always talking about what we need and how we'll take care of the baby and what our futures will be like. I don't know many men who would be willing to hear their wife talk about this stuff for a few minutes, let alone spend hours engaged in a conversation about where the best boarding schools are.

There was something I needed to take care of before my baby is born though, and I was not looking forward to it.
   "Hi, Bella."
   "Well hello, Snow."
   "Whatcha reading?"
   "A recipe for an Opposite Personality Elixir."
   "Oh. That's nice. Say, could you leave?"
   "Could you leave my family, Bella? I don't think it's safe to have you around the baby."
   "Bella, I'm the leader of the family, if I want you to leave, you have to!"

   "If I leave, Sam's coming with me, Snow. Do you want that? Who's going to paint your precious portraits if he's not around?"
I won't go into detail on the entire fight, but I'll just say that Bella's not leaving. For now.

A few days later I had a brilliant idea. If I could get into that room that Bella's so secrative about, there had to be something I could use against her to get her out. What exactly I was looking for I wasn't exactly sure, but she wouldn't keep the door locked all the time if there wasn't something good in there, right? I snuck into their house in the middle of the day, when Bella would probably be sleeping. The front door was open, so I snuck in, but suddenly Bella was there.
   "Look, Snow," she said, "I'd love to have another fight, really. I happen to be exhausted right now though, so why don't we just have a little nap together?" Then she threw another elixer at me and it all faded to black.

When I woke up I knew right away where I was. It was dark and curtained, with a rack of potions and a coffin.
   "Bella?" I whispered, but she wasn't there. The door was locked, and of course that's the moment that I would go into labour.

I screamed and yelled for help, and eventually Sam came running to the door. He ran off to find Bella while I panicked by myself, alone and having a baby. Eventually they found Bella and  dragged her back to unlock the door, and I was rushed to the hospital. Luckily, despite the long delay, Rain Angel was born safely. He is a Brave Virtuoso, and adorable.

But before I raised him I have to take care of the Bella issue. She locked me in a dark room for hours when I was heavily pregnant, and if that's not evil I don't know what is. She explained to the family by telling them that I passed out "probably from the stress" and she took me into her room for some peace and quiet. That seems totally legit. I decided that what I needed was a break from all the stress, and maybe some training in self defense. I'm going to China!

I spent the first day at the Academy, kicking pointlessly at the training dummy.

Yeah, at this point I'd probably do more harm to myself than Bella. However if we skip ahead a couple of days, I got my green belt in Sim Fu!

It's a start, at least. I also spent some time meeting the locals and eating the local cuisine.

When I got back home I felt recharged and ready to face anything, whether it be screaming toddlers, menacing vampires, or an adoring husband. Okay, so the last one isn't exactly a challenge.

I'll see you soon!

Next time: Okay, so I wasn't ready for this...

Author's note: You may have noticed I'm trying out a new writing style with Snow, instead of just relaying the events like I did with Azure. This is my first time writing a story like this, so expect some inconsistencies in my writing style. Let me know if you like? Oh, and here is the new family tree (with spoilers): Family Tree

Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: Redeeming Faith - The Angel Legacy
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2013, 08:09:52 PM »
Hey, Sparks! I'm really enjoying your story. You've got a cool point of view and a fun backstory. Totally enjoying it.

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Offline CarelessSparks

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Re: Redeeming Faith - The Angel Legacy
« Reply #37 on: June 27, 2013, 12:12:34 AM »
Hey, Sparks! I'm really enjoying your story. You've got a cool point of view and a fun backstory. Totally enjoying it.

In order to get a hyperlink, you do (bracket)url=www.whatever your url The text you want to be the link.(bracket)/url(bracket).

Yay! Thanks so much!

Offline CarelessSparks

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Re: Redeeming Faith - The Angel Legacy
« Reply #38 on: June 27, 2013, 03:42:51 PM »
Chapter 14 - Betrayed

I'm back again! When I got back to China I decided that I wanted to have a little piece of the Academy right here in Sunset Valley, so I built a little garden out back where I can practice my stuff.

It's super nice there - I can practice all I want, and since I'm still on maternaty leave that's nearly all day. I'm climbing up the belts quickly, and after a good practice session of beating the sawdust out of my training dummy I always feel more calmed and relaxed.

I need all the calm I can get - I might be Family Oriented, but taking care of Rain is hard work.

Even when I have his grampa always ready to help out. I actually think that Rain has a higher relationship with Dad than he does with me.

Anyways, so I was out in my garden the other day when Bella came in.
   "Hello, Snow," she hissed, getting right in my face.

I screamed and jumped back, away from those nasty teeth.
   "What's the matter, Snow? Scared of vampires?"
   I took a deep breath and found my center, like the Master taught me at the Academy. "Bella, isn't it a little.. sunny for you to be out and about?" Bella frowned and retreated.
I broke a few space rocks as she walked away, imagining that they were her face (What? I'm no saint!).

And I got my black belt! Woo!

But then Bella came back, this time trying to protect herself with an umbrella.

   "Bella, if you came to pick a fight with me, I hope you realize that I just got my black belt in Sim Fu and can break space rocks with my bare hands," I sigh. I'm not scared of her any more.
   "Break this!" she shouted. Oh no.

   "Bella!" She retreated back to her house at top speed, way faster than I could lug my new fat rolls, cackling evilly. Wait, evilly? Bella's Good... Oh. The Opposite Personality Elixir book.

I ran to the Elixir Store. The store clerk raised an eyebrow as I stumbled up to the counter, panting and sweating.

   "Do you.." I paused, gasping for air. "Do you have any cures for fat potions?" I bought a Lean and Mean potion, which, thank the Watcher, worked perfectly. I might even be thinner than I was before.

   "Is that all?" asked the clerk.
   "No, I need one more thing."
When I got back to the house I was more than ready to take Bella on. When I was done with her she would leave my household for good. I trotted up to her house and peeked through her secret room window. She wasn't there. I went around the other side of the house, but as I was passing Sam's bedroom, movement caught my eye.

No.. it couldn't be..

Kory? I crept to the front door and let myself in. They were too wrapped up in their goodbyes to even notice me.

   "I better get back to the house before she gets home," Kory murmered.
   Bella laughed. "Oh, we must still have just a few more moments."
I coughed behind them.
   "Snow!" Kory jumped away from Bella like she'd just burst into flames.
   "Kory? How could you?" I was speaking softly, shocked.
   "It's not what it looks like! I can explain!"
   "Don't you lie to me! If you are going to go cheat on me with my worst enemy and my brother's wife, then you can at least own up to it!" I yelled. Bella looked on with a kind of glee.

   Kory looked down at the floor, the perfect picture of humility. "I was wrong, Snow, I was so wrong. If I could take it back I'd do it in an instant. Please, could you calm down so we can discuss this like normal people?"
   "No!" I whipped out the other potion I'd bought, the one intended for Bella, and hurled it at my husband.

Bella laughed out loud, and I whirled around to face her.
   "Don't think I've forgotten you, you..." Due to the teen rating of the game, I was unable to call her what I wanted to. "I will tell Sam about this, and then you and Kory are out of here. Oh  yeah, Kory? In case it's not clear, you and I are over." I stormed out of the house, leaving them to figure it out.

Later that night, as I attempted to drown my sorrows in French nectar and cake, I heard  Sam screaming at Bella from their house.

I guess she decided to tell him about her and Kory before I could. The next day Kory and Bella had to walk the walk of shame out of our house. My dad jumped on Kory and showed him what he thought of men who cheated on his daughter.

I'll see you next time, I suppose.

Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: Redeeming Faith - The Angel Legacy Chapter 14
« Reply #39 on: June 27, 2013, 03:58:54 PM »
Well! I have to say, that originally, Snow was being kind of a racist against Bella, which I imagine inspired her to use that opposite personality elixir. So, althought I don't agree with any of the resulting actions from Bella, I hope Snow realizes that bigotry was kind of the catalist here.

Great update!

Offline CarelessSparks

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Re: Redeeming Faith - The Angel Legacy Chapter 14
« Reply #40 on: June 27, 2013, 04:17:16 PM »
Well! I have to say, that originally, Snow was being kind of a racist against Bella, which I imagine inspired her to use that opposite personality elixir. So, althought I don't agree with any of the resulting actions from Bella, I hope Snow realizes that bigotry was kind of the catalist here.

Great update!

Interesting, I saw the catalyst as Bella stealing Sam from Griselda a few chapters ago. Since Snow is Good and Family Oriented I thought that cheating and those who knowingly pursue people who are taken would offend her, plus she was friends with Griselda. Her dislike for Bella definitely came up as racism, and that obviously contributed to what happened, but if Bella hadn't stolen Sam then Snow wouldn't have had as much of a problem with Bella. Maybe I should have made that more clear.. Thanks for reading!  ;D

Offline CreativeCrayola

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Re: Redeeming Faith - The Angel Legacy Chapter 14
« Reply #41 on: June 27, 2013, 05:35:07 PM »
Lovely update! I so wasn't expecting Kory to cheat on Snow! I hope she finds a man to look after herself and Rain properly!

Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: Redeeming Faith - The Angel Legacy Chapter 14
« Reply #42 on: June 27, 2013, 06:13:30 PM »
Interesting, I saw the catalyst as Bella stealing Sam from Griselda a few chapters ago. Since Snow is Good and Family Oriented I thought that cheating and those who knowingly pursue people who are taken would offend her, plus she was friends with Griselda. Her dislike for Bella definitely came up as racism, and that obviously contributed to what happened, but if Bella hadn't stolen Sam then Snow wouldn't have had as much of a problem with Bella. Maybe I should have made that more clear.. Thanks for reading!  ;D

Hahha, I don't mean to argue with the author! I liked that Snow had some flaws and some fears. A vampire showing up at a birthday party in my house might freak me out a bit too.

Offline CarelessSparks

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Re: Redeeming Faith - The Angel Legacy Chapter 14
« Reply #43 on: June 28, 2013, 07:27:58 PM »
Chapter 15

Forget Kory. He's not a part of my life anymore. I've cut him out of my family, and he's living somewhere, I couldn't be bothered to find out where, with that tramp Bella. I hate them both.

Kory might not be part of my life, but the hole where he used to be is. And yeah, I'll admit, I've been trying to fill it. Food and nectar didn't work, so I tried partying. That lasted all of two nights, and I will not be showing you any pictures. Ever. But along  the way I stumbled onto the only thing that seems to work; love. The love of my son, my parents, my brother, even Jewl the horse.

Rain has had his birthday, so that now he's a toddler, and an adorable one at that. As I expected, Dad was the one to take him to his cake, and he blew out the candles for him.

Mom and Dad still have a portrait of me as a toddler hanging in their room, and I have a feeling that he's going to look just like me when he grows up.

When he was a baby, Rain got this mildly creepy little doll in the mail, but he seems to like it. He plays with it all the time instead of proper skill building toys like the xylophone.

As much as I love my family, they are not the same as having a doting husband. I found myself getting out of the house once Rain fell asleep, and walking down to the beach behind our house. One night I wasn't alone. A vaguely familiar man stood there already, watching the water, and when I walked up beside him he smiled at me like he'd been waiting.

   "Oh, hi," I said, "I didn't mean to disturb you."
   "Oh, I don't mind being disturbed by you," he replied, smile widening. "My name's Simon Steele."
   "Snow Angel," I smiled back. We chatted for a while. I told him about work at the hospital, about Lewit's inventions, and Mom's retirement. I assumed that he was just being polite; after all, how could these things be so interesting to a complete stranger that he hung onto every word like I was telling him the meaning of life? Suddenly, though, the facinated expression slipped from his face and he frowned.
   "What's wrong?" I asked, concerned.
   "I'm not feeling so great..."
   "I can help you out," I said. "Trust me, I'm a doctor." He let me pull out my scanner and diagnose him.

   "This will help," I concluded after a while, brandishing my syringe filled with green liquid that glowed in the dim light.
   His eyes widened. "I don't think - "

   "Sorry, what was that?" I asked.
   "I.. I feel much better now," he said, suprised. "Thank you, Mrs. Angel."
   "Actually that's Miss Angel," I corrected, and then I kissed him.

I pulled back immediately, shocked at my own behavior. Not even when I was partying at the Grind, totally juiced up, did I ever act like this.
   "Oh, I'm sorry," I stammered. "I don't know what got into me."
   "Don't be sorry."

I went home after midnight, lightheaded and thrilled that I'd found love again. Okay, it might be a little too early to say 'love', but he's so sweet and kind... Everything Kory was before he cheated. I can't think about that, though, or I'll wreck everything.

The next morning was a vaccination clinic at the graveyard (that's a weird spot for a clinic, isn't it?). I ran into Azrael there.
   "Uh, Az? You look.. different."

   "Yeah." He hung his head. "I know."
   "Maybe cut down on the partying a little bit? An excercise routine would do wonders too."
   "Uh huh."
After he left there was a not so welcome visitor.

   "Ah, Snow. I, uh, didn't realize you were running this."
   "Yeah, Kory." He eyed my ready needle with fear, and I sighed. "Kory, as much as I'd like to, I am bound by the oath I took as a doctor and by my Good trait to not inject you with cyanide. It's totally safe."
That night when I practiced my Sim Fu I pretended I was kicking his face in.

What? Pretending to kick someone's face in is way better than acutally kicking their face in, okay? It's a healthy way to release anger, I swear.

A few days later was Spooky Day. It's been a while since we had a Spooky Day with actual children, so we decided to go all out and throw a Costume Party. Naturally everyone in town showed up to the most anticipated party this year. Dad went to Rain's room before the party and explained to him that all the monsters that were coming were just pretend. Rain wasn't bothered though, since he's Brave.

I dressed up a kitty.

And I got to introduce Simon to the family! They all seemed to like him.
   "Wait," Laila said, "Wasn't he a party dancer from your bachelorette party?" And she's right! I knew he looked familiar, but I definately didn't remember him as a party dancer.

Speaking of Laila, this isn't Mom gone back in time, this is Laila. Isn't that crazy?

But you know what? Grim loves parties. The only other death of one of our family members happened at Dad's Adult birthday, so long ago that I can't remember Grandma Yumi, being just Rain's age. And now Rain won't remember Grandpa Leighton.

He didn't even go with dignity! Why did Grim have to come when Dad was in a hotdog costume? At least Mom was right there beside him, with him in his last moments.

Rain might not remember Dad, but he was his favourite, so I think he at least feels that something's wrong.

The party ends then, and we all stand in shocked silence. Then Mom speaks.
   "Lewit, sweetheart, could you put Rain to bed? I have to show Snow something." She seemed wierdly dry eyed considering that her husband just died, almost excited.
   "It's important, trust me."
We got in the car and Mom drove us out to Pinochle Pond. Mom walked slowly over to the giant stone head stuck into the ground there and lowered herself to the ground in front of it.
   "What is it, Mom? Why did we come out here?" I asked.
   "Just wait for a moment, dear. Come look at the moon with me."
I sat down next to her and waited. The moon cast silver light over us, but just as I was about to ask what we were doing out here again, it vanished. my mouth popped open.
   "What? Where'd the moon..." I trailed off, staring at the woman who'd appeared in front of me.

   She was beautiful, but with cold white skin and a solemn expression. She looked a few years older than me, but somehow her eyes were ancient, like I could see milleniums in them. Mom and I stood up, but where I was speechless, Mom stepped forward to embrace the woman.
   "Mother," she sighed.

   "Azure. This is a warmer welcome than I recieved last time I came," said the woman, hugging back.
   "You know what they say. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. It's been, what, 45 years since you were here?"
   "Something like that. The day of Snow's birth." The woman turned towards me. "Good evening. I understand that you do not know me as your grandmother, so you may call me Selene."
   "But..." I stood there, eyes wide and mind blank. "You can't be my grandmother. You're too young. You're younger than Mom." Selene laughed, and Mom joined in.

   "Your grandmother may look young,  but she's far older than she appears. I have a lot of explaining to do, and I'm sorry. I should have told you this before," Mom said, looking nervous. "You remember the entries in the begginning of your book?" I nodded. "You probably decided that I was writing fiction, or that I'm insane. Really, everything I said was true. I am not mortal, although my body is. I am a child of the moon and sun, and I used to live in the City of the Clouds, thousands of metres above Sunset Valley. But I was cast out, sentenced to carry out one human lifespan here."

   "What did you do?" I asked.
   Mom just sighed. "It's not important now." Then she turned to Selene. "Mother, when you came here all those years ago, you said that you'd be back soon. What happened?"
   "I stopped your father from interfering with your life. He wanted to... remove Snow, since she was never supposed to be born. We still don't know what to do about you and your brothers and sisters," Selene answered.
   "Um.. How about nothing?" I suggested.
   She smiled grimly. "It's not that simple. You are half star child and half mortal. We're not sure where your soul will go when you pass; the mortal's heaven or the City of the Clouds. We are not used to being unsure. For now, though, we do nothing." She looked at Mom. "Your sentence down here will be over tomorrow night, you know." Mom nodded. "Grim will come for you then. I'll see you when you come up. Oh, and we let Leighton stay in the City for a few extra days so that you can see him as soon as possible."
   "Wait!" I cried, but Selene was already gone, the moon back in the sky. "Mom, what did she mean 'Grim will come for you?'"
   "Tomorrow I'm turning 90, sweetheart. My punishment of one human lifespan will be complete, and I will be allowed to go back to the City. Grim is the one who carries sould back and forth. I will die."
   "No! I can't lose both of my parents so fast! Can't you stay longer?"
   "I'm sorry."

Author's Note: Looooot of dialogue in this one. Hope I didn't bore you guys to death  :P Thanks for reading!

Offline CarelessSparks

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Re: Redeeming Faith - The Angel Legacy Chapter 15
« Reply #44 on: June 28, 2013, 07:34:17 PM »
Hahha, I don't mean to argue with the author! I liked that Snow had some flaws and some fears. A vampire showing up at a birthday party in my house might freak me out a bit too.

Oh no, that's fine. I actually thought it was really interesting that you had a different perspective on it than I did. I'm glad that you saw Snow's flaws, I hate it when characters are invincible.

Lovely update! I so wasn't expecting Kory to cheat on Snow! I hope she finds a man to look after herself and Rain properly!

I'm glad I surprised you! I hope that Simon doesn't run off, although there's still time for that, I suppose.

