Author Topic: The Magical World: Chapter 79 – The Queen, The Rabbit, and the Boys in Shadow  (Read 149177 times)

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 68 – The Nightmare of Ambition (Part 2)
« Reply #405 on: January 20, 2015, 12:09:47 AM »
OMG Mel so much happening.  :o For a relatively short chapter it was filled with intrigue.  Oogie teaming up with Maleficent does not inspire me with much confidence on the welfare of either Santa or Sally.  I'll keep my powder dry for the next chapter.  ;)
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 68 – The Nightmare of Ambition (Part 2)
« Reply #406 on: February 01, 2015, 01:05:15 AM »
The Aurora story and the Jack one were nice. I think Jack is from the 'Night before Christmas' Disney movie. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

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Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Chapter 70 – The Nightmare of Ambition (Part 3)
« Reply #407 on: March 01, 2015, 01:20:00 AM »

It didn’t take long for Aurora and I to hear the chants from the familiar voice almost as soon as we entered the Dead Woods. Rushing over we caught Maleficent in the midst of a huge spell. She paused slightly, stunned upon our arrival, particularly when her eyes met with Aurora. Her mouth fell slack, “H-how? How are you there when you lie here before me?” “It’s difficult to explain, but Maleficent please stop this. This is certainly not the way to help me.” I saw many emotions flicker in Maleficent’s eyes, but they finally settled on distrust. Her eyes narrowed, “Trickery. This is the only way.” I took a cautious step forward, “You said it yourself, this forceful type of magic will never work! She will be awakened, but not by you or me. Only true love can help her. You have to stop. You have to let her go.” Maleficent shook her head defiantly, “No. True love doesn’t exist.” “Maleficent please,” Aurora pleaded, “I understand that you always wanted to make things right. But you don’t have to keep going. I forgive you! I forgive you. So please, stop this madness, for this will truly be the end of us both.” Her response came in ragged breaths, “I-I don’t know if I can. It might be too late to stop the spell…and I don’t know if I want to.” Aurora placed her hand on her shoulder, “You can do this. I believe in you.” Maleficent frowned in concentration, and the grounds began to shake all around us. As the lights appeared, flowing into Maleficent, that’s when we realized she intended to absorb the spell into herself. “No!” Aurora tried to run forward, but I pulled her back. “This is her path.” When the shaking ceased Maleficent slumped to the ground, and Aurora cradled her, “Are you alright?!” “I’m fine. I just…need to rest.” Maleficent looked up at me, “I’m sorry for the trouble. I’ve caused.” “I understand. You care for her, as do I.” I turned to Aurora, “Why don’t you look after her for a while, I still have business to attend to.” I heard Aurora call after me, “Be careful Jack.”

I found my way to Oogie’s lair easy enough, and relief flooded me as I saw Sally alive and unharmed. As I carefully made my way to her I thought back on what Oogie had said in regards to her, the way he looked at her, and for some reason it made my blood boil. “Jack!” Sally smiled when I finally reached her, “I thought you might be seriously hurt. I was worried about you.” I shook my head. She was worried about me, and yet she was the one captured. “I’m fine. You’re the one in peril, but I want you to leave now,” I said as I managed to get the door to her cage open. She gave me a stubborn look, “I’m not leaving you.” “Sally please, this chip I have is dangerous to you as well. I won’t have you getting harmed in the crossfire. When I free Santa I want you to take him somewhere safe. Will you do that for me?” Her expression softened, “Alright. I will.” She pulled me into a quick hug, and my heart began to race. I watched her make her way out of the lair before moving on. Turning to focus my attention on Oogie, I could hear him deep off into a monologue which I could only guess was directed at Santa. At the sight, I felt my pulse quicken once more. He had Santa strapped down with a laser growing ever closer to him. I would have to be quick! But should I try to stop the laser first or plant the chip into Oogie? As I mulled over this conundrum while sneaking ever closer, the events that happened next made my decision for me.

“Nice for you to join us Jack! I do hope you settled things before poor Aurora had to pay the price. That Maleficent even gives me a chill.” He put on a show of a mock shiver just for added effect. “Too bad for you, I was able to save her just like I’ll save everyone else, and Maleficent is not so bad once you give her chance.” I spoke slowly and deliberately, all the while searching for what I needed. Finally my eyes landed on it. That computer there would shut down the laser. If I could just reach it… “You’re an inventor Jack, not a hero.” Oogie’s eyes had never left me for a second, and he suddenly lunged at me as he did earlier tonight in my living room. This time I was ready for him, or at least I thought I was. He proved to be too strong for me as I attempted to implant the chip, and to my horror the chip went skittering across the floor. It was no use, I realized that I would have to deal with Oogie first before being able to stop the laser, but Santa was rapidly running out of time! Focusing my attention back on Oogie, we grappled back and forth as I made desperate attempts to grab the chip on many occasions, but failed on all of them. It was then that I realized that he would always be stronger than me, but I could fight smarter.

As his creator I knew every nook and cranny of Oogie, including all of his weaknesses, and now was the time to exploit them. His left knee joint for example was a particularly vulnerable area, I made several blows at it in hopes he wouldn’t figure out what I was up to. Seizing my opportunity with his slowed state, I made one more run for the chip, and with it just out of reach I felt Oogie clamp a heavy hand on my ankle. He smiled in triumph, “I will not let you destroy me.” “Then perhaps I will.” I stared first in shock, elation, and then horror as I watched Sally implant the chip into Oogie. His face contorted to that almost of a confused child, as he shook his head in disbelief, “Sally?” He then slumped to the ground, lifeless. But I had no more thoughts for him as I watched Sally’s hands begin to shake. I caught her as she fell to the floor. Loss like I’ve never felt before began to wash over me, “Why did you do it?” She just shook her head and pointed, “Santa…” The laser! How many people would I let down tonight! I ran to the computer, but it was more complex than I thought it would be. I heard a clock chime and a sound behind me, and somehow I knew it was over.

Turning around in shame I saw a miniature Santa where the original had just been, and then the figure turned back into his original state as if nothing had happened. He shrugged, “It’s officially Christmas. That’s the only time I can use my magic. How else do you think I get down those chimneys?” A ragged breath drew me back to Sally’s side, “I’m so sorry… I failed you.” She smiled softly, “No, because of you the towns are safe. I love you Jack.” Before I could even respond she drew one final breath, and I saw the light fade from those beautiful brown eyes. As I held her in my arms I felt like a stone and she was a feather. I thought back on the first time I’d held her, how light she felt, way lighter than normal, but then she never was normal. She was extraordinary, and now she was gone because of me. How strange that Aurora’s words about true love’s kiss should run across my mind just then. “There’s no way something like that could exist, but I’d do anything…” I thought to myself. Throwing reason to the wind I pressed my lips to hers gently, and pulled back slowly with my eyes still clamped shut. I wanted to believe so bad. I had to… That’s when I heard it…the soft panting of her drawing in breath, drawing in life again. It worked? Finally I looked down to see her smiling. She reached up and touched my cheek, “Jack.” Just one simple word. One simple word and I was undone, “Sally…I love you.”

Five Months Later

“We’re in love. There’s no reason why two people who love each other shouldn’t have a child.” “I’m a simbot Jack. I’m not meant to have a child.” I waved a hand, “Semantics. This is perfectly safe, you’ll see she’ll be perfect.” “She doesn’t have to be perfect, and how do I know this is not another Oogie situation?” I stopped working and looked at her squarely, “I promise that will never happen again. It’s just…I know how badly you want this, and I want this for us too. Besides genetically engineered children are already being researched, I’m just…moving a little bit faster.” A smile slowly crept onto her face, “As usual.” I took that as a sign of approval, and turned back to my work, “Alright, I’m just about finished. Are you ready?” I heard her draw in a deep breath, but she finally said firmly, “Yes.” “Ok, here we go.” We both watched as the most beautiful little being appeared before us. She was perfect. Sally moved forward almost as if in a trance, she then looked at me questioningly. I laughed, “Go ahead.” Taking the little girl in her arms, I believe if Sally could cry she would have. “What do you want to name her?” She held our little girl up and tilted her head to the side, “Belle.” 

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 70 – The Nightmare of Ambition (Part 3)
« Reply #408 on: March 02, 2015, 06:44:58 AM »
Awwwww that was so lovely.  And what an exciting way to introduce Belle.  This just made my day.  ;D
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Chapter 71 – The Lonely Mansion
« Reply #409 on: April 15, 2015, 08:43:38 PM »

I heard a pounding at the front door, and wondered who could possibly be stopping by this late. Besides, most knew I wasn’t too keen on visitors at present. After what happened to my parents, I just wanted to be left alone… I pulled upon the door to find a woman shivering from the storm. She smiled at me warmly, “Would you be so kind as to let me dry off for a short while. I believe I’ve gone and lost my way.” Wordlessly, I looked past her at the thundering sky, and quickly noted that she indeed wouldn’t make it far without falling ill in this weather. Sighing, I moved aside and motioned for her to come inside. “Thank you,” she said as she swiftly tried to remove herself from the cold night. I turned to look at her. In the light, I noted that she was dressed rather peculiar, but chose not to address it, “I’ll fetch you some warm towels.” Before I could move off, she grasped my arm. Naturally I didn’t hesitate to free myself from her. I didn’t like to be touched. “Is there something else you need? I can have food prepared for you after you are bit warmer.” She smiled again but this time I noticed that it was more seductive than warm, “No, I’m fine. Are you alone here?” The question pained me, “No.” “Well yes I suppose you have servants.” “No.” She looked at me in surprise, “No? Then who is it that you keep here?” When I didn’t answer she continued, “You really are kind, taking me in like this, and handsome too. Tell me…are you lonely?” All the while as she talked she moved ever closer to me until she was firmly pressed against me. It was true…I was lonely, but I still didn’t like to be touched. I turned and began to walk away, “I’ll go fetch those towels.” Her tone suddenly turned icy, “Are you rejecting me?” “Yes.” I said without bothering to turn back. She scoffed, “You know I thought I could prove myself wrong, but I guess it’s true…all men are beasts. I think it’s time you looked like what you are!


The Mayor looked as paranoid as usual, constantly stealing glances at his son Gaston, “There have been strange sightings and even reports of disappearances in the Dark Forest lately. They say there may even be a beast dwelling in the forest! I’m starting to think we should shut the whole place off to the town.” I thought back on my experiences with the place. That’s where I found the portal to the future and to Chrismastown. It was also where Aurora and I found Maleficient. I shook my head, “You’re telling me you think something is too scary for Halloweentown? It sounds like to me we should add it to the lineup for our next big Halloween scare.” His eyes were like saucers, “You don’t get it Jack. I’m normally on your side when it comes to thrills, but this is not a scary prank, it’s dangerous. And if it means keeping the town safe,” he looked over to his son once more, “keeping our children safe, then I’m going to shut the forest off.” The day after, still consumed with curiosity I told everything to Sally. After listening quietly she patted my hand, “I know what you are thinking, but I would have to tell you that I agree with the Mayor. There is a thin line between creating fear and putting someone in danger, and as The Pumpkin King you walk that line very well. But I think this is one those times that you might be pushing too hard again, and I’m going to ask you to stop. Stop because Belle needs you here as her father, and I need you here as my husband. Can you do that for us?” “Yes” I pulled Sally close and we both looked over at Belle calmly reading her books. Yeah, I thought, I wouldn’t want to miss a moment with my family.


“For the lovely lady,” Gaston practically shoved a pearl bracelet in my face. I groaned inwardly thinking, not again. Plastering a smile on my face I said, “It’s beautiful, and I’m sure Vivian would also think it is beautiful so why don’t you pass it on to her?” I tried unsuccessfully to make my escape. “Well Vivian is not quite so lovely as you, and this bracelet should be worn by its equal.” Did he just say I was equal with a bracelet? Of course, because all women are objects and conquests in his eyes. “Isn’t your father giving a speech at City Hall in a few minutes? You should probably be there if you want to follow in his footsteps politically right? I mean gain all the insight you can of course.” “You’re right naturally, beauty and brains…such a devilishly attractive combination. Until we meet next my sweet,” he smiled while placing the bracelet in my hand. I didn’t hesitate to throw it in the nearest bin as soon as he was out of sight. Finally, I made it to the library. It was my refuge. Through books I could learn so many things, travel to anywhere I wanted, and in this place I had the added benefit of avoiding Gaston as he found it boring. Honestly, a library boring? After spending probably a few more hours than I should have in there, I made my way back home. I found my mother knee deep in plants. She had been on a gardening craze lately. “Mother, do you need any help?” She looked up at me and smiled, “If you could tend to those mushrooms that would be great.”  I know people always think this about their mothers, but I honestly thought she was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen. “Where’s dad?” “Oh he went out to do some research or another. I think he just wanted to go on another long horse ride with Ghost. He was so excited about getting that horse.” I laughed remembering the whole affair, and looked forward to the story dad would tell when he got back.

It had been a week and dad still hadn’t returned. He had never been away this long without calling to say that he was alright. The Mayor gave me a soft pat on the shoulder as he and Gaston left with the police. I looked over to my mother, the normally calm and put together woman was in shambles. Quickly I went over to give her hug, and I noted that she was shaking. She nodded her head and said firmly, “He’ll be back.” But the determination didn’t quite reach her facial features. “I think I’m going to go take nap.” “Alright mom, I love you.” “I love you too honey,” she said weakly. I needed air. Wandering outside I somehow found myself on the edge of town, “Where could he be?” Just when I was about to turn back I saw a piece of fabric attached to the fence. It was from my dad’s coat! Did he have Ghost jump this? What would he be doing in this forest?! I thought about going back to tell someone, but the thought of wasting precious time irked me. I’m going! The forest was dark and winding, but I wasn’t afraid. I had lived my life surrounded by fear, there was little that could scare me now, but losing my father was one of those things. I had to find my way to him somehow. And after what seemed like hours, I finally stumbled upon a house. Did someone live all the way back here?! I knocked, but there was no answer. Perhaps it was abandoned, and just maybe my father took refuge inside. I tried the door and it opened. “Hello?” I glanced around at my surroundings, everything seemed too well kept for it to be abandoned, “Hello?” I said again. “Father, are you here?!” I finally called out in desperation.

It was then that I heard what I thought to be an argument off in the distance. “Hello?” I said once more. A teenage boy appeared, he was slim and tall, and when he spoke I caught a hint of a French accent, “’Allo mademoiselle. What can we do for you?” I was about to question the “we” part when two other teens, a small child, and a woman also emerged from hiding I presumed. “Pardon me, I had no idea anyone lived here. The door was unlocked you see, and I’m terribly lost. By chance would you have happened to see my father? He is a tall man, very pale and dressed in stripes, and traveling with a strange horse.” One of the other teens, a bit more portly than the first stepped forward, “I’m not sure we can help you madam.” “Nonsense,” the woman chided, “we could at least invite her in for a cup of tea.” I smiled graciously, “Thank you very much, but if my father is not here I really should be on my way to find him. I am sorry to have bothered you.” That’s when I heard it. Booming footsteps seemed to echo throughout the halls, and when I turned to ask them the source of the noise, I noticed that all of their faces had gone pale. “Who are you?!” He stepped towards me, and they all parted to make room for him. He was completely covered in fur, had vicious teeth and claws, and horns that protruded into the sky. But it was his eyes that shook me. So much anger… “I-I’m Belle.” I stammered out quickly, “I came here for my father. I did not mean to disturb you sir.” “Your father? You mean that wretched thief?!” With confusion I looked to the others. I thought they said he was not here, but they would not meet my eye. “If my father is here, will you please take me to him?” Somehow I did not like the look on his face, “You wish to go to him? Very well then.” With that he tightly grabbed hold of my arm, and proceeded to drag me to an unknown location. “You’re hurting me!” “Sir!” the French teenager called after him, but we both only got a growl in response.

Finally he threw me down on the ground in front of what looked to be a dungeon. “Father!” He was badly hurt, and paler than usual which was saying something. “Belle! Why have you come here?” “For you of course,” I said incredulously then rounded on my captor, “What have you done to him?!” “That thief broke into my home, and snooped into places he shouldn’t have. So I threw him into a cell, simple.” I stood and jutted out my chin, “He needs medical attention.” “He needs jail time,” he said with a low growl. I huffed and looked back to my father. In the next cell I could see the remains of a skeleton. Would he want my father to rot here? I turned back, “Then take me instead.” “There is no way I’m letting you do that!” I heard my father shout from behind me, but I couldn’t look at him now. I couldn’t afford to let him see the tears fall down my face, “I’m adult now and I can make my own decisions. You don’t have to protect me anymore.” “You’re my daughter. I will always protect you.” “I’m sorry father, but I’ve made my choice.” I looked at my captor, “Do you accept?” He stared at the pair of us while my father shouted incessantly, “Yes.” And just like that I became a prisoner. He knocked my father out and drug him from his cell, and I begged him to be gentle as my father was hurt. I cried and whispered to my father that I loved him as the doors closed. I cried and mumbled that I would be ok. I cried and hoped that he wouldn’t try to come back for me.

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 71 – The Lonely Mansion
« Reply #410 on: April 16, 2015, 12:23:30 AM »
Terrific update Mel.  You've finally come to my all time favourite Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast!  Of course we all know the story but in each generation you have tweaked the story to give it a new feel and adapt it for the Sims.  I can't wait to see how you go with this one.  ;D
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler


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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 71 – The Lonely Mansion
« Reply #411 on: May 10, 2015, 03:47:56 PM »
I found it hilarious that Belle threw the bracelet in the nearest bin  ;D. Though I must wonder, why didn't she just sell the thing?  :D

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 71 – The Lonely Mansion
« Reply #412 on: May 10, 2015, 06:17:44 PM »
Terrific update Mel.  You've finally come to my all time favourite Disney movie, Beauty and the Beast!  Of course we all know the story but in each generation you have tweaked the story to give it a new feel and adapt it for the Sims.  I can't wait to see how you go with this one.  ;D
Oh no. I hope I do a good job then lol. I'll do my best. I have some ideas.

I found it hilarious that Belle threw the bracelet in the nearest bin  ;D. Though I must wonder, why didn't she just sell the thing?  :D
Haha. That's probably because since Cinderella's time this family has become very wealthy, and she would have little need for the money. Especially since the money would be tied to something she got from Gaston.

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The Magical World: Chapter 72 – Who You Really Are
« Reply #413 on: May 10, 2015, 06:37:06 PM »

When the angry man returned, I asked him about my father, but he just grumbled, “Follow me.” I was sure he was going to lead me back to the dungeon, and lock me in a cell. So I was naturally surprised when he started upstairs instead. All the while as he walked, he furiously mouthed off rules for his house. Dinner at this time, don’t touch that, and most certainly never enter the right wing. Little did he know his words fell on deaf ears, for I could only think of my family. I was grateful when we finally reached the room which was apparently to be mine. Although it was beautiful I hardly noticed, turning to face him I said curtly, “Well if that’s all I’d like to turn in for the night.” After staring at me for a moment, he just walked away. Forgetting my manners I slammed the door and threw myself onto the bed. I wasn’t sure how I had any tears left, but I managed to cry myself to sleep. The next day I remained too depressed to get out of bed, even as the girl I came to know as Babette tried to console me. That night a banging on my door rattled me. I heard his voice booming through clearly, “Come out. The rules say we eat dinner at 7.” “Do you really think I care for the rules of a beast?!” I shouted back at him. “Easy, easy sir. Why not try kindness?” I heard someone whisper to him. He took a deep breath and called back to me so softly that it was almost startling, “Will you come down to dinner, please?” Well…it was almost startling. I still couldn’t forgive him, “No!” The next bang on the door made me jump, “Fine! If you don’t eat with me, then you don’t eat at all!” I scoffed, “Brute.” Despite my firm resolve to stay planted in my room, my poor appetite all day had left me famished. So when Babette came a couple hours later, and pleaded with me to eat something, well she didn’t have to plead hard.

We carefully made our way downstairs, and upon entering the kitchen I was greeted by the rest of the strange assortment of individuals. “Why don’t you go and take a seat in the dining room? I’ll fix something up for you really quickly.” Mrs. Potts said as she motioned toward the door. As I made my way out, I took notice of the way she moved around the kitchen. Although the space was obviously very familiar to her, she moved with caution. That’s when I realized she was blind. Her son Chip stayed behind with her to help out. While we waited I got to know the teens a little better. Lumiere always seemed to be in good spirits, and constantly made flirty eyes at Babette who didn’t seem to mind the attention. Cogsworth, however, seemed to find the whole ordeal very uncomfortable. Watching them all animatedly chatting along suddenly gave me the urge to laugh. I laughed so hard that it took me a moment to realize everyone had stopped to stare at me, even Mrs. Potts and Chip who had entered the room with dinner. I noticed that they were all smiling. Mrs. Potts placed the food down in front of me, “I’m glad to hear your spirits rising. You sounded so sad.” “I just…miss my family.” Suddenly an alarming question came to my mind, “Did he take you all away from your families?!” Cogsworth was the one to speak, “No, no, nothing like that. We…” he motioned to Lumiere and Babette, “never had a family. He took us in when we were small children.” That calmed me a little, “I see.” I looked at Mrs. Potts, but I didn’t know if I should ask. Without missing a beat, however, she said, “Ah, as for us, when my husband died we had no income to live on, and soon lost our home. Chip and I set out to find someplace new to start over, but traveling with my eyes is not easy as you can imagine. We managed to get ourselves horribly lost in that forest out there. You know how relentless it can be. But he found us, offered us food and lodging, and gave my boy a home.” She said while gently reaching out to touch Chip’s hair.

Could all of this really be true? Could the monster that I witnessed really be capable of such kindness? I shook my head, “That all sounds wonderful, but I still don’t think I can forgive him for hurting my father.” “But he didn’t.” Babette cried, “When your father arrived he was already hurt. He said his horse had gotten spooked from the storm. I promise it is the truth.” “The master can be a fearsome man, but he would never do a deed such as this mademoiselle.” Lumiere added. My shoulders sagged. This was all making my head swim, “I see.” After that we all tried to move on to lighter topics, and it turned out to be a nice evening. Admittedly though, my thoughts constantly strayed to the beast. Beast? I didn’t even know his name. Perhaps I should try to ask him. Perhaps I judged him harshly far too quickly. I silently wondered how many people before me had done the same. The next day I found him creeping through the shadows in the hall. Our eyes met briefly, and then he turned to walk away. I took a deep breath, “Excuse me.” He stopped walking and turned back but didn’t move any closer. While closing the gap between us I suddenly realized he didn’t look quite as scary as before, “If I’m going to be living here I thought I should at least know your name.” A pause, “Beast.” “That’s not a name.” “It’s what I am, is it not?” “Do you really think so?” A longer pause, “Adam.” “Adam.” When I said it he flinched a little. I wondered at that, but before I had time to think too long he nodded and walked away. The time following that was all very strange. Awkward dinners, Adam following me around the house, and then there were the gifts. Every day he would leave me a present in my room. Something fancy, something expensive…something Gaston would give me. I appreciated the sentiment, but these just weren’t me. Besides he hardly ever said a word to me, so I had no idea what he was thinking or why he gave me these gifts in the first place. I wish I could just understand him.


“She hates this one too.” “What does she hate sir?” Cogsworth asked. “The gift!” I found myself growling without meaning to. I hated when I couldn’t control my anger. “I don’t know why I bother. This is pointless.” Lumiere sounded a bit panicked, “You cannot give up now. How about you think about the things that she likes?” “I don’t even know how to talk to her, so how could I possibly know anything about her?” “You watch her often. Have you not noticed anything?” I noticed that he was speaking carefully, in fear of angering me about pointing out my stalker-like behavior. “…She likes reading books.” “Yes books! Hmm…” Lumiere exclaimed excitedly then when into deep thought. He was always more the heart rather than the brains of our operation. I turned to Cogsworth who seemed like he had just come up with a plan, “Perhaps then the old library sir? You could restore it for her, and it could maybe be a place for her to indulge in her passion.” Lumiere snapped his finger, “Yes, good plan.” I couldn’t help but chuckle.

I found her outside reading. Good. I hoped this worked. The closer I got to her, however, I found it harder to speak. She was so beautiful. Who was I kidding? I was cursed. I should just go back upstairs, shut myself up in my room, and live out the rest of my numbered days as the petals fall. …But I wasn’t the only one cursed. Because of me five innocent people were suffering. If I couldn’t find the strength to reach for happiness for myself, then I could at least find the strength for them. I took a deep breath, “Belle.” She looked up…and smiled, “Yes?” I was so transfixed I almost couldn’t speak, “I have something I want to show. Will you come with me?” She nodded, “Alright.” Silently I brought her to the library. She peered inside, “I always wondered what was in…here.” Her mouth fell agape as she walked around and gently grazed her hand across the books. I realized I was jealous of those books. I cleared my throat, “You seem to enjoy reading, so I thought I would restore this place for you.” She turned and gave me the most radiant smile. I was sure my heart had stopped, “Thank you. It’s wonderful!” In the coming weeks she spent hours there engrossed in books, and I spent hours there captivated by her.

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The Magical World: Chapter 73 – Trust Me
« Reply #414 on: July 05, 2015, 04:08:00 AM »

Before I even turned, I knew the clattering of hooves belonged to Ghost. My husband had returned! I rushed to him and embraced him, “Oh Jack I thought you lost! Where were you? You were gone for so long, and now Belle has run off.” At the mention of her his face fell, “What is it? Do you know something of this?” He nodded solemnly in return. I sat and tried to listen as calmly as possible while he explained to me that my sweet daughter might be lost to me forever. “Sally,” Jack finally said, “I swear to you, I will not rest until I bring her home. Trust me on this” I shook my head and with the shock wearing off tears began to fall, “I know. I believe you…” I had to. I had to believe that I would see her again, that she would be alright. Such a gentle and kind soul was she. Surely, I convinced myself, that not even a beast could bring harm to such a soul. As it turns out my beliefs would be all I would have to keep me comfort, for I would not see my sweet girl for several long months.


I found myself thinking of my mother a great deal lately. I miss her warm voice, her smile, and the time we used to spend together in our little garden. One evening over dinner I confided this to Adam and he made a garden for me here. He said, “I know it’s not the same, but perhaps you may feel your mother’s spirit with you always.” I confess the thought made me smile often. I spend all of my time laughing, reading, gardening, playing with Chip, and discovering the mystery of Adam. As time flies I find that I feel at home here, almost as if I’ve found a new family. Not that I don’t miss my parents. Of course I do… It’s just that my life here is more wonderful than I originally thought possible, and strangely enough I’m realizing that has a lot to do with Adam. He makes me curious. I want to know more about him, where he disappears to for long hours of the day, why he hides in the shadows. So against his firm rules, and probably against my better judgement I found myself in the forbidden right wing of the house.

“What’s so special about this place anyway?” I peeked inside a door, “Just a bathroom.” I was starting to think he had been just messing with me this entire time when I say some double doors at the end of the hall. There was nothing particularly out of the ordinary about them, but I could have sworn something was begging me to open them. “Why not?” I said while shrugging my shoulders. When I opened the doors I realized this room was probably his bedroom, and I prepared to exit but that’s when I saw it. Across the room a beautiful rose sat inside a glass case. I noticed many of the petals had fallen off, but that didn’t take away from its beauty. Entranced, I made my way slowly across the room. I had to touch it. It felt like life. “What are you doing?!” Adam’s booming voice snapped me out of my trance. Quickly, I jumped away from the rose and opened my mouth to apologize, but before I could get the words out he began, “How dare you trespass into my privacy like this?! Every other rule I’ve given you, you’ve disregarded and disrespected, but this rule above all others was to be obeyed! I’ve stressed that I don’t know how many times! Get out. Get out before I lock you in a cell!” I was in shock. Even on the first night I arrived he wasn’t this harsh, “Adam--” “OUT!!”

I ran to my room and cried. How could I have been so foolish? I was hurt that he was being so cruel, but if I was honest with myself I knew he had every right to be. He had opened up to me and in return I violated his privacy and his trust. Could he possibly forgive me? I mulled over this question for nearly a fortnight as Adam only met me with cold silence. Finally, one morning he came to my door, “…Belle?” I opened the door cautiously, “Yes?” He looked at the ground, took a deep breath, and then caught my eye, “I wanted to apologize for the way I reacted the other day. I wanted to apologize before but… Anyway I wanted to make it up to you. Would you please join me for dinner tonight?” I was stunned. This whole time he was trying to apologize? “I’d be happy too.” He looked just as shocked as I felt, but then bowed quickly, “Thank you. I’ll leave you then.” Later Mrs. Potts and Babette delivered a gown to my room. “It’s beautiful!” I exclaimed. “Where did you get it?” “We made it of course,” Mrs. Potts puffed out her chest proudly. Babette just giggled. “We want you to look your best tonight for this very special occasion.” I stopped admiring the dress for a moment, “Special occasion?” Mrs. Potts and Babette exchanged a look, and Babette rushed forward, “Let’s just get you in that dress. I bet you’ll look so gorgeous!”

The ballroom was transformed tonight, and there at the bottom of the stairs Adam stood waiting for me. He looked so handsome almost regal. He took my hand, bowed, and kissed it when I finally reached him, “You look very beautiful Belle.” I felt my cheeks flush and he surprised me by reaching up to caress them. His hand felt warm, “Shall we?” All I could do was smile and nod in response. “I know you might have a lot of questions about what you saw in my room the other day. But for now I’m going to have to ask you to just trust me. I promise I’ll tell you everything one day. Is that alright?” I was still really curious, but I did trust him, “Yes, I trust you.” He gave me a smile that made my heart flutter. He was like a completely different person filled with charm and elegance. Yet I knew this man, I knew his heart, and it felt like I was truly seeing him for the first time. I could see everything, the man before me and the man he always was inside. After dinner he swept me up into his arms and we danced across the room. I was lost in his eyes and his embrace. It was then I realized that I was falling in love with him.  The music ended, but my heart pulsated like a drum inside my head. I reached up to touch his face and heard his breath catch, “Belle…how do you feel about me?” I knew, of course I knew my answer, “I--” Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone approach us.

A beautiful woman in a long, dark gown regarded us with a small smile. Adam released me from his embrace and with a growl spoke to her, “Regina, what’s the meaning of this?!” She ignored him for a while and looked at me. Finally she answered, “Your barrier. I can’t maintain it any longer. You’ll have to find another method of containment.” “We should discuss this in private.” “There’s nothing to discuss. I have more pressing concerns at present so you’ll have to find someone else.” “In private,” he said again more firmly. He turned to me with a pained expression, “I’m sorry Belle. I really enjoyed spending time with you tonight.” And with that they disappeared. She was a witch. Why would he need her to put a barrier up? Did he not trust me not to leave...? That’s when it hit me. The barrier wasn’t to keep me in, but to keep my family out! In a sudden rage I rushed to Adam's room, but heard loud voices as I approached, “We had a deal!” “I’m sorry. I know I agreed to help you, because my sister seems to have it out for every man she meets. However, you aren’t the only one Zelena has stirred up trouble with. She’s cursed an entire town this time so it’s time for me to focus my attention there.” Completely confused and amazed by the conversation, I decided I had done enough eavesdropping and entered the room.

Adam looked stunned, “Belle?” “Trust you? You asked me to trust you when first you won’t even tell me what’s going on with that thing.” I pointed to the rose. He jumped in, “I swear I really can’t tell you. You don’t understand. It’s just--” “Complicated.” Regina finished for him. He shot her a dark look. Of course she knew. “Whatever. Now I find out that you’re actively keeping my family away from me?! I want to go home.” I said resolutely. The look on his face was pure horror. Although it shouldn’t have, it made my heart flutter a little, because just maybe it meant he felt the same way I did, “Temporarily of course. I’m not going back on my word. I said I would live here and I will, but its Christmas and I want to see my family.” “I can take her on my way.” Regina added and Adam shot her another dark look. I stepped closer to him and whispered, “You asked me to trust you, now I’m asking you to trust me. I’ll come back.” He looked defeated, but he nodded slowly. I looked at Regina, “Ok, I’m ready.”

When I opened my eyes I was home. I took a deep breath and went inside, “Mom? Dad?”

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 73 – Trust Me
« Reply #415 on: July 05, 2015, 08:07:31 PM »
I loved this update Mel.  I like the little twists you put into a well known story to make it uniquely yours.  ;D
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 73 – Trust Me
« Reply #416 on: July 06, 2015, 02:54:37 PM »
I loved this update Mel.  I like the little twists you put into a well known story to make it uniquely yours.  ;D
Thank you! I do love taking a bit of creative freedom at times.

Offline mpart

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 73 – Trust Me
« Reply #417 on: July 09, 2015, 01:41:07 PM »
I can't wait to see what happens! I wonder if maybe Bell is a clone of someone?  :-X

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 73 – Trust Me
« Reply #418 on: July 23, 2015, 11:28:46 PM »
I can't wait to see what happens! I wonder if maybe Bell is a clone of someone?  :-X
Hello. Thanks for reading! Hm a clone. That would be an interesting notion.

Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Chapter 74 – Not So Sweet Homecoming
« Reply #419 on: July 23, 2015, 11:41:11 PM »
*This chapter will be a bit short, but I should be posting chapters a bit more frequently.


“Mom? Dad?” I called out into the house. My mother was the first to come. “Belle…?” she called out cautiously as she walked first slowly and then ran to me. When she embraced me I let out a heap of air, and it was then I realized that I had been holding my breath. While we embraced and chatted quickly  in our merriment, my father must have crept up without my noticing. He stood close but not quite close enough to touch me. I leaned away from my mother when I noticed him, “Father? I’ve missed you.” Grief-stricken, guilt marked his face, “How can you ever forgive me?” I shook my head vigorously trying to clear my tears, “There’s nothing to forgive. I love you and I made a choice. Everything is alright, really. I’m fine.” I went over to embrace him and instantly noticed how frail he’d grown. His skin was cold, and it was obvious he’d been skipping one too many meals. He’d be an actual skeleton before too long.

Afterwards I sat down with my parents and explained to them at length everything that had happened and the terms of my stay here at home. They seemed astonished and almost relieved as I told them the first part, but that last bit really got them riled up. “Absolutely not! You are not going back to that place!” my mother said adamantly. I sighed, I knew this was going to be difficult for them to understand, “It’s not just some place, it’s my home!” They both looked at me with slack jaws, and I knew I had to talk fast. “Listen, of course this is my home too, but after everything I’ve told you surely you must realize how I could come to see that place as my home. Besides,” I said pointedly looking at my father, “I made a promise to Adam that I would live there for the rest of my life, and a more immediate promise that I would come back if he let me come here. If I disregard him, if I break his trust now, I think he will come for me, and we might not be allowed to see each other anymore. I don’t want that so I’m asking you to have faith, to believe that I’m happy in spite of everything, and let me return to him. I mean I’m an adult, I was going to have to move out at some point anyway.”

They sat quietly for a while, and then my mother finally said begrudgingly, “Well I was kind of hoping you never moved out.”  We shared a sheepish laugh together. I looked over to my father who had remained silent, “Dad?” “Are you really ok?” I smiled, “Yes. I’m fine.” He swallowed hard, “Ok.” With that I had hopes that everything would be alright from now on. We spent the rest of the day together, talking laughing, and playing with Zero and Ghost. That night when I went to bed it was strange to be back in my old room again. My thoughts quickly swayed to Adam. Yes I was still angry at him for keeping secrets from me, but if I was honest with myself I just missed him so much it made me feel lonely being here without him. I wondered if he was thinking of me as well. Had I have went straight to bed I might not have noticed. Had I not have been looking out the window in search of Adam I might not have seen. But I did see, so I followed him again.

Once again curiously, my father was out on a stroll that he shouldn’t have been on. He had just said that he was going straight to bed so where could he possibly be going? Then I heard them all before I saw them. So many townsfolk gathered together and shouting in outrage, with my father and Gaston of all people leading the charge. Kill the beast! I heard them shout. I listened in horror as my father told them intimate things about Adam, our home there in the forest, and the best way to strike. They were trying to take him out while the barrier was down I realized. I had to warn him! In panic I rushed back to the house to find Ghost, but as soon as she was in sight someone grabbed me from behind. I kicked and twisted only to find that my assailant was my own father. “How could you do this?!” I cried. “It’s for your own good Belle. In time you’ll understand.” “No! I love him!” He stared at me in disbelief for a moment, and then hardened his face, heading towards the house.

I continued to kick and scream as he carried me through the house, and proceeded to lock me in one of the guest rooms. “What are you doing?!” I heard my mother shout from behind the door. “Have you completely lost your mind?” “Sally, this is the way. We can take him out and she never has to go back.” I shouted unladylike things and banged on the door. He continued, “Isn’t that what you want? To have our little girl here with us?” She was quiet for a while and the only sound was my banging on the door. Then she finally said in a small voice, “Yes.” And with that I heard his footsteps grow distant. “Noo!!” I screamed.

I sat and cried to myself for a long while until I heard my mother sniffle. “Mom?! Mom please let me out! I have to go to him. I have to warn him. I can’t lose him… I love him. Please…” I was met with only silence and I cried out in despair. It was then I heard the lock on the door click, and the door slowly opened. My mother looked at me with tears streaming down her face, “Go.” I stared for a moment in astonishment. "Go," she said again, "I know you don't have much time, but I realize now that you aren't a little girl anymore. And I have to risk letting you go in hopes that I don't risk losing you forever." I seemed to kick into gear all at once, “Thank you!” I ran outside, and quickly realized my father had taken Ghost. I would just have to run, and I hoped desperately that I could reach him in time.

**The funny thing about this chapter is as I was writing and thinking about the frustration and anguish that I was trying to display from Belle, my vision began to blur and I couldn’t see the keyboard anymore. It was then that I realized I was crying lol. I just started to laugh at myself, and thought there I go again. I’m a total sap. Also did anyone spot Aurora? Her and Phillip are raising their family in town, and little Jack is now a teen. I didn’t notice her until I was choosing screenshots.