Author Topic: The Magical World: Chapter 79 – The Queen, The Rabbit, and the Boys in Shadow  (Read 149207 times)

Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Update
« Reply #390 on: September 27, 2014, 09:35:48 PM »
Hey guys. I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in such a long time. My computer completely had a meltdown and deleted everything off it in an effort to save itself. I'm still super bummed that I lost all of my work, but I'm so far in the story, and I really don't want to give up now. So it's still taking me some time to get everything back in order, and I bought a new computer to install of my Sims 3 stuff onto. Hopefully, I should be able to post regularly again soon, although things (mostly people)  might not look exactly the same, or how I had envisioned them the first time. Thanks if you're still reading!!  :)

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Update
« Reply #391 on: September 28, 2014, 06:18:03 AM »
Oh Mel that's totally AWFUL!  Thanks for making the effort to recreate the wheel though.  I'll look forward to seeing your next update when you can manage it.  Take your time, I'm sure your other readers will wait for you too.
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Re: The Magical World: Update
« Reply #392 on: September 28, 2014, 03:24:03 PM »
Take your time Mel, everything will be alright.  ;)   Good Luck!
Traits: Natural Cook, Animal Lover, Computer Whiz, Bookworm, Friendly, Ambitious (From University Degree: Science and Medicine)

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Re: The Magical World: Update
« Reply #393 on: October 20, 2014, 01:06:01 AM »
Good luck, Mel. We will be waiting for the update.
Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Chapter 66 – Sleeping Beauty
« Reply #394 on: October 28, 2014, 02:59:33 AM »

After the commotion of my parent’s departure, I was set free to do as I wished until dinner. I decided to take my own personal tour into some of the areas I found interesting earlier on. Somehow though instead of heading in the direction I had aimed for, I found myself in the gardens on the opposite side of the school. A lone, soft voice lulled me closer, and I looked around the garden in search of it, snapping a branch in the process. The voice stopped and someone stepped out in front of me, but in all honesty I wasn’t quite sure what I was looking at. She was a girl around my age to be sure, but it was as if she had grown right out of the garden itself. She frowned at me, “Are you nice?” “Yes. Are you?” Her frown was instantly replaced with a brilliant smile, and she skipped over to me. I noticed she left trails of flowers in her wake instead of footsteps. After quickly fixing the branch I broke with a wave of her hand, she began animatedly acquainting me with all of her favorite flowers and animals.

Still flabbergasted by her use of magic, let alone that fact that plantsims were real, I hardly noticed when someone else walked up to us. “Ivy, you’re doing it again. Our poor new friend here is going to have his head explode soon.” “Well at least only flowers will burst out and it will be beautiful.” Ivy retorted, but I scarcely heard her. The new addition to our conversation introduced herself as Aurora, and immediately I knew without question that she was the most beautiful girl that I would ever lay eyes on. I was mad at myself for having sweaty palms when we shook hands, and I could barely utter a word as I stared at her hopelessly throughout the rest of our discourse. One thing struck my curiosity though as we proceeded to dinner. I glanced around at all the other students, thought about Ivy, and even myself. Everyone here was peculiar to say the least, even I was obviously different, but what about Aurora? What was she doing in a school like this?

Dinner was held in the grand hall which though pretty amazing held little claim on my attention. Once again I found my head spinning when it came to the people inside the hall. Apparently Maleficent had two sides: the normal and human side she put on for the parents, and then there was her ultra-dark headmistress and fairy side she showed to us. I held my breath when she paused by us as she headed up to her place at the head table. “Jack I trust you are settling in ok?” I nodded slowly, somehow finding her dangerous despite her warm tone. She then turned to Aurora, “Are you sure you’re ready to go back to class. You don’t have to push yourself.” “I’m fine.” Aurora said quickly without bothering to look up from her plate. Maleficent pursed her lips, and I was sure Aurora was in for it, but Maleficent just walked away. Aurora kept her head down, refusing to look at me, and Ivy just gave me a polite smile and then averted her eyes. Oh man, I really wanted to ask, but I knew now wasn’t the right time.

My school life here at Hogwarts vastly differed from before in one major way: I had friends. This freed me up in many ways, but mostly it just allowed me to be myself. And that person was determined to bring the delight of fear to everyone around him. Nothing brought me more joy than to see a person’s face contorted in pure terror. HAHA!! Well…in earnest I had trouble deciding if I liked Aurora’s smiling or horrified face more… “Ugh Jack! Why do you insist on scaring the beehickles out of me?!” Aurora shrieked. I gave her a knowing smile, “Fear and doubt are signs of a strong heart. They push your heart, forcing it to strike out in new directions! Without them your zest for life might fade…as would your taste for fear. And believe me, if that were to occur, than my fun would be utterly in ruins.” Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather came upon us then. The three fairies were absolutely inseparable which could prove itself insufferable enough, but what made it worse was their insistence on meddling in all of Aurora’s affairs. “I heard your shriek, are you alright?” Flora directed the question at Aurora, but looked at both us expectantly. As if her voice was enough to command answers. Aurora sighed, “I’m fine. It was just a joke.” Merryweather eyed me cruelly, “A joke huh? Some should take care with their jokes, as others might not be able to handle them.” I was about to retort when Aurora flared up, “I can handle anything just fine thank you.” She stomped off then, leaving the fairies gaping after her. I really wanted to ask…

I suppose I should report that there was one person in the school that I absolutely could not scare. There is also the matter of Maleficent, but not even I was foolish enough to attempt that. No, the person I mean is Bane, the brutish werewolf from the town of no-sense-of-humor, who lives on the street of must-hate-jack-skellington. I had tried everything, but all my attempts only ended with him abhorring me even more. So it was to my absolute surprise that I was the one to finally see his face in terror, but it was in less than happy circumstances, for I’m quite certain his face only mirrored my own. You see I wasn’t the one who caused the terror on his face, but Aurora. A few moments before my interaction with Bane, Ivy nearly collided with as she came running out of the upperclassmen bathing area. I was about to ask her what had she been doing in there when I saw the tears streaming down her face. In shaky bouts, she told me how Aurora said she wanted to go for a swim in the room, as she was tired of always being monitored and told what to do. I thought to myself that this was plausible, because their bathing area was more like a mini swimming pool than a bathing area. Ivy went on saying that when they were about to leave from the room, Aurora suddenly fainted and would not wake. I went in to see the truth of this, and sure enough she laid there, hardly drawing in breath. Instructing Ivy to stay with her, I ran out to get help, and that’s when I ran into Bane.

Immediately he tore into me for being in the upperclassmen bathing area, but this was one shouting match I would not let him best me in. Finally I got him to hear my story of Aurora’s condition, and that’s when I saw it, pure terror. “It’s never happened like that before…” He said practically in a whisper. I raked my shaking hands through my hair, “Wait you're saying this has happened before? On multiple occasions?” It was like hearing my voice snapped him back into his usual self, “Go back and keep an eye on her. I’ll be back.” And with that he transformed into werewolf form and bounded down the hall. No answers, no nothing. I stalked back into bathing area and waited on pins and needles for him to return, and when he did I was expecting the nurse, Maleficent, anyone but them. He brought those fairies. I started to question whether he had returned to his senses after all, but then they started to work. They surrounded her and chanted in a language I didn’t understand. Lights of red, green, and blue surrounded Aurora, and I could already see some of her color start to return to her face. They raised her slowly from the ground, and walked from the room and down the hall until they were out of sight.

Two days passed before we were allowed to see her. Ivy and I filed in her room, and found her sitting up in bed. She looked so much better. Aurora patted the bed around her, and we sat down. It was then that I noticed movement in the corner, and held my breath as I always did when I saw her. Maleficent finally made herself visible. “You can go now. I know that you have a lot more important things to do than to babysit me all day.” Maleficent looked over Aurora, “No, nothing is more important, but I understand. I’m hovering. I’ll return a little later to check on you.” As soon as she had left the room I found my breath, and I was done tiptoeing, “What is going on? What happened to you?” Aurora took a deep breath, “Apparently, I was cursed as an infant by a dark fairy. Every so often I have sleep spells, and fall into deep slumbers that I’m not able to be awoken from for different periods of time. Usually they occur when I actually go to sleep. You know I’ll fall asleep and just won’t wake up for a while. I think everyone is so freaked out right now, because it happened in the middle of the day. Not to mention that the sleep spells have been getting longer now that I’m getting closer to my sixteenth birthday.” “What does that birthday have to do with anything?” “The dark fairy said that on my sixteenth birthday I would fall into a sleep like death, one from which I would never wake up from.” “There has to be something that can be done?! Something with magic or...something!” “Maleficent’s working on it, but I’m already thirteen. I don’t know how much more can be done in three years.”

I grasped her hand, “Don’t give up. We can think of something.” She smiled at me. Sitting back I had another thought, “So you’ve known Maleficent for a long time then?” She nodded her head slowly, “After the dark fairy cursed me, she killed my mother, and my father died shortly after from heart failure. Maleficent adopted me then and had taken care of me ever since.” “What about the meddlesome fairies?” She and Ivy giggled at this, “She adopted them a couple of years before me. They’re my sisters. It’s their job to annoyingly look out for me. …Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” Everything she told me that day stuck hard with me for weeks after that. I did my best to focus on school, but I was finding it difficult. Not that the school itself helped in this regard. The curriculum here was strange. Sure we learned the things you did in a normal school, but then you had classes like potions and divination. The true basis, however, was specialization. You found a path, and you focused your curriculum around that. For me it was creation. Inventing was my true delight, and combining it with my passion of frightening others was a dream. But as of late, I was on the verge of creating something truly revolutionary. Although not in the path of fear, it’s not to say that it didn’t align with my passions…

As time passed, it was regrettably as Aurora predicted, she was getting worse. The days of slumber turned into weeks, and with her deteriorating condition, she was confined to her room more and more these days. Once when visiting I found her in a chair facing the window. As soon as I entered the room she began to speak, “I’ve been having these weird dreams lately. Every time, I meet with this boy in a beautiful forest, and we laugh and dance, or sometimes just sit and talk. It’s nice. I admit I look forward to those dreams.” My jealousy immediately kicked into overdrive, “They’re just dreams. They probably don’t mean anything, and besides he doesn’t exist.” She turned back towards the window, “Mm, that’s true. I must be delusional. I spend almost as much time asleep as I do awake. I don’t know what’s real…or not.” I cursed myself for my cruelty, took her hand in mine, and then placed it over my heart, “This hand here, this heartbeat, these are real. I know that dreams can be so alluring, and reality so harsh, but I’m here for you always. Don’t give up on us yet. Don’t give up on me. I’ll find a way to save you.” She smiled brightly, “Like true love’s kiss.” My heart skipped a beat for a moment, “What?” “You know, true love’s kiss. It’s the most powerful magic in the world.” She laughed musically, and I laughed along with her unsure if she was joking or not.

As Bane sent another scowl in my direction, I wished I could be anywhere else. Aurora’s latest sleep spell had her nearly miss her fifteenth birthday. Thankfully she had awoken just shy of a month before, and Ivy and I were determined to help her celebrate even if she was confined to her room. The only problem was Ivy wanted to make the cake herself, and use Bane’s kitchen to do it! Bane graduated last term, and had taken up the mantle of groundskeeper. I mean this guy seriously hardly left the school. I shifted uncomfortably in my chair as he scowled at me. Thankfully, Ivy called him over to help her with the cake. He was all smiles for her though. Honestly when had those two gotten close?! With cake in hand, the celebration went off without a hitch, and we stayed up well past lights out, with Maleficent’s permission of course, laughing our heads off. The celebrations couldn’t last, and the next year passed by way too fast. Aurora’s sixteenth birthday finally arrived.

The effects took over immediately and she was lost to us by the start of the day. We all stood around in subdued silence, but as usual I was the first to break it, “Maleficent, did you not find anything? You’ve been searching all this time.” She hardly met my eye, her face filled with anguish and something…, “I wish…There was nothing. Nothing to undo…” Undo? I finally recognized the other look, guilt. Everything clicked together in my head suddenly, “You’re the dark fairy. You cursed Aurora.” I said flatly. She finally looked at me fully with wide eyes, “I tried to reverse it so many times, but I cast the curse in such a way that it could not be undone by any such forceful magic. You must know I’ve regretted it for so long.” Her remorse was falling on deaf ears. A quick glance over at Ivy showed that even she was disgusted, “Your regret does nothing for her. She still lies there practically dead because of you.” She shook her head is if that would keep my words from reaching her. I looked around and found the fairies’ eyes all downcast, “You all knew.” They refused to look at me, but at that point I had had enough anyhow. I picked Aurora up, and proceeded to take her from the room. Maleficent blocked my path, but flinched when I glared at her. “What are you doing?” “I’m going to save her. I don’t care how long it takes, but if you think during another second of that time I’m leaving her with you, then you must really be crazy.” I brushed past her without another word, and headed down to where I worked on my creations.

It was time to put that invention I had been tweaking to work. I called it a hibernation chamber, taking inspiration from bears in the winter. I placed her inside the chamber, and stopped for a moment. “True love’s kiss huh?” Bending down I pressed my lips to hers, and stood up waiting, but nothing happened. Shaking my head I closed the chamber, and continued on with the settings. Of course it didn’t work. There was no such thing as true love’s kiss. How could I believe in such a thing? I was a guy of science after all. With everything appearing to be in order, I set out for the next order of business, getting out of Hogwarts. Snatching my phone out of my pocket, I looked at the five numbers I had programmed in it. Mom, Dad, Timon, Pumbaa, and him. I pressed the last name, and waited anxiously while the phone rang. My mother had always said I could call this number if I needed help with anything of this nature, but I had a load of reservations. Would he really help when I had never even met him? He answered after only two rings, and after I gave him a quick overview of my situation and my location, he told me he would be there soon. Before I could securely place my phone back in my pocket, I felt a surge of energy near me and tensed up. A man appeared before, and I immediately recognized him as Sebastian from my parent’s description. He gave me a polite smile, “Hello Jack. We can go whenever you’re ready.”

I started to tell him I was ready now, but the door suddenly burst open. Ivy and Bane rushed over to us. “We finally found you.” She gushed out. “Yeah. I was just about to take off though.” They looked over the hibernation chamber, “This will keep her alive?” I nodded slowly, “Until I can cure her, yes.” “You don’t have to leave. There must be a way.” “You know there isn’t. Not with Maleficent here…” Sighing she gave me a long hug, “Take care of yourself and Aurora.” “I will.” After shaking hands with Bane I turned back to Sebastian, “Ok. I’m ready.” He placed one hand on my shoulder and one on the chamber, and before I knew it Hogwarts was long behind us. “Are you alright?” “I think so.” My stomach was still turning in circles. He gestured to the dark town before us, “This is Halloweentown.”

Danielle Haydis

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 66 – Sleeping Beauty
« Reply #395 on: October 28, 2014, 05:51:21 AM »
Welcome back, Mel! Great chapter as always.

Offline kaylas

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 66 – Sleeping Beauty
« Reply #396 on: October 28, 2014, 05:04:47 PM »
OhmyGosh!!! I love the Halloweentown movies! Welcome back Mel!  ;D  I was having a rough day and this made it better!
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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 66 – Sleeping Beauty
« Reply #397 on: October 28, 2014, 08:05:59 PM »
Nice chapter! I'm so glad that you are back Mel.

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 66 – Sleeping Beauty
« Reply #398 on: November 12, 2014, 01:11:12 AM »
Welcome back, Mel! Great chapter as always.
OhmyGosh!!! I love the Halloweentown movies! Welcome back Mel!  ;D  I was having a rough day and this made it better!
Nice chapter! I'm so glad that you are back Mel.
Thanks so much for the support guys!! I'm just glad to finally get back into the swing of things.

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The Magical World: Chapter 67 – The Pumpkin King
« Reply #399 on: November 12, 2014, 03:17:40 AM »

“Why is this place called Halloweentown?” I asked while we walked up toward City Hall. The town was dark to be sure, but hardly exuded Halloween cheer. Sebastian smiled to himself as if guessing my train of thought, “This is one of several towns that only celebrates one holiday. The very land adheres to holidays as well. Here in Halloweentown, it remains Fall all year long. Many years ago, the inhabitants worked daily towards making a wonderful Halloween, but alas things changed. They lost their taste for fear.” The thought made me shudder, “That’s awful.” “Haha. I’m hoping you can change all that. Mr. Mayor!” Sebastian suddenly called out to a man who stood cowering on the steps of city hall at the sound of his name. When we came into view, he relaxed and eased into a smile, “Ah it’s you. This must be Jack Skellington.” I extended my hand, “Yes, nice to meet you.” He looked me over while nodding his head, “You’ll fit in quite nicely here.” That’s when I noticed it was the middle of the day. Normally I would be ducking from the sun, or plastered in sunscreen. Yet here I was completely exposed and perfectly fine. The dark and clouded atmosphere of this town shaded my skin I realized. Yes, I would fit in nicely here.

After meeting with the Mayor, Sebastian took me to where I would be staying. Earlier he explained that he had already transported Aurora to this location. Although I trusted him, I was eager to check on her. My thoughts of Aurora were momentarily sidetracked, however, as we entered the house. “Oh Jack!” My mother squeezed me so tight I was sure she was going to crack a bone. I then braced myself for another bear hug from my father. They stood back for a moment and gave me a once over, “You’ve grown so much.” “Maybe you should think about actually sending us pictures of yourself with your inventions.” My mother soon caved again and went in for another hug, “We’re so proud of you.” It turns out my parents intended to stay here for quite some time while I got my bearings, leaving the company in the hands of Mr. Zazu for the time being. I had to admit after everything that happened at Hogwarts, I was really glad for the support.

Sebastian led me down to a secluded area of the house which held a secret passageway. After a brief check over Aurora, I set out to work, and before too long the area was filled with an array of all sorts of contraptions. My goals included two missions: the first was to discover a cure for Aurora, and the second was to save Halloweentown. Thankfully, everyone pitched in to help. Working with the Mayor, my second endeavor proved to be a lot more successful than my first. As I walked the streets these days, seeing them aglow with ghoulish delight, I realized the citizens of Halloweentown had never truly lost their taste for fear, but perhaps just forgot how to harness it. More and more they began to look to me in finding the true nature of Halloween, and year by year I brought frights and sights for all to relish in and be inspired by. It wasn’t until my latest unveiling at the Pumpkin Patch, however, that I was dubbed the Pumpkin King. How I took pride in such a title!

But alas, to keep up with such a demand was daunting. It became increasingly harder to top the last Halloween, and make this Halloween the scariest of all. It was during these times of struggle that I took to long periods of seclusion. Curious enough, one such seclusion led me to a path in the forest that I had never been down before. In front of me stood a collection of trees with all sorts of different decorations on them. I recognized symbols for Thanksgiving, Easter, and even New Year’s Day. Although the tree with a wreath drew my attention the most, there was something even more pressing to attend to, for in the middle of the trees stood a strange mechanism. As a man of science, I was infinitely curious as to how it worked. Taking one last look at the tree with the wreath, I stepped closer to the mechanism, and was shocked as it sprang to life and immediately sucked me in.

When I emerged from what I now would describe as a portal, the loveliest sight appeared before me. Aurora….was awake. How could this be? What was this magical place? “Jack? Welcome! It’s so good to see you!” Overcome by emotion and longing, when she went in for a hug, I collected her in a heat of the moment kiss, to which she pulled away from quickly. Confusion formed on her face as embarrassment clouded mine, “Oh Jack…I thought it was just a child’s crush. Have you cared for me all this time?” “Of course I have. How could there ever be anyone else?” “Jack, I’m married. I have a son. I’m so sorry…” “Wha- When? How did you even wake?” “I was awakened long after you had already died. And as for how, well true love’ kiss of course. It’s the most powerful thing in the world remember?” “True love’s kiss…” I practically spit out. Just then a man and a toddler approached us, “This is my husband Phillip Dashwood and our son, Jack. Phillip this is the Jack, from the past.” Past? She named her son after me?! So this was her true love and their true love’s progeny. Even worse when she told Phillip who I was his eyes lit up like lights, and he reached out his hand, “Wow! It’s an honor!” I sullenly shook his hand, “Yeah.” Picking up on the tension, Aurora turned to him, “Honey I think it’s time for Jack’s nap.” He gave her a quick kiss before heading back inside, and I felt a pang in my heart. With my thoughts of this being a magical place thoroughly crushed, I just wanted answers. She gave me an encouraging smile, “Will you walk with me?” “Yeah.”

After a silent walk, on my part, and an animated explanation by Aurora, we arrived at a nearby park, “So this is the future?” “Yes. More importantly this is the future of Halloweentown.” I looked around. No darkness, no Halloween decorations, no darkness. She laughed, “I know what you’re thinking. It looks nothing like it. That’s because a few years after the Pumpkin King passed,” she gave me a slight bow, “the leaders of the town decided to go in a different direction, taking your advancements in technology and creating a more beautiful and productive future. Thus Oasis Landing was born. But as none of this could have been possible without your work, a statue of you was placed here to commemorate you and your accomplishments.” I looked over the statue. So I managed to leave a footprint in the future. Thinking of that, something else came to mind, “So if I didn’t marry you, did I marry someone else? I mean do I have descendants here or something?” “You never married. I used to wonder why, but…” “Why did you name him after me? Your son.” “Do you know where Phillip found me? Perfectly preserved in the chamber that you built and placed in your home. You looked after me and protected me for so long. I can honestly say that you are the best friend I’ve ever had, and the greatest man I’ve ever known.” “But just a friend correct? Even with all that, you don’t love me.” She shook her head slowly. “Not that way.” Unable to look at her face any longer, I turned from her slightly, “What happened to my house?” “It still stands. Out there on the edge of town.” “I think I’ll go there for a while, and then I’ll go back to the past. I don’t belong here...” She grabbed my arm gently before I could walk away, “Jack, before you go, promise me you’ll come and see me one last time.” “I’ll see.”

A few days later I heard someone stumbling about downstairs. Rushing down, I found a woman in a heap on the floor. When I went to help her up I immediately noticed that she was light. Way lighter than she should be for an average sim, “Who are you? What are you doing in my house?” She bowed, “My apologies sir for that embarrassing and startling entrance. My name is Sally. I belong to Mrs. Dashwood. She sent me to see if you were intact. But, if I may sir, this house is actually open to the public for viewing now, but it is technically your house…” I had become aware of the fact myself yesterday afternoon. As I sat down for lunch, an old couple entered and immediately freaked out when they realized I was the real Jack Skellington from the past. I couldn’t get them to leave until I agreed to give them an autograph, “What do you mean you belong to Aurora? Are you her servant?” “In a way…I am her housebot.” My eyes nearly popped out of my head. I knew something was off about her, but I never quite expected this. “Come with me.”

I marched her right back to Aurora who greeted me with a smile, “You’ve finally come out. And as I can already see the questions forming in your blood vessels I’ll explain. I assume you already have become familiar with the plumbots around town knowing you.” A quick nod of my head urged her forward, “Well they were all based off of your original design for that simbot Billy, you remember? Sally here is the next evolution of bots, called a simbot 2.0. Unlike the plumbot who look more machine than sim, the simbots in the 2.0 line are designed to follow more closely with your original work in that they look and function more like sims.” I got close to Sally’s face, studying her details. She blinked, “I feel…uncomfortable.” “She has feelings! Remarkable...” “Of course. I told you they are made to function like sims.” “…I’d love to study her more, but it’s high time I leave this place.” “Not a problem. I’m sending Sally with you.” “What?” “Sally’s a sweet and capable girl, although a little clumsy. Besides I get the feeling that you’re not ok right now, and I’d feel better if someone was looking after you this time.” Sally bowed, “I’ll be happy to be of service sir.” “Just call me Jack.” “Jack.”

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 67 – The Pumpkin King
« Reply #400 on: November 13, 2014, 07:25:30 AM »
Well I had Aurora pegged as Jack's wife so now I'm wondering if Sally the Simbot 2.0 can fall in love as well as feel uncomfortable.  :P  Great update Mel and nice use of Midnight Hollows and Oasis Landing.
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 67 – The Pumpkin King
« Reply #401 on: December 21, 2014, 09:25:51 PM »
Well I had Aurora pegged as Jack's wife so now I'm wondering if Sally the Simbot 2.0 can fall in love as well as feel uncomfortable.  :P  Great update Mel and nice use of Midnight Hollows and Oasis Landing.
Haha that would have been an interesting twist indeed.

By the way sorry for the lack of updates. Finals had me quite pressed for time I'm afraid.  :(

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The Magical World: Chapter 68 – The Nightmare of Ambition (Part 1)
« Reply #402 on: December 21, 2014, 10:24:09 PM »

Oasis Landing, rather I should say, Halloweentown, was quite a thing to be seen in it’s past. So dark and dreary, and yet I found the people to be alight with mischief instead of grief or darkness. When Jack brought me to his home, which of course was now familiar to me, his pet dog Zero came to greet me whilst simultaneously running about my legs and phasing in and out of them. I instantly took a great deal of liking to him, which was lucky for Jack informed me that I was to be in charge of his care from now on. Jack and I set into an easy schedule with me managing the household, while he set about on his experiments. I loved this house. Every day I seemed to discover a new nook I hadn’t realized was there before. Some rooms held things of such joyful content that it surprised me for Jack always seemed a little sad. Rooms such as these, I must admit, made me long for children of my own one day. But I knew such thoughts were nonsensical for I was a simbot. I could never bear a child. There is one room that holds a very curious object, and when Jack caught me looking he instantly shooed me away. That door remains locked now.

Jack seemed a very lonely and private sort of man. With the return of his parents back to Roaring Heights, and their peculiar companion Sebastian along with them, Jack drowned himself in his work with very little social interaction. Although he put on a very jovial face in front of all the citizens of the town, the facade was instantly dropped once he retreated into the safety of his dwelling. I think I now understood why Aurora sent me to keep an eye on him, for he worked without thought for sleeping or eating. It was a wonder he wasn’t a sack of bones! Through my time with him, I developed a deep urging to get closer to him. The most logical way seemed through his work. After expressing an interest in becoming his work assistant, and proving myself useful with my limitless learning trait chip, he set me to work with minor tasks. Eventually, much to my surprise and delight, I became a vital part of his operations, taking on the role of more a partner than an assistant. Thinking of myself as Jack’s partner pleased me in more ways than I could ever possibly say…


Several months passed before I could bring myself to even think on that forest again. To think on the trees with the strange decorations, but more importantly the portal that would take me to her. Never in any of the scenarios of how this was all supposed to play out was she supposed to end up with someone else. Who could love her like I could?! As long as I could… I noticed when Sally began watching me like a hawk, analyzing…pitying! I needed her to be away from me, the one sent by Aurora, the one who made me think of Aurora. Any space she occupied in the house, I made sure I didn’t. But alas, she ventured there! To that room which must be forgotten. Why must I be vexed so! However, a thought occurred to me as she continually pestered me about my work, and made herself a fixture in my lab. Sally represents proof that Aurora does care for me, and the joy from such a revelation, no matter how small, is something I must cling to. For what else is a man to do, a man to hold on to, when he is so hopelessly in unrequited love?

Yes, I thought as I finally trekked back into that forest, Sally does bring me comfort. Although I doubt I could ever bring myself to say that out loud... Before too long I found myself face to face with the strange trees once more. I spared no glance toward the portal, for I knew there was nothing for me there. It was time to investigate the secrets of tree with the wreath, and I had feeling I knew what I would find. Like clockwork, as soon as I stepped in the near vicinity of the tree, a hole emerged in the middle of the wreath and sucked me in. When I stepped out and felt the crunch of snow beneath my feet, there was only one thing to say, “Christmastown.” Sebastian had told me there were a number of towns similar to Halloweentown, and now I knew that the forest was how you could travel to them all. Racing through the town I could hardly take in all the sights. Joy instead of fear, caring instead of scaring, it was all new and different. It was what I needed.

I wasn’t sure what I was looking for until I saw him, “Bring those parts around here, and take those into the workshop.” Without thinking I shouted out, “Sandy Claus!” Instantly cursing myself for my childhood habit, I ran over to introduce myself as he turned my way, “Hello, I’m Jack Skellington from Halloweentown.” He blinked in surprise, “Halloweentown you say, well what brings you here?” A few of the children gathered near us whispered amongst themselves about what exactly Halloweentown could be. I guess it was common for most people not to know about the other towns. That made me wonder if our mayor knew. Turning back to Santa I said, “I need to know all about Christmas.” And with that I ducked into the workshop, for I was sure the answers would lie in Santa’s lab as did the delights of Halloween lie in mine. Oblivious to the people shouting after me, I went to thoroughly examine the lab. Even though I was impressed by some of the machinery I saw, I found that all there was to Christmas was making toys and presents in machines and giving them to people. That shouldn’t be too hard.

Santa finally caught up with me, albeit a tad out of breath, “Jack, I think it best you go back home now. Why would you possibly need to know about Christmas?” I answered his question with a bright smile, “I’m taking over Christmas this year! Isn’t it great you can relax? I’ll be back in a few months.” Leaving an exasperated Santa behind, I headed back to Halloweentown feeling invigorated. I hadn’t felt this way since I first arrived here, and began my mission to revive Halloweentown. I set off to meet with the Mayor, which was my first of many disappointing visits. “You went to Christmastown?!” “So you do know what it is.” “It’s my job to know certain details about the town--” “And other towns for that matter.” He sighed, “Listen Jack, these towns are separated for a reason. I fear terrible things will happen if you outsiders try to meddle in another town’s affairs.” I waved him off while walking away, “Ah, you always fear. Don’t worry old friend, leave it to me!” However, I was met with the same resistance no matter who I talked to in town. Everyone was convinced that Halloween was the only holiday they should have anything to do with, and wondered at the fact that I sought to work on something besides Halloween. They all asked, "Were we skipping Halloween? If we all worked on Christmas, who would be left to work on Halloween?" Couldn’t they see the adventure in this?


By the time I returned home I was at my wit’s end. “I heard you had some disagreements with people in town. The neighbors called. They are worried about you Jack.” “There’s nothing wrong with me!” I turned to face her, “You will help me won’t you?” “Yes…but I still have to say I think it’s a bad idea.” I began to walk to my lab. She called from behind me, “What will you do?” I took out one of the pictures I snapped while in Santa’s lab, “I want you to build this. It is machine designed to assemble presents.” She took the picture to examine it while biting her lip. It was habit she had while she concentrated, but I’m not sure where she had picked it up. It intrigued me. Without looking up she asked, “And what will you be doing?” “Building a simbot 2.0.” She finally looked up with wide eyes, “Jack, those aren’t meant to be invented till well into the future.” “So what? I need a mass amount of important work done. Who better than a simbot?” "Then let me--” I turned away from her abruptly, “No! I…wouldn’t feel right. You’re a guest here. No, you live here. You’re not some machine worker.” I faced back towards her just in time to catch a glimpse of emotion she was desperately trying to hide, “Besides if those simbots are based on my original design than who better than me to build one. Perhaps in the alternate past I had no use for one, because I never traveled to the future and found out about them, or perhaps never traveled to Christmastown. There are infinite possibilities.”


Jack and I both set out to work on his mission, me with ultimate precaution, and him with amazing vigor. Soon enough I was able to produce a couple of the gift machines that worked as well as Jack remembered. He worked tirelessly on his simbot, and by courtesy of some of Zero’s suggestive howling he even gave the simbot a name, “Yes, Oogie Boogie has a nice ring to it.” Every step of the way Jack never ceased to marvel at Oogie Boogie’s perfection. Sometimes I even found myself to be quite jealous even though I knew the whole thing was ridiculous. At long last, Oogie Boogie was complete. After running extensive tests, Jack set Oogie to his tasks with satisfaction, and set off for the next step in his plan whatever that could be. As I watched Jack leave, I did not notice Oogie leave his post. I did not notice until he stood but a breath away from me, and the hairs on the back of my neck stood. Turning slowly, I chanced a gaze at him and his eyes pierced me. For a period of time, I know not how long, he studied me, looked through me, and after finding what he searched for reached for a lock of my hair. Wordlessly he returned to his post as if nothing had transpired, but I knew then…something was terribly wrong.


“I will make this right. I will make this right.” I see you there Jack Skellington. I will always watch you, you who keep me from her. “I will make this right. I will make this right.”

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 68 – The Nightmare of Ambition (Part 1)
« Reply #403 on: December 28, 2014, 04:07:35 PM »
I don't know who scares more more - Oogie Boogie or Maleficent!  I still have high hopes for Jack and Sally.  ::)
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Chapter 68 – The Nightmare of Ambition (Part 2)
« Reply #404 on: January 19, 2015, 07:34:06 PM »

“You told them to do what?!” “It’ll be fine. They will just keep Santa safe, and out of the way for a little while, leaving me free to run Christmas.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, “Jack, they are just children, and besides they are quite mischievous children at that…” He grasped my arms in an act that caught me completely off guard, “Everything will be fine. You’ll see.” Still whirling from his offhand touch I didn’t have time to retort before he moved off. I tried to believe in what he said, even though I still had my doubts. Unfortunately, my doubts were more than proved when I later caught sight of Shock, Lock, and Barrel at Gloomy Garden not watching Santa. Worse still, they were conversing with Oogie who was only meant to be going to the elixir shop and straight back home. Things were far worse than I had feared. I waited until Oogie parted ways with them to approach them, “What are you three up to, and what have you done with Santa?” They looked up at me with mixed expressions of shock, guilt, and annoyance. Finally Lock spoke up, “Oh you know we were just taking a break. The big guy’s mumbling got tiresome.” “Yeah tiresome.” Shock added. “And what does that have to do with Oogie Boogie?” They looked around at each other nervously, “Oh you know…he was giving us more orders from Jack.” “Orders…haha” Barrel laughed and Shock nudged him. Utterly discontent with the whole affair I shooed them off back to their post in the hopes that they would listen. Although I was certain that they would not. On my way back home I mulled over the current circumstances. There was Oogie’s peculiar behavior, captured Santa, and now the children’s mischievous involvement. It could all only point to one thing, Oogie meant to interfere with Jack’s plans for Christmas. Although he may have deeper intentions than that, for now this was all that was known.

Hurrying inside I found Jack in the living room, and after relaying to him all my suspicions he only had one thing to say, “It’s not possible.” I sighed in preparation for the rest of his argument, “Oogie is not even made to think on his own, only to follow command. Now I do not doubt you saw him conversing with the children, but I do not believe it was of his own doing. They must have stopped him while he was on his way back here. I’ll have to have a talk with them by the way.” His continued grumbling prevented me from saying that Oogie’s location was nowhere near where he should have been, but that point seemed irrelevant as the subject of our conversation appeared before us. Jack stopped grumbling, “Oogie you should be in the lab. Return to your duties.” Oogie simply cocked his head to the side as if contemplating what had just been said, but I knew he had no intention of complying. “My duties,” Oogie smiled, “have just begun. But yours, Jack, have come to an end. You were the creator, tasked with bringing forth perfection, rather...a new creator. I have arrived to put an end to all that is inferior, and call forth the age of the machine! As my creator, I would wish you to be the last human, to see your creation reach its full potential.” “So you would just destroy us?” Oogie raised a brow, “Us? You mean you and Sally?” He turned his piercing gaze upon me again, “Sally, the original perfection. Oh no, never her. But I’ll have to keep you busy for a while won’t I Jack?" He pointed at Jack dramatically, "I’ve stolen something from this house. Do you know what it is? Do you think you can find it in time before something you hold dear is destroyed forever? In the meantime I’ll be taking Sally with me.” Before either of us could move, Oogie had run across the room and knocked Jack over the couch. That’s the last thing I remember.


“Jack!” I heard Sally scream as I tumbled backwards, but by the time I was on my feet again there was no sign of either of them. “Sally! Sally!” I punched the wall. How could I be so foolish! At every turn she had warned me of my recklessness, and now I’ve lost her to a psychopath that I had unleashed on the unsuspecting world. “Jack!” I heard a woman cry out. “Sally!” I screamed out her name, but after hearing the voice over in my head knew instantly it wasn’t who I was looking for. But the voice I did recognize confused me all the more. “Jack!” Aurora came rushing into the room, and flung herself into my arms. After a moment she stepped back, “Oh thank goodness. I thought something had happened to you, because everything is so messed up. I just really don’t know what to do!” When I finally came to terms with the fact that she was actually standing here I shook my head, “Aurora calm down, tell me what happened.” “Is my body ok?” Suddenly Oogie’s comment about something stolen started to make me sick. I rushed to that room, and discovered that her body was indeed missing. When I returned to inform her of this she started to cry, “We have to do something. The future is in shambles. I was just holding little Jack in my arms and he disappeared right before my eyes. And when I went to Phillip to alert him of this, he didn’t even recognize me. I feel myself slowly fading away. Don’t you see? My future doesn’t exist anymore. Soon I will cease to exist. Oh Jack please help me!” I hugged her, “I’ll fix this. I promise. I’ll fix everything.”

“This is it. I said looking at the solution I had finally come up with. Damping nanites are naturally pretty lethal to any simbot who comes in contact with them, but when you use them to create a sinister chip* that simbot will perish within seconds of contact. Now all that’s left to do is figure out how he plans to destroy your body.” “I think we can help with that.” Shock, Lock, and Barrel came bumbling into my home, and I felt my patience run thin, “Forgive me, but I do believe you’ve ‘helped’ enough which we will talk about later, in detail.” Lock held his hands up, “He promised us goods.” “Which he didn’t deliver!” Shock added and then Lock stepped back in front of her, “In either case, we’ve seen the error of our ways, and have only come to make amends.” After thinking it over I realized that although they couldn’t really be trusted, they were most likely the only people with the information we needed at present, “Alright, what do you know?” “As to what you’re missing we saw him passing someone who looked like her,” he pointed to Aurora, “off to this woman with black wings and horns.” “Weird, haha.” Barrel laughed and Shock nudged him. Aurora and I exchanged a serious look, Maleficent. Aurora spoke up for the first time, “Did you see where she went?” “Off into the Dead Woods.” She looked at me, “We have to go!” I nodded at her, but I had a couple more question for the trio, “Where is Oogie now? What did he do with Santa and Sally?” “He has them both in his lair just past Curly Hill.”

*I am aware that you don't make a sinister trait chip with a damping nanite. It's all just for story purposes.  :)

Also I know this chapter is a bit shorter than normal, but I felt bad about not posting so I at least wanted to release a half chapter if you will.

