Author Topic: The Magical World: Chapter 79 – The Queen, The Rabbit, and the Boys in Shadow  (Read 149208 times)

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 51 – My Other Half
« Reply #315 on: May 28, 2014, 04:36:48 AM »
OMG this is so intriguing!  How can someone be so evil to your own twin brother?!  :o  Come on team Ariel, it's time to step up to the plate and save the day again!
Haha. Well i'm sure Trinity would do almost anything if it meant seeing Ariel's demise. But yeah it is time for them to finish this.

Wow, Trinity turned out to be really evil. Thank goodness Ariel has all those good sisters and brothers ... and good old Sebastian of course. As scary as Trinity is, I am hopeful that Ariel and Eric will get their happy ending soon!
Trinity is pretty evil, it doesn't get much better in the next chapter either lol.
But yeah Ariel does have a lot of those.

Ruh roh, her purple skin deformation is no longer hidden. Watch out, y'all!
Yep! I find that when a lot evil character's true natures or schemes get revealed, they tend to get even more ruthless.

Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Chapter 52 – True Love’s Kiss
« Reply #316 on: May 28, 2014, 04:54:57 AM »

When we arrived home I started for the front door, but Rory stopped me, “She is in the backyard.” I inhaled sharply as I took in Trinity’s appearance, and noticed I wasn’t the only one startled. Her once tan skin was purple, and her hair was bone white. She smiled, “I’ve been waiting for you.” I moved to try to talk sense into her, but Rey held up his hand, “Go to Eric. She is probably keeping him upstairs.” That’s right…I had to save him! Trinity laughed and called after me, “Yes. Yes. Go to him. I’ll dispatch this lot first, and then I’ll be up to deal with you when you have no one left to protect you from me.”


I looked over the foursome in their battle stances, and thought quickly of all the things I knew about them. My eyes flicked to Aurelia, and then I turned and bolted away from them. “Not so fast!” She shouted charging after me. I had to laugh to myself. She always was a rash one. Being born the first of the quads, she always rushed in, and although Aurelius was the one teased for grumpiness, she was the one with anger issues. Spinning around I engaged her in battle which caught her off guard, but she still fought well as expected. Nevertheless, as I had reached my objective of getting her alone, she was no match for me.

Screaming in rage at watching me dispatch Aurelia, my next victim came running at me. My heart raced in delight as yet another sibling acted just as I planned. There was no one more important to Aurelius than Aurelia. I knew in taking her down first, he would be blinded with hate. So how best to deal with such a situation? Well set him ablaze with the flames that burn inside him of course. I watched as he was singed and fell to the ground choking on the smoke. Seeing those two fall, I knew that the others would be a bit more cautious. We slowly circled each other, and they nodded at each, “Together.”

They both aimed a fire blast at me, but at the last minute I teleported behind them. Now having the upper hand in their confusion, I blasted Aurora with an ice blast to incapacitate her. That just left Athena, arguably the wisest and strongest of the quads. At first I hit her with light magic, but I should have known better then to try to fight a good witch with that type of magic. She soon began to absorb it, and channel it for her own power. “Well if that doesn’t work…” I set her aflame too. To her credit she attempted to cast an ice blast on herself to put it out, but it was no use. She soon passed out from inhaling the smoke.

I looked around the yard, marveling at my work, and then thought how best to finish them for good. I raised my hand to create a giant energy ball, and then froze. Believe me I was not frozen of my own will. Someone was doing this to me, but who could possibly be left to do such a thing. Using every ounce of strength I had, I slowly forced my head in the direction I felt magic surging. My eyes widened in horror as I saw the one witch I feared could stop me. She stood chanting a spell in between my aunt, the werewolf, and her vampire boyfriend. These must be the people who were on their way. Blast! I was a fool! I should have planned for this…


I threw yet another book down on the floor in Trinity’s room, still not finding what I was searching for. Casting a glance back at Eric’s statue, I felt a knot grow in my stomach. What if I never found the solution? Where was it? Surely it had to be in here somewhere. But five books and seven scrolls later I just crumbled to the floor, crying tears of frustration, “What should I do?” “How about true love’s kiss?” I heard someone say from the doorway. I jumped up to see my mom’s old friend Kamaria. Out of anyone she would know the answer, “A kiss? But…” For the first time since I had begun seeking a true love’s kiss from Eric, I started to question whether or not I actually was his true love.

Getting an encouraging nod from Kamaria, I gathered my courage and pressed my lips to the cold statue. In seconds the cold was replaced with Eric’s warm embrace, as he collected me in his arms for a deep kiss. Finally parting I stared in his eyes in wonder, “Oh Eric!” “Ariel…I love you.” I blinked hard, vision blurring from my tears, “I love you too.” Kamaria cleared her throat and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. She smiled, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but you might want to come outside.” Eric and I exchanged a look. That’s right, Trinity.


When the spell stopped I could finally move again, but I was slumped over in exhaustion. She had taken my magic! But why did it make me feel this way? Almost as if she had stolen all my energy, my very life essence. Straightening up I slowly realized I still had a handle on the magic I had consumed from Tristian thankfully. This realization hadn’t come a moment too soon, because it was then that I saw the vampire charging straight at me. Thinking quickly I hit him with a daylight charm which brought him crashing to his knees. Sunlight may not kill vampires immediately, but it is very painful for them until it eventually causes them to burst into flames. However, I was so focused on him that I never even noticed my aunt Ravenna sneak up behind me and place me in a sleeper hold. Curse that monstrous werewolf strength! I was fading out before I even had time to think about a countermeasure. Somewhere around me I heard my father say, “Don’t hurt her please. She is still precious to me.” Just before I drifted off into oblivion, one lone tear glided down my cheek.


We got outside just in time to see aunt Ravenna tossing an unconcious Trinity over her shoulder. It was really over? She then walked over and inspected her boyfriend for damage. His normally pale skin was tinged with red patches, I’m guessing from the altercation with Trinity. “Are you alright?” She asked him. “I’ll be fine. I heal quickly.” He assured her. Joining them Kamaria made an announcement, “We’re going to be taking this one to what we’ll call a…behavior adjustment facility. And with any luck we can help her find her way again.” My mom looked worried, “Is it far? Will the treatment be harsh? How long will she be gone?” Aunt Ravenna reached out and patted my mom on the shoulder, “We can’t tell you all the specifics honey, but I promise we will take good care of her. Sebastian agreed to come with us for a while so she will have a familiar face.”

Kamaria glanced toward the house as the quads, minus Rey, began to gather around as well, “There is one more urgent matter that you’ll want to attend to. To get as powerful as she was, she drained Tristian of his magic. But I don’t think she fully understood what that meant. A witch’s magic is tied to their life force. So when she took his magic she nearly destroyed him in the process." There was a collective gasp rippling through the gathered group as that bomb was dropped. She quickly added, “Thankfully, I found him and was able to stabilize him. But you will need to take him to the hospital for care, as he is in a comatose state at present. He will recover but it will take time.”  “That’s why she was so strong…” Athena grumbled. “Will we be able to contact her?” I said in a small voice.

Everyone looked at me in surprise. Eric squeezed my hand which gave me encouragement. “I mean I know we probably can’t visit or anything, but will we be able to talk to her?” Kamaria and aunt Ravenna exchanged a look and then my aunt said, “I think letters should be ok. We’ll send you an appropriate address.” I smiled, “Thanks.” Mr. Van Gould spoke up, “We should probably get going.” Kamaria looked around at us, “Right. Well goodbye for now.” Aunt Ravenna collected us all in awkward hugs, and Mr. Van Gould just gave a respectful nod. With that they loaded themselves and Trinity in a car and rode off. I knew it would be a long time before I saw her again.

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Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 52 – True Love’s Kiss
« Reply #317 on: May 28, 2014, 07:27:40 AM »
I loved the return of Kamaria, Ravenna and Ayden.  Although since it took all of them to take down such a nasty character, somehow... I don't think it's over.  ;)  I hope Tristian gets better soon.
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
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Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 52 – True Love’s Kiss
« Reply #318 on: May 28, 2014, 10:58:15 PM »
I do wish you wouldn't post updates at a time where they are new when I wake up in the morning and thus put me at risk for missing my train. EVERY TIME. I cannot help myself. I have literally gone to work without foundation because I read your updates instead. WHOOPS.

Offline VioletG

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 52 – True Love’s Kiss
« Reply #319 on: May 30, 2014, 12:17:57 PM »
Wow, Ariel is way too nice! But maybe with her good influence Trinity will get better ... maybe?

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 52 – True Love’s Kiss
« Reply #320 on: June 12, 2014, 01:17:48 AM »
I loved the return of Kamaria, Ravenna and Ayden.  Although since it took all of them to take down such a nasty character, somehow... I don't think it's over.  ;)  I hope Tristian gets better soon.
Hm the physical battle is definitely over, but they have quite an uphill battle ahead of them mentally. So in that respect, you could say it's not quite over. It will take some time before good ole Tristian is on his feet again.

I do wish you wouldn't post updates at a time where they are new when I wake up in the morning and thus put me at risk for missing my train. EVERY TIME. I cannot help myself. I have literally gone to work without foundation because I read your updates instead. WHOOPS.
Oh no lol. I don't mean to post around then. It just always ends up taking all day. Then next thing it's well after midnight, and i'm finally hitting the post button. I'll try to do better in the future lol.

Wow, Ariel is way too nice! But maybe with her good influence Trinity will get better ... maybe?
Yeah she is a bit of a softey, but it is hard to give up on one's family or the ones we love. No matter how much they may hurt us.

So I just wanted to apologize for the lack of updates. My husband just came back from his deployment, and i'm in transition from moving from one state to another. I should be posting as usual next week, beginning with a side story showing how our dear Trinity is getting along, and then I'll move into the next heir's arc. Thanks for the patience!!  :)

Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Side Story #2 – Redemption (Part 1)
« Reply #321 on: June 19, 2014, 03:29:31 AM »

What is this….this pressure? I slowly came to and groggily looked around the room. I sat on a square patch surrounded by water. The floor that filled the rest of the room was loaded with these wretchedly bright lights. Just looking at them for too long gave me great pain, and if I tried to get close to one the pain grew. Clutching my head, I tried to remember how I had come to be in such a place. Images of the assault on my family flashed before my eyes, and as I heard my father’s last words replay in my head, the idea of it all somehow made me shiver. But I steeled myself as the door opened and my captors entered, “It’s good you’re awake Trinity. We have work to do.”

Kamaria teleported me out of the square, and they immediately formed a defensive triangle around me as we made our way to an unknown location. Kamaria walked ahead, “The lights in your room are composed of pure light magic. That’s why you feel the resistance that you do, call it an opposing force. As long as darkness remains inside you, the lights will continue to cause you to suffer.” She turned around to face me, “The moment you have the ability to leave that room yourself, you can consider yourself free from us and all this, and you are free to go. Until then, why don’t we get you started down your true path.” She gestured into a room, and I just rolled my eyes and ducked inside.

The room was dimly lit, and held little more than the standard crystal ball. But what did catch my eye was Sebastian eagerly waiting in the corner. He perked up when I entered, and moved to come over to me but my aunt stopped him, “Keep your distance. She is still dangerous.” He nodded and stayed in place. I tried to mask my disappointment with indifference, and simply told myself over and over again that he was on their side instead of mine. Moving to the ball Kamaria gave me a small smile, “Please sit down.” “What, you going to tell me my future?” I scoffed. Looking around though, I started to realize that despite her polite question, I didn’t really have much of a choice, and sat with all the hostility I could muster. “Look into the ball.” “Yeah this is not my first rodeo lady.” She smiled again and then turned my world upside down.

“Look closely there. What do you see?” Before me appeared an image of Tristian in the hospital. My parents were crying over him, doing their best to keep it together. I shook my head, “I don’t understand. What happened to him?” She stared at me with cold eyes, “You. Do you remember the feeling when I took your magic? You felt weak. Cold. Almost as if I had sucked out your very spirit. A witch’s magic is like their life force, and you nearly drained him for every last drop.” I felt my blood run cold, “N-no…,” I stammered, “That’s not possible…” But even as I spoke those words, I knew what she said was the truth. She carried on relentlessly, “Following your blind hatred you could have destroyed him. Your own twin. Your other half.” I jumped up, nearly knocking the crystal ball to the floor, , “SHUT UP!! JUST SHUT UP!!” I looked around the room with mad eyes, “Take me back to my cell…”


Ayden had a pensive look on his face, “Is it really ok for us to be doing nothing? I mean she has been really quiet these past few weeks.” Sitting down beside him I began, “Well that’s where you have it all wrong. Technically what we are doing is waiting. We can’t help her unless she decides she wants our help. And that leads to the second part. She is not quiet, she’s restless and in a constant battle with her actions and inner demons right now. And hopefully, when she makes some lead way in that battle, she’ll decide that she wants our help fighting it. But the first steps she has to make alone.” Thinking the conversation over, I moved to get ready for bed, but he grabbed my hands, “Hm, ok I believe I understand, but are you alright?” “Yeah. I’m fine. Why?” “You’ve been distant…,” just when I was about to remind him of my loner trait he added, “…more than usual.” Avoiding his eye I murmured, “Well you know I’ve just been having those nightmares.” “Do you want to talk about it?” “No.” I said a little too quickly.

His face grew serious, “Ravenna…” With another thought crossing my mind I blurted out, “You know you never gave me a response about our age difference.” He groaned, “Does it really bother you?” “Yes! I could be like your granddaughter or something.” “I really don’t want to think about that.” He said making a face. “Well it’s true…” “Alright, fine. The reason it doesn’t bother me, is because despite all this ‘mental maturity and experience’ you say I have, I’ve been utterly clueless from the moment I met you. And that lets me know that no matter how much knowledge you already possess, there is always more to learn, and I have learned a lot from you.”

“Really?” “Yes… Is that a smile?” “No…” He then suddenly began to tickle me. “Stop it!” Sobering up from laughter, his face became serious again and he stroked my cheek, “I love you.” “I love you too.” He bit his lip and it was my turn to groan as I realized where he was going with this, “Marry me.” “Ayden…can we talk about this later?” “You always say that. Besides I answered your big question, so I think it’s time you at least bothered to address mine.” “I think it’s best if we stick to one problem at a time.” He cocked a brow, “Marriage is a problem now?” But seeing my distraught face, he finally softened, and collected me in his arms chuckling, “Alright, we’ll talk about it later. But remember you can’t run from me, because I’m not going anywhere.” “I hope not.”


Backing up as close to the edge of the square platform as I could without risk of arousing the sting of the lights, I began to rock back and forth, desperately trying to will away the sight in front of me. “Get out of here!” I hissed at him. “You’re not real. You can’t be real…” There staring me down with eyes as cold as death was my twin, Tristian. There was no transparency, no angelic glow, just a solid body of torment. He raised a shaky, accusatory finger at me, but mouthed words I could not hear. I raked my fingers through my hair in frustration, “What? I can’t hear. I don’t understand. What do you want from me?!” His sudden shout nearly sent me hurtling back into the surrounding water, “RELEASE ME!!”

“Wha-- Release you from where? I don’t get it!” However from the look of complete abhorrence on his face, I could tell I would get no more answers from him. In fact, it looked as if he might attack me at a moment’s notice. Taking my chances I still tried to reason with him, “Please, just tell me what you mean, and I’ll do whatever you want. I promise you.” Still getting no response I ran over to him screaming, “Please tell me what to do!!” But the moment I reached where he was he vanished, and I lost my balance, landing way too close to the edge of the platform. Screaming, I slid back as the action had ignited a response from the lights. I just curled up in a ball and cried.

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Offline Lisa46

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Re: The Magical World: Side Story #2 – Redemption (Part 1)
« Reply #322 on: June 19, 2014, 04:19:52 AM »

Um, getting intense! And again, how do you even get these great screenshots?

Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: The Magical World: Side Story #2 – Redemption (Part 1)
« Reply #323 on: June 19, 2014, 09:03:45 AM »
Nice story update. I guess that Ariel and Eric will now live happily and Trinity will get her own medicine. Waiting for next part of the story.
Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Side Story #2 – Redemption (Part 1)
« Reply #324 on: June 19, 2014, 04:49:45 PM »
Yeah for Ayden and Ravenna!   ;)  So Trinity is getting her comeuppance.  About time!
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
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Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Side Story #2 – Redemption (Part 1)
« Reply #325 on: June 21, 2014, 02:36:52 AM »

Um, getting intense! And again, how do you even get these great screenshots?
Haha. And I get them with lots of luck, and the magic of the poseplayer and OMSP.

Nice story update. I guess that Ariel and Eric will now live happily and Trinity will get her own medicine. Waiting for next part of the story.
Yes it is finally time for them to be happy. I think I put those two through quite enough lol.

Yeah for Ayden and Ravenna!   ;)  So Trinity is getting her comeuppance.  About time!
Hehe I love them. And yes, her actions were bound to catch up to her at some point.

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Re: The Magical World: Side Story #2 – Redemption (Part 1)
« Reply #326 on: June 21, 2014, 02:44:54 AM »
Ayden and Ravenne truly are the best! It's great that Trinity gets a chance to reform and I think it can only mean good things for her character. They should open up a Villanous Reformation Resort and help out all the villains become anti-heroes who go on great adventures to atone for their sins and- right, I'm quiet now, but if you couldn't tell, I sort of have a thing for anti-heroes.

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Side Story #2 – Redemption (Part 1)
« Reply #327 on: June 21, 2014, 02:58:17 AM »
Ayden and Ravenne truly are the best! It's great that Trinity gets a chance to reform and I think it can only mean good things for her character. They should open up a Villanous Reformation Resort and help out all the villains become anti-heroes who go on great adventures to atone for their sins and- right, I'm quiet now, but if you couldn't tell, I sort of have a thing for anti-heroes.
Haha that would be comically wonderful.
And yes I can tell, but there's nothing wrong with that.

Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Side Story #2 – Redemption (Part 2)
« Reply #328 on: June 21, 2014, 03:29:35 AM »

“Shut up…shut up…get out of my head!!” I bolted awake sweating heavily. Ayden sat staring at me with one eyebrow raised, “Another one?” “It’s nothing.” I said without looking at him. He sighed, “When you want to talk about it let me know.” “I’m going to get some water.” I left the room quickly. How could I possibly tell him I was still seeing the people I had killed? That I heard them laugh at me, curse me, tell me I was just as bad as they were. I knew that in those moments what I had done was the right thing. I had to protect myself. I had to protect those I loved. But somehow lately these dreams just made me doubt myself, and I don’t know…feel guilty.

I started for the kitchen, but then suddenly changed course to my usual place when the dreams woke me at night. Looking in on Trinity, I saw her wound up tightly in ball as usual. Sighing I shook my head, “This has to stop…for both of us.” I walked in, deactivated some lights, and sat in front of her. She didn’t move an inch, but I started talking anyway, “You’ve been having a rough time. Heck you didn’t even want to celebrate your birthday. I remember when you were a little girl you used to demand that you would have the biggest parties, and everyone had to come and adore you.” She suddenly grumbled, “Yeah I certainly loved attention, and look where it got me.” Smiling at completing my first task of rousing her, I pushed forward, “Yeah you did many interesting things. One of which, if I’m not mistaken, followed you here. Does he come every night? Tristian, I mean.”

She shot up, sitting up straight with wide eyes, “Do you see him too?!” Smiling again as task two was complete I shook my head, “No. I see my own demons. For years now, the people I’ve killed come to me. While I’m awake, but mostly while I sleep. They haunt me. Ever since that night I came in contact with that blasted dragon cave…” “Dragon cave?” “Nevermind that. My point is I’ve spent all this time trying to figure out why I see them. You know, what I could have possibly done wrong. And I think I’ve realized something important, I’m haunting myself.” She scrunched up her face, “I don’t understand.” “The only reason I see them is because on some level I feel guilty about hurting them, even though I know I had to. Killing someone takes a toll on you. That’s especially why I had to do it in the place of Snow back then, and that’s why I need to help you now. You got way too close.”

She looked at me with tears threatening to fall down her cheeks, “So what do you do to get it to stop?” “You forgive yourself and let go of anything you are holding on to.” She made a sound that was half a laugh and half a sob. Standing, she turned her back to me, “How I could possibly do that? I can’t forgive myself when he hasn’t forgiven me. He will never forgive me. And besides I don’t even know what I’m holding, what I’m supposed to release…” “I know a thing or two about being a twin, and believe me when I say that there is this unimaginable bond that will always bring you back to one another. As for the other thing, well, you’ll figure it out.” I turned to leave the room. “Aunt Ravenna? I think I want that help now.” I smiled, “We’ll start tomorrow morning.” Task three complete.


I read the letter from home for what had to be like the hundredth time:

Dear Trinity,

   First I just wanted to say that we all miss you very much. I’m not sure how you will feel exactly about receiving this letter from me, but I hope you will receive it just the same. It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve seen you. Two years is a long time, but I hope you are doing well. Sebastian came back finally after the first year, but he refused to say much more other than that you were healthy and alive. Tristian is still in a coma…but the doctors say he is doing much better every day. Oh, the quads are seniors now. I can scarcely believe it!

Per “ritual” mom and dad took them all out to buy cars. I don’t think the roads will be safe for the next few years, if you ask me. Eric and I have graduated from college, and have decided to get married. I wanted to wait, given all that’s going on with you and Tristian, but mom and dad insisted that we can’t just put life on pause forever. But I know it won’t be forever. Trinity please come. Please come to my wedding. I want you to be there. You are my sister. I believe in my heart that Tristian will wake up, and he’ll sit smiling that silly grin as I walk down the aisle. And you’ll emerge in a pretty dress and clap and throw rice with everyone. I’ve seen it, once upon a dream. Please help my dream come true.


I folded up the letter and sighed, mentally preparing myself for what I knew would be another grueling session. When we got outside Kamaria gave me a hopeful look, “Ready to try again?” My mind instantly flashed back to our first session after I finally agreed to let them help me through my crisis. It was the first time I had come outdoors of my own volition. Usually they had to drag me out for regular intervals, so that I wouldn’t become vitamin D deficient. Kamaria stood before me while my aunt and Ayden watched from the side. “Conjuring is base magic privy to all witches, regardless of whether or not they have been taught properly. We will begin with you attempting to conjure an apple.” I rolled my eyes, “I could conjure when I was three. Could we try something a little more challenging?”

She smirked at me, “You wanted our help. We’ll start here, so just conjure an apple please. An apple of great quality if you will.” Making a smug face I held out my hand and produced an apple, but to my horror it turned out to be poisoned. “Wait…I’m just rusty. Let me try it again.” She held up her hands, “By all means, go ahead.” Confidence quickly fading, I tried again and again to produce even a normal quality apple, but each time the result was the same. Kamaria finally spoke up, “That’s enough.” Holding out her hand, she produced a perfect quality apple instantly. I glared in envy.

“Do you understand? Your apples will remain poisoned until you let go of dark magic. I will guide you back to the light, but you have to follow. The road won’t be easy. Now, are you ready to try again?” Snapping back to the present, I looked at her with determined eyes, “I’m ready.” As soon as I was alone in my cell, I fell to the floor and slammed my fist on the ground. Why were they always poison?! But I knew the reason, it’s because I was poison. It’s because I couldn’t let go… Like clockwork I heard him shudder into the room behind me. I turned to him begrudgingly, not in the mood to think today. That’s when I noticed for once he wasn’t giving me the cold stare. Instead he was looking off towards the letter Ariel had sent. Thinking about her dream made me cringe, because I knew Tristian would not get better in time. And worse, it was all my fault… Wait, it was my fault!

The thoughts ran through my head so quickly, and I jumped up from the excitement. As if noticing my revelation, Tristian’s eyes flicked towards me with anticipation. I shouted at him, “Release you! Your magic? Your life force! It’s why you are not getting better. I never gave it back. I never let it go. Am I right?” He held out a hand to me, “Release me.” I took the fact that he wasn’t shouting at me this time as I sign that I was on the right track, “I’m not sure exactly how though…” I was knocked out when Kamaria gave me back my magic. He just shook the hand he had extended. I looked at it warily, thinking of the last time I tried to touch him, “Do I take it?” A final nod from him was all I needed. Slowly I walked over and took his hand. To my surprise, he pulled me into a hug. I closed my eyes, and drifted off into bright lights.

“Trinity. Hey, open your eyes. I doubt we have a lot of time.” It couldn’t be, “Tristian?!” I opened my eyes, and found myself in a white room. Once again Tristian stood before me, but it was different this time I could feel it. It was really him. Somehow tears immediately began to make their way down my face, “I am so sorry! I don’t know how you could ever forgive me, but you have to believe me, I had no idea that magic was tied to life. Otherwise I never would have… I understand if you hate me.” He arched an eyebrow and scratched his head, “Uh I don’t know Trinity, what can I say? Am I angry that you put me in a coma, and made me miss two years of my life…and swimming? Yes. I mean my muscles have totally atrophied, and I could have been training for the Olympics by now. But that’s exactly what I’d rather spend my energy on, swimming, not hating you. Besides, holding on to grudges and being mopey was never my style.”

I stared at him mystified, “I don’t know what to say…” “Easy. Say you’ll come to the wedding that you read about in the letter.” I shook my head, “Oh no. I can’t show up there. I’m not ready. No one wants to see me there.” He pinched me, “That’s payback for the coma, and I seem to recall you being personally invited by the bride. Now I do expect to see you there or I’m officially unforgiving you. Bye twin!” Before I could shout after him, he was already gone, and I stood back in my cell. Kamaria informed me later that day that he had really woken up from his coma.

The next day at our session I sat on the ground and thought long and hard before doing anything. I had to make this happen if I wanted to see my family, if I wanted to keep my brother’s forgiveness, and if I wanted to make my…sister’s dream come true. Tristian wasn’t the only person I needed to apologize to. And if I was going to do this, now was the time.  I finally stood and looked around. Ayden gave me an encouraging nod and rare smile, Kamaria patted my shoulder, and aunt Ravenna stood glowing with pride. Of course that could also be the glow of her pregnancy. Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself, held out my hand and conjured the apple. Everyone gasped, my eyes widened looking around for answers, yet I received none. Only the sound of my frantic heart pulsed in my ears as I stared down at my hand in confusion.


Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Side Story #2 – Redemption (Part 2)
« Reply #329 on: June 21, 2014, 05:09:24 AM »
Yay Ravenna's pregnant!   ;D ;D ;D  Good on you Trinity.  You can overcome this.  You have to!
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

