Author Topic: The Magical World: Chapter 79 – The Queen, The Rabbit, and the Boys in Shadow  (Read 149122 times)

Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Chapter 49 – Sister
« Reply #285 on: April 27, 2014, 07:30:04 PM »

Triton sat typing away on his report on Alfonso Alto while I meditated on the study floor. I heard Trinity breeze into the room in high spirits, “You wanted to talk to me Dad?” Triton continued his steady taps on the keyboard, “Yes. I’m afraid we are going to have to reschedule our run for this morning dearest. I have to drive Ariel to school.” Trinity’s mood changed drastically, “Why?” He must have picked up on the change as well, because I heard the typing stop, “Her car broke down.” “Why can’t she just run…like we were supposed to do?” I stopped meditating then, saw him sigh and rub his temples, “It’s summer. You know she will dehydrate if she ran in this heat.” “Then she can take a water bucket for all I care!”

“THAT’S ENOUGH!!” he shouted while jumping out of his chair, and slamming his hands down on the desk. The sound startled me, but Trinity puffed her chest out refusing to back down. “No! Apparently it’s not! It won’t be until you people realize that the little, mermaid ABOMINATION is not worth ANY of our time!” My hands flew to my mouth as I gasped. The mixture of shock and hurt on Triton’s face was undeniable. He spoke the next words slowly and fiercely, “Trinity Ursula King…you will never say anything like that again. Do you understand? She is your sister.” She shook her head slowly and raised an eyebrow, “Is she?” With that she stomped out of the room. Triton slumped into his chair visibly shaken, and I went over to him, “What do you think she meant? What was that even about?” He stared off at nothing, “I have no idea…”


“I hardly have anything else to weigh in on the subject except this,” Athena was saying as her, Rory, and I sat down to breakfast in the kitchen. **“If I were to love a man he would have to come with wisdom and vitality. A man with wisdom would come with age, and someone with too much age is not for me. That leaves the man with vitality which comes with youth, and someone too immature, my dears, well...I am not for him.” “Is it not possible for a man to be both wise and full of vitality all at once?” Rory asked innocently with her head cocked to the side. Athena gave her this look of incredulity, “Of course it’s not possible. That would mean that there was such a thing as perfection, and furthermore that my true love could exist. True love and perfection don’t exist.”

“Don’t they?” I said suddenly staring off into space. Snapping out of it, I realized they were staring at me, “Well I just meant that if you really love someone, even their flaws become things you find peace and revel in, because that’s what makes them…well them and you wouldn’t want them any other way. So in a sense I believe it’s possible for that person to reach a state of perfection, at least in the eyes of their lover. And such a love would have to be true love wouldn’t it?”

When they both continued to stare at me with their mouths open, I decided to take my leave. My car was busted so my dad had to drop me off at school, but the whole ride over he seemed on edge. I tried to discern if I had done something wrong, and while he assured me everything was alright, I could tell that the smile he plastered on his face was forced. Shaking it off, I just started to focus on my classes for the day. It had been two years since I graduated from high school, but every time I came to school I still thought of him. Giving myself a not so mental shake as I noticed several people shoot me weird looks, I went to sit down in the classroom.

“Ariel! Is this seat taken?” My whole body froze. That voice…it couldn’t be. I slowly looked up, and was sure I felt my heart burst into a field of flowers. Somehow Eric stood there smiling down at me. “E-Eric?” I heard the squeak in my voice, and was unfortunately reminded of our first interaction in the library. I cleared my throat, “Um, no it’s not taken.” “Great,” he said sitting down. “I was hoping I’d see you around, but I didn’t think it would be this soon. I also didn’t think we would have a class together. This is going to be awesome.” Awesome couldn’t even begin to cover it for me. How was this possible? My head was an explosion of questions and daydreams as I completely blotted out the lecture and gazed at his face.

After class we stopped for a moment to chat out in the hall, “Oh man it’s been awhile. That school was pretty demanding. I didn’t even get to come back for holidays like I thought I would. But I finally was able to convince my parents that my heart was here.” “Oh I see,” I said pensively, but there was another question that was nagging at the back of my head, “Is Palmira going to be at this school as well?” He frowned and looked down the hall towards a couple arguing, “No. She’s doing her own thing. We broke up during our first semester there. I honestly don’t know why we even… It was like I was under some kind spell.” He looked back at me then, “A spell which I’m completely over, and I’m totally single by the way.” I noticed he emphasized the words ‘over’ and ‘single’. “Oh ok,” I laughed nervously and tucked a lock of hair behind my ear.

“Hey Rebecca’s Café is next door. Do you maybe have time to go and hang out for a bit?” “Sure.” The cafe wasn’t anything fancy, but being right next to the college it was always pumped full of students, needing a snack or a fix of caffeine to get through whatever the day or night brought. Eric got a brownie and a greenleafapalooza, while I just got a peppermint tea. We found a table toward the outskirts of the place, and fell easily into a conversation about ancient civilizations and adventures. It was honestly like he had never left. After a while his phone rang:

Eric: “Hello?”
??: “Hey man, I have to take my mom to the doctor. Do you think you could take my shift?”
Eric: “Right now?”
??: “Yeah. I’m supposed to be there in like thirty minutes.”
Eric: “Alright. I got it covered.”
??: “Thanks dude! I owe you one.”

He hung up, “Sorry about that. I got a job as lifeguard while I’m here, and my coworker Sean, Joel’s older brother, needs me to go in for him right now. I hate to cut this short though, because I was really enjoying the conversation.” “Oh it’s ok. Duty calls right?” I laughed. “Yep.” We walked outside and headed back towards the college, “I’ll walk you to your car.” I stopped, “Oh I actually got a ride. My car is broken.” “Oh well then I’ll drive you home.” “No. No. You need to go to work. I don’t want to hold you up,” I said waving my hands frantically. “I insist. Come on.” Not coming up with any better excuses, he ended up taking me home. We listened to a geek rock station, and discovered that it was both our favorite type of music. He opened my door when we got to my house and I smiled nervously, “Thanks for the ride and stuff.” “I really enjoyed today. We should definitely hang out again soon. Like real soon. Well I gotta go. See ya!” “See ya.”

I walked right into the house, and fell into the first couch I could find. My head was exploding again into a mess of uncertainties and deluded fantasies. Here he was after all this time, still ‘perfect’ and apparently ‘single’. But wasn’t I kidding myself to think that just because those combination of things had suddenly fallen into place, that it meant we could be together? I mean he did date Palmira. Doesn’t that mean I am clearly not his type? “UGH!!” I let out a frustrated exclamation as I grabbed my hair and then banged the couch.

“Whoa there, looks like someone is wound up tight.” I looked up to see Trinity gawking at me in surprise. “I’m sorry. I was just a little confused,” I said utterly mortified. “A little? It seemed like you were going to rip your hair out,” she laughed. Then she gave me a thoughtful look and added, “Tell you what? Why don’t you come to my room, and we’ll talk about it.” I looked at her warily, “Really? We haven’t been close since we were younger.” “I know. We’ve had our rough patches, but don’t most siblings? If I’m honest I miss those times back then. Don’t you?”

I hadn’t been in Trinity’s room in well…years. It had changed a lot since then. Looking at the cracked mirror on the wall I asked, “What happened here?” Instead of answering though she plopped down on a couch near the window and patted a spot next to her smiling, “Here. Come and sit down.” Taking one last glance at the mirror I walked over, “Ok.” “So, tell me what has you so disgruntled.” “Well there’s this guy…” She nodded, “Ah, Eric.” it that obvious? I suddenly began to wonder if even he knew. That would be embarrassing. “Yeah... The thing is I’ve been in love with him for like…forever, and well he’s back now and not seeing anyone. But I don’t know if or how I should approach the situation romantically I mean, and more importantly if it’s even possible.”

“Hm. I think I know what the problem really is. Even if you could convince yourself that he could love you, you are afraid to get close to him given your biological secret.” I thought for a moment, “Yes.” “I may be able to help with that.” My eyes shot open, “How?!” She suddenly conjured an apple out of thin air and took a bite, “Magic of course. I’m a witch.” This time I did actually smack myself to make sure I was awake, “When did this happen?” A troubled look collected on her face and she took my hand in hers, “Honestly, this was the real reason we drifted apart. When I first discovered my magic it frightened me. I just…didn’t want to hurt you.” “Oh Trinity…I had no idea. I’m sorry I didn’t realize. You shouldn’t have had to go through that alone.”

Her face brightened and she just patted my hand, “It’s all in the past. More importantly we have work to do if you are going to capture the heart of Mr. Prince. I should warn you, however, that the spell involves certain stipulations.” “What kind of stipulations?” She looked away and shrugged her shoulders, “Well nothing out of the ordinary… The spell will repress your mermaid nature temporarily, but it also simply states that you have only three days to experience true love’s kiss with the object of your affection. If you fail to do so by the end of the third day, then you will be banished to the sea forever, which means you’ll never see your love or family again.” I stood up, “What?! No, there has to be another way. Three days is too short a time!”

“Come now. Is life not full of harsh decisions such as this? And if your love is really true, then surely it will reach his heart. You said it yourself, he is finally available. Now is the time. Nothing would bring me greater joy than to help your poor, unfortunate soul find happiness. After all you are my sister.” The way she said sister somehow made me uneasy, but she was right this was my chance, “Ok...I’ll do it.” She smiled, “When the sun rises tomorrow morning…it begins.”

**“Beatrice: He that hath a beard is more than a youth, and he that hath no beard is less than a man; and he that is more than a youth is not for me; and he that is less than a man, I am not for him.”
-William Shakespeare, Much Ado About Nothing

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 49 – Sister
« Reply #286 on: April 27, 2014, 10:12:35 PM »
And so Trinity hatches her evil plan.  I like the Much Ado About Nothing quote.  I see another reference.

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Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
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Danielle Haydis

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 49 – Sister
« Reply #287 on: April 28, 2014, 05:44:59 AM »
Now it begins... >:D  Will Ariel also lose her voice?

Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 49 – Sister
« Reply #288 on: April 29, 2014, 08:17:04 PM »
So I just finished reading the story and it is completely wonderful. I really adore the way you change the stories and make them fit in a new and unique way. The Snow turning into a vampire reminded me of the Neil Gaimen short story, Snow, Glass, Apples (You can listen to an audio performance of it on youtube. It's longish. But I have really enjoyed your story. I can't wait to see how it turns out.


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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 49 – Sister
« Reply #289 on: May 01, 2014, 12:24:31 PM »
I don't like the looks of this, but I know Eric can break the spell.

Offline Lisa46

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 49 – Sister
« Reply #290 on: May 03, 2014, 07:37:05 PM »
This is such an interesting story! I liked the once upon a time reference, and I love how you turn every fairy tale into something different.

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 49 – Sister
« Reply #291 on: May 10, 2014, 02:27:42 AM »
And so Trinity hatches her evil plan.  I like the Much Ado About Nothing quote.  I see another reference.

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Haha I think you are absolutely right with that reference Magz.

Now it begins... >:D  Will Ariel also lose her voice?
Hm I thought about going that route, because I know it's one of the big elements of her troubles, but no I think I want to do something different overall.

So I just finished reading the story and it is completely wonderful. I really adore the way you change the stories and make them fit in a new and unique way. The Snow turning into a vampire reminded me of the Neil Gaimen short story, Snow, Glass, Apples (You can listen to an audio performance of it on youtube. It's longish. But I have really enjoyed your story. I can't wait to see how it turns out.
Wow thank you. I'll be sure to check that Snow story out. I love how many different versions there can be for one fairytale. It makes my research very interesting when I'm starting a new character.

I don't like the looks of this, but I know Eric can break the spell.
Hehe let's hope so.

This is such an interesting story! I liked the once upon a time reference, and I love how you turn every fairy tale into something different.
Thank you so much. Yeah I couldn't help but eventually reference once upon a time. I love that show. And as for the fairytales I want to keep all the most important elements, but since these are well known stories I felt I had to put a different spin on it. Otherwise the reader already knows the end, and there is no general suspense or awe factor.

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Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Chapter 50 – Three Days (Part 1)
« Reply #292 on: May 10, 2014, 02:53:05 AM »

There was a bright light shining in my room. I groaned thinking I had left my curtains open, but one glance over at my window, and I realized the sun was only just starting to rise. Suddenly sitting straight up, I was wide awake as I found that the bright light was emerging from my legs. Slowly and carefully I removed the covers and took in the faint glow…it was warm. Eventually the light dimmed and then disappeared, leaving behind only my legs. But they were legs with no scales, legs I didn’t have to hide, legs I had always dreamed of. Today would be a good day.

Day One

“You have got to be kidding me!” I sighed. Who was I kidding? How could I possibly have a peaceful day with these siblings? Rey came trailing behind Rea into the dining room, the pitch of his voice growing higher with each word, “I cannot believe you are trying out for the cheerleading team! Not now! We need to focus more now than ever if we want to get into a good performing arts college. I mean we are already in high school!” She whirled around on him, “Exactly! We are in high school, the place where you try new things and have fun, which is exactly what I’m going to do. Excuse me if I actually want to do an activity with our sisters as well.” She got right in his face, “I can handle doing both just fine. Don’t blame me, because you have the multitasking capacity of a teaspoon.” Just then Rory emerged from the kitchen smiling brightly, “Green tea anyone?”

After breakfast I went to look for Trinity to thank her for the spell, but I found that she had already left the house. That just reminded me that I had no time to waste, and I set off to the beach. Eric mentioned yesterday that he would be here practically all day today, and as soon as I got there I spotted him coming out of the water with his surfboard. I swooned inwardly as he stuck it in the sand and headed my way, “Hey! I was hoping you would come out today.” “Well it’s such a nice day.” What was I saying? This was Isla Paradiso. It was always a nice a day. I continued on, “So, surfing huh?” He looked back at his board, “Yeah. I love to do all kinds of water sports. You surf?” “Oh no! I’m just a swimmer.” “Oh come on. I’m sure you would be good at it. Do you want me to teach you?” I started to say no, but then thought better of it. I was embarrassed for sure, but I did want to spend time with him. “Ok, sure.”

The next hour was spent with him going over all the essentials with me. I was able to stand on the board in no time. I thought it was because he was amazing teacher. He thought it was because I was a natural. Either way I was having a blast. I found that even though my mermaid abilities had been repressed, the water was still my element. Feeling brave I even let him teach me how to windsurf, despite instantly getting reminders of the day I rescued him. “Whoa!” he said as he got back to the shore after me, “You must be part fish or something. I’ve never seen anyone swim that fast. No wonder Tristian admires your swimming so much.” I froze for a moment, but tried to get myself to relax. He is just joking around, I told myself. I actually thought I swam rather slowly compared to usual, but there was no way I could tell him that so I just shrugged.

“Um…Eric, you know my brother and sister, Rey and Rea, the dancers?” He laughed, “Yeah.” “Well they are performing in this show today at the Skylight Studio. And I was just wondering if you wanted to come?” His eyebrows furrowed, “Hm…what time is the show?” “At 4pm.” “Umm…” he scratched his head uneasily. I figured he was trying to think of a way to let me down nicely, and was about to tell him not to worry about it when he suddenly started to scan the beach intently. Apparently finding what he was looking for he looked at me and held a finger up, “Just one sec.” Really confused I watched him run over to Sean Vidal. I just barely made out their conversation from where I was standing:

Sean: "Hey man! What’s up?"
Eric: "Hey. I kind of need a favor."
Sean: "What is it?"
Eric: "Well I was scheduled to work today, but something just came up. (I saw him
           gesture towards me.) So I was wondering if you could cover for me."
Sean: (He looked in my direction and smiled.) "Ah…I gotcha. Besides I do owe you
Eric: "Thanks bro!!"

Eric ran back over smiling broadly, “Alright, sorry about that. Yes I would love to go.” The performance turned out to be absolutely beautiful. Not that I was particularly surprised though. Although they fought all the time, the pair of them were a spectacular sight while dancing.  I laughed to myself thinking how they had this entire audience fooled. No one would suspect that they were just at each other’s throats this morning. Despite everything, they took dance seriously. This was after all, their dream. I sat contemplating just what my dreams were, and where they might take me.

“That was amazing!” Eric said afterwards as we walked back to his car. “Yeah. All my siblings surprisingly have their talents.” “So do you. I saw a lot of them this morning,” he laughed. I just blushed and looked down. “Hey do you want to grab a bite at Joe’s Diner?” I gestured to our clothes, “Wearing this?” “Definitely! We’ll be the coolest people there,” he winked. That’s how I found myself in a booth, feeling utterly and sorely out of place. And yet somehow he sat there completely relaxed. How is it possible that he can make even this situation feel casual? While we ate he suddenly asked me a question, “So you busy tomorrow?” “No. Why?” “Oh, well I was thinking that maybe we could check out that new amusement park. You know it looks like a lot of fun, and they have this really cool water ride that I know you would love. And I don’t know…I just thought you might be interested.” Of course I was interested, “Yeah I want to go.” He bit his lip, “I meant like a…date.”

My mouth fell open for a minute, forcibly closing it, I finally managed to nod my head, “Mhm.” He raised his eyebrows, “Yeah?” “Yeah,” I repeated breathlessly.  “Great!” He said with a big smile. Looking over to the corner of the room he then pointed, “Hey, that’s a cool looking jukebox. I’m going to go play something.” Jumping up, he walked over and put on a song from our favorite geek rock station. He danced his way back over to the booth and held his hand out, “Let’s dance.” “Absolutely not. No one else is even dancing.” I said with pure horror filling me. “What does that matter?” “It totally matters. Besides…I can’t dance.” I said in a small voice. “That’s perfect,” he said pulling me to the dance floor, “I can’t dance either. How hard could it be?”

I stood there staring at him, wide eyed, while he whirled around doing the most absurd dance moves I’ve ever seen. He stopped and laughed, “Oh come on. Are you really going to make me dance all by myself?” Finally caving, I commenced to making a spectacle of myself as well. Some random guy apparently must have thought our moves were funny enough to take video of. However, getting too caught up in my ‘wild moves’ I accidently elbowed Eric in the face. “Oh! Sorry!” Thankfully he threw back his head and laughed, “It’s alright. At least I know you are finally getting into it.” I joined him in his laughter, but inside wished to the stars that I could keep a tighter lid on my awkwardness tomorrow.

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 50 – Three Days (Part 1)
« Reply #293 on: May 10, 2014, 08:27:51 AM »
Wow Rey and Rea danced beautifully.  I like Ariel's dancing too.  Great update Mel.  I really love this story.
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
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Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 50 – Three Days (Part 1)
« Reply #294 on: May 10, 2014, 11:25:01 PM »
Wow Rey and Rea danced beautifully.  I like Ariel's dancing too.  Great update Mel.  I really love this story.
I'm glad you liked it. I thought they should have a little fun in this chapter, and probably a lot more in the next.  :)

Offline nullifidian

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 50 – Three Days (Part 1)
« Reply #295 on: May 11, 2014, 11:06:23 AM »
Great story so far. I really like how you've woven different Disney characters into your family tree. Keep writing!

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 50 – Three Days (Part 1)
« Reply #296 on: May 11, 2014, 10:52:29 PM »
Great story so far. I really like how you've woven different Disney characters into your family tree. Keep writing!
Thank you. And yeah connecting some of the Disney characters definitely gave me pause for a moment, but I think I pretty much know how all ten heirs will flow together now.

Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 50 – Three Days (Part 1)
« Reply #297 on: May 12, 2014, 08:03:53 PM »
Fantastic! Also, was that picture above their booth planned? It's like, Hey, Eric. Um, this picture of a tall dark and handsome dude kissing a redhead is totally a coincidence and NOT AT ALL a sign you should TOTALLY KISS ME RIGHT NOW.

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 50 – Three Days (Part 1)
« Reply #298 on: May 21, 2014, 01:27:14 AM »
Fantastic! Also, was that picture above their booth planned? It's like, Hey, Eric. Um, this picture of a tall dark and handsome dude kissing a redhead is totally a coincidence and NOT AT ALL a sign you should TOTALLY KISS ME RIGHT NOW.
Haha! Yeah you got me. It was planned. When I saw that picture, I just couldn't resist lol.

Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Chapter 50 – Three Days (Part 2)
« Reply #299 on: May 21, 2014, 01:44:31 AM »

The scene that unfolded before me was certainly not what I expected when the girls told me that they were trying out for the cheerleading team. I had to come pick them up from their early morning tryouts, because they didn’t have their licenses yet. But when I got there I saw them practicing moves while waiting for me, decked out in these brightly colored, Pokémon uniforms. Meanwhile Rey just leaned against a wall and glared at them. They came running over to me as soon as I parked, “We made the team!” They all shouted in unison. Rey shook his head at Rea and muttered under his breath, “Traitor…”

I gave him an exasperated look, “Why did you even come?” “To see what she was wasting her time on instead of dance practice of course!” “Right…so you didn’t want to be left out. I completely understand wittle bro,” I said pinching his cheek. The rest of us laughed at the look of shock and embarrassment on his face. Turning away with a blush forming on his cheeks he blurted out, “That’s not true!” Looking back at the girls I pointed at the uniforms, “I could have sworn our school colors were purple and blue. Not to mention that our mascot was a dolphin.” Athena threw her hands up in defense, “Hey. Hey. Hey. Everyone loved our originality. Besides don’t act like you don’t play Pokémon too.” She had me there, “Whatever, get in the car.”

Day Two

I could not contain my excitement for today. Taking one last look in the mirror, I tried to discern whether or not I had slathered on too much lip gloss. I was no good when it came to make up, but I most certainly was way too embarrassed to ask my mom or my younger sisters for help either. Deciding I didn’t look too awful, I took a deep breath, and went downstairs where Eric was waiting for me. He was pacing back and forth, but stopped abruptly when he saw me come downstairs. “Wow…you look incredible.” “T-Thank you,” I said barely meeting his eye. We  stared at each other for a moment before he remembered himself, “Oh. Yeah. These are for you,” he said handing me a handful of perfect, purple flowers. “They are my favorite color!” I exclaimed. “I know. I remembered you telling me.” I felt my heart bursting into fields of flowers and sunshine again just as my mother, who I hadn’t noticed watching us, came up all of sudden, “I’ll put those in water. Why don’t you two go on and have a good time?” Apparently knocking us both out of a daydream or another, Eric and I both jumped a little at her voice, then blurted out at the same time, “Thank you.”

The amusement park completely blew my mind. There were just so many things to do! Not knowing where to start, we thought the best thing to do was to tackle the hugest attractions in the park. We rode every single rollercoaster ride they had. The rides had crazy speed, scary jumps, gravity-defying loops and thrilling drops that left us both pumped for the rest of the trip.

With our stomachs in a definite whirl, we kept our feet planted on the ground for a bit while we hit up a few of the park’s other attractions. We played a few games for prizes, and then attempted to make our way through the park’s Stone Maze. The guy at the front said that the objective was to find and take a photo of a ‘treat’ inside the maze, and then to make your way back out. The ‘treat’ ended up being a giant sundae statue. Near the maze, we found a love inspector machine. Much to my surprise, Eric urged me to try it out with him, and even more surprisingly the machine gave us a reading of ‘passion sensors overload.’

After the reading from the machine, we walked along in silence. I was simply too embarrassed to say anything, but I noticed he looked really happy. While watching his face, I saw his eyes grow wide and he pointed, “Oh! An arcade!” I looked and saw some posters of superheroes leading up to a game room, “Do you want to go play some games?” He then smiled sheepishly and scratched his head, “You don’t think it’s childish do you?” I laughed, “No of course not. It sounds like fun.” He smiled brightly and his eyes lit up, and all the while as we played games I couldn’t help but think that this was like a perfect dream.

We literally had to drag ourselves out of the arcade. In the end, I think the only thing that convinced us to move on was seeing the bounce area outside of the arcade window. After all that jumping, we got some food and then sat down in the shade for a while. Without saying a word, he reached over and placed his hand on mine. I was so startled by the sudden interaction, but when I looked at him he was looking off into the distance, as if he hoped I wouldn’t notice his hand was there. The whole idea made me suddenly burst out with laughter. “What is it?” he asked without looking my way. “I was just thinking that I’m having so much fun today.” He finally looked at me with a smile on his face, “I’m glad, because I am too. Hey, let’s walk!” With that he pulled me up from the bench, as we took a stroll around the park.

He stopped walking all of sudden, “Hey this is a good spot. Why don’t you pose so I can take pictures?” “What?! No…I would feel silly.” “Ah come on. It will be fun.” “Fine…” Looking around, hoping that no one else was paying attention to me, I began to pose for my mini ‘photo shoot’. He laughed at one of my poses, “Is that a pose from Sailor Moon?” I smiled feeling my face growing hot, “Yeah, I’m a fan. But hey it’s your turn.” “Haha. Alright, alright.” He walked in front of me and immediately got into a ninja pose. I stared at him in surprise, “Naruto?” He stood up and chuckled, “What? You can pose from an anime, but I can’t?” He then cocked his head to the side, and gave me a questioning look, “Favorite anime?” “Free! Iwatobi Swim Club**!” We both said at the same time and laughed. Then we simultaneously began to sing the catchy ending song. He looked at me with a serious face, “You have a really nice voice. It sounds so familiar.” I turned away, “Does it? I don’t see how that’s possible. I’ve never sung around you before.” “…Yeah you’re right. Will you go one more place with me?”

As the sunset we took a boat out to Bella Vista Beach. We talked quietly as we walked along the water, looking out at the boats and ships sailing past. Wondering where those ships were headed, if they meant to come home again, if we ever dared to be on one those never-returning ships. Sitting down on the cool sand, we began to watch the stars. We looked up in awe, and whispered to each other our dreams and fears. Things we wouldn’t dare utter to anyone else.

He then pointed up and told me a story: “Chih-nii was the divine daughter of the August Personage of Jade, and for him she always spun seamless robes of brocade and clouds. As a reward, her father married her to the Heavenly Cowherd whom she came to love so dearly that she neglected her spinning. Her father became so angry that he separated them by casting one to the east of the Heavenly River, otherwise known as the Milky Way, and one to the west. Chih-nii and the Cowherd were allowed to see each other once every 7 days, but through miscommunication they thought they could only meet once a year on the seventh day of the seventh month. For all of time that is what they do, and on that day all magpies fly to heaven with a twig to form a bridge so that the two can cross the Heavenly River.”

“Many myths are like that you know, tales of endless and passionate love. What I wouldn’t give to have that kind of love, to know that feeling…even if I was only allowed one night.” He stared at me intently, and I gulped involuntarily. I had no idea he had these kind of thoughts and feelings inside. My heart was pounding so hard I was sure he could hear it. He reached up and gently brushed a runaway strand of hair off my face, “I really love being with you.” “I f-f-feel the same way.” Afterwards I rested my head on his shoulder, as we sat in silence listening to the surging waves echoing the sound of my heart.

**Sailor Moon and Naruto are relatively well known anime, so I doubt I have to say anything about those two, but as for Free! Iwatobi Swim Club, it just came out last summer. It is an anime based on swimming as the title suggests, and I modeled Tristian after the main character of the series, and also got the idea of using a swim team from the series as well. Ok that’s all!!  ;)

