Author Topic: The Magical World: Chapter 79 – The Queen, The Rabbit, and the Boys in Shadow  (Read 149280 times)

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 43 – Part of Me
« Reply #255 on: March 27, 2014, 02:09:23 AM »
Wow, a great family reunion. Loved it and nice to see Andy and Jessie(I think) back again, and also Mulan. Loving this story. Can't wait for next chapter.
Yes it is Andy & Jessie. And yeah it was fun to play with those guys again.

Pass out the tissues with this update.  :'(  Heavy sigh.   Well written Mel and so emotional.  Snow has Triton, Andy and Jessie are united again... but who for Ravenna?  Will she be cured or will she find someone to accept her as she is?  So many questions... but I'll bide my time.  I am so thoroughly enjoying this story.
Haha, tissues. Thanks though, I had a lot of trouble with this one. I'm no good with emotional scenes lol.
As for Ravenna, I think I finally have a plan.  Glad your still enjoying :)

Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Chapter 44 – Part of Your World
« Reply #256 on: March 27, 2014, 02:33:09 AM »

Now that I wasn’t in constant danger, and my family was finally back together I only had one more puzzle piece to put into place: my love life. It’s not like anything was particularly wrong though. We were very much in love, my family accepted him, and even Ravenna was being civil. But there was still so much about him that was a mystery to me. I tried to tell myself that it didn’t matter, but then I would think back on that argument I walked in on between him and Ravenna, and wonder if I really knew him at all.

I decided the best thing to do was to just ask him about it. He had harshly avoided conversations about his past before, but things were different now, so I was hoping he might be willing to share more with me. Before I could ask him anything though he told me he wanted to take me out to dinner, because he had something important to say. All thoughts of my prior mission were instantly forgotten, and all I could think of was if he was going to propose or not. 

He took me to a beautiful restaurant, and we got a table outside on the patio. He chuckled, “I’m a little nervous.” Maybe he really was going to propose. “I’m nervous too. We’ve never been out on an actual date before.” “Yeah that’s true.” We ordered then and exchanged small talk until finally he reached across the table to grab my hand, “Snow, there’s something I really need to say.” This was it. It was really happening… “You see, the things is…I’m married.” I yanked my hand back, jumped out of seat, and shouted, “WHAT?!” He started to panic, “No, no, no! That came out wrong. I meant I was married. I’m not anymore.” At the sight of me still glaring at him he added, “Honestly Snow I’m not married. She was…killed.”

I sat back down then, “Oh. I’m sorry.” “It was a couple of years ago, but the point is there are things about me that you don’t know. Things that I think you should know, because I want to marry you Snow.” I just hoped that he wasn’t going to propose now. The mood was completely ruined. “I just didn’t feel that it would be right for me to ask you to enter into that kind of commitment with me, if you didn’t have all the facts. If you can hear all I have to say, and then you decide you still want to be with me, then I’ll be truly happy.”

I nodded slowly, “OK. I’m listening.” He took a deep breath, “I grew up in a town called Dragon Valley…” He went on to discuss his upbringing in one of the founding families of the town, and his romance with his previous wife, Athena. He told me how his family disapproved of their relationship, but he ignored them and eloped with her. But after his eldest brother came to take over the family, he ordered Athena to be taken out as payment for the shame the couple brought upon the family. I shook my head in disbelief, “That’s horrible.”

“It was at such a time when Rosalie found her moment to employ me. That’s how she worked. When you were at your lowest, consumed by hatred, loss, grief, or pain, that’s when she would swoop in and offer you hope. She gave me the power to seek vengeance, and I chased my brother across the world destroying countless lives in my wake. My trail finally ended in Moonlight Falls where I finally cornered him and his men, and didn’t hesitate to put them all into the ground.”

He looked down at his hands, “Moonlight Falls of course is more accustomed to dealing with unusual criminals, and thus were on to me faster than any of the other places I’d been to. One glance at my record and they marked me with these, they are a symbol of one who brings death. They then stated that I was too dangerous to remain in this dimension, and would thus be sent to one where people like me wouldn’t be of harm to anyone. But as you know all of this had just been preparation for the job Rosalie had for me. That job of course was getting rid of you. So she freed me from their custody, and that’s how I found myself on your trail.”

He sat back in his chair suddenly looking tired, “Besides all that there’s just one last thing.” I thought to myself, what else could there possibly be? “Athena and I had a daughter, and well I wasn’t in the best state to raise a child back then so she’s been staying with someone else. She’s about 4 now. Thanks to you, I feel like I’m finally ready to be her father, and I would really like it if you would meet her when she comes here.” I’m pretty sure my jaw hit the table at some point, “Wow…um, Triton I love you that hasn’t changed and it’s not going to I promise, but this is a lot to take in right now. Can I just process for maybe a day or two?” He looked worried yet relieved at the same time, “Of course.”

A week later I was still processing. I just couldn’t shake this uneasy feeling, and yet I had no idea what the feeling was, it was so frustrating! I burst into the downstairs bathroom to throw cool water on my face in hopes of clearing my head, but I was instead met with a sight that only served to throw me into deeper frustration. The strange little girl playing in the bathtub smiled up at me, “Hi.” “…Hi,” I said, eyes wide as I quickly backed out of the bathroom and shut the door. Triton came running up, “I can explain. My daughter arrived late last night, and I was going to tell you but I haven’t seen you all morning. I’m sorry. I should have told you she was on her way here though.” That was the least of my concerns, “Tail…why does she have a tail?” Before he could say anything the little girl spoke up from the bathtub, “I’s a wittle mermaid!”

“Your kid is a mermaid? Nice!” Ravenna suddenly walked up, not helping the situation at all. He gave her a face, and then looked back at me, “Athena was a mermaid. That’s the real reason my family didn’t approve of her. They thought it was unwise to mix with the occult. That it was better to keep the bloodline purely human.” “That’s just garbage!” Ravenna fumed. “Well that was my family.” “I can’t do this…” I said suddenly. “Snow…” He reached out for me but I pulled back and stormed off, “Just don’t!” I heard Ravenna console him as I walked away, “Chin up fancy face, she’ll come around.” I’ll ‘come around’. Since when was she nice to him? And what, was she on his side? My own sister?!

“Ugh!” I exclaimed. Then I did the only rational thing I could think of, went to cry my eyes out to my mom. I told her everything that had happened, minus Triton’s vengeance journey of course, and then finally asked, “What should I do?” She rubbed my back, wiped my tears away, and brushed my hair off my face. I already felt a lot calmer. Was this what it was like having a mother? “Hmm, let’s see. What’s really bothering you, that fact that he has a daughter, that she’s a mermaid, or that it’s the cherry on top of his other life that you don’t know how to be a part of?” “The last one. I just feel like he already had a family, and I’m just some outsider swooping in.” “If you haven’t noticed his family puzzle is missing a piece.” “Yes but I’m not sure if I’m the one that fits. Can I really be her mother? I don’t know anything about mermaids. What could I possibly do for her?” “Don’t you think that these are questions you should be asking him? You won’t solve anything by sitting here. You should get to know her.” She looked down at her phone and smiled, “They are at the park by the way. Off you go.” 

When I got to the park I saw Ravenna and the little girl swinging while Triton pushed his daughter. I shook my head at Ravenna and muttered under my breath, “Traitor.” She must have heard me despite being several feet away, because she looked over at me and smiled.  I smiled back, geez, I could never stay mad at her. Triton noticed our interaction, said something to Ravenna, and ran over to me. We both said at the same time, “Hi.” Then I started first, “Listen, I want to apologize for storming off like that earlier. It’s just that ever since you told me about everything I’ve been feeling kind of out of place. And then your daughter showed up with the tail, and I just can’t help but wonder if I’m the right person to be a part of your life. I mean you’ve already built this family, and I just don’t want to mess it up.” He frowned, “Snow, you have to understand. I want to build a new life, create a new family with you and my daughter. And I know you’re nervous about being her mother, because she is different. Its ok, I am too. But we can do this together. You are perfect for me, and I know you are perfect for our family.”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to where Ravenna and the little girl were playing. He called out to her, “Come here for a second sweetheart.” She ran over and Triton introduced her, “This is my daughter, Ariel. Ariel, this is Snow.” She peered up at me, “Whoa, you are really pretty. Are you going to be my mommy?” Triton laughed nervously and picked her up over his shoulder, “Why don’t we go skating?” She clapped her hands together with excitement, “Yay skating! You’ll come too right Snow?” I smiled at her, “Of course.” We spent the rest of the afternoon finding various ways to amuse ourselves. I hadn’t laughed that much in a long time.

When we got back home Triton got Ariel ready for bed, but just before he tucked her in she whispered something in his ear. He looked shocked at first, and then he smiled, “Goodnight sweetheart.” We walked outside to talk, “What was that about?” “You know I used to write to her all the time. I’d write about all sorts of things, but lately it’s just been about you.” “Me?” He nodded, “Yeah. Just now she asked me what I was waiting for. Why hadn’t I asked you to marry me yet?” He stood up and then got down on one knee, “I don’t want to wait anymore.”

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Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 44 – Part of Your World
« Reply #257 on: March 27, 2014, 04:04:06 AM »
Sqeeeeeee!  What a beautiful segue into The Little Mermaid.  I love it!!!!  ;D
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

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2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
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Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 44 – Part of Your World
« Reply #258 on: March 27, 2014, 05:59:32 AM »
Yipee. So good to see Triton proposing to Snow. So, it is now time for Ariel. I love the Ariel movie and will love to read her story(adventures if any).
Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 44 – Part of Your World
« Reply #259 on: March 28, 2014, 04:53:02 AM »
Sqeeeeeee!  What a beautiful segue into The Little Mermaid.  I love it!!!!  ;D
Lol I love your enthusiasm as always.

Yipee. So good to see Triton proposing to Snow. So, it is now time for Ariel. I love the Ariel movie and will love to read her story(adventures if any).
Yeah. I'm excited to start on a new heir. I just need to go and rewatch The Little Mermaid so I can brush up on my facts lol. :D

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 44 – Part of Your World
« Reply #260 on: March 28, 2014, 08:12:05 AM »
I can't wait to see how you'll do Ursula  ;)

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 44 – Part of Your World
« Reply #261 on: March 28, 2014, 11:55:44 PM »
I can't wait to see how you'll do Ursula  ;)
Haha I have a plan, but like all of my plans, I'm a little worried how you guys will react to it. But all I can do is give it a shot right?

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Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Chapter 45 – Far Off Destinations
« Reply #262 on: March 29, 2014, 12:22:03 AM »

At long last the time had arrived. A time for me to cast off all my prior worries and fears, and live out my days in happiness. I did one last check in the mirror before finally giving myself the OK. I had to be perfect today. Before heading downstairs, I wished that everything else would be perfect today as well, but knowing this family one could never count on that.

“I haven’t worn a dress since I was two! How long do I have to be in this thing?!” I heard Ravenna fussing as soon as I reached the foot of the stairs. “As long as I say so. It’s my wedding day after all.” At the sight of me my mother and grandmother immediately teared up, while Ravenna just rolled her eyes at my comment but smiled. Ariel ran over and gave me a hug, “You look super pretty!” I laughed, “Really? Will your daddy think so too?” She nodded, “Mhm.” I looked up at everyone, “Well I guess we should head over…Oh goodness. I’m nervous.”


“…I’m nervous.” I looked over at the man about to marry my daughter, and then gave him a friendly pat on the back. “What’s bothering you?” He look at me pensively for a moment then said, “I’m just worried that maybe she’ll have second thoughts about marrying me. Perhaps she decided to not come here at all. To be honest, I couldn’t even blame her if that was her decision.” He looked down at the ground completed defeated. “Hey. It’s completely natural to have fears, but I have it on pretty good authority to tell you that none of that is likely to happen. You know, I was there with you guys in the lodge,” His head suddenly shot up and he looked at me with wide eyes, “What I mean to say is that I know how she feels about you better than most. She truly is in love with you.” Just as he perked up and thanked me, the girls showed up to the park.


I watched Ravenna making her way down the aisle, “Daddy?” “Yes darling?” “Given that I haven’t had a lot of time to practice walking in these shoes, you wouldn’t let me fall would you?” He laughed, “Never.” Ariel skipped rather than walked down the aisle, tossing flower petals, much to the amusement of everyone. When we got to the middle of the bridge, my father placed my hands in Triton’s and my eyes never left his for the rest of the ceremony. We decided on a small wedding, just family, because in the end we agreed that was all that was ever truly important.

At the reception feast my father stood to make a toast. “To the happy couple, may you find everlasting love and happiness in your marriage. And may fortune bless you with many children.” At that Triton and I both blushed. “I also understand that you will be leaving here soon, so I wish you well on your travels.” Triton nodded to him, “Thank you.”

My father turned to Ravenna, “Speaking of travels, I hear you have been summoned elsewhere.” It was my first time hearing of the news, I turned to Ravenna with concerned eyes to which she answered, “I received a letter from an acquaintance of ours. They asked me to join them in Hidden Springs. As it happens I was planning on seeking them out anyway so it spared me the trouble of searching for them.” At the sound of Hidden Springs, Sebastian, who had been busy refilling everyone’s drinks, shot a look in her direction. She nodded an affirmation to his questioning eyes, and he looked away again.

I glared at her, “Just be careful.” “Of course.” She smiled. My father then went on with his announcements, “As our daughters are going off it seemed only fitting that we should go on an adventure of our own. So your grandparents, your mother and I are going off to see the world!” Ariel chimed up, “Ooh! That sounds fun!” He smiled at her, “We will be sure to send you lots of souvenirs and presents then.” “Yay!” She laughed, and the rest of us joined in with her.   


After the reception I went straight home to get out of that dress. I couldn’t believe that Snow wouldn’t even let me change for the reception. With my bedroom door in sight I thought relief was near, but as soon as I entered I knew something was off. I got completely still and braced myself for an attack, but there was nothing. No movement, no heartbeat, no attack. But I knew someone was there, and sure enough Ayden Van Gould casually strolled out of my bathroom.

No wonder there was no heartbeat… “You have ten seconds to tell me why you are in my room before I rip you apart.” “It might take me longer than ten seconds.” “Five seconds now, and that’s too bad for you.” “I require your assistance.” I rolled my eyes, “No. Leave.” I turned from him and started packing for my trip. “Are you intending to travel soon?” I just ignored him. “Might I dare say you look exquisite in that dress.” I suddenly slammed my suitcase shut, “You know flattery is going to get you nowhere but kicked out of that window, because I can still do that in this dress.” He didn’t back down at all, “Even if you refuse to tell me the whereabouts of your travel destination I’ll just follow you anyway.” I threw up my hands incredulously, “What are you a stalker now?” “I told you, I require your assistance, and besides…” He stared at me for a long moment, “I’ve found your company to be rather...enticing.”

I took a step back, and put my hands up, “Whoa. Listen Romeo what do I have to do to get rid of you? What is it that you need ‘assistance’ with?” “My wish is to discover what truly became of the Wolff Clan, whom Rosalie swore she destroyed. Since her demise there have been whispers of her claiming feats that she did not actually accomplish.” I nodded, “And you are wondering if that was one of them? Let me ask you something? You, being the man who ordered their destruction, why should I, a werewolf, tell you if it wasn’t true or not?” He furrowed his brow, “I know you have no reason to trust me, and given your nature you are more inclined not to. But if my years as an immortal being have taught me anything, it’s that one cannot suffer through being loathed by one’s family. I must make things right with my daughter.”

I thought for a moment before answering, “I knew I would need a lot of help and power to rescue my sister. So before arriving in Moonlight Falls I trained with the Wolff Clan.” His eyes suddenly widened in surprise. “You are right to doubt Rosalie, because there is no way she was able to wipe out an entire clan of werewolves including their elders. I’m surprised you didn’t question her sooner. In actuality she only banned them, placing a magic barrier around Moonlight Falls, preventing any werewolf with Wolff Clan blood to enter into the town. This of course effectively kept them away from your Emelie. You, sir, were played for a fool.” He then threw back his head and laughed. A reaction I admit I didn’t expect. “I am not used to playing the part of the fool, or being talked to that way for that matter.”

“Well I wonder at you taking the trouble to come all this way and talk to me. I’m sure you already knew not to expect civility. Besides that, there were others in Moonlight Falls who could help you with your quest.” “Indeed I’m well aware, but I couldn’t resist seeing you again.” “You know that makes you like a hypocrite right? With me being a, you know, werewolf and all.” He smiled, “Yes.” His smile was creeping me out so I took another step back. I wanted to just get rid of him, but then I had another idea, “Alrighty then. I’ll help you. But only on the condition that you come to Hidden Springs to help me with someone we both know afterwards. Who knows, you might actually make yourself useful.” He bowed, “I’d be honored to accompany you my lady.” I must have been out of my senses... 


The next morning Ravenna set off on her mysterious journey, and a few days later my parents and grandparents set off on their own journey as well. It was sad parting with them, but I knew it was by no means goodbye forever. All that was left now was my own newly created family which I had hopes would grow much larger very soon. Triton and I had discussed a place of residence at great length, and decided that the best place to continue to build this family would have to be suitable for Ariel’s mermaid heritage. That’s how we began our lives in the beautiful place of Isla Paradiso.

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 45 – Far Off Destinations
« Reply #263 on: March 29, 2014, 01:41:36 AM »
This is so exciting.  Ravenna to Hidden Springs with a persistent man (vampire) and Snow to Isla Paradiso with her new family.  I hope we get to see both story arcs?  Loving this Mel.   ;D
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Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Side Story #1 - Benevolence (Part 1)
« Reply #264 on: April 07, 2014, 02:35:32 AM »
My apologies for not posting sooner, but I've been a tad busy with studying for exams. I have however been playing the main family to get them to the point you all will see them start from in the official first chapter of Ariel's arc. In the mean time, whilst I'm working on them I did think of something else to post. From now on in between arcs I'm kicking off a side series so to speak, featuring other characters that were introduced in the main story that I want to develop a bit more. You can think of it as what the rest of the sim world is doing while the main family is going through their drama. This particular side story will focus on Ravenna and Ayden's journey.


As Ayden and I reached the outskirts of Moonlight Falls I braced myself for what I knew would be a rough encounter. “Are you sure I shouldn’t go in by myself first to, I don’t know, smooth things over if at all possible?” I asked him for like the tenth time. He just gave me a nervous, sidelong smile while keeping his eyes trained on our destination, “No. I feel certain that this is the right course. They deserve a respectful and humble apology, not more showings of my cowardice.” “Well it’s your funeral.” I shrugged.

The Wolff Clan camp was little more than a large field hidden away within the mountains. The clan lived off the land, hunting for or growing anything they needed. Gone were all their material things and false pretenses. It was a simple life, and I had to admit I missed it sometimes. “Red!” A young, teenage girl named Wilhemina came running up to me waving her hands excitedly. I had forgotten that’s what the younger members of the clan had called me during my stay here. She beamed at me, “You came back to visit!” “I said I would, but I’m actually here on business.” I gestured to Ayden. Noticing him for the first time, her face lost all of its color and took on an expression of pure terror. I quickly jumped in front of him, blocking him from her view, and put my hands on her shoulders, “He is not going to hurt you, but we need to speak to Pappy. Do you know where he is?” Before answering she cast a wary glance behind me, and then finally pointed, “He is having a meeting with the other elders.” “Perfect. Thanks.”

Ayden looked pensive as we made our way through the camp, “I had prepared myself for hatred and bitterness, but that young woman was absolutely terrified. I fail to comprehend how my actions could provoke such a reaction.” I stopped walking, “Your will was the reason these people were ripped from their homes and everything they knew. So for them, you coming here now, when they finally made peace with their situation, can only mean one of two things. Either you want to make them scatter to the winds again, or this time your will wants the only thing they have left, their lives.” He looked like I had just staked him through the heart. I gave him a sympathetic look and patted him on the shoulder, “Come on. Let’s get this over with.”

I was greeted friendly enough, but as expected as soon as the rest of the clan got wind of the news of Ayden’s arrival, he was met with fear and hostility at every turn. The elders in particular quarreled with him well into the night, questioning his goals, motives, and most especially his trustworthiness. Throughout most of it, however, Pappy either just listened or questioned me. He asked how I became acquainted with Ayden, was curious about the predicament with Snow, and most certainly wanted to know what actions on Ayden’s part and feelings on my own would cause me to bring him here. After I had said my piece he finally stood and held up his hand, and just like that everyone fell silent.

“This day has brought us an opportunity. But not just an opportunity for us to reclaim our home.” He looked over to where a man named Waylon was fishing. I recognized him as Emelie Van Gould’s romantic interest. He then looked over to Ayden, “Opportunities for love and peace also present themselves. You sit and wonder if you can trust such an enemy. This enemy took everything from you, and yet from such an enemy, a child was born who one among us would give his life for.  My family, if we are willing to just open our hearts...there can be amity between us.” He turned his back to everyone, banged his cane on the ground, and suddenly a giant dragon-mouthed cave emerged where there once was a rocky waterfall, “However, before rapport can be built, Ayden Van Gould must atone for the transgressions committed against us. I sentence him to stay inside of the chamber until a change befalls his person.”

From the symphony of gasps I heard from the elders I got the message that going in that chamber was not a good thing. I looked at Ayden, and although his face wore a determined expression, he stared at me with panicked eyes. I went over to Pappy, “Can I have a few minutes alone with him first?” He studied me for a moment, “Of course.” After I had pulled Ayden a decent ways away from everyone I quickly began to scan the area, “OK we have to get you out of here somehow.” “Absolutely not,” he said firmly. “Did you not see that cave? Their decision to put you in there is barking mad!” He laughed softly and took a ring off his finger, “I cannot abandon my quest on the eve of achieving my goal, but I want you to hold on to this lest I am unable to emerge from this cave. It is my family’s crest, passed down throughout the ages.” I shook my head, baffled, “I can’t take this…” He closed my hand around the ring, but didn’t let go. Instead he bent down and kissed my hand, then looked up into my eyes, “Please do me this kindness my lady.”

It was something about the earnest look in his eyes that finally swayed me, and I just nodded my consent. Content with our agreement, he squared his shoulders and walked straight into the mouth of the dragon. The long hours that followed were filled only with my increasing worry at his agonizing screams.

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Side Story #1 - Benevolence (Part 1)
« Reply #265 on: April 07, 2014, 07:05:08 AM »
Another amazing chapter.  Mel this is so intriguing... and I think Ravenna may have a love interest... whether she want him or not?
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
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Re: The Magical World: Side Story #1 - Benevolence (Part 1)
« Reply #266 on: April 07, 2014, 06:19:36 PM »
Ayden and Ravenna?  :o I just can't see them together. Ayden is too old and....I think you should give him a backstory Mel. You're very creative that way.  ;)
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Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Side Story #1 - Benevolence (Part 1)
« Reply #267 on: April 14, 2014, 10:25:48 AM »
Another amazing chapter.  Mel this is so intriguing... and I think Ravenna may have a love interest... whether she want him or not?
Thanks  :)

Ayden and Ravenna?  :o I just can't see them together. Ayden is too old and....I think you should give him a backstory Mel. You're very creative that way.  ;)
Haha. I didn't at first either, but then I started to think that most vampires are old. And I don't know I just liked the stark contrast of their personalities. You are giving me too much credit on my creativity lol. I might dig a bit deeper later, but for now I'm just having fun with them. After all this is a side story.

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The Magical World: Side Story #1 - Benevolence (Part 2)
« Reply #268 on: April 14, 2014, 11:20:07 AM »
“That’s it! I’m going in there.” Pappy jumped up and grabbed my arm, “You cannot! The chamber is testing him right now, forcing him to deal with the gravity of his sins. The pain he feels is only caused by himself…psychological not physical. Relieving your transgressions, feeling the pain of your victims inside…here,” he placed his hand on his heart. “That’s ridiculous. Ayden’s heart doesn’t even work,” I scoffed. But no sooner had I spoke the words is when I heard it. Somewhere in Pappy’s speech Ayden had stopped screaming, and the sound had been replaced by a rapidly growing thud noise. I took slow steps over toward the cave as I heard a gush of liquid sounding as if it were struggling to pass through old pipes. By the time it dawned on me what the noise was, I was at a full sprint towards the cave, completely drowning out Pappy’s warnings not to go. I should have listened... In the next moment, I was being tossed back through the air, and crashed hard into the ground. But yet the pain from the fall was nothing to the throbbing pain of my heart. I began to convulse as memories flashed like strobe lights before my eyes, the pain…the cries…

“Ravenna! Ravenna please open your eyes! That’s it…slowly…” When I came to there was a familiar voice talking to me, and I vaguely became aware of someone holding me. I opened my eyes fully, “Ayden? Your face…heartbeat.” The dark veins that had usually encompassed his face were gone, and I noticed a slight flush in his cheeks. “It would appear the chamber has some rather unusual side effects. I feel so..." He looked at his hand, "I just feel." I suddenly became conscientious of the fact that I was still in his arms, and I immediately jumped up onto wobbly legs. He held his hands out, “Are you sure that you are well. I would not mind carrying you.” I blushed and turned my back to him, “Nope! I’m good…but I’m glad that you’re ok. It sounded pretty rough in there.” “I’m most grateful for your concern my lady.”

Pappy, with the rest of the elders close behind, came up to examine me. After finding me well he went straight into reprimanding me about my impatience and stubbornness. I just laughed in response. He then took to looking Ayden over, paying particular attention to his chest. Apparently satisfied with his findings, he took a deep breath, smiled, and raised his hand, “How about a high five for a more promising future?” Ayden drew his shoulders back and raised his hand in return, “To a promising future.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of the two old men being silly, but with the act a howl of joy went up from the watching crowd of werewolves. And as we made our way through to continue our journey, instead of hatred, Ayden was met with the buddings of a new-found camaraderie that I hoped would continue throughout the years.

When we got back to the edge of the town I turned to Ayden, “So what now? Are we going to tackle your daughter?” He just grimaced, “Hmm…let’s not bite off more than we can chew. I suspect it will take a lot more than a beating heart to mend that particular wound. Perhaps after she is reunited with the young wolf, and some time has passed her heart will heal. Besides I gave you my word that I would accompany you to Hidden Springs after my business here was concluded.” I thought for a moment, “Hmm I suppose that makes sense. I’ve been meaning to ask though, since you produce your own blood…do you still need to drink it or crave it?” He looked like my question caught him off guard, “Well it has already come to my attention that I no longer require it to survive, no. However…my cravings still persist.” I noticed he looked longingly at my neck.

I cleared my throat awkwardly and moved to take off his ring, “I should probably give you this back.” But he grasped my hand quickly, “No please. It would be wonderful if you could hold on to it…at least for the time being.” “You just want to con me into keeping you around don’t you?” He only gave me a knowing smile in return. I sighed, slid the ring back into place, “Well let’s go then. We have quite a bit of traveling to do after all.”

“Ugh! How long is she going to keep us waiting?! I’m starting to think she has no intention of showing herself at all.” I threw myself down on the bed in frustration. We had been staying at the inn where Kamaria asked me to meet her for two weeks already, but she was a no show. I was quickly losing my patience. But at the moment, it seemed like the only thing I was doing was making Ayden uncomfortable as I sat here in my underwear. Much to my amusement he desperately tried to avert his eyes from me,  “I wouldn’t be surprised if she found herself frightened of you. Your temper can be quite fearsome.”

I walked right up to him and whispered in his ear, “I don’t see you running scared.” He looked down at my lips hungrily. There were a million voices going off in my head telling me why I should stay away from him, but somehow I still found myself wrapped in his arms, kissing him. Despite the blood flowing through his veins, his skin was still cool on my skin, and yet his touch set me on fire. He made a trail down to my neck with his lips, and then started to breath heavily. Pulling back slowly, he looked from my eyes to my neck and back again…yearning…pleading. I nodded slowly, and without hesitation he bent down and bit into me.

I suppose I had always thought that getting bit should hurt, because every time I bit someone they screamed in pain. And yet here I was filled with the greatest sense of euphoria. I closed my eyes and held onto him as my body started to go limp. “Um…should I come back?” We jumped apart from each other as Kamaria chose the worst possible time to make her appearance. As I was still a little woozy from the blood loss, Ayden had to hold my arm to steady me. I narrowed my eyes, “Where have you been? Do you think we don’t have anything better to do than to wait for you?!” “I apologize for the wait, but there was much to do and I could not tear myself away. I am very glad that you came, and you will be too.” I crossed my arms over chest, “Oh yeah? What makes you so sure?” “Because our work together may very well spare your sister from a great deal of pain, and save more than one of her children.” There it was, that prophecy look of hers. And did she just play the family card on me?

“She has got to be bluffing,” I said as I pulled on my boots. Kamaria gave us yet another address to meet her at, because she said there is where she held her proof. Just as I started to protest Ayden reminded me that I needed to dress, but when I looked in his eyes I saw that he wanted to talk, so I sighed and let her leave. “I am not quite as certain. There was truth in all her looks.” I stomped my foot as I put it down and glared at him, “So you’re on her side?!” In a second he had crossed the room, collected me into his arms, and was staring in my eyes intently, “You know very well that I will never leave your side.” I looked down, “About earlier…” He touched my neck softly and whispered, “Did I hurt you?” I shook my head quickly, “No…” “But?” he asked as he raised my chin, forcing me to look him in the face.

“Well…it’s silly. I guess the truth is I’ve always had this sense of pride about my abilities and independence, but you just have this way of making me feel like a timid child. It's not just our age difference, but you know you got this whole mental maturity and experience thing going on.” He stared at me with his mouth open for a moment and then started to laugh. I frowned and pushed him away, “Unbelievable! Here I am pouring my heart out, and you’re laughing at me!” Sobering up he shook his head, “No, I assure you that I am not laughing at you, and as far as the difference you mentioned I don't think there is one. I just cannot believe that it escaped my attention how incredibly adorable you are.” It was my turn to sit with my mouth open, “We’re going now.” I turned and headed out the door, but I heard him call after me, “Yes my lady.” I couldn’t help but smile.

When we arrived she was already waiting at the door, “I suspect you have a lot of questions, but I’m sure many will be answered once you see.” “Yeah, your so called proof. Alright so where is it? How is my sister in trouble this time?” She gestured to a crystal ball, “Please sit here.” I rolled my eyes, “I don’t believe in fortunes. If this all the proof you have…” “I never said I was going to tell you about fortunes. Now sit, please.” I looked at Ayden, and he gave me a look that said ‘be nice’ so I gritted my teeth and sat. “Now what?” “Just watch. As I mentioned before our work together may save more than one of Snow’s children. I meant that we might have to save them from each other, and quite possibly from themselves. As you see, those children…are not what they seem.”

I stood, “Are they witches, like you I mean?” “Yes.” “How is that possible?” “Magic is born in many ways. Sometimes it flows through generations of families like Mr. Van Gould’s, and other times it springs forth from magical anomalies such as the event of your birth.” I shook my head, “But they are siblings. They wouldn’t hurt each other.” “Triton’s brother had his first wife killed, and Triton killed him for vengeance.” At the shocked look on our faces she realized she had made her point, “Now as there is still no indicator as to which ones may go off the deep end, its best we prepare for the worst possible scenarios. I’ve been preparing a location…” Her words faded into the background as everything I had done to make sure Snow was safe flashed before my eyes. Images of her face, fancy face, Ariel, and all my nieces and nephews that they didn’t even know about yet swam into my vision as well. As the gravity of everything finally sunk in, I kicked into savior mode, “What do I need to do?” 

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Side Story #1 - Benevolence (Part 2)
« Reply #269 on: April 15, 2014, 02:38:20 AM »
Oh my!  What new adventures lie in store for both Ravenna and Snow.  Great writing as always Mel!
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler