Author Topic: The Magical World: Chapter 79 – The Queen, The Rabbit, and the Boys in Shadow  (Read 149146 times)

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 40 – The Evil In You (Part 1)
« Reply #240 on: March 09, 2014, 09:55:20 PM »
:O You can't leave me with such cliffhangers!
*ducks and covers*
I'm sorry lol.

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 40 – The Evil In You (Part 1)
« Reply #241 on: March 10, 2014, 03:42:50 PM »
I am definitely intrigued... worried too but mostly intrigued!
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

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Offline VioletG

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 40 – The Evil In You (Part 1)
« Reply #242 on: March 10, 2014, 09:12:44 PM »
Ooh I can't wait to see what happens next! Poor Ravenna, I hope she can team up with Triton, that should be an interesting adventure. ;)

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 40 – The Evil In You (Part 1)
« Reply #243 on: March 18, 2014, 12:46:03 AM »
I am definitely intrigued... worried too but mostly intrigued!
Glad that I can keep it interesting.

Ooh I can't wait to see what happens next! Poor Ravenna, I hope she can team up with Triton, that should be an interesting adventure. ;)
That would be interesting since I can't leave them alone for a minute without them fighting.  ;D

Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Chapter 41 – The Evil In You (Part 2)
« Reply #244 on: March 18, 2014, 12:58:13 AM »

Looking back now I would have done so many things differently. But I suppose everyone says that, if only they would have known what was going to happen… I only recall ice cold hands, and the blur of trees whipping by as someone whisked me away. Next thing I knew my kidnapper tossed me into a chamber that looked oddly familiar. “Let me out!” I screamed as I banged and kicked the door.

My reply came in the form of a man’s gruff voice, but I quickly learned he wasn’t talking to me. “She’s in there.” “So quickly too. I don’t know whether to be impressed or slightly insulted.” That voice… “About that other matter --” “A job is a job, finish it.” Rosalie… I heard her walk away. I slowly turned to look at my surroundings, and realized I was exactly where I had started when she took me the first time. I was back in her tower.

I heard the door open, and suddenly her words about finishing the job sprang back into my head. What was the job? Could I find a weapon? Could I fight him? I had time for none of these thoughts, because no sooner had I heard the door were his cold hands restraining me and his fangs bared. Ah I see, vampire.  As he slowly lowered his mouth to my arm my body became transfixed. It was all I could do to gasp the word no. And in the last moment his eye caught mine, what was that look? Pity? Regret? He bit me, and I was sure it was over.


Some people just aren’t meant to have nice things. I’m one of those people. Every single time there is something or someone good in my life, it gets taken away. It must be a sign. It has to be. I’m not a good person, so good doesn’t belong with me. I sighed, and heaved myself off of the couch. Enough of the pity party, Snow needed me.

If I was completely honest with myself I was terrified. I knew exactly who I was up against, and I wasn’t particularly sure I had a chance. But I just had to go out trying, because I knew in my heart Snow would do the same for me, even though I didn’t deserve it. So I had to make one last trip to the tower, and fight one last fight. Then it was over. No matter what the outcome, I would be saying goodbye to Snow. Why taint her heart with my darkness?


It wasn’t over, not even close, but I wish it was. The bite mark burned like the flames of Tartarus, and the searing pain fanned out all over my body as the vampire venom spread. I have no recollection of how long I twitched and writhed on the ground in agony. It felt as if my insides were being burnt down to nothing but ash, until all that was left was my heart. My heart too slowed to a sickening thud, and then there was nothing. No pain, no heartbeat, no life…until it happened.

I heard his footsteps down the hall. I knew his scent. How did he get in so easily? She probably wanted him to find me. I was so thirsty… “Snow?” “Get out of here! I don’t want to hurt you, but I will.” “What are you talking about, and what happened to your hair? Anyway we need to go before --” His voice cut off when I stepped into the light. The terror that filled his eyes was more than I could bear. “You see? You see what I’ve become? We don’t need to do anything! You need to leave! Or I will hurt you!” Thankfully, and regrettably, he turned and fled.

Sorrow filled me as I realized that I was a monster, a freak. That look in his eye, was it the same look I had when I saw Ravenna as a werewolf? I wish I could apologize, but I would never see my sister again. I would never see Triton again. Or worse, Rosalie would force me to hunt them down and kill them. With that thought, however, the tears began to slow and then ceased. No…I wouldn’t hunt them. I would kill HER. She wanted me to be a monster well fine, she’ll have one.


“Kamaria,” I said through gritted teeth. She was messing with Snow’s head I just knew it, and if Snow didn’t believe me I would go and get proof. However, when I got to Rosalie’s tower I found someone I wasn’t expecting. “Well don’t you look like a wounded puppy.” “Interesting quote coming from a dog.” I got right in his face, “A wolf. The only reason I haven’t ripped your throat out, is because my sister fancies you for some unknown reason. You better remember that. Where is she anyway? Aren’t you two normally attached at the hip?” He looked down, “Yeah…she was kidnapped.” I threw my hands up, “Again! You have got to be kidding me! And what were you doing, taking a nap? Is she in there? Oh whatever, I’m going in.” He called after me, “Wait! She was bitten…changed.”

“Changed?” “They changed her into a vampire. I thought they were myths, but I guess after meeting you I shouldn’t have been so surprised…” My mind was whirling, but one thing had caught my attention. “Did you see her?” “Yes…” “How did you react? Why are you down here and she’s not with you?” “…I-I…she told me to go…” Rage started to fill me, “That’s probably because you looked at her like she was some kind of FREAK! The woman you swore up and down to me that you ‘loved’.” “I do love her!” He shouted. “Then you never should have left her alone! Because that’s what you do when you love someone, you stick it out.” “I made a mistake. I made a lot of mistakes. I’m sorry…” “Well don’t apologize to me!” “You’re right. We should go up there and get her.”

I stopped him, “Absolutely not. You have to stay down here where it’s safe.” He looked at me completely bewildered, “I thought you just told me to stay by her side if I really cared about her?” “Yes I did, but she would be highly upset if I put you into harms’ way, because even though you hurt her feelings I know she is still in love with you. So for now I just need you to go to sleep.” “What?” That’s when I punched him. “Oh boy, he is going to be super angry when he wakes up. Oh well, there’s a damsel that needs saving…from herself.”

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 41 – The Evil In You (Part 2)
« Reply #245 on: March 18, 2014, 09:00:16 AM »
Oh poor Snow!  Being a vampire doesn't automatically make one a monster, just... supernatural.  Poor Triton needs to understand that bad things happen to good people too.  Nice drama Mel.  I'm really enjoying this story.  ;D
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

Offline VioletG

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 41 – The Evil In You (Part 2)
« Reply #246 on: March 18, 2014, 02:15:16 PM »
Haha ... go Ravenna! I love her ... :)

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 41 – The Evil In You (Part 2)
« Reply #247 on: March 19, 2014, 10:28:19 PM »
I really enjoy this story so far. It's thrilling! Keep up the good work!  :D ;D
I play The Sims 4 for fun, so I don't care if I never end up being interviewed for the Dynasty Hall of Fame; people who play for keeps burn out too easily and don't enjoy playing the games, so I am going to not sweat the details.

"With great ability comes great taking into account of one's actions!" - spoken by an NPC in Lego Marvel Superheroes

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 41 – The Evil In You (Part 2)
« Reply #248 on: March 19, 2014, 11:14:44 PM »
Oh poor Snow!  Being a vampire doesn't automatically make one a monster, just... supernatural.  Poor Triton needs to understand that bad things happen to good people too.  Nice drama Mel.  I'm really enjoying this story.  ;D
Indeed, but with her biggest supernatural influence being Rosalie, it's quite hard for her to grasp that. Her perfect life would be one as far removed from magic as possible, but we all know that this is a magically world.  ;)

Haha ... go Ravenna! I love her ... :)
I do believe I favor her more than Snow. Which is strange since Snow is the actual heir lol.

I really enjoy this story so far. It's thrilling! Keep up the good work!  :D ;D
Thanks!!  :)

Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Chapter 42 – In Search of Sunrise
« Reply #249 on: March 22, 2014, 01:25:12 AM »

“ROSALIE!!” I screamed as I ripped through the tower searching for her. I found her on the top floor sitting on her throne. “I’ve been waiting for you,” she said with a maniacal smile.  “Have you?” “Oh yes. I have great plans for you.” She stood, “It was so cruel of your love to run away screaming as he did. To possess such a fickle heart, surely he cannot be trusted. Hm?” She peered at me sympathetically while circling me, “I say it would be better to do away with such a man, join me like old times, and hunt him down for good measure. I’m sure his blood smelled quite delectable. So what do you say?”

I took a step towards her, “This is the woman who raised me…” I grabbed her shoulders and dug my nails in making her wince in pain, “The person I watched and aspired to be…” I banged my head against hers and glared into her eyes, “And that’s why you are so…predictable. I’m going to break you.” I practically spit the words at her. It was the first time I had ever seen her waver, the first time I’d seen her afraid.


By the time I got into the tower I already heard the sounds of a battle taking place. I swore and tore up the stairs as fast as I could, but I was not prepared for the sight I saw next. Snow and Rosalie were locked in a fierce battle with neither side relenting. But Snow’s transformation startled me. I don’t believe I've ever seen anyone so altered. It was as if her very soul was missing. Suddenly Rosalie knocked Snow back several feet towards me, and I took the opportunity to intervene.

“Stop.” She looked right through me, “GET OUT OF MY WAY!!” “Listen to yourself… You don’t even know who you are anymore do you? Do you really think it will end here? It was never in your nature to be this person, to do things like this. Your heart is supposed to be pure. If you finish her, then you will blacken your heart forever. And you won’t stop with her. You’ll then move on to hurting the people that you love. And when that happens my dearest Snow…you truly will be lost.”

She clutched her head then, and took deep ragged breaths. Finally she uttered, “I thought you hated me. I said such horrible things to you…” “Given recent events I believe you of all people know just how much fear can make a person react in ways they regret later. He is really sorry by the way. I gave him a good talking to.” Her head suddenly snapped up, and I noticed that the red had faded from her eyes, and they had taken up a much brighter version of their usual dark blue, “You didn’t hurt him did you?” I smiled relieved that she was finally coming to her senses, “No. He’s fine.” I jerked my head in the not forgotten Rosalie’s direction, “She won’t be though. I’m going to finish this.” “I can help --” “No. Besides, evil looks good on me.”


I had wondered why Rosalie hadn’t bothered interrupting our talk, but her next statement said it all, “Now I get the pleasure of destroying your sister before your very eyes Snow. Isn’t this wonderful?” “Well too bad for you, because that’s not going to happen.” Ravenna transformed into a werewolf then, and headed for Rosalie. That’s when I remembered the blue aura encircling them both.

“Wait! That aura makes you slower!” She stopped, looked down at herself, looked to Rosalie, and then smiled. “Clever using this on Snow, because a vampire’s greatest strength is their speed. However you have a couple of problems now…” She suddenly hit Rosalie with a punch that sent her flying into the wall, “The first is that fairy auras affect the user as well.” She then walked over as Rosalie stood up and kicked her into the opposite wall, “The second is that a werewolf’s strength is power not agility.”

Wow, Ravenna really knew her stuff, I cheered inwardly. And I thought perhaps we could actually finish this. Rosalie slowly got up, wiped blood from her mouth, and cast yet another aura as she ran out onto the balcony. “I hope you didn’t think that was the only thing I had up my sleeve. You can kiss that brute strength of yours goodbye.” Ravenna grimaced but then smirked, “I’m still stronger than you.” “That’s true, but you’ll have to catch me first.”

Then things took a turn for the worst. Rosalie shrunk herself down to miniature size as Ravenna tried in vain to land a hit on her, and the interaction was leaving her more and more exhausted. Not to mention with each pass Rosalie took swipes at her, until she was covered in scrapes and I feared she would bleed out. I made a move to intervene, but Ravenna only shouted at me, “Stay back!” She gulped for a breath, “I can handle her. See…the aura is gone.”

The next thing I knew Rosalie crashed back down to normal size, and I noticed that the aura was actually gone. What was going on? Ravenna just cackled, “What’s wrong? You didn’t run out magic did you, casting all those auras I mean?” Rosalie just glared in response, gasping for air. Her eyes darted around like a crazy person searching, I bet, for anyway to get out of this situation. Because I had learned over time that out of everything she was a master of surviving. The thought of it made my blood boil, and I suddenly ran towards her screaming, “Not this time!”

But my twin was way ahead of me. Little did I realize the moment she noticed my rage, she headed straight for Rosalie, who had in turn been too focused on me, and with one final blow knocked Rosalie down and out of our lives forever. I stood beside her on the balcony. “Even fairies cannot fly without magic. This cruel excuse for a life we’ve been given is almost over now Snow.” Almost? That’s when the sun shone on my skin from behind the mountains, and I screamed in agony.

I clamored back inside to hide, and Ravenna rushed to my side, “You’re okay. It will heal.” “How is this OK?! Will I never be able to face the sun again?” “I believe I can assist you with that,” a familiar sounding, gruff voice said suddenly. I looked up into the eyes of the vampire who made me this way, and immediately begin backing away in fright. “No…please. Anyone but you…” Right on cue Ravenna growled, and began stalking towards the man. Even though she still suffered heavily from her fight with Rosalie, she showed no intention of backing down from him. Instead of engaging her, however, he held up his hands in surrender.

“Honestly, I just came here to help. I never wanted to work for Rosalie, and I most certainly did not want to turn you.” “Liar!” Ravenna hissed. But there was something about the look in his eyes. It was that same look I saw when he bit me. “Wait…I believe him.” She whipped around, “You have got to be joking! First the witch, now this guy! This makes three times now that the witch used a locater spell to help Rosalie find you. And this jerk turned you into a vampire, but you put your faith in them?” Her bringing up Kamaria kind of stung a bit, because it reminded me of our last fight. “I know it may seem…strange to you, but I feel like many people were put in difficult situations because of Rosalie. Situations that caused them to do terrible things, but I think that what’s important is that when it really mattered they decided to do the right thing. Besides I believe that Kamaria set this up for a reason. She must have known that this was the only way, and the only time that we could defeat Rosalie.”


I just put my head in my hands and sighed, “Vampire dude, you better have something worthwhile.” I looked up to find him glaring at me. “I am to be addressed Lord Ayden--” Good grief this guy was arrogant. I just waved my hands impatiently, “Yeah. Yeah. Ayden, why are you here?” I saw him grind his fangs, and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing, “I have on my person an elixir. It will relieve your sister of the vampirism I have bestowed upon her.” “And what you’re just going to cough it up?” He looked confused, “You misunderstand. It is attached to my belt, not within me.” Just as I sat wondering how old this guy was, Snow finally stepped forward and asked for the elixir which he obliged without a thought.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa. You are just going to take it? Not even sniff it first?” She looked at me, eyes wide with desperation, “I need this… I just want to be normal.” I plastered a smile on my face, but frowned inwardly. I guess for a moment I had hopes that we could both be different together… I glanced up only to see Ayden staring at me. What was that look, pity? I narrowed my eyes, “Werewolf bites are fatal to vampires. You better not move a muscle, because if anything happens to her…” He nodded.

And as if I didn't have enough people to keep an eye on, that’s when fancy face charged in, and enveloped Snow in an embrace, “I am so sorry. I love you, and I never should have let you out of my sight for a second. I’ve been wasting so much time worrying about losing you, that I never even got a chance to really be with you. So if you’ll still give me that chance, I would love to take it.” She smiled brightly, “Of course! But I need to do this first.” “What is that?” He said noticing the elixir in her hand for the first time, but before anyone could explain Snow raised her arm and threw the elixir down at herself.

“Well…how do I look?” she asked timidly. Fancy face chimed up, “Beautiful.” They then digressed into yet another sickening rom com scene that I wish I could block from my memory. I looked over to find Ayden still staring at me. He raised a brow, “Am I permitted to move yet?” “Ha. Ha. Scamper off. You’re making me uncomfortable.” When I thought he had long gone I looked back over to the idiot couple still wrapped up in each other, “Well unless either of you have any unfinished business to attend to here in Moonlight Falls, I believe it’s time we journey to Bridgeport. There are still two important people left to save.” Snow finally tore herself away, “That’s right. Back to where it all begin, so that it finally can end.”

Little did I know, I was the one leaving unfinished business in Moonlight Falls, and it looked like it was quite determined to follow me home.

Sorry about that. It might have been a lot lol.

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 42 – In Search of Sunrise
« Reply #250 on: March 22, 2014, 07:18:54 AM »
Ooohhh another cliff hanger!  Mel, this is just so intriguing and well done!  I love it. ;D
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
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Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 42 – In Search of Sunrise
« Reply #251 on: March 23, 2014, 02:10:22 AM »
Ooohhh another cliff hanger!  Mel, this is just so intriguing and well done!  I love it. ;D
Haha thanks.

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The Magical World: Chapter 43 – Part of Me
« Reply #252 on: March 23, 2014, 02:35:34 AM »

The last time I was in Bridgeport, I was little more than a toddler, so naturally I was flabbergasted at the sight of all the city’s skyscrapers. But the sight that moved me the most was the one of the house I was born in. We had finally arrived. After all these years I was finally home.

Ravenna had called ahead so they were already waiting for us in the living room by the time we got there. No one said a word for a long moment, they just stared at me. Then finally a woman I took to be my grandmother rushed forward and hugged me with tears streaming down her face, “Welcome home, my sweet girl!” My grandfather greeted me in a similar manner, but the man I took to be Sebastian just gave me a sad smile.  He then exchanged a look with Ravenna and said, “I’m ready.”

It made sense. On the ride over Ravenna had mentioned that he still felt extremely guilty for everything. I just hoped he wasn’t pushing himself too hard to make this happen. Everyone moved to his lab, where Ravenna and I placed our dolled parents on the floor. “Ok stand back. The last thing we need is a misfire, and they take life from the wrong place.” Sebastian then took two imaginary friend metamorphium potions from a shelf, poured them onto the dolls, and extended his hands over them.

At first nothing happened, but just when I started to lose hope the dolls begin to grow bigger and then took human form. I couldn’t believe it! Was it really them? Before anyone got a chance to say anything, however, Sebastian fell like a brick to the ground and stayed there...absolutely lifeless.

Ravenna immediately covered his body with a sheet. How long had she had that? She stood in front of him but wouldn’t look up to meet anyone’s eyes, “OK…um, well I’m sure you all have a lot you want to talk about. Mama, Papa, I’m sure you want to wash up and change…. Uh… Oh! Snow, you should probably introduce Triton to everyone as well. Well off you go.” She was talking a mile a minute and I couldn’t believe she actually called Triton by his name, “Ravenna…he’s not breathing…” She forced a smile but still didn’t look up, “We’ll join you in a bit when he wakes up ok?” She finally raised her head, but just looked to our grandmother with pleading eyes, “Grams?” “Alright everyone, they’ll join us later. Come on.” And just like that my grandmother herded us all, wide-eyed and confused, out of the lab and into the house. 

For the next hour we all sat around in the living room as I learned about my family history. It appeared I wasn’t the only one that Rosalie had plagued. I was just glad that future generations of my family would not have to worry about her. Suddenly my grandparents stood up and my grandfather nodded towards the doorway, “I think we should leave you all to chat.” I turned to see what he was referencing and gasped as Sebastian and Ravenna entered the room. He definitely wasn’t breathing before, I was sure of it. I guess he really was immortal. In either case I was just glad he was ok…physically at least. Both he and Ravenna still looked pretty shaken. What had happened? Speaking of people with secrets, Triton took this as cue to also exit the room.

Sebastian addressed my parents, “I don’t want to impose on your time with them, but I would like a chance to speak to you later.” My father just sighed, “I know what you want to say, and you’re wrong by the way, but we’d be happy to talk to you.” Sebastian just nodded, “Thank you.” After that my mother said she wanted to show me something so I followed her upstairs, while Ravenna and my father went outside by the pool.

We entered a bedroom with two cribs in it. “Apparently they decided to leave this room exactly the way it was the night you were taken. So I guess in a sense it was ‘frozen in time’. Now that I think about it, you could say the same thing about your father and I.” She turned to face me and smiled brightly, “You were born in this room you know? Just a tiny little thing, so frail and so pale. I used to stand here, holding you, too afraid that you would disappear.” I had no idea that I was sick when I was baby, Ravenna hadn’t told me, or maybe she didn’t know. I thought back to what had just happened with Sebastian and wondered if maybe there were things she thought were too painful to tell me about.

“Your sister may be tough now, but she wasn’t always. For some reason fate chose to let a child that small remember every second of grief. If you only knew how much she mourned us, how much she suffered. There were times when I honestly thought it would have been better if she forgot all about us, but then I thought about you.” She looked out the window, “I grieved that as your mother, I couldn’t be there to take care of you. And I wondered if you suffered the same way. I wanted to know whether you were hungry, sick, cold, or lonely.” I quickly flashed back to the times I was on the run from Rosalie, but put it to the back of my mind. There are definitely things that are too painful to share. I would have to remember to ask my father not to mention that time to her either.

“It’s just…I feel like the time when you both needed me is gone, and you’ll probably be a mother yourself soon enough. I just hate that I never got the chance to be one.” She started to cry. “Oh mom… I’m always going to need my mother, and Ravenna may not admit it but I know she feels the same way. Listen,” I grabbed her hands, “There’s still plenty of mother-daughter stuff for us to tackle. When I do, hopefully, become a mother I’ll definitely need your help, and besides before any of that can happen I could really use some guy advice right now.” She suddenly burst out laughing, “Well I can definitely help with that.”


“You’re a fake.” Papa looked at me with a confused expression, “What?” “Grams once told me that your smile was legendary. One grin, and it was as if the sun itself was shining. She said one couldn’t help but to be happy in the face of such a smile, but your smile doesn’t even reach your eyes. So either you’re a fake, or something is bothering you.” “You’re very intelligent.” “I know.” He let out a sad laugh and looked out at the ocean, “I failed you. All of you. I keep thinking that there must have been something I missed along the way, something more that I could have done. Or maybe that I was just being selfish all along. Snow was hurt so much, and now that I know how you knew everything at such a young age, I can’t even imagine what you must have gone through. And I wasn’t there for you! I couldn’t do a single thing for either of you! I just feel useless…”

“So you are a fake…because my father is not useless. He is the type of man to dedicate years of his life to bring a dear friend to life. He is the type of man that loves fiercely and values family and friendship over everything, no matter what. He is the type of man that would risk anything, even his own life, if it meant protecting that family or friendship in any way possible without regretting a single moment."

"That is the man that I respect and admire. That is the man that I modeled my life and work ethic after. My single driving force while finding Snow was to think, ‘What would my father do?’ You are the reason I was able to push forward each day, because I knew that if it was you in my place, that you would never give up on making this family whole again, and never give up hope.”

My chest started to hurt as I tried in vain to force back an action I hadn’t allowed myself to do in a very long time, “You and mother are my parents. You will always be a part of me. So I know you have always been with me.” He hugged me tightly, “I love you.” It had been years since I’d cried, but I couldn’t help but sob uncontrollably into his shoulder, “I love you too papa.”

Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 43 – Part of Me
« Reply #253 on: March 23, 2014, 05:46:19 AM »
Wow, a great family reunion. Loved it and nice to see Andy and Jessie(I think) back again, and also Mulan. Loving this story. Can't wait for next chapter.
Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 43 – Part of Me
« Reply #254 on: March 23, 2014, 05:58:22 AM »
Pass out the tissues with this update.  :'(  Heavy sigh.   Well written Mel and so emotional.  Snow has Triton, Andy and Jessie are united again... but who for Ravenna?  Will she be cured or will she find someone to accept her as she is?  So many questions... but I'll bide my time.  I am so thoroughly enjoying this story.
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

My Stories:
1. Duty Calls
2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. The Secret Time Traveler

