Author Topic: The Magical World: Chapter 79 – The Queen, The Rabbit, and the Boys in Shadow  (Read 176133 times)

Danielle Haydis

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 30 – The Price of Magic Part 2
« Reply #180 on: December 01, 2013, 04:25:06 AM »
Am I right in assuming that Jessie had multiple children? You keep on using plural forms like:

“I’m ready. I just want to watch over them in some way.”

“…It’s ok…It’s ok. Hey, I just need you to look after the girls, and promise me to keep us near them so that we can watch over them.”

   I couldn’t move at all, but I could hear Sebastian sobbing as he picked me up and carried me upstairs. He placed me next to where my beautiful daughters slept, and then placed Jessie next to me. And I felt, as I knew she felt, the life force within. We were together as always, just waiting to be free.

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 30 – The Price of Magic Part 2
« Reply #181 on: December 01, 2013, 03:21:31 PM »
I'm trying to guess who the other child(ren) is/are. I hadn't thought this was how it would end, I'm so depressed over Snow and her siblings losing their parents to doll form T.T
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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 30 – The Price of Magic Part 2
« Reply #182 on: December 07, 2013, 09:19:24 PM »
Ha! I just love how it's turned out. It's not really what I expected, because it seems that you love Sebastian so much! And I can’t blame you for that. This is amazing, Mel. Truly brilliant, now we’re all know that the next generation is Snow, so what’s next?
Haha I would be lying if I said I don't favor him. I modeled him after someone special, but more importantly I have plans for him later. I am really glad you enjoyed how it turned out. And well I'm still getting everything set up for the next generation. I want to try something a little different, and I'm curious to see how it pans out lol.

Well, there will be bitter first and you can taste the sweet part later. At least they are there with their daughter and they are together in pair. Even it's sad but it's still cute.
Snow is generally not supposed to have parents, but I couldn't bring myself to let them just be gone.

Am I right in assuming that Jessie had multiple children?
You are correct. I will tell you that she had twin girls.  ;)

I'm trying to guess who the other child(ren) is/are. I hadn't thought this was how it would end, I'm so depressed over Snow and her siblings losing their parents to doll form T.T
As I said to Eld up above I am going to be trying something different. The other twin is actually another fairytale character lol.
And I apologize for having to take their parents from them, but all hope is not lost.

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 30 – The Price of Magic Part 2
« Reply #183 on: December 08, 2013, 05:16:32 AM »
You are correct. I will tell you that she had twin girls.  ;)

If they're twin girls, and one is named Snow White, I think I know what the other one's name is ~.  ;)
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Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 30 – The Price of Magic Part 2
« Reply #184 on: December 14, 2013, 07:29:15 PM »
If they're twin girls, and one is named Snow White, I think I know what the other one's name is ~.  ;)
Lol I think you might be surprised.

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 30 – The Price of Magic Part 2
« Reply #185 on: December 14, 2013, 07:34:03 PM »
I apologize for the delay, but with finals and the holidays my time has been a little stretched.
I just have a few more things to sort, and I should be able to post the first chapter. It will be in two parts.

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 30 – The Price of Magic Part 2
« Reply #186 on: December 14, 2013, 10:14:35 PM »
Take your time Mel, your Disney twists are always worth the wait!  ;D  Best of luck!
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Offline Eldridge

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 30 – The Price of Magic Part 2
« Reply #187 on: December 14, 2013, 10:18:31 PM »
Good luck on your finals and the rest of the problem, Mel. Remember, real life first ;D
Don't worry! We can wait for that :)
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 30 – The Price of Magic Part 2
« Reply #188 on: December 15, 2013, 04:51:42 AM »
We'll be waiting, Mel. Don't worry! Real world first ;D
Just enjoy being yourself, you're unique, special and no one ever create story like you ♥ - Luna -

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Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 30 – The Price of Magic Part 2
« Reply #189 on: December 15, 2013, 04:54:58 AM »
Take your time Mel, your Disney twists are always worth the wait!  ;D  Best of luck!
Good luck on your finals and the rest of the problem, Mel. Remember, real life first ;D
Don't worry! We can wait for that :)
We'll be waiting, Mel. Don't worry! Real world first ;D
Thanks for all the patience and well wishes. It is greatly appreciated.  :)

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The Magical World: Chapter 31 – Old “Friends” (Part 1)
« Reply #190 on: December 15, 2013, 05:38:08 AM »
      “Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?” “You are the fairest, but there is one destined to be a thousand times fairer than you. With skin pale as snow, lips red as blood, and hair black as ebony. This child will bring about your demise.”

      “That wretched mirror you gave me speaks lies!” “The mirror never lies.” “No child will bring about my demise.” “If that is what the mirror said --” “Then find her!” “I must beg you from this task. This child has brought a great evil with her into the world --” “So you already know then. I don’t remember asking for your counsel or your permission, but I do remember TELLING you to do something. I think I can handle a child. Now where is she?” “…Bridgeport.”


       The past two years were a struggle. I kept my promise, and watched over Snow and Ravenna diligently, with little sleep. Mulan and Shang were convinced that I was taking too much upon myself, but every time I saw the girls playing with the dolls, I knew it would never be enough. I could never do enough.

   Mulan and I decided to take the girls out to the park. They loved to play with their toys in the sandbox, and it was a beautiful day. I was just about to reprimand Ravenna for chewing her toys again when someone walked up to me, “Hello Sebastian.” I turned only to see someone I never thought to see again, “Kamaria…what are you doing here?” She laughed, “Well that’s quite the rude greeting, and I thought we were friends.” “I was pretty sure you hated me actually…”


   Friends wouldn’t nearly begin to cover my relationship with the woman standing in front of me. We had met nearly a century ago, and had immediately fallen in love. It wasn’t until after she stole my heart and made me immortal, however, that she told me she was witch. As you can imagine, I didn’t take it well.

   “I was hoping we could talk, perhaps over dinner?” “I don’t have much an appetite.” She rolled her eyes, “Then just meet me at The Brightmore, 7o’clock?  With that she walked away leaving me conflicted.

        Mulan walked up to me then, “Who was that?” “A very old acquaintance.” “She didn’t look that old. “Oh, she wouldn’t” She nodded, “Ah, magical girl then, who you are still thinking about from the looks of it.” I suddenly turned to her, “No, it’s nothing.” “You should go out with her, because from her body language, it looked like she wanted to go out with you.” “I can’t, the girls -” She cut me off, “Will be fine with their grandparents. Go, you are eternally young. I would try to enjoy it.”


   Shaking off my reservations, I decided to go and meet with Kamaria. The night went surprisingly well. She told me she didn’t want to talk about the past, that we should just try to move forward, so we talked, we laughed, and somehow I found myself in her hotel room. It had been so long…but I was still captivated by her.

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The Magical World: Chapter 31 – Old “Friends” (Part 2)
« Reply #191 on: December 15, 2013, 06:07:20 AM »

      I awoke to a bad feeling and an empty bed. Kamaria had left a note saying she enjoyed our time together, and hoped that we would meet up again one day. One day…I guess I was a fool to think we would get back together. Things went from bad to worse when I returned home however. All I heard was a child screaming.

      I raced upstairs to find Mulan and Shang on the floor and Ravenna in her crib screaming her head off. Snow and the Andy doll, however, were nowhere to be found. I quickly grabbed Ravenna to soothe her, and rushed over to Mulan and Shang to check for a pulse. Relief flooded me, but only for a second. They were alive, just knocked out.

       It was a spell. Dark magic. I looked around the room, my thoughts racing. There was no way Snow could have gotten out of her crib alone. She must have been taken by whoever did this. But this magic, this dark presence felt familiar. Where had I felt it before...?


   Dread suddenly filled me, and then rage. How could I let this happen?! I should have been here! No…even if I was, what could I have done? I had to find them, somehow. I held Ravenna close then. I couldn’t let anything happen to her. I had already failed her in every way possible, but I would make it right…even if she grew to hate me.


      I had to do it. I had to lure him away. I could not take the chance that she would hurt him. She is too unstable.

      “You got the child without any casualties I trust?” She turned to me smiling viciously, “I do love tormenting that family. When you told me she was Cinderella’s descendant I knew I would enjoy this very much.”

       I changed the subject as something else caught my eye, “And what of the doll?” “She had it near her. I figured I best bring something to keep her quiet. I do hate noise.” Something was amiss, “That doll…is alive…” She just rolled her eyes, “Honestly, what is your problem? First this nonsense with the most unassuming looking kid in the world, and now a toy. Really?”

   I didn’t bother to answer her, just took one more, long look at the doll before turning and leaving. There was something very peculiar about that doll. Perhaps I should have searched Sebastian’s mind…No. He should stay out of this.


      “Right then. What do I do with you? Hm?” I had to admit, she was annoyingly the cutest kid I had ever seen.

      “My name is Rosalie or Rose. Can you say Rose?” She cocked her head to the side, “Wose?”

      I put her on the floor, began to pace, and then began talking more to the wall then her. “Alright kid listen up, we don’t have to be enemies. You do what I say, grow into who I want you to be, and you can stick around. Got it?” She just giggled. “I’ll take that for compliance then…”

     I turned back to face the wall, “You know what else? Snow Li, I don’t like it. You’ll take on my last name. Yes, Snow White. That sounds much better doesn’t it?”

I hope everyone enjoys the kick start into Snow White's portion of my story. I just want to take a moment to give a big thank you to the amazing builder and forum member intl_incident, who allowed me to use their Elegant Witch's Tower which you will see our villainess using throughout the story, and a link to which can be found here:,12841.html.

Offline Eldridge

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 31 – Old “Friends” (Part 2)
« Reply #192 on: December 15, 2013, 06:42:26 AM »
I just wonder who's the lady that fairy speak to. I'm not familiar with Ravenna name but when I take my research upon it, it's from the recent movie; Snow White and the Huntsman. I haven't watched that movie yet, so it must be interesting to mix up the fairy tale, the movie and your version.

And there’s also reference from other Disney work that I have not familiar yet.

Ah, so that can explain why Sebastian still alive until now. You have soft spot for him, I also loved him because he had beard to begin with ::) He looks good with facial hair :P

Glad that she has a new last name, Snow Li just not like Snow White at all ;D
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline Nettlejuice

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 31 – Old “Friends” (Part 2)
« Reply #193 on: December 15, 2013, 06:58:49 AM »
She's back! I wondered when Rose would make an appearance again. I love intel's creations and I love that you'll be using it in future.
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Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 31 – Old “Friends” (Part 2)
« Reply #194 on: December 15, 2013, 07:49:07 AM »
I just wonder who's the lady that fairy speak to. I'm not familiar with Ravenna name but when I take my research upon it, it's from the recent movie; Snow White and the Huntsman. I haven't watched that movie yet, so it must be interesting to mix up the fairy tale, the movie and your version.

And there’s also reference from other Disney work that I have not familiar yet.

Ah, so that can explain why Sebastian still alive until now. You have soft spot for him, I also loved him because he had beard to begin with ::) He looks good with facial hair :P

Glad that she has a new last name, Snow Li just not like Snow White at all ;D
Lol yes I did get the name from there, because I am using that movie as one of many reference points. But she won't be like that character at all.
And I'll make sure not to get rid of Sebastian's beard lol.
I'm doing my best to make sure that the character's names, skin tones, and all make as much sense as possible. She just has to be Snow White.

She's back! I wondered when Rose would make an appearance again. I love intel's creations and I love that you'll be using it in future.
Oh yeah. The evil ones typically don't leave well enough alone.  ;)
When I saw that tower I knew it was perfect for my vision lol.

