Author Topic: The Magical World: Chapter 79 – The Queen, The Rabbit, and the Boys in Shadow  (Read 149087 times)

Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 59 – What I Have To Do
« Reply #360 on: July 24, 2014, 12:32:02 PM »
Yay! Scar! I love when you veer off the well-known story to make it your own, while still maintaining elements and charm of the original (especially like with your take on toy story!). Scar has a brother, but it's Aladdin. I love that. Wonder if he'll treat Aladdin the same way he treated his brother in the original tale? Aaannnddd I am excited to see how he will look! Lion to Human transformation.

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 59 – What I Have To Do
« Reply #361 on: July 27, 2014, 07:17:02 PM »
Oh yeah!  Totally awesome chapter.  But... bring on Simba!  Now that is going to be an interesting scenario.  But if anyone can do it, my money is on you Mel.   ;)
Haha thanks for that. Now I hope I can deliver.

Yay! Scar! I love when you veer off the well-known story to make it your own, while still maintaining elements and charm of the original (especially like with your take on toy story!). Scar has a brother, but it's Aladdin. I love that. Wonder if he'll treat Aladdin the same way he treated his brother in the original tale? Aaannnddd I am excited to see how he will look! Lion to Human transformation.
Well Scar will always be Scar lol. But I have a lot of interesting plans for The Lion King, here's to hoping I can pull it off.

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Offline melancholy_anju

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The Magical World: Chapter 60 – Circle of Life
« Reply #362 on: July 31, 2014, 11:31:52 PM »

Dear Al,

        Hey! I miss you buddy, but traveling the world is great. I started out in Shang Simla, but quickly figured out that the only thing those people like to do is practice simfu and play chess. Heck, even their chickens can play better than I can. I won’t even bother to dwell on that embarrassing story… My latest travels have brought me to Champs Les Sims. And I must say Al, I don’t know if it’s the beautiful atmosphere, or the slight scent of nectar in the air, but something about this place has me thinking about love. Ha perhaps it’s just the effect Charlotte has on me, but I’m feeling like I might stay here awhile. As for the concerns you wrote to me about, don’t even worry about it. There’s no way you can compare yourself to your father. Look at the great job you’ve already done with Abu these past years. I know it might be a bit easier, because he is a bit older, but you’ll fall right into the swing of things as soon as your new kid arrives. I just know it. Well farewell for now Al, or as the French say, Au Revoir!

-   Genie


I glanced over Genie’s letter again and chuckled to myself. He was right. I was stressing myself out over nothing. I would do the best I could, and I know it will be enough. “Dad! Dad!” Abu came running into the room. He stopped and put his hands on his knees to catch his breath. While I waited for his news I thought about how hearing him call me that still caught me a little off guard sometimes, but at the same time it felt right. It had been four years now since that day:

“So you see we are going to move to Roaring Heights. I want to meet my brother.” Abu’s face fell a little, but he quickly planted a smile, “Yeah. Of course. That’s awesome! I would be really curious too. Well looks like you guys are off on another adventure. You better write me!” Jasmine and I exchanged a glance and she looked back at him, “Actually we were hoping you would come with us…as our son.” I couldn’t exactly read his face, but if I had to guess it was somewhere between shock and bewilderment. He looked down at the ground, “Son…So you two would be my parents? Like a family?” “Yeah.” I said slowly. That’s when I noticed tear drops on the floor near his feet. He suddenly ran over and hugged us both. The rest of his words were mumbled in tears. Jasmine and I laughed, taking his response as a yes. 

Finally collecting his breath Abu looks at me in panic, “Mom is in labor! She is on her way home now with Zazu." I had to keep myself from swearing, “I told her not to go into the office today… I’ll call Rafiki and Dr. Lyon. I want you to call your uncle.” Jas and a flustered Zazu arrived at home 20 minutes later, soon after followed by Rafiki. I helped her into the room, “How are you doing?” “Oh you know, just feeling like I want to saw the bottom half of my body off, but I guess that’s normal right?” I rubbed her hand and gave her a thumbs up, “You’re doing great honey.” She rolled her eyes and let out a laugh which was immediately followed by a groan, “Just go and keep Abu company.” Nodding my head I stood up, “I can do that.” Rafiki clapped me on the back before I headed out, “The little tyke will be here before you know it.” I nodded in Dr. Lyon’s direction, “Keep an eye on both Jas and Sarafina though will ya?” Despite being heavily pregnant herself she was practically running around the room. “I got it. I got it. Out.”

“I bet he’ll be tough like you, and I can show him how to pick-pocket.” Zazu chastised him, “You’ll do nothing of the sort. And you better not still be practicing that.” He kicked at the floor sheepishly, “But uncle Scar said those skills might be useful…” I shook my head, “Scar…Where is he anyway?” “I don’t know. But I could always do other things with my brother. We can play video games, and I can help him with his homework...” I closed my eyes and smiled as I listened to him excitedly explain his ideas. It wasn’t long after we moved here that Abu began asking for a sibling. He told me he finally understood what it meant to have a family, and he just wanted it to grow. Huh…I was starting to realize we really had come a long way for a couple of supposed orphans. Snapping back to the room I looked over to Abu, “You know, your little brother is gonna need someone to keep an eye on him, and protect him. Can I count on you for that?” Abu saluted me smartly, “Sure thing dad!” We were laughing when Sarafina entered the room, “Do you want to meet your son?” Abu and I exchanged a grin, “Come on buddy.”

Jas sat in a rocking chair beaming with joy. I felt pride swell in my chest as I looked down at my newborn son. Carefully I gathered him in my arms, “You did it Jas…” “We did it.” I bent a bit so Abu could see him more clearly, “There he is. What do you think?” He tapped his chin, “He’s a bit squishy right now, but don’t worry, I’ll whip him into shape.” We all laughed heartily. Rafiki moved closer then, “It is time.”

Rafiki had always been an odd ball ever since we’d first met him, but his wisdom and skill were undisputable. Most importantly I trusted him. We all watched as he brought forth a coconut, cracked it open revealing a strange mixture, and smeared the contents atop the newborn’s head. Taking the baby in his arms he walked out to the balcony, holding him up to the world. I watched in awe as the clouds in the sky parted, letting a beam of sunshine fall on my son. “Welcome Simba.”

Scar came bustling into the room, knocking Zazu to the side in the process. I thought later that was most likely on purpose, “I haven’t missed anything have I?" Annoyed, I raised an eyebrow, “Only the birth of your nephew. But don’t worry, we’ll just push him back up there, and do this all again tomorrow!” “Al,” Jasmine said taking Simba back from Rafiki, “You’ll upset the baby.” Sighing, I did my best to reign in my anger. Scar sent a weak shrug my way, “Cute kid.” “Thanks…” I said through gritted teeth. Thinking back on how excited I had been to meet my brother when I first came here, I never thought things would turn out like this.




“Dad! Dad! Get up!” My mom rolled over, “Your son wants you.” “He is your son before the sun rises,” My father grumbled. “Dad. You promised!” Finally stirring he sat up, “Alright, alright.” “Yes!” We went up to the roof and watched the sunrise. “Look out there Simba. All those tall buildings there and every business we own. In some ways that puts our family in control of this entire part of the city. And when you get older, maybe you’ll take over what your mother and I have built.” I looked a bit beyond the buildings, “What about that part across the bridge?” “You must never go there Simba. It’s like a wilderness. No order, no integrity, just pure survival.”

“Do you know what it takes to be a good man and great leader? Caring for the people around you as equals.” “But dad, since our family has so much power, doesn’t that make us more important than like…that guy.” I said pointing to the grocer just opening up his store. Smiling my dad shook his head, “We may own the store, but we only get a profit if he works in it, and that profit can furthermore only go through if someone shops there. You see? No customer, no profit, and no store, no product for the customer. We all are important to give each other what we need to survive, like a cycle, a circle of life in a way.” He patted my shoulder, “Come on, let’s head home.”

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 60 – Circle of Life
« Reply #363 on: July 31, 2014, 11:41:49 PM »
I love how you adapted the The Lion King. ;D Can't wait for Timon and Pumba.

Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 60 – Circle of Life
« Reply #364 on: August 01, 2014, 07:54:04 AM »
I love how you adapted the The Lion King. ;D Can't wait for Timon and Pumba.

Danielle took the words right out of my mouth.   ;)  I loved this update Mel.
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

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2. Duty Calls Sequel: Islands of Sunset Valley
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Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 60 – Circle of Life
« Reply #365 on: August 01, 2014, 11:17:35 AM »
Scar looks awesome! And Simba's hair is just perfect.

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 60 – Circle of Life
« Reply #366 on: August 05, 2014, 02:49:13 AM »
I love how you adapted the The Lion King. ;D Can't wait for Timon and Pumba.
Danielle took the words right out of my mouth.   ;)  I loved this update Mel.
Thanks  :).
Haha they should be fun to play with.

Scar looks awesome! And Simba's hair is just perfect.
Glad you like them. CAS is always a nightmare lol.

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The Magical World: Chapter 61 – Run
« Reply #367 on: August 05, 2014, 03:32:11 AM »

“Oh come on. Where is it? Oomph!” I suddenly hit the ground with a thud as someone pounced on top of me. I turned my head and sighed when I saw Nala. She smiled in triumph, “Ha, pinned ya.” “Yeah yeah,” I muttered as I stood up and dusted myself off, “I’m working here. I’m trying to find a rainbow beetle. They’re really rare you know.” “Fine I’ll help you.” I waited for her to start looking around, and jumped in for a sneak attack, but she suddenly went down on all fours and I flew right over her. Then she pushed me down, “Ha, pinned ya again.” My mom came outside then, “You guys, it’s time to go.” “Yes!” We both shouted as we ran towards the house. Today we were going water skiing, and I was super excited. My parents always took my brother, Nala, and I to go do fun stuff like riding in a hot air balloon, camping, fishing, and snorkeling. Nala’s mom had to work a lot, being a doctor and not to mention a single parent, so I don’t think Nala would get out much otherwise. Thankfully, just like my mom and Nala’s mom were best friends, Nala was my best friend in the whole wide world. It probably wouldn’t be as much fun without her.

Later that evening I went up to bug uncle Scar. He had been really sullen lately, and I thought I might cheer him up, “Uncle Scar! I brought you a present.” “Well if it isn’t my favorite nephew…” I punched his arm playfully, “We went water skiing today, and I found this really cool shell I thought you might like. You know because you like to collect stuff.” “How thoughtful, but I’m afraid I have nothing to give you in return. I had planned to show you the city, but it appears your father beat me to the punch…” He tapped his chin for a moment, “Did he per chance acquaint you with what lies beyond the bridge?” “Not exactly. He just said never to go there…”

He crossed his arms and closed his eyes nodding, “Of course. It would be dreadfully dangerous if you aren’t a brave sim.” “I’m brave…I could do it.” “Oh no. I couldn’t think of putting my precious nephew in harm’s way.” “I’m tough! Nothing can bring me down.” He eyed me carefully, “Well I suppose I could tell you that there is treasure lying hidden in the junkyard, as a return present of course. You were bound to hear about it soon anyway.” My ears perked up, “Treasure?!” “But you must promise not to go there. It is quite dangerous.” “Sure Uncle Scar. I wouldn’t dream of it.”

Nala and I exchanged another grimace as Zazu continued to drone on about education and our future. “How did we get stuck with this goofball?” I muttered under my breath. “Your mom.” Nala whispered, shaking her head. When the completely one-sided conversation took a turn towards marriage I thought to myself, “That’s it. We gotta lose him.” I went up to a random stranger and tapped him on the shoulder. He bent down and smiled at me, “Hey little guy. What is it?” I smiled back, “Hello. My friend here,” I pointed at Zazu, “says you look like an ingrate with no morals or character. Can you tell me what that means, because he won’t? He just keeps laughing.” The man turned red in the face, “Excuse me.” He then stalked over to a pale Zazu. I shrugged to Nala, “I guess it doesn’t mean anything good. Well later Zazu!”

“Now where are we really going?” Nala asked. “A junkyard across the bridge.” She stopped dead in her tracks, “That’s forbidden.” I smirked at her, “What are you a chicken?” “Tch. No!” “Then there’s no problem. I live on the wild side, and the wild side is calling me to the treasure hidden in the junkyard.” Her blue eyes grew wide, “There’s treasure?” “See now you’re interested? I’ll race ya!” I took off running and she charged after me, “Cheater!” Neither one us was prepared for the other side. My dad had used the perfect word to describe it, wilderness. It was complete chaos with people everywhere. Rude people everywhere. It was nothing like what I had grown up to know. Luckily we spotted the junkyard pretty quickly.

I gazed around at everything in wonder, “Whoa, this place is massive and cool!” Nala just nodded along in silence. “Found you!” We both jumped as a heaving Zazu wagged his finger at us, “You should not be in this place. I’m bringing you both straight home at once!” “Oh man. Why don’t you just head home? I’m not afraid of some junkyard.” “Hehehe!” I ran behind Zazu as some mysterious laughter sounded off behind me. Three shady figures then appeared continuing their laughter, “Hehe what have we got here Shenzi?” “I don’t know Banzai. What do you think Ed?” The one called Ed just laughed hysterically, but said nothing. The girl called Shenzi answered her own question, “Looks like someone to help us pay for dinner.” The one called Banzai tugged at Nala’s hair, “Aren’t you on the wrong side of the tracks girly?” “Leave her alone!” I said jumping in front of her. “Oh we have a hero here ladies and gentleman.” Shenzi announced. “Do you have an S hidden under your shirt? Do you fight for justice?”

As the three of them stood around joking and laughing to themselves, we took the opportunity to make a run for it. Unfortunately they noticed before we made it completely out of the junkyard. They caught up with Zazu first as he was the slowest. But when they discovered he kept no money on him, they continued after us. Nala tripped over a busted pipe and it was just long enough for Shenzi to catch up. My mom said I shouldn’t hit girls, but the situation was a little strained. A scratch should be okay right? Taking a swipe, I drew red marks across her face. It was just long enough to stun her, but after she was incensed. The three of them clearly knew this junkyard better than we did, and it didn’t take them long to corner us.

They laughed as they stalked us like vultures. I held Nala’s hand and prepared for the worst. That’s when my dad showed up. They didn’t even see him coming. In one swift motion, he kicked his leg out, and knocked them all to their bums. They looked up at him incredulously while he cracked his knuckles, “I think it’s time you kids head home don’t you?” They looked at each other and then got up and ran for it. I could’ve cheered if it wasn’t for the look my dad was giving me. He marched all of us across the bridge and then turned to Zazu, “Please take Nala home. I need to teach my son a lesson.” Nala gave me a small smile and Zazu patted my back as they passed. I wished I could go with them.

After a long stretch of silence passed between us I called out to him, “Dad?” I knew he was mad, because he couldn’t even bring himself to look at me, “I’m disappointed in you Simba…. You deliberately disobeyed me, and you even put Nala in danger.” I looked down at the ground, wishing I could sink into it, “I just wanted to be brave like you…” He looked at me for the first time since the junkyard with a genuinely appalled look, “I’m only brave when I have to be. I don’t go looking for trouble.” “But I thought you weren’t afraid of anything?” He sighed, “I was afraid today. I thought I might lose you.” I guess I hadn’t thought of it that way. Losing someone you love could be scary.

I let out a small laugh, “Pfft. But I bet they were more afraid then you were back there.” He smiled mischievously, “That’s because no one is tougher than your dad.” He then ruffled up my hair. “Hey!” We wrestled around for a bit and sat on the ground laughing. I was glad that he wasn’t mad at me anymore, “Hey dad, we’re pals right?” “Mhm.” “So we’ll always be together then right?” “Hm…let me tell you something someone once told me on my travels. Look up at the stars Simba. Each one represents the spirit of someone who has gone to rest before us. So whenever you feel alone just remember that those spirits will always be there to guide you, and so will I.”


I stood back and listened to three idiots squabble, “We would have had them if good ol’ dad didn’t show up.” Ed nodded his head furiously while Shenzi added, “Yeah Scar, I thought they were supposed to be alone. Your plan went to the dumps. Now what are we supposed to do about food?” I sighed, “I’ll deal with that, not that you earned it. I practically handed them to you on a platter. But Aladdin has proven himself troublesome. I think it’s time we move on to the next phase of our plan. “And what would that be?” Banzai asked. “Killing Aladdin and Simba of course. I brought him here to build an empire for me, because naturally after knowing my nature, no one would seriously do business with me. But I know he fully intends to pass everything down to his son, and that is unacceptable. When we get rid of them you all will never have to worry about food again, I assure you.”


Al’s phone rang and I looked at him incredulously as he picked it up, “You’re driving you know?” He laughed looking sheepish, “It’s Simba. It could be an emergency.” “Fine.” I said sighing. Although I knew we were already on our way to pick him up from his after school, scouting activity. “Ice cream? You can wait for ice cream.” Al said. I laughed as I could hear Simba’s voice go up while begging through the phone, “Daad please! I really want some ice cream. Can you hurry?” Al and I exchanged a smile, “Alright Simba we will be there soon.” Simba cheered on the phone, “Yes! Love you! Bye!” After Al hung up the phone he kissed my hand, “That’s your son.” “I thought he was only my son before the sun rose?” We both laughed as two big rigs crashed into us.


I heard the crash from inside. Running outside I couldn’t believe it when I saw it was my parent’s car. “No way…” The car was completely crushed. “Mom…Dad…” Before I even realized it I had started walking towards the site, and soon had started running. Next thing I knew someone had scooped me up in their arms. I kicked and thrashed, “Let me go! That’s my parents!” A familiar voice said, “I know Simba. I know.” I stopped for a moment, “Uncle Scar?” I turned around and looked at him and he patted my head gently, “I know you want to see, to be with them, but it’s not safe right now. Look, the ambulance has already arrived. Why don’t we just follow them to the hospital okay?” Sniffing, I wiped my face and tried to see the logic in his words. I could only nod weakly in agreement.

We waited for hours at the hospital before anyone would tell us anything. Finally Nala’s mom walked over to us. She glanced at me uneasily, but uncle Scar urged her to go on saying simply, “The boy should know.” I nodded meekly. With a sigh she carried on, “The car was completely crushed on both sides. Their death was…instant.” She paused at the look on my face, and then quickly turned away and trained her eyes on my uncle, “It was a miracle that we were able to extract them from the car, but the bodies are in a battered state, we are going to need you to identify them. I can look after Simba in the meantime.” He nodded, “Just give us a moment.” “Of course.”

As soon as she walked away I began to cry into uncle Scar’s shoulder, “I didn’t mean to rush them… It’s all my fault!” “Simba, what have you done?” “I only wanted to eat ice cream. So I asked them to hurry and pick me up. I didn’t mean for this to happen.” He rubbed my back softly and whispered, “Of course not. No one means for these things to happen…” His voice suddenly grew louder, “But it does stand to reason that if it weren’t for you, they would still be alive.” I stared at him with disbelief, “What should I do?” “Run Simba. Just think of what Abu will do when he finds out you are responsible. He will be furious. Yes, run away Simba, and never return.” Realizing it truly was my only option I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. As I ran past Nala’s mom I heard her call after me, but I couldn’t stop there. I ran and ran, through the city, across the bridge, and until I couldn’t run anymore. 


“Agh!” I screamed as I punched at a column while running past it. How does something like that just happen? No…I knew better. Something like that doesn’t ‘just’ happen. “Someone was responsible for this, and I was going to find out who.” I thought to myself as I wiped back another face full of tears. But first I needed to find my little brother. When I looked for him at his scouting activity they said he went to the hospital with uncle Scar, and when I went there Dr. Lyon said she saw him run out after fighting with uncle Scar. “What the heck was going on?” I finally turned the corner to uncle Scar’s room, “Where is Simba?” He looked surprised at first and then gave me a pitying look, “Dear boy, to lose almost all one’s family in one day is such a tragedy. There was a car accident. Your parents and Simba were crushed and perished instantly. I am so sorry... As your uncle I do intend to stick by you during these troubling times. Perhaps you can come and work for me, a boy with your talents, and it may even get your mind off of this grief.”

That was the moment when I no longer saw him as my uncle and he just became Scar, oozing a Jafar-like deceit. It was clear now who was responsible for killing my parents, and he was clearly lying about Simba’s death. It probably wasn't too far of a stretch to assume that his spat with Simba at the hospital was the reason for Simba's sudden disappearance. The shock hit me pretty hard that he could do this to his own family, but it dawned on me that I had a couple of choices here... So I chose a path and stoned my face, “Yeah, I think you’re right…You're all I have left.” He wrapped his arms around me in an awkward hug, “Good. You are very valuable to me.” “I’m glad I was ‘valuable’,” I thought bitterly. Something told me that perhaps if I wasn’t so ‘valuable’, I would be a part of the tragedy. But for now all I could do was get stronger. “Survive Simba…” I thought to myself.



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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 61 – Run
« Reply #368 on: August 05, 2014, 06:11:36 AM »
So sad to see the previous generation gone so soon... But Nala looks lovely! :) Can't wait to see her and Simba's future.

Offline kaseofhearts

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 61 – Run
« Reply #369 on: August 05, 2014, 06:00:32 PM »
Ughh, what a bummer! But I guess we saw it coming with the Lion King being the story arc you were following. I love the way you did the hyenas. Really cool spin, really smartly played.

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 61 – Run
« Reply #370 on: August 05, 2014, 07:32:43 PM »
Ughh, what a bummer! But I guess we saw it coming with the Lion King being the story arc you were following.

Yeah, I was expecting Aladdin to die off fairly quickly, but I was not expecting Jasmine to die. That . . . that kind of hurt.  :-\ Seriously, on top of everything else, it's gotta suck for Ariel and Eric to lose their only kid. (And I know that Andy and Jesse were turned into dolls . . . and Snow got kidnapped . . . and Cinderella died . . . but Jasmine's death still feels the most out of left field!  :'( )
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Offline Magz from Oz

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 61 – Run
« Reply #371 on: August 06, 2014, 12:42:44 AM »
Agggggggggghhhh!  You had to stop there!  :o  Saddle up Abu... it's all up to you and Zazu to save the day!
Where there is love - there is life. -- Mahatma Gandhi

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Offline chetanhaobijam

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 61 – Run
« Reply #372 on: August 07, 2014, 12:29:41 AM »
It was sad to see both Alladin and Jamine die in the crash. The evil culprit Scar will pay for this. Poor Simba, it must be really hard on him. Can't wait for Timon and Pumba to show up in the story and their 'Hakuna Matata, it means no worries'. I really loved the Lion King movie and its 2 sequels and i really like the incorporation of the movie in this story. Looking forward for more update.
Chetan's Designs(my Sims3 Creations)

Offline melancholy_anju

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Re: The Magical World: Chapter 61 – Run
« Reply #373 on: August 09, 2014, 04:22:14 AM »
So sad to see the previous generation gone so soon... But Nala looks lovely! :) Can't wait to see her and Simba's future.
I know. They were an adorable couple.
I'm hoping she continues to blossom well. Her father has some interesting features so i'm a little curious how she'll turn out.

Ughh, what a bummer! But I guess we saw it coming with the Lion King being the story arc you were following. I love the way you did the hyenas. Really cool spin, really smartly played.
Lol. I feel bad. But thanks. I'm just trying to envision what these characters would be like in this type of environment.

Yeah, I was expecting Aladdin to die off fairly quickly, but I was not expecting Jasmine to die. That . . . that kind of hurt.  :-\ Seriously, on top of everything else, it's gotta suck for Ariel and Eric to lose their only kid. (And I know that Andy and Jesse were turned into dolls . . . and Snow got kidnapped . . . and Cinderella died . . . but Jasmine's death still feels the most out of left field!  :'( )
Agh. Don't hate me lol. It sounds awful when you lay everything out like that.  :)
She had to go though. The challenge rules stated that in this arc the previous heir, that being Jasmine, had to die. But in the movie it was his father so...yeah. I basically just have cruel thoughts.

Agggggggggghhhh!  You had to stop there!  :o  Saddle up Abu... it's all up to you and Zazu to save the day!
My apologies lol. But I'm glad I went back and watched the movie. I almost forgot about Zazu completely.

It was sad to see both Alladin and Jamine die in the crash. The evil culprit Scar will pay for this. Poor Simba, it must be really hard on him. Can't wait for Timon and Pumba to show up in the story and their 'Hakuna Matata, it means no worries'. I really loved the Lion King movie and its 2 sequels and i really like the incorporation of the movie in this story. Looking forward for more update.
Yes I imagine our young Simba will have many burdens buried inside for quite some time.
The comedic duo make their appearance in the next chapter.  :)

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The Magical World: Chapter 62 – Hakuna Matata
« Reply #374 on: August 09, 2014, 05:07:29 AM »

“Hey Timon, I think he’s still alive!” Timon scrunched up his face, “We should just leave him. It’s none of our concern.” I couldn’t bring myself to look away, “But look at him… He’s so cute and all alone. Can we keep him?” “Are you nuts?! We can barely take care of ourselves, and now you want to take on strays?” He shrieked. “But having a third person to help get food might not be bad.” Timon went on babbling while completely ignoring me, “He’ll just keep getting bigger and-- Hey! A third person we can teach to gather food might not be bad.” “So…Can we keep him?” He waved me off, “Of course. Who is the brain here? Now let’s get out of here before someone else tries to snag him.” I slung the little guy over my shoulder, and we headed off.


I was jolted awake by a sudden splash of water on my face. Sputtering I sat up and looked around, spotting two strange teen boys looming over me. Remembering what side of the bridge I was on, and my last encounter with strange teens I narrowed my eyes and edged back a little. The bigger one gave me a smile, and the smaller one gave my actions a curious look, “You okay kid?” If I was honest, they didn’t seem like bad people, “I think so…” The smaller one crossed his arms with a smug look, “I’m Timon. I saved you.” At that the big one huffed angrily. Timon added, “Well Pumbaa helped. A little.” “Thanks for your help,” I said over my shoulder as I began walking away.

Timon called after me, “Hey where ya going?” “Nowhere…” He ran up and slung his arm around my shoulder, “So where ya from?” I shook him off, “Who cares? It’s not like I can ever go back there anyway.” “So you’re an outcast? That’s great! So are we. When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world.” He said with a scowl. The thought made me raise an eyebrow, “That’s not what I was taught.” “Then maybe you need to learn a new lesson…” He stood up straight and cleared his throat, while pretending to straighten a tie that didn’t exist, “Repeat after me: Hakuna Matata.” “Say what?” Pumbaa repeated proudly, “Ha-ku-na Ma-ta-ta. It means no worries.” I then watched in amazement as they both broke out into song, “It means no worries for the rest of your days. It’s our problem-free philosophy. Hakuna Matata.” I had to admit these two were pretty funny. I thought I wouldn’t laugh ever again, “Hakuna Matata?” “Yep, those two words will solve all your problems.” Pumbaa assured me.

After that I decided to stick with them, so they showed me their place. It was little more than a campground, but after what I had done I was lucky to find a place I could call home and friends. The days passed by quickly, and while I missed my family a lot, I admit I definitely didn’t miss school at all. In spite of myself, I found myself developing a close bond with these guys. I mean Timon and Pumbaa didn’t exactly replace Nala, but they were my best pals in a different kind of way. They showed me all the ropes, looked after me, and treated me as an equal at the same time.

Each one of us had our own part to pitch in so we could get by, but we always made sure to have loads of fun. And after a few years, we even managed to scrap enough cash together to get ourselves an apartment. Even though it was a close call for a moment when Pumbaa blew a lot of money on a heap of scraps he called a fixer-upper car. It felt great to finally have a roof over my head again. I’ll be honest though, our place was a dump, but as long as we were together, it was home.

Occasionally, we went to random places around town just to get out of our regular routine. One day we ended up at this new diner, and somehow we walked out with jobs. The place was always pretty lively, and I loved it because the work came easy to me. I enjoyed talking to people, and getting to work with my pals was awesome. Not to mention, the other people who worked there were pretty great as well. “My little Simba, you’re so handsome!” I just blushed and looked at the floor. Ms. Aqua called from across the room, “Analily…Need I remind you again he is seventeen.” Ms. Analily pouted, “But he’s so sweet.” “I can always keep you company in the meantime.” Timon said poking his head out from the kitchen.

“Hmph.” Ms. Analily just turned her nose up and walked away. I laughed hysterically at Timon’s sullen look. He shifted his hat, “I bet you liked that. You have a thing for blondes don’t you? Who was the girl you told me about?" I shook my head, "She was just a friend. I didn’t have a thing for her or anything.” “Sounded to me like you did from the way you talked about her.” I shrugged, “Whatever. Her name is Nala.”


I found myself once again at Simba’s grave crying my eyes out. “I just can’t accept it…” I muttered out to the empty space around me. “Then don’t.” Someone answered back to me, causing me to jump. “Don’t you think it’s high time you stop wasting away in front of an empty grave?” I wiped my face, turning to get a look at the source of the voice I now recognized, “Abu? What do you mean empty?” He knelt down by Simba’s grave, whilst casting a sidelong glance at the two graves that sat beside it, “Just as I said, he is not in there, because he is not dead. I’m sure he didn’t die when Scar said he did. He ran away. As to why he did…who knows. But at least he is away from Scar…” I crossed my arms, “Why should I believe you? You work for Scar.” He stood up and looked at me. His face bore that apathetic look it always carried, “Because you know you want to. And despite whatever you may think of me, many people in this city do what they must, when given this pitiful situation. Just ask your mother. Why do you think she never told you that Simba was alive, when she talked to him at the hospital after the…accident? Just something to think about.” My mouth fell slack as the shock took over me.

Sweat beads broke out on my forehead as I raced back home, slamming the bike down in the front yard. “Mom!” I yelled out when I got there, and nearly punched a wall when I remembered she had a late shift again tonight. I sat on pins and needles for hours in the living room waiting for her. Getting up to pace every so often when I felt like I would scream. As soon she was through door, I shouted at her, “You lied to me! And don’t try to tell me that keeping something from someone is not lying, because it totally, definitely is!”

She placed down her purse, and pinched the bridge of her nose looking annoyed, “Ok…What are you talking about? But before you start I’d seriously suggest you check your check tone young lady.” I took a deep breath that somehow shifted my rage to sorrow, and tears began spilling down my cheeks, “You knew Simba was alive, and you let me think he was dead. Why would you do that to me?” She suddenly blanched at my words, “Honey…there are things you need to understand about that--” “What is there to understand? Do you actually work for Scar? Have you been in league with him all this time?”

She threw her hands up in rage, “I have never and will never work for Scar. He had my best friend and her husband killed, and then made that little boy think it was his fault!” Hearing my mother scream kind of scared me, she was normally a very quiet and gentle woman, but some of the things she said disturbed me. “Wait so it wasn’t an accident?” She began to look uneasy as if she wished she hadn’t mentioned that, “Well…” “How did you know that he did that to Simba?” “I overheard their conversation at the hospital. After it was over, Simba ran out, and I’m pretty sure I was the last person to see him.” She sighed. “So you just let him leave?!” “What else was I supposed to do?! He wouldn’t have been safe even if I brought him home with me. You know Scar controls this entire city. We are all prisoners! Look, I did what I could, given the pitiful situation.”

When she said that, Abu’s words came ringing back into my head. “Yeah, people keep saying that.” She stared at me for a moment and then furrowed her brow, “How did you find out anyway?” I questioned whether or not I should tell her, but in the end I decided it didn’t matter, “Abu.” Her face reddened and her breath quickened. She then said in a whisper, “Stay away from him…Stay away from that entire family.” I shook my head, “What about Simba? Now that I know he is out there--” “You stay out of it! Do you hear me?! Promise me.” I looked at her like she’d gone mad. From the looks of it she had, “Mom…?” “Nala please! Promise me!” “I promise.”

In the middle of the night I found myself scaling the wall, trying to get to his window. “This is probably a bad idea.” I announced as I landed safely on his balcony. Abu promptly grabbed me roughly by the shoulders, “You should not be here!” I searched his eyes for the boy Simba and I used to look up to and play with when we younger. The boy that used to put us up on his shoulders, and tell us stories about wild adventures. That boy was gone, “I need your help. I know why Simba ran away, and I want to find him. I’m sure I can bring him back, but I can’t do it alone. This place is too vast. ” He released me, “If someone catches wind of you trying to track down Simba, you’ll have much greater troubles than a vast city. It’s too dangerous. You shouldn’t get involved in this.” “Yeah well someone has already said that, and to stay away from you.” He looked away from me, “Then perhaps you should try listening for a change.” 

I ignored his comment, “Abu please…He thinks it’s his fault. He shouldn’t have to live with that burden, especially when it’s not true. We all know who is responsible.” For the first time in years I saw a twitch of emotion cross Abu’s face. In that brief instant there was rage. An insurmountable fire. Deep down he was furious. I continued on quickly, “This city shouldn’t have to live with Scar. You might think I’m crazy, but I feel like with the three of us…anything is possible.” He didn’t say anything for a while, and I was sure he would just kick me out, but then he said, “I’ll help you, and I’ll teach you to defend yourself. But this won’t be easy.”

