I remember looking for this thread while it was in hiding - good to know I hadn't imagined it! The current contests have been great fun to participate in. Creating a clothing line was unexpected but a blast to do, and it's such a relatively easy thing that anyone could try it. I hope we see more of them!
Personally I'm not a big fan of the 'make this person' style contests. I'm not good enough with the sliders to re-create humans with any success yet, so they're rather difficult for me to do. Also I don't really need six Elvii or three Lady Gagas hanging out in my download folder (but I'm always on the prowl for interesting slider genetics or gorgeous recolours of elder clothes). And for some odd reason I'm just not comfortable using real people in my game (my own strange quirk, I know!)
That's the feedback part of my post. For suggestions I'd love to see most contests be more open-ended, similar to what we're seeing now. Heck, even a CAS contest inspired by a famous person (rather than cloning) might be fun - like a 'make Lady Gaga's biggest fan' rather than 'make Lady Gaga.'
Here's some ideas (though I'm sure you folks already have a bunch of great ones lined up!):
-Two part contests, like 'make a fashion disaster sim' followed by a makeover contest of the winner (that makeover of townies thread is huge!! after all
-Create a jewelry line or a line of eyeglasses. Quick, simple, hopefully fun, and boy could my sims use some new bling!
-Similarly, creating a line of shoes might be fun!
-How about a 'Holiday best' sort of theme? Maybe something open to all of the holidays, in case there isn't time to have separate contests for winter, feast, spring, spooky day, love day, etc.?
-Or if there's time to break some out, it could be a lot of fun to have contests where we can submit a line of Prom outfits or brand new costumes! Basically any of the game's events, milestones, or holidays could certainly use some more clothing options.
-Themed maternity clothes. Or themed Elder wear. Basically any contest that might increase the amount of options for these barely clothed life states!
-A uniform contest. Using regular clothes and recolours come up with a new uniform for any of the games' careers/self-employed/professions (and maybe the non-official ones, like resort owner or beekeeper).
-A create a Rainbow contest. Specifically create a sim on one of the multi-coloured or supernatural colour sliders, maybe with a sub-goal of using 'natural' looking hair and eye colours for that slider as well? Most standard towns could use some more interestingly coloured sims!
-A create a toddler contest could be hilarious if we aren't allowed to age up the child to see what they turn into as an adult! What looks cute on a kiddo might not age up so gracefully...
-And of course open-themed create a sims contests could be really interesting, like 'create a mad scientist' or 'create a rebel.' I'd love to see what the community would come up with for those!
Thanks for creating these contests and running them, by the way! It's turned out to be a really nifty and exciting new corner of the swap shop.