As a matter of interest, I decided to do a bit of research, namely, how much money one is able to make writing scifi novels instead of masterpieces (Going by metropolisman's painting theory that going for smaller canvases worked better then large canvases). I used the following traits:
1. Neurotic: Allows very long, no stress writing sessions.
2. Loner: Gives me a nice moodlet, inspires the LTW, and reduces needed social interaction.
3. Bookworm: I'm doing a writer, so this is a no brainer.
4. Computer Whiz: Helps me make more valuable scifi novels, and can repair computer 60% faster.
5. Genius: Again, this helps me write more valuable scifi novels.
LTW. Professional Author: Another no brainer for writers.
I was doing quite well up to 25 books or so, the profit increasing quite nicely. When I got to 30 books (All scifi), I was writing only best sellers, and I had my best book claiming 671 simoleans a week. However, 20 books later, my best book was still the same one! (Most books gave around 650 simoleans a piece.) This leads me to think that writing has an inbuilt money cap. I had an almost perfect mood the entire time, and all of the writing challenges were completed. I also had the professional author list and was at level 10 writing. Also, during this study, I found that at level 10, with speed writer, 0.9030303 pages are written a minute. What are your thoughts?