Hey guys.. I have a new problem
Or should I say, problems?
I tried to move out the children of my couple when the girl was a young adult and her brother a teen. I let the cat move with them and tried to do this with the phone option. But it kept saying "This house must have at least one fridge and one bed for every sim", although the house I chose for the three had a fridge in it and also 2 beds. I even bought a new fridge/new beds, and tried different houses, but the message still appeared and I couldn't move them out.
Then, I gave up and let them move out with the Edit Town -> split household option. There, I couldn't place them on an empty lot, only empty houses showed up. I chose a house and let them move in and now..they're no longer brother and sister! They have the same high relationship bar as always, but in the family tree, there's just a single picture and no relations... any idea why this happens and what I can do? As far as my research shows, there's no cheat to do this...
Oh and after I thought about the move out problem afterwards, I came up with an idea: I let the cat move out, too, but in the house there were no cat bed... maybe this could be the problem? It would be silly though, cause first the message said "for every sim", not pet, and second those cats sleep where they want anyway. I had bought a cat bed in my original household and the cat always sleeps on the sofa or floor.