@Janna - You know this isn't an expansion right? An expansion is completely different. This is just a world. No major gameplay beyond the dragons will really be added.
* Sigh *
I have the bad habit, which I definitley need to break, of thinking of them
all as expansion packs, even though I know there is a big difference. It has a different town, different people, different whatever, so I think of them as expanions packs, even though I know they are store worlds, bought from the Sims store, not from GameStop or other type of store, WallyWorld for example. They don't have anything special about them, such as what we get with expansion packs, like Pets and SN, but for some reason my mind goes, new town, new people, thus expansion pack, just a lesser version.
I really do know the difference, so I need to stop lumping them all together. Association, store worlds are like Collies, expansion packs are like Shelties, two different breeds and Shelties are NOT miniture collies. Shelties are better
(I admit to being prejudiced)