Author Topic: The Jawarholal Immortal Dynasty-Graveyard Please  (Read 35850 times)

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Jawarholal Immortal Dynasty-The Lifetime Wish
« Reply #90 on: July 10, 2013, 10:09:16 PM »

Mr. Smooch'ems:  Welcome back, dear readers.  We have managed to avoid an issue with non-skilling gardeners, and have returned.  In fact, our only real obstacle now is the simple fact that Jamal is our founder. 

Jamal:  I am woman!  Hear me roar!!

Mr. Smooch'ems:  You're a guy.
Jamal:  Same thing!

Becky:  Firefighting is such a fun career!

Becky:  And did I mention it's fun?

Mr. Smooch'ems:  Shouldn't you be gardening, Agri?
Agri:  I am simply getting an elevated view to make sure everything looks good in my garden.
Mr. Smooch'ems:  Are you lying to me?
Agri:  ...kind of...

Mr. Smooch'ems:  And what is this?
Jamal:  My lifetime wish!!
Mr. Smooch'ems:  You wished for an endless supply of sushi?
Jamal:  No, I changed my lifetime wish to Presenting the Perfect Aquarium.
Angler:  That's mine too!
Mr. Smooch'ems:  So, this is a two-for-one success?
Jamal and Angler:  Yep!!

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Jawarholal Immortal Dynasty-Fitness and Dancing
« Reply #91 on: July 10, 2013, 10:38:58 PM »

Mr. Smooch'ems:  As a firefighter, Becky is expected to develop her athletic skills.  Therefore, she decided to go for a swim.  In winter.  In frozen waters.

Becky:  Hmm, this water's cold for some reason.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  And after a long day spent honing her physique in the water, she comes home to play with her toy Loch Ness monster.  Well, it's technically Offspring's toy, but I digress.  The more important news is that it was prom night.

Agri:  Do I have to go to this stupid dance?
Mr. Smooch'ems:  But you'll have a great time.  I got you a limo and everything!
Agri:  Grrr...
Mr. Smooch'ems:  And you look absolutely radiant, my dear.
Agri:  Not helping.  Let's just get this over with.

Agri:  Where's the useless fisherman?
Art:  He's meeting us there.  I guess he was overly excited to spend time with his lady friend.

Mr.  Smooch'ems:  Oh, and sometimes single teens find romantic interests at the prom.
Agri:  Wait, what?!?!

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Offline PeregrineTook

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The Jawarholal Immortal Dynasty-A Paint-Staking Process
« Reply #92 on: July 10, 2013, 11:03:32 PM »

Angler:  I can't believe you're now dating the brother of my girlfriend!!
Agri:  I'm not dating him!  That's a vicious after-prom rumor!

Mr. Smooch'ems:  I did mention the potential for a romantic involvement, didn't I?
Agri:  Yes, far too late.
Mr. Smooch'ems:  Are you really preparing macaroni in cheese sauce while wearing your formal attire?
Agri:  Yes.  I don't want to get stains on my good clothes!
Mr. Smooch'ems:  (sigh)

Mr. Smooch'ems:  Well, speaking of what Agri does while wearing her theoretically "good" clothes, here we have three mysterious seeds planted by Kirstin.  If good fortune smiles upon us, one will turn out to be life fruit.
Agri:  Hey!  I would have been the one planting those, but the glitch reset my gardening skill to four!
Mr. Smooch'ems:  All is well, Agri.  We give you full credit for your helpfulness around the household.

Becky:  You there, girl.  Take care of my child so I can go exercise.
Agri:  You're just eating ice cream.
Becky:  Yes, but I overload the spoon so it's heavier.  See?  Extra heavy spoon being lifted, therefore exercise.

Jamal:  I got us a new dishwasher!!
Mr. Smooch'ems:  Actually, that is a food replicator.
Jamal:  So...a washing machine?

Art:  This is the girl I wish I had asked to dance at prom.
Agri:  Don't worry, the rest of us will bring flowers when you die sad and alone.
Art: ...thanks?

Becky:  Okay, I'm going to be able to lift entire barrels of ice cream!!

Agri:  Just improving that gardening skill.  With the help of practice and a book, I'm back up to level six.  Again.  Finally.
Mr. Smooch'ems:  On the matter of skill improvement, Art has finally managed to elevate his painting to level seven.

Jamal:  So, aren't you painting me?
Art:  I'm painting a portrait of you.
Jamal:  So you're painting me?
Art:  Yes. 
Jamal:  Then why are you painting that canvas instead of me?
Art:  I'm painting a portrait of you.
Jamal:  So you're painting me?
Mr. Smooch'ems:  This could take a while.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  Kirstin has a skill she has not put to use much lately.
Kirstin:  Well, this is a pick up truck, so I suppose I should pick it up...

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Jawarholal Immortal Dynasty-Bottling Things Up
« Reply #93 on: July 10, 2013, 11:19:21 PM »
Mr. Smooch'ems:  Becky used a vial of bliss to ensure herself a glorious day.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  She then utilized other vials.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  She was having a great day.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  The Best sisters were having a less than glorious time with Becky's bottles.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  Then, Becky topped things off by getting her face decorated with paints.
Becky:  I'm a kitty.  Meow!

Mr. Smooch'ems:  She was not the only member of the household working with paints.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  So, what are you up to, Agri?

Agri:  I will not let Kirstin max out gardening before me!
Mr. Smooch'ems:  Are we, perhaps, a touch competitive?
Agri:  Now I know why Shrek found the talking donkey so irritating.
Mr. Smooch'ems:  I shall have you know that I am not a donkey!

Angler:  You may have heard of the dog whisperer, but I am the horse stalker!

Kirstin:  Candy's bad for you.  Guess I'll have to take this!
Offspring:  Lady mean.  No like!  Teleport away!

Offspring:  Teleport be breaky.  Hmm.  Bad smell here.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  And we leave you with a progress report on our founder.  Jamal has his young adult painting finished and hanging in the Vault of Rememberance (as he named it), he finished his lifetime wish by getting 13 different species of perfect fish in aquariums, he got the food replicator and change lifetime wish rewards, he has finished a black op, and has maxed (though not yet supermaxed) fishing.  All in all, he's doing better than I might have expected. 

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Jawarholal Immortal Dynasty-Bottling Things Up
« Reply #94 on: July 10, 2013, 11:34:53 PM »
Good job, Jamal!
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By samoht04

Offline shaunta

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Re: The Jawarholal Immortal Dynasty-Bottling Things Up
« Reply #95 on: July 12, 2013, 01:17:05 PM »
Great Job Jamal!

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Jawarholal Immortal Dynasty-A Birthday Three-for-One
« Reply #96 on: July 12, 2013, 08:37:16 PM »
Becky:  Someone seems to have left a present for me sitting in their driveway!  How sweet!

Mr. Smooch'ems:  It appears as if Kirstin is reviving her zest for theft.  However, the Sloppy Jalopy may be having negative effects on the property value.  Although, in fairness, it does make a good first car, and we are a household with three teens.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  Among those teens, we have young Angler.  As a teen, he has already completed his lifetime wish.  Unfortunately, this was, in part, because it was based upon fishing and was the same wish Jamal had.  Jamal is continuing as our resisdent fisherman, and young Angler is stuck with cleaning duties.  And no, I did not say, "cleaning doody."

Mr. Smooch'ems:  Art, our creatively named artist, is taking a second run at doing a portrait of Jamal.  He reached level 7 of the painting skill the day before Jamal was to age up, and thus, the dynasty was saved from disaster.  Well, Jamal's still involved, so disaster is still a possibility.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  Agri has also determined her lifetime wish already, but has yet to meet it.  She is striving to be a Renaissance Sim.  She is planning to max gardening, cooking, logic, and writing.  Yes, that is one extra.  We need the gardening for life fruit, the cooking for ambrosia, the logic to tutor Offspring, and the writing, well, that's just her hobby.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  Our adults are an interesting cluster as well.  You have the kleptomaniac, Kirstin, and then there's Becky who is hydrophobic.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  She doesn't seem to remember that at the moment.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  And Jamal is...well, Jamal.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  If we're truly fortunate, none of our teens will follow in the footsteps of our adults.

Agri:  You're right, Becky, this is awesome!
Mr. Smooch'ems:  Too late.  At any rate, some very important things were set to happen today.

Agri:  No, you ugly freak, I don't want to be your girlfriend regardless of what the prom updates said.
Mr. Smooch'ems:  That may be important for Agri, but that's not what I meant.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  This was more of what I meant.
Art:  Cue the fairy dust!!

Mr. Smooch'ems:  But his was not the only special occasion being celebrated.

Agri:  Yep, somebody's about to become the only responsible adult in this dynasty.

Robbie Platt:  You're such a beautiful young adult.
Agri:  Thanks, but I still don't want to date you.

Jamal:  Noisemaker!!
Mr. Smooch'ems:  As mentioned, Art got the portrait just in time.

Jamal:  I'm so glowy!  I could be a nightlight!!

Mr. Smooch'ems:  And here is our aged up trio.
Agri:  Don't show me in that outfit!

Agri:  Much better!

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Offline PeregrineTook

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The Jawarholal Immortal Dynasty-Aging Up and Adding On
« Reply #97 on: July 17, 2013, 07:42:45 PM »

Mr. Smooch'ems:  The "C" button clearly did not fail us when Offspring was aging up.  Clearly the first image in this update will be him mid-aging process.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  Or then again, mayhaps failure did happen.  At any rate, Offspring has attained that milestone which is childhood.

Offspring:  Undies look funny.  Change clothes.
Mr. Smooch'ems:  Hmm, I'd foolishly assumed that particular speech styling would be outgrown.

Offspring:  Hear voice.  Who make talky words?
Mr. Smooch'ems:  I am your Watcher.  I will lead and guide you through this...
Offspring:  Hey!  Horse for riding!

Mr. Smocch'ems:  Oh.  Well.  Isn't this fun?  At any rate, the house was expanded to accommodate the heir's age increase.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  Up a ladder, you'll find a balcony area with sleeping bags for Art and Angler.  After all, it seems inappropriate for those grown men to be in the same bedroom as young Agri...and not so young Kirstin.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  Up another ladder, there is a second balcony leading to Offspring's bedroom complete with mini-fridge and an all-in-one bathroom on the balcony.
Angler:  I'm finally aging up!!

Mr. Smooch'ems:  Oh, I did mention there being two adult men, didn't I?
Angler:  I'm hoping I grow up hunky!

Kirstin:  Did you say, "hunky" or "chunky?"
Mr. Smooch'ems:  Anyway, here's an exterior view of the house addition.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  And here is the heir in his first night in the new bed.  He is rather worn out from all of his horseplay.  Pun intended.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Jawarholal Immortal Dynasty-Aging Up and Adding On
« Reply #98 on: July 17, 2013, 08:07:06 PM »
What are the sleeping bags on top of? They look like tarps? I like that whole set-up. Seems a bit sad that the help has to sleep in sleeping bags on a balcony while the heir gets his own room with double bed and mini-fridge! Hahaha but I suppose that's what they get for not being the heir. Looks like you had fun adding your IP stuff.
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By samoht04

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Jawarholal Immortal Dynasty-Graduation Day
« Reply #99 on: July 17, 2013, 08:07:25 PM »
Mr. Smooch'ems:  And the following day was a very important day for Art, Angler, and...
Agri:  No. Not important.  They're making me go. 

Mr. Smooch'ems:  Nice hat for this formal occasion.
Agri:  Formal Schmormal.


Art:  Oh, was I supposed to be coming to this too?  Guys?  Are you leaving without me?  Hello?

Mr. Smooch'ems:  And somehow, Offspring managed to arrive with the Best family, who were there for Abigail's graduation, instead of his own family.
Offspring:  Building big.  Have free food?

Mr. Smooch'ems:  The Gooders and Platts also arrived before Offspring's family.  And poor Robbie Platt is still heartbroken over Agri.
Agri:  Move on, ugly!  This ship has sailed.

Angler:  Yeah!!  Time to toss our diplomas!!
Agri:  Can I leave now?
Becky:  Lots of targets to throw elixirs at!
Mr. Smooch'ems:  And after graduation, the family decided to have a night out at the Love Day Festival.

Angler:  Thanks for coming along for our family outing, Alora.
Alora:  Of course, sweetie!  You're my fella.  I love spending time with you.

Angler:  I guess I just don't understand why you want me as your fella.
Alora:  Whatever do you mean?
Angler:  You're so thin and pretty, and I'm just thick and awkward.

Alora:  It's not about what society says is perfect, silly boy.  I care about you for the man you are.  You deserve the best.
Angler:  You want me to have the best?
Alora:  Absolutely!

Angler:  Okay, my love.  Give me a month.  We won't see each other during that time, and I'm going to reshape myself into a man worthy of you and as worthy of the best as you think I am.
Mr. Smooch'ems:  And while Angler's mouth was writing checks his body would be hard-pressed to cash, Offspring was also interacting with a lady friend.

Offspring:  Vampire.  We be friends.
Sadie Mason:  Aww, aren't you a cutie?
Offspring:  Yes.  Offspring cutie.  You live long time.
Sadie:  Yes, little cutie pie, vampires live a long time.
Offspring:  Us best friends.  Me marry you later.
Mr. Smooch'ems:  He is a tad forward, yet strangely effective...

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Jawarholal Immortal Dynasty-Graduation Day
« Reply #100 on: July 17, 2013, 08:15:12 PM »
What are the sleeping bags on top of? They look like tarps? I like that whole set-up. Seems a bit sad that the help has to sleep in sleeping bags on a balcony while the heir gets his own room with double bed and mini-fridge! Hahaha but I suppose that's what they get for not being the heir. Looks like you had fun adding your IP stuff.
Yes, those are tarp carpets.  They're IP items.  Kirstin and Agri now each get their own bunk bed.  I will probably replace Agri's with a loft bed and move her computer desk in there.  I'm trying to establish the house so that each new heir has their own space that is a bit removed from the rest of the household.  As Offspring grows and develops more, his area will start to reflect his personality and skill/career choices more.

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Jawarholal Immortal Dynasty-Newsies
« Reply #101 on: July 20, 2013, 02:06:32 PM »

Mr. Smooch'ems:  Yes, by all means, please come uninvited into our home, walk through the main living area, climb two ladders, and leave the newspaper on the highest level.  That's exactly how newspaper delivery is intended to work.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  And in other news, Angler had taken a month away from his romantic interest, Alora Platt, to make himself into a man deserving of the best.  On day one of their month apart, he went to the hospital.

Angler:  Yes!  Plastic surgery is so much easier than working out!  Now, she said I deserve all the best.  Which Best shall I start with...?

Offspring:  Am wear athletic clothes.  Me work out.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  Becky continues with her glass breaking ways which makes her both a terror...

Mr. Smooch'ems:  and a treasure.

Mr. Smooch'ems:  Now, in our final news story, Jamal has managed to catch three deathfish, and look what Agri has nurtured to life...

Agri:  Yes, magic talking horse, I've managed to produce life fruit.
Mr. Smooch'ems:  Now, with any luck, Kirstin will stay focused and achieve level 10 in cooking and nothing will distract her.

Kirstin:  Oh, I suppose I can finish this later.  Hey there, tall dark, and barbaric!

Offline Swirl-Girl

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Re: The Jawarholal Immortal Dynasty-Newsies
« Reply #102 on: July 20, 2013, 02:41:44 PM »
Tall dark and barbaric! Just how I like 'em! *Exaggerated slow motion wink*
That delivery boy is determined.

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Jawarholal Immortal Dynasty-Newsies
« Reply #103 on: July 20, 2013, 07:40:46 PM »
Hahahah I caught that pun, subtle as it was--Hello, Bryce Savage! He does look rather like his name in that acrobat getup.
Perhaps the newspaper delivery boy was attempting to get to what he thought was the front door? The game assigns the most random front doors, you know. Did you check? Otherwise, I have no explanation. In any case, the ladders are cool.
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By samoht04

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Jawarholal Immortal Dynasty-Newsies
« Reply #104 on: July 20, 2013, 11:49:10 PM »
Tall dark and barbaric! Just how I like 'em! *Exaggerated slow motion wink*
That delivery boy is determined.
Yeah, we start with a tiny child, and end with a large barbarian.  That makes sense.

Hahahah I caught that pun, subtle as it was--Hello, Bryce Savage! He does look rather like his name in that acrobat getup.
Perhaps the newspaper delivery boy was attempting to get to what he thought was the front door? The game assigns the most random front doors, you know. Did you check? Otherwise, I have no explanation. In any case, the ladders are cool.
Actually, the house has no front door since you enter via spiral staircase.  Therefore, I suppose the game may have assigned a front door, but it's strange that it waited until now to do so.