For Genetic Pathology!There's a reason I mentioned how smooth the game was with generation seven. Things started to change with generation eight. The paparazzi weren't coming around anymore, which was odd but not worrying. Then the slowdown started at night. Finally things started getting choppy and laggy after 1 a.m. until 3 a.m. It was heading towards Shang Simla bad.
And then the game helpfully pointed me towards the problem. An opportunity required speaking with a proprietor at the karaoke place. This is what I found.
Between the ones upstairs and outside there were 40(!!!) proprietors on the lot!No wonder things were getting slow! I still don't know why the game felt the need to keep spawning more proprietors for Mick's venue. After a couple more nights of lagging the game finally cycled the excess proprietors out of town and the limbo paparazzi started hanging out on the lawn once more.
All of this meant Glora Fying, the final immortal, could do her tasks in lag-free peace.
Glora is almost Tera's exact opposite, isn't she? Definitely not what I expected for generation eight!Glora broke the mold a little by taking childhood ops and starting her supermax skills before adulthood. Her teen years were spent hunched over a keyboard, chronicling the adventures and misadventures of the dynasty in literary form. She specialized in children's books and finished off her royalty skill challenge with a masterpiece on genetic inheritance. She's the first writer I played where coming up with book titles never got boring.
The plan to bulk up her muscles clearly didn't come to fruition. Definition and charms remain unchanged.For a career she turned to medicine. Logic was a free skill and she quickly mastered it. I've never had a doctor get so many emergencies. I swear between one work day and the next she had to visit the hospital twice for emergencies! At least her job kept her busy and out of trouble.
Morta glows, Magna boos, and Tera 'walks' on the way to Glora's graduationIt was strange being able to have Glora join the medical career as soon as she became a young adult. She was the first one to not be pregnant at her highschool graduation. Quickly enough she rose through the medical ranks and achieved her lifetime wish of being a world renowned surgeon. Then it was simply a matter of the waiting game, interrupted with the occasional ambrosia feast for the immortals. Her entire adult life was a blur of speed three and cancelled date requests.
I think I celebrated even more than the immortals did when Glora had her elder birthday! The game is responsible for Morta's green hair - she changed jobs to reset her mystic aura and suddenly had it. I was too scared the game would break if I tried to change the bugged colour, so she kept it for the rest of the dynasty.On week 41, day 3 Glora enjoyed the sweet taste of immortality. The Fying dynasty helped confirm some theories I've had about the games genetic system, and I'll share their numbers along with pictures of the spouses in a follow up post. For now, a final look at Boxgienator Manor and our first trip to the underground museum.
In the garden is Petra's isolation cell, built when I was contemplating ways to prevent her maxing charisma. She never did hit level ten. She had a full level nine bar at the end, only needing a couple more friends to instantly max the skill. The empty hut in the lawn was Mysta's kitchen. The counters and stove were removed after she completed her skill challenges. In the back corner are the body sculptor and Tera's science experiment - they were safely fenced off and never touched. There's also four little bedrooms built in the back, which were rarely used. The household usually fought over the rocking chairs instead.
Near the end I dropped a juice keg on the lawn in yet another attempt to improve Morta's popularity. The jock plague spread as quickly as the nerd one did. It still wasn't enough to keep Morta's relationships up with Tera and Magna (at this point I believe genius and eccentric sims simply dislike mystics - even if they're also supernatural fans!). For most of Glora's time I had to listen to constant repetitions of 'Grbits, Grbits, Go Grbits!!' I strongly advise any immortal dynasty players with university installed to keep the nerd and jock social influences out of the household at all costs. They're more trouble than they're worth.
The museum paintings. Final value - 152,965Laurel Grisby was the initial dynasty painter, followed eventually by Horra. I had been hoping for a low score for museum value, but realized partway through Horra's painting skill challenges her paintings wouldn't be worth the minimum because of the challenge rewards. If insanity ever claimed me and I were to do it over again, I'd make painting a free skill and have immortals and spouses take turns reaching level seven to paint cheap portraits.
Diplomas, service awards, prom photos, and graduation ribbonsDespite trying to minimize memory usage I couldn't help keeping a few momentos throughout the dynasty. The highschool diplomas of all of the spouses, immortals, and helpers found space on the walls of the museum. The new service anniversary awards also hung around, with the watches and golden llamas placed amongst the rocks and bugs in Tera's science room. It's a sweet bit of nostalgia to look at. Even speed running without a story the immortals managed to have interesting personalities, get into trouble, have adventures, and be entertaining. I'll always have a soft spot for the Fyings.
Heir Eight RequirementsPortrait T/C/T/YA/A/E: Y/Y/Y/Y/Y/Y
Lifetime Wish: World Renowned Surgeon
Level 10 Career: Medical
Supermax skill: Writing
Fully Owned Building: Plumbob Pictures Backlot
Fully Upgraded Property: Waylon's Haunt
Three Unique LTRs: Acclaimed Author, Complimentary Entertainment, Discount Diner
Six Best Friends: Tera Fying, Morta Fying, Mysta Fying, Petra Fying, Clara Fying, Magna Fying
Six Black Ops: Ballet Recital
The Gossip Column
A Fishy Science Project
After School Reward Ceremony
A Little Give And Take
Equipment Needs