Author Topic: Empire of Evil- 4/30/13, Chapter 19  (Read 22072 times)

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Empire of Evil
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2013, 03:07:39 AM »
Working on an update now, but I have to stop.  I shoulda been in bed hours ago XD Work's gonna be interesting, heh...  But as soon as I get off work, I'll definitely have it up.

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Empire of Evil
« Reply #31 on: April 09, 2013, 03:43:30 PM »
Chapter 8: The Empire Expands

The Abaddon household is slowly adjusting to the new addition of Alecia into the household.  For the most part, Alecia and Felicia avoid one another, particularly when Devin is present.  They both pretend- for him- that things are fine.  Felicia does like her cooking and will often eat what she has prepared… after all, Felicia never had any cooking skills to speak of.   So that’s one bright side, though Felicia still fears that Alecia will break her son’s heart… as Rudolph did to her, particularly knowing Alecia’s opinion of criminals…

Devin and Alecia enjoy a homecooked meal that Alecia prepared

Alecia is adjusting well, though this illness she’s contracted is quite annoying and interferes in getting to spend time with Devin.  She knows that soon, he will begin working for his mother’s Crime Syndicate.  She’s trying desperately not to think about that.  She loves him and for now, she’ll turn a blind eye to it.  Wait a minute… that wasn’t a stomach bug!  After about four pregnancy tests later, it’s confirmed!
Alecia's pregnant!  She shares the good news with Devin who’s absolutely thrilled!

With a nooboo on the way, Devin decides it’s time to do some work on the house, work that he had been meaning to do anyway.  He began immediately, knocking down walls, adding some, changing plumbing.  He did the work himself; there were quite a number of loud curses and grumbling as he forgot to do something or smashed a finger with a hammer.  But eventually, he got the work done.
Devin did some work on the house; he added a nursery and an ensuite to his and Alecia's bedroom as well as remodeled the main bathroom

Being the one who is home most often, Alecia feels responsible for the house, so even though they pay a maid service to clean the house AND being pregnant, she still insists upon doing the household chores and doing the cooking, often leaving leftovers for Felicia and Devin to eat when they get home from work.
Even with a maid service- and being pregnant- Alecia keeps up with the household chores

Despite helping around the house and all she does, Felicia and Alecia still cannot see eye to eye on… well, everything.  Felicia is ecstatic about being a grandmother, but an attempt to feel her grandchild move resulted in another argument…
Felicia and Alecia still can't get along… It seems their efforts to try only work for so long

But despite their issues, Devin and Alecia couldn’t be more in love and happy.  Their joy at starting a family reverberates through everything they do. 
Devin loves to feel his nooboo moving around in their mommy's tummy

As Alecia gets further along in her pregnancy, she and Devin relax and cuddle close on the couch, enjoying each other's company

Alecia was doing some housework, her back aching, when she felt a new pain.  It was sharp and immediate but it went away after a moment and she continued what she was doing.  Suddenly, there was a release inside her and then the floor was soaked.  She was going into labor!  She called out for her husband who raced out to the kitchen… and then promptly began to panic!
The baby's coming!  Quick Devin, stop panicking and take your wife to the hospital!

After a rather long, involved birth, Devin and Alecia welcome Mina Abaddon to the world and to their family.
Welcome to the family, baby Mina

Devin and Alecia take a cab home with their nooboo

Devin and Alecia take turns caring for Mina.  The new parents are often exhausted but so happy with their nooboo! 
Devin with his little girl.  How he loves her!  Even now, he's thinking that he wants more children and Alecia actually agrees!

Felicia is also ecstatic about her adorable grand nooboo.  To give her son a break (she couldn’t care less about Alecia, of course…), she often will take over care of Mina, feeding her, snuggling and playing with her, changing diapers.
Grandma with the nooboo.  She enjoys having a little girl in the house… if only she could get rid of the mother, life would be perfect

Alecia and Devin taking a moment to rest and spend some time together while grandma takes care of Mina for them

Mina’s getting bigger by the minute and Alecia finds herself already missing those days.  She can’t wait to have another one.  What’s this?  Is this morning sickness?  She sure hopes so!
Hm… Alecia's ill again… could it mean… Why yes, yes she is!  There's going to be another little nooboo!


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Offline Eldridge

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Re: Empire of Evil
« Reply #32 on: April 09, 2013, 04:59:07 PM »
I was waiting your story and just wondered when it will be updated.
And tadaa, I'm so glad that I still find the continuation, lol.

Despite of 'Empire of Evil', too bad that this story update has nothing to do with evilness theme :P
It's more painted with Devin nurturing theme and Felicia as Granny didn't do steal the candy  :P
Welcome to Mina and unborn nooboo ;)
Can't wait to see them grow up. What will they look like in the future :D
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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Empire of Evil
« Reply #33 on: April 09, 2013, 05:23:29 PM »
Hey, even evil people can love :P lol.  It's actually kinda funny how much Devin enjoys his children.  And it works well for the story to show that they AREN'T just evil.  Or should I say that despite being evil, they still are a family.  Though, I am actually surprised at how much Felicia and Alecia hate each other XD  I didn't plan that.  They did that on their own.  I've even tried to fix some of it, but it's not working, so I'm just kinda lettin them go.

Also, Mina is adorable!  She's a child in my game and I love how she looks ^^

Offline Eldridge

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Re: Empire of Evil
« Reply #34 on: April 10, 2013, 04:51:18 AM »
Hey, I thought that they will express their love through the evil way, lol :P

I see, I think that is Devin the evil one who has nurturing traits for you. It's nice though even being evil there's still a family atmosphere around them. Haha, why? Do you make it happen? I am somewhat a control freak, so I won't let my Sims to do whatever they want on their own if that have nothing to do with my plan (oooh, scary watcher).

You just use the power of spoiler thing! That is not fair, I... I mean We want to see Mina too~~

Well, see you again in the next update. Keep it going ^_^
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Empire of Evil
« Reply #35 on: April 11, 2013, 08:04:54 PM »
Chapter 9: Growing up

Devin is feeling a bit mischievous.  He saw his wife head outside with the garbage and decides to have a bit of fun with her by sneaking up on her and scaring her half to death… not realizing her delicate condition.

After her heartrate goes down, Alecia tells Devin the good news;  he feels awful for scaring her now, but he's ecstatic that he's going to be a father again!  He apologizes and hugs her.

With the news she’s going to be a grandmother again, Felicia decides to give Alecia and Devin a break so they can get some rest and she gets to spend some quality time with her grand nooboo.  After all, little Mina will be heir after her father, carrying on the Crime Syndicate.
Grandma is helping out so Mama and Papa can get some shut-eye

Devin absolutely adores his family.  One of his favorite passtimes (aside from sneaking around the house and scaring the daylights outta people) is to lavish attention upon his wife and upon the life inside her.
Devin talking to his nooboo in their mommy's tummy.  The two are so proud!

Today is Mina’s birthday!  She’s going to be a toddler.  The family throws a private party, just for family.  Alecia insists upon cooking, even though she’s very heavily pregnant.  While she’s cooking, she yells at Felicia for something…  A poor relationship with your mother in law does not mix well with pregnancy hormones.  Not at all…  But despite that, Mina’s birthday went off without a hitch and she is now an adorable toddler!
Alecia making food for Mina's birthday and yelling at Felicia…

Mina Abaddon, toddler

Even on Mina's birthday, Mom and Grandma can't get along…  About the only thing they agree on, is Mina

Mama takes the responsibility of teaching her little one how to talk first.  But shortly after Mina begins to do more than babble, Alecia feels that all too familiar pain and then her water breaks!  Devin was on an errand at work; Felicia runs to her, but Alecia wants nothing to do with her.  Devin comes home in time to get her to the hospital.
Alecia teaching Mina to talk

The baby's coming!  And Alecia wants absolutely no help from Felicia

At the hospital, imagine their surprise when, after giving birth to one child, another comes right on the heels of it!  No wonder Alecia was so big!
At the hospital… TWINS!

Welcome to Bracen and Tyler Abaddon

With two little ones, they added onto the house, creating a room for the boys to share.
The boys' room

Even with all the chaos at home, Devin is still steadily climbing the career ladder.  All that training he did as a teenager seems to have paid off.  He has even managed to avoid being arrested.
Despite all the interruptions, Devin continues to climb the ladder in the Syndicate; here he is as a thug


Offline Eldridge

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Re: Empire of Evil
« Reply #36 on: April 12, 2013, 04:40:54 AM »
Well. You're right! Mina is adorable~

Welcome to Bracen and Tyler Abbadon! It's seem that your evil family have growing lately! Good luck with toddler and two noboos!
I usually didn't want to have so many kids in my Sims family. One or two is enough.
If more than that, I believe that's too much for me and can drive me insane~
Too bad still no appearance from Rudolph~~ Here I am still hoping alone~~
Are you reserved him for an important role somehow? :P
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Empire of Evil
« Reply #37 on: April 12, 2013, 04:37:04 PM »
Chapter 10: Fullhouse

The house is quite chaotic with a toddler and two newborns in the house.  It’s always a mad dash for the adults to eat, or sleep and often they go without until the little ones are taken care of.  Alecia, because she is home the most, is almost always exhausted.
Potty training Mina; Felicia and Devin are taking care of the kids while Alecia rests after giving birth. 

Time sure flies when there’s just so much to do…  Felicia even took some time off work in order to be able to help with things since she wanted Devin to get to the top.  Before they knew it, it was time for the twins’ birthday!
It's the boys' birthday already!

Bracen Abaddon, toddler

Tyler Abaddon, toddler

No time is wasted in beginning to teach them their skills; it’s quite the ballet of people to make sure things go smoothly with it all.
Teaching the boys their skills: walking, talking, and potty training

Aside from that, their oldest is also getting older.  It’s Mina’s birthday already.  She’ll also be going to school… My, where does the time go!
Kids grow up so fast!  It's Mina's birthday again!

Mina Abaddon, child

Though both Mama and Papa think they’re nooboos are growing much too fast, there are some advantages to Mina being a child now.  Their interactions are much more interesting now.
Mina playing rock, paper, scissors with her Dad.  Hehe, they think alike.

Mina's first day of school; she runs to catch the bus

The family spends time together while waiting for Mina to get home from school


Offline azokka361

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Re: Empire of Evil
« Reply #38 on: April 13, 2013, 02:12:33 AM »
Just started reading, and this is a great story! Yay for more nooboos with their grandmother's hair color! Now, Felicia just needs to figure out how to make Young Again potions to be young forever and boss around her family for the rest of eternity . . .

It's so nice to know that I'm not the only one who plans to have one or two nooboos, ends up with six, and freezes the parents' age so they can live forever and make more and more nooboos to spread the family empire across the town . . . no, wait, that's still just me.

And Rudolph completely deserved to be kicked out! What did he expect, having a Midlife Crisis when married to the Empress of Evil? She isn't going to put up with any disobedience from her slaves willing and indentured workers!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Shewolf13

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Re: Empire of Evil
« Reply #39 on: April 13, 2013, 10:37:19 AM »
LOL!  Thanks for reading Azokka!  I'm glad you enjoy the story and I'm even more glad you agree with me about Rudolph lol XD  Honestly, I didn't plan for that to happen; I was kinda looking forward to seeing how the law and the syndicate would work out.  They actually became so disliked though autonomously that no matter what I did, I couldn't save them.  So, the logical step was booting his butt out.  I have an update, but I won't have a chance to put it up till I get off work.  Heh, Alecia has the LTW of Being Surrounded by Family... which, we'll see if I can actually get her there XD  I normally try to refrain from having a crap-ton of kids, only because I seem to miss all the good stuff as I'm concentrating on one member of the family at a time.  I'm trying to get out of the habit of micro-managing XD  And so far, I'm not doing too bad, but still.  This Watcher needs to let her Sims be free a bit more... then again, you see what happens!  Devin loves to go around scaring everyone on his own XD

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Re: Empire of Evil
« Reply #40 on: April 13, 2013, 02:43:06 PM »
You are a busy simmer! It must be quite the challenge getting everyone to their jobs and school on time while keeping them fed and happy.  I like this family a lot and can't wait to see what path the kids take in life.

Offline Eldridge

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Re: Empire of Evil
« Reply #41 on: April 13, 2013, 03:35:47 PM »
This is an interesting development. Well... Just find Rudolph and kill him with Felicia own hand :P (either it is make him starved, drowned) That will be interesting (for me) and make me satisfied a lot... And Felicia up to her dynasty name as Empire of Evil :P (just talk my mind)

The children are so adorable! That take a lot of work to take care all of them. Well, at least Mina is at children stage. Good luck!
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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Offline Shewolf13

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Chapter 11: The Torch is Passed
« Reply #42 on: April 13, 2013, 06:49:32 PM »
Chapter 11: The Torch is Passed

Mina brought home a friend from school.  His name is Dimitri Ivanov and Mina likes him quite a bit.  Devin doesn’t seem to mind him either.  The two chat for a bit before the kids do their homework together.

One of Felicia’s favorite things to do was to watch her grandsons sleep and rock in the chair in the corner, thinking evil thoughts.  She was doing this when, at 92, she passed quietly away.  As Devin ran into the room, she murmured, “It is up to you now, my son.”  Then, she was gone. 

The whole family comes to mourn, even Alecia.  She may not have liked Felicia, but she knew how much her husband loved his mother.

Believing his mother would prefer having her own private resting place, Devin purchased the lot next door and turned it into the family graveyard.  As their funds replenish, he plans on adding more to the serene place.

For short periods, Devin will be fine, then he will remember something about his mother and he mourns her anew.  Alecia does her best to console her husband, feeling terrible that the only reason she’s sad is not because she misses Felicia but because it makes her family sad.
Devin is devastated by his mother's death

Life must go on, though.  That means the everyday routines continue.  Mina still goes to school and the twins have to be looked after.  Though they are young, they too remember their grandma and suddenly not having her around anymore is difficult for them to understand, but Mina does her best to entertain them and help them cope.
Mina does her homework while chatting with her mom

To take his mind off his grief, Devin plays with his boys, his wife joining them.  He really loves family time and loves being a dad.  Whoever said an evil person couldn’t love?

Now that her little ones are getting older, Alecia has taken up painting as a hobby.  It will help give her something to do once the kids are all in school and will help with money as well.

Uh oh… Looks like Mina did something she wasn’t supposed to… (I never actually figured out what it was XD).  Mama is not happy with her at all!  But Mina hates it when her mother is upset with her, so she begs for forgiveness and gives her mother a hug to apologize as well.  Alecia lets her off the hook.

Mina has a very energetic imagination; here she is going for a joyride on the couch.  Hm… her parents are gonna have their hands full when she’s old enough to drive… particularly with that daredevil trait of hers.


Offline azokka361

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Re: Empire of Evil
« Reply #43 on: April 13, 2013, 06:53:19 PM »
Mina's quite the character! I'm willing to bet that she tried to booby-trap the computer.

Yay for daredevils! Fingers crossed that she'll be a firefighter when she's older. Or ninja.
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Eldridge

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Re: Empire of Evil
« Reply #44 on: April 13, 2013, 09:17:06 PM »
Mina friend, Dmitri is quite funny, with that pink shoes :P
Is he somehow Mina's future love interest or just a friend XD ?

Ahh, Felicia passes away. Goodbye, Felicia! Too bad that I haven't see your evilness recently  :'(

Whoever said an evil person couldn’t love?
Truly love this word ;D
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
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2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

