Chapter 8: The Empire Expands
The Abaddon household is slowly adjusting to the new addition of Alecia into the household. For the most part, Alecia and Felicia avoid one another, particularly when Devin is present. They both pretend- for him- that things are fine. Felicia does like her cooking and will often eat what she has prepared… after all, Felicia never had any cooking skills to speak of. So that’s one bright side, though Felicia still fears that Alecia will break her son’s heart… as Rudolph did to her, particularly knowing Alecia’s opinion of criminals…
Devin and Alecia enjoy a homecooked meal that Alecia prepared
Alecia is adjusting well, though this illness she’s contracted is quite annoying and interferes in getting to spend time with Devin. She knows that soon, he will begin working for his mother’s Crime Syndicate. She’s trying desperately not to think about that. She loves him and for now, she’ll turn a blind eye to it. Wait a minute… that wasn’t a stomach bug! After about four pregnancy tests later, it’s confirmed!
Alecia's pregnant! She shares the good news with Devin who’s absolutely thrilled!
With a nooboo on the way, Devin decides it’s time to do some work on the house, work that he had been meaning to do anyway. He began immediately, knocking down walls, adding some, changing plumbing. He did the work himself; there were quite a number of loud curses and grumbling as he forgot to do something or smashed a finger with a hammer. But eventually, he got the work done.
Devin did some work on the house; he added a nursery and an ensuite to his and Alecia's bedroom as well as remodeled the main bathroom
Being the one who is home most often, Alecia feels responsible for the house, so even though they pay a maid service to clean the house AND being pregnant, she still insists upon doing the household chores and doing the cooking, often leaving leftovers for Felicia and Devin to eat when they get home from work.
Even with a maid service- and being pregnant- Alecia keeps up with the household chores
Despite helping around the house and all she does, Felicia and Alecia still cannot see eye to eye on… well, everything. Felicia is ecstatic about being a grandmother, but an attempt to feel her grandchild move resulted in another argument…
Felicia and Alecia still can't get along… It seems their efforts to try only work for so long
But despite their issues, Devin and Alecia couldn’t be more in love and happy. Their joy at starting a family reverberates through everything they do.
Devin loves to feel his nooboo moving around in their mommy's tummy
As Alecia gets further along in her pregnancy, she and Devin relax and cuddle close on the couch, enjoying each other's company
Alecia was doing some housework, her back aching, when she felt a new pain. It was sharp and immediate but it went away after a moment and she continued what she was doing. Suddenly, there was a release inside her and then the floor was soaked. She was going into labor! She called out for her husband who raced out to the kitchen… and then promptly began to panic!
The baby's coming! Quick Devin, stop panicking and take your wife to the hospital!
After a rather long, involved birth, Devin and Alecia welcome Mina Abaddon to the world and to their family.
Welcome to the family, baby Mina
Devin and Alecia take a cab home with their nooboo
Devin and Alecia take turns caring for Mina. The new parents are often exhausted but so happy with their nooboo!
Devin with his little girl. How he loves her! Even now, he's thinking that he wants more children and Alecia actually agrees!
Felicia is also ecstatic about her adorable grand nooboo. To give her son a break (she couldn’t care less about Alecia, of course…), she often will take over care of Mina, feeding her, snuggling and playing with her, changing diapers.
Grandma with the nooboo. She enjoys having a little girl in the house… if only she could get rid of the mother, life would be perfect
Alecia and Devin taking a moment to rest and spend some time together while grandma takes care of Mina for them
Mina’s getting bigger by the minute and Alecia finds herself already missing those days. She can’t wait to have another one. What’s this? Is this morning sickness? She sure hopes so!
Hm… Alecia's ill again… could it mean… Why yes, yes she is! There's going to be another little nooboo!