Author Topic: *Please send to graveyard* The Almeria Random Town Jump  (Read 39177 times)

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 15
« Reply #60 on: April 14, 2013, 02:26:26 AM »
I'm surprised Goopy was fine with Marta cheating. Diego left such a sweet present. I wonder what Carlos and Diana will wish for...
Can't wait to see the Almerias in Bridgeport! I hope they meet the Joneses!
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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 15
« Reply #61 on: April 14, 2013, 03:24:11 AM »
Ooh, Bridgeport! That'll be exciting! What a lovely gift for Diego to leave  :)
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Offline Ausette

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 15
« Reply #62 on: April 14, 2013, 07:56:35 AM »
And who knows who'll they meet there, maybe the Joneses?

That would be awesome  ;D. Johnny can always use new voters!

Congratulations on the first move, and good luck to the happy couple! I really love Ariel's traits. I'm imagining her as a meek, nerdy schoolgirl who was bullied one too many times and finally snapped and vowed revenge on her tormentors.

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 15
« Reply #63 on: April 16, 2013, 02:11:54 PM »
Bad girl, Marta! Don't cheat on Goopy--he's too adorable for that!

Congrats to Carlos and Ariel on their marriage. Bridgeport ought to be FUN with Ariel's evil trait. So much trouble that she can get into... :P

Oh, they must run into the Joneses. That would just make it that much more fun!

I hope Marta will behave herself from now on. It was horrible to see that going on right in front of Goopy.

I hope Bridgeport will be fun, the contrast between BP and MV is rather jarring. Maybe they'll get culture shock?

Adora is in the political career at the moment, so I think it's inevitable.

I'm surprised Goopy was fine with Marta cheating. Diego left such a sweet present. I wonder what Carlos and Diana will wish for...

It was very strange. Other times a sim barely speaks with someone not their partner and betrayed moodlet pops up.

I wanted them to get something to remember him by, since he was bound to die early on.

Ooh, Bridgeport! That'll be exciting! What a lovely gift for Diego to leave  :)

I thought so too. He died shortly after he got enough points to buy it - it's their inheritance.

That would be awesome  ;D. Johnny can always use new voters!

Congratulations on the first move, and good luck to the happy couple! I really love Ariel's traits. I'm imagining her as a meek, nerdy schoolgirl who was bullied one too many times and finally snapped and vowed revenge on her tormentors.

I'm sure Adora would love an invite to one of the famous pool parties. ;)

The first world went by quickly, even if I did send Marta to University. I don't think I will do that every time, even if it's fun it bogs down the file. I just realized the best part of this project is that I can get a new clean file as soon as I move town. No more ID files that take forever to load or save.

I love your interpretation of Ariel, I might have to nix it. Even if she probably had a pretty good teen life hanging out with Carlos at the Almeria house.

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 15
« Reply #64 on: April 17, 2013, 01:29:44 PM »
Grrr, the file just won't save! Why is Bridgeport making this so difficult? I have enough for an update later - right now I've got to let the computer rest a bit.

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The Bridgeport Hillbill...whatever
« Reply #65 on: April 17, 2013, 05:11:38 PM »
When you saw them last, the Almeria's were packing up their house in Monte Vista heading for Bridgeport. They looked forward to big city living....

...the problem is, money don't buy you as much in the city as in the countryside.

Their new home was a modest but spacious log cabin.

Adora: A log cabin! It's like we were moving to Hidden Springs! And there is only one bed, we are seven sims in this family.
Watcher: Don't complain, this is what you can afford and the view...
All sims who can speak (Montoya not included): Fix it now!

Watcher: *sulking* Happy now? You have sleeping bags for everyone to enjoy. Snug as a bug in a rug.
Sims: If this is how you are going to be, just leave us alone.
Watcher: Fine, see if you can do things better than me...

The family was not amused. Carlos (the perfectionist) was appalled that the Watcher had sent them to a house that had spoiled food in the fridge. That's just not sanitary.

Instead of living downtown they had a great view of Bridgeport's skyline, especially at night. They were living on the fancy side of the tracks hill...

...well, on the bottom of that hill. Their house might be modest at the moment, but with hard work the family was sure they could improve their lot.

With only one bed between the lot of them, they had to take turns sleeping in comfort or in the sleeping bags. Marta won the right to spend the first night in this relative luxury after beating Diana at rock paper scissors. She graciously invited Goopy to share her prize.

They celebrated vigorously.

The two newlyweds had to make do with flirting and general cute romantic interactions. Here Ariel gives Carlos a shy kiss, how appropriate for a shy sim!

Diana decides to repay her sister for all the times she looked after her as a child by teaching Montoya to walk.

I'm sure Adora would have loved to help, but she was busy sending an impromptu visitor away. (And then she sold the gift basket, maybe she's saving for a remodel of the house?)

Carlos was on a mission. He had a goal, he had a dream. He took a cab through the city and his eyes grew larger and larger the more he saw. So many people, so many buildings, so many cars. How did they keep everyone safe? How could these many sims live together without causing horrible horrible lag? (they can't). He could make a difference here, and make a whole bunch of new friends at the same time.

As the taxi pulled up by the fire station he felt calm and in control. "Hello, my name is Carlos Almeria and I'm the newest recruit" he mumbled under his breath. Time to meet the colleagues.

Diana bought herself an ice cream after Montoya finally got the gist of running around. She was surprised to see the same ice cream wan parked outside their house here as in Monte Vista.

Was it also the same man selling the ice cream? She couldn't remember, but it was something to check out. Mom had always told her F.A.C could be on to them, and she had inherited the clown clumsy gene from her mother. She needed to be on guard, and what better way than to spy right back, by buying ice cream each day?

That night the family got to bed exhausted by all the new impressions and experiences. But Goopy wasn't completely happy. He dreamed of a house of his own. A house where he and Marta and Montoya (and all their future children - he had gotten the fertility treatment without telling Marta) could live away from the Watcher who was always putting her nose where it didn't belong.

Marta took it upon herself to send pictures of their new life to their friends and family in Monte Vista. (I think it's so nice that they take photos with other sims autonomously).

Just a random pic of how much grayer and drearier Bridgeport becomes when it's raining. I had forgotten how dark this world is, and had to pull down my blinds to be able to see what the sims were getting up to.

Uhu, Marta is pregnant again! I guess Goopy might get his wish of an own house fulfilled sooner than later. Because now there is absolutely no room for a nooboo and heir.

Sorry about the lack of action, settling the family in a new town is a bit tricky since I've never done it before.

Some things like Marta mysteriously being fired from her fortuneteller job (even if I placed a caravan before I placed the family) and Ariel suddenly having a job at the grocery store got cut out. Mostly there was a lot of running around to subways and driving in taxis to reapply/quit work that I didn't include.

Hopefully we will get to meet some locals soon.

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 16
« Reply #66 on: April 18, 2013, 03:41:04 AM »
I'm surprised that the only addition to the house you made was sleeping bags. I mean, you're an amazing builder!
With Marta pregnant again the house will definitely get pretty full. Carlos will hopefully bring in some more money from his new job! Great chapter.
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Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 16
« Reply #67 on: April 18, 2013, 03:51:36 AM »
I'm surprised that the only addition to the house you made was sleeping bags. I mean, you're an amazing builder!
With Marta pregnant again the house will definitely get pretty full. Carlos will hopefully bring in some more money from his new job! Great chapter.

I plan to rebuild later, the sleeping bags are just a temporary solution, mostly because the game was so temperamental and refused to save after I used build mode.

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 16
« Reply #68 on: April 18, 2013, 07:34:32 AM »
Why is it that I could complete an entire Immortal Dynasty in Sunset Valley, but 2 days playing in Bridgeport and my game keeps crashing all the time? I think I will have to restart the file in Bridgeport, since now I can't save no matter what I do, and no matter what tricks I use. I might have to tweak the weather as well, so no rain and no puddles to complicate things.

I'm planning on putting them in the same lot, so I'll just replay the not very interesting parts and give you an update once I'm all caught up.

I just had to vent some.

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 16
« Reply #69 on: April 18, 2013, 07:27:28 PM »
Yargh, that stinks. Best of luck with trying again. :)

Offline Beezy

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 16
« Reply #70 on: April 20, 2013, 08:20:07 PM »
I understand your frustration. Good luck trying again.  :)

Offline saltpastillen

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Once more with feeling
« Reply #71 on: April 21, 2013, 05:23:27 PM »
After some serious problems when the game was unable to save, the Almerias had to start all over. It mostly went the same way you saw earlier with one notable exception.

The bathroom was turned into two powder rooms and everyone had to take outdoor showers. It worked out pretty well since it was summer and they could all just run around outside and dry of in the sun.

Carlos once again joined the firefighter career and spent a lot of time on his new obsession hobby getting fit. That it improved his work performance was a great argument why he should get a pass from doing the dishes if he wanted to go for a jog.

After jamming with her mother for some low cost fun Diana spawned the wish to share her LTW. She now want's to learn charisma and guitar just like her mom.

Adora has 6 days until elder and lvl 7 in guitar and lvl 5 in charisma. I think she'll make it. Especially since she'll probably wish for a change of pace soon. She's mad it to lvl 4 of the political career and feels like it might be time to move on.

Carlos was up bright and early for his first official day at work. Having everyone sleep in sleeping bags in the same rooms makes them really sensitive to noise.

Like say, if your little sister would get up at 4 in the morning to practice some guitar. Well, at least it gave Carlos an excuse to do some cardio.

Once he got to work he met his boss. She's really skinny, but with two humongous "assets" I can't understand how she runs with them.

Regardless of her sour face and intimidating look she was kind enough to show Carlos the ropes, by breaking the sink so he got to fix it.

Carlos even got to extinguish a fire on his first day. It was small and in the lobby of a high rise. I don't want to know what will happen once the fire is higher up. How will he get there? Everyone knows elevators can't be used in case of fire...

Back at the station he and the boss lady (sorry can't remember name) had a shoot out.

Boss lady: If you don't get the last one - you'll have to work the night shift.
Carlos: *gulp*  I'm kind of scared of vampires...
Boss lady: Vampires are no match for a real fireman!
Carlos: (rolls wish to fight a vampire)

While Carlos was of enjoying his calm work environment, the rest of the family were getting on each others nerves. Insufficient space for beds, low privacy when showering and one temperamental pregnant lady all added up to short tempers.

Marta: And to top it all of the house is filthy again!
Goopy: *uhrm* Honey, that was me.
Marta: Oh, never mind.

With Diana's finals coming up she was given the bed for the night.

Ariel, last to go to bed and feeling to awkward to share with her sister in law was forced to sleep on the bed. The Watcher started to feel a bit bad...

The next day it got even worse when Montoya had to play inside his doll house because he felt there wasn't any room to sit beside it!

Adora: Watcher! This is enough! Fix it!

After tearful goodbyes Marta decided she, Goopy, Montoya and the unborn should relocate.

So they dusted of the old lemon and off they went.

Thanks to the Watchers economizing they had enough to put in a down payment on this newly enlarged family home.

This will probably not be the last you see of Marta and her family, but she won't be a constant visitor to the house. This is because after the move Marta stopped showing up as Adora's daughter. Strangely enough she is still showing up as the sister of Carlos and Diana and they all have Diego as the father. Maybe her feelings were hurt that she had to move?

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 17
« Reply #72 on: April 22, 2013, 11:59:32 PM »
That's so weird that Adora is no longer Marta's mother. The house they moved into looked pretty good!
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Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 17
« Reply #73 on: April 23, 2013, 05:02:11 PM »
Huh. That's weird that the family tie disappeared. :o

Good luck to Marta, Goopy, and little Montoya! Hopefully now Carlos and Ariel can get on with the nooboo-making. :P

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 17
« Reply #74 on: April 24, 2013, 06:58:38 PM »
Huh. That's weird that the family tie disappeared. :o

Good luck to Marta, Goopy, and little Montoya! Hopefully now Carlos and Ariel can get on with the nooboo-making. :P

That's so weird that Adora is no longer Marta's mother. The house they moved into looked pretty good!

I know that's wierd, right? I thought since I have both ErrorTap and Overwatch things like that wouldn't happen but I guess I was wrong. Maybe there is another mod that can fix broken family trees? (If you know of one please PM me).

The house is one of the existing starter homes that I gutted, enlarged an added a full second story on. I wanted them to have room for kids since I gave them both fertility treatment before moving out. I just hope Marta isn't the one bugged and that she still is pregnant...

