Author Topic: *Please send to graveyard* The Almeria Random Town Jump  (Read 38040 times)

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 10
« Reply #30 on: April 08, 2013, 05:13:28 PM »
"Insurance reasons"


Marta is such a sweetie. It's a shame she can't be the heir. But hey, the other two are pretty cool too. :)

Offline Snufflesxx

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 10
« Reply #31 on: April 09, 2013, 04:07:30 AM »
The more I read stories featuring University, the more I want to buy it!  :P

This was my favourite line:

The job was pretty easy, just some donation at the medical school (just donating an organ or two, no biggie)

Marta really makes me laugh!
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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 10
« Reply #32 on: April 09, 2013, 02:38:45 PM »
This story is a delightful read, saltpastillen! Your sense of humour is fabulous.
You've played too much TS3 when ... your 13 month old's babble sounds like Simlish!

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Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 10
« Reply #33 on: April 09, 2013, 04:18:22 PM »
Marta is such a sweetie. It's a shame she can't be the heir. But hey, the other two are pretty cool too. :)

I know, isn't she a sweetie. I think the others will come into their own more once they grow up a bit more. Maybe sending them all of to Uni is the way to go. God knows it helped me find out more about who I was.

Quote from: Snufflesxxlink=topic=15429.msg296975#msg296975 date=1365494850
Marta really makes me laugh!

She undoubtedly lends herself to comedy.

This story is a delightful read, saltpastillen! Your sense of humour is fabulous.

Thank you! I'm always making up stories when I'm playing to amuse myself, and I'm thrilled if others find them funny too.

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To Carlos and Diana; Part 2
« Reply #34 on: April 09, 2013, 04:53:59 PM »
Hi Carlos and Diana!

Sorry I haven't written in a while but things have become even more hectic around here. School is a busy as ever and now my social life is the same. I barely feel I have time to sleep some weeks.

A couple of weeks ago I went bowling for the first time with some people from my dorm. A clumsy sim walks into a bowling alley... sounds like a bad joke, doesn't it? Can you imagine my surprise when I actually won the game?

Then when we played pool I won again! Sure, I didn't win much cred with the nerd crowd for beating them all in sports, but someone must have noticed me. Because the next day I got a call from one of the guys in the frat house asking me to come to a party. He wanted to recruit me to the jocks! I've never thought of myself as one, but he said I had the winner instinct to reach the top.

It's amazing what you can learn about yourself here at University.

The jocks are a great group of people to hang out with. They are all very dedicated to their studies and always help out by posing for my sketching assignments.

They've taught me loads about proper nutrition and I've been trying out a new liquid diet. I still don't know if it's very effective though.

We have to paint our self portrait for class. First I was a bit hesitant, painting has never really had an appeal for me, but I decided to try my best. It's still a work in progress but I'm trying to show how I'm a complex person (kind of like an onion) by using color. I'm sending you a picture of what I have so far, maybe you have some pointers for me Diana?

Do you remember how mom used to ask us if we thought dad's painting was just a hobby or an obsession? And then she'd laugh and answer the question herself with - an obsession of course! Diana might have been to young, but I bet you remember Carlos.

Well, I think I've found my own obsession - table tennis! I might have neglected a lecture or two in order to participate in the Student Unions yearly table tennis tournament. I placed second and had a great time.

There wasn't any cash price, but I did manage to get on the deans list after some grueling days of midterm exams, so I'm sending you § 4,500.

You never told me what happened to that wall hanging. Did you use the money for something fun? Dean gave me a rather nice poster the other day, so I'm sending you that as well. Same procedure as last time. What mom doesn't know wont hurt her.

Hugs from your big sister!

P.S. I miss you and remember you can call me any time if you want to talk. And hug mom from me too!


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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 10 part 2
« Reply #35 on: April 09, 2013, 08:58:36 PM »
The sister secrets make it so much fun. I think Martha has got a heart as big as a whale.
So glad that she is actually doing well at uni too...  making the dean's list! Wow! :)

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 10 part 2
« Reply #36 on: April 10, 2013, 03:57:44 PM »
The sister secrets make it so much fun. I think Martha has got a heart as big as a whale.
So glad that she is actually doing well at uni too...  making the dean's list! Wow! :)

Marta is a great big sister, she's always had great maternal instincts and helped taking care of her sister and brother. In some sense she is almost a third parent to them, especially to Diana.

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To Carlos and Diana; Part 3
« Reply #37 on: April 10, 2013, 04:27:19 PM »
Dear Carlos and Diana.

The last quarter of the term has arrived and I have to put all of my focus on studying because I might have spent to many late nights over at the Frat house. Don't worry, I'm not going to fail classes (I hope) but I might have to cut back on burning the night oil for other things than studying.

The liquid diet I mentioned hasn't showed any results. I'm trying this new thing when I only drink juice boxes. I don't really have any high hopes, but at least it's very hygienic. I don't think even dad would have approved of the kind of mess the dorm kitchen and dining area is in.

Even if I'm cutting back on parties, I'm still keeping up with the jocks. We all hang out at the stadium in early evening playing sports. I'm pretty good at all kinds of ball sport (even if I'm clumsy) but it's on the rugby field I really get to shine. No one can tackle as well as me. I even have a nickname "Marta the crusher". Pretty cool, don't you think?

Even if most things are going great (yes, classes are going fine) I still have some more awkward episodes. Like when I was asked to play football at the Main Quad. How was I to know our watcher was linguistically challenged by the dividing ditch that is the Atlantic?

Confusing a soccer ball for a football. Really, if I got to call all the shots things like this would never happen.

Uhu, finals are coming up, I'll finish the letter later...

Hi again. Sorry I didn't have time to post this earlier, but I had to cram for exams for a couple of days.

Now everything is over. I've been waiting up all night for the results to come in (I'm super impressed by the professors grading the exams so quickly). I haven't eat, I haven't slept, I've barely breathed. Luckily for me I got an A, and enough credits to graduate in fine arts. And since I made the Dean's List I can request grants again!

Graduation was wet, but exciting. A lot of my friends invited their family over, and I would have loved for you to come. But mom and I talked it over and we both agreed that the money was better spent on something more practical - like a new sink, since the old one breaks all the time.

Even if there were excitement in the air, I don't think anyone was more jazzed than me. And now I have swanky new robes as well as a University Diploma!

You were asking about my self portrait Diana. Well, I did finish it, but not until after graduation. Not that it mattered if I did. My teacher said it was the process she was interested in analyzing, not the end product. Which was probably good because I don't think it's very good. But I'm taking it home with me so you can judge for yourself.

Speaking of home. I'm on my way home right now. I'll race the letter and see which of us arrived first.

Bye University, Hello Home.

Love Marta

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 10 part 3
« Reply #38 on: April 10, 2013, 06:32:25 PM »
Run Marta! You can beat the letter home! Great chapter and congrats to Marta on graduating.
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Offline saltpastillen

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« Reply #39 on: April 11, 2013, 02:01:58 PM »
Marta had a nice homecoming. The letter had arrived the day before so her siblings raced home from school eager to see her. She helped them with their homework and caught up to what had been going on at home while she was away.

Adora was still in midlife crisis mode and her latest obsession was becoming more muscular. The results were meh, but the effort was astounding.

Carlos had found out that Ariel was athletic, so he wanted to impress her with some nice moves. Marta agreed to teach him the finer points of playing catch with a football (not soccer ball).

He then sat down to write his nightly love letter.

Hi again Ariel.
I think it's awesome you like sports so much. Today I got some tips on how to throw a football longer from my sister Marta, the one who went to University and became a jock, not my sister Diana who's in school with us. I'd really like to go out with you sometime. Maybe we can go to Varg's and play some Foosball?
See you in school.

He's not quite worked up to anything more romantic than that yet.

The big homecoming night ended with a movie and lots of laughs and explosions. Something about armagedon I think...

That night Diego came back. He was probably mightily bored because his first course of action was to play on the water slide.

He didn't feel substantial enough to try some cooking, so he breakfasted on a snow cone instead.

I thought everything would be sunshine and roses but Diego had other ideas.

Diego: How dare you say I'm your ex-husband!
Adora: It's not me, it's you. You being dead I mean.
Diego: Have you found someone else? Someone younger and more alive?

Adora: Never! You are the only one for me Diego!
*kissy sounds*

Watcher: I'll just tell the kids you want some privacy then...
Diego/Adora: Watcher - go away!

With Diego back Adora resumed her work on making the toilet self cleaning. This time with a smile on her face.

Ariel took Diego up on his offer to meet at Varg's. She was late, almost over 2 hours, and I assumed he'd been stood up. But he insisted she was just late, and in the end she arrived, maybe the umbrella slowed her down?

They had a so-so date and Ariel spent a lot of time checking out the too old for her guy in the background smacking gnomes.

That made Carlos as desperate as Adora to get some larger muscles. He's not doing much better than his mom at hiding his pain.

Diego spends his days painting on his last painting. (After I go the great tip that ghosts who's urn was placed on a pedestal can't get back in there during the day, Diego is now a permanent resident in the house. At least for a while).

He also spends a large amount of time with Diana, which is great since she's the one of his kids he got to spend the least time with when he was alive. Maybe she's trying to convince him she needs a horse? She's wanted to adopt one ever since she got the equestrian trait, but the family has never afforded one yet. Maybe soon?

Diana also likes to play Diego's guitar autonomously. Really, every time I check up on her if I've left her unattended she's there strumming. Must be her virtuoso trait asserting itself.

Adora had been getting a lot of party invites, and even managed to gain a celebrity star when I wasn't looking. One was from this guy, Luigi of the F.A.C. He's even scarier now that he'll want to suck her blood.

Unfortunately he's developed quite an attachment for Adora and he calls her all the time. Maybe a case of keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer?

Offline saltpastillen

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Mr. Marta Almeria
« Reply #40 on: April 11, 2013, 05:52:27 PM »
Marta hung around aimlessly a couple of days after coming home from University. A job was hard to find, even with a degree. Maybe going for Fine Arts hadn't been the best move. She had also picked up 2 new traits: perspective from her jock friends and inappropriate for getting her degree. The inappropriate trait seems almost, well, inappropriate... Now she's both flirty and inappropriate - imagine what kinds of messes she can land in by her own.

When Goopy finally aged up she asked him to meet up at the beach a.s.a.p.

Marta: OMG Goopy. Let's never spend this much time apart again!
*heat of the moment kiss*
Goopy: mhmfp
Marta: I missed you all the time I was gone. Did you miss me?
*make out session*
Goopy: mhmmhmmph
Marta: I have something I want to ask you, but first...
*need I say more?*
Goopy: *desperately struggling for breath*

Marta: Will you be mine forever?
Goopy: OH! (Was that an answer, or just him fighting for breath? He's still a little/a lot lightheaded after all those kisses)

Of course he said yes, who can resist Marta's way of proposing. They had a private wedding straight away. It was very romantic.

After the rings guessed it! More kissing.

I love the expression on Marta's face. She seems very happy to have caught her man.

Then they went for a swim. Goopy looks a little disappointed, maybe he thought there would be skinny dipping?

Meanwhile, back at the house, Diana has once again ditched homework in favor of spending time talking to her dad.

Goopy moved in and he fit's in nicely with the household. He's Good like Marta, hot-headed like Carlos and a slob just like Diego was... Better make all the pluming self cleaning Adora. He's also friendly which is great, and a savy sculptor.

His LTW is to max all 3 influence groups. Since he'll probably not go of to University again he better save up on LTR points so I can buy him happiness. It's a case of you've got to spend points to earn them...

Finding out Marta hasn't told the family about the wedding Goopy breaks the news over dinner.

Adora was upset.

Adora: How could you marry my daughter without asking my permission first?
Goopy: No, no you misunderstand, she was the one who asked me!
Adora: And a slob! She can do much better!

Uhu, I was not expecting Adora and Goopy to form an instant dislike. You would have thought Adora was tolerant of slobs since she was married to one too. Time will tell if the house will be reeling with drama or not.

Inspired by his sister luck in love Carlos invited Ariel over and tried some dance moves with her. She wasn't at all bothered by his unusual dance style, which probably means they are perfect for each other.

They booth seem to agree. And after a few kisses and a little make-out session Ariel and Carlos were going steady.

There was a lot of kissing in the next room as well, when Marta and Goopy celebrated their wedding night. Chimes? I don't know, I wasn't invited.

Adora and Diego also shared a bed, even if he opted to stay over the covers.

Early the next morning Diego finished his painting and he and the painting disappeared. All that was left behind was this note:

My little squirrel,

I would stay with you forever, but I know the time has come for us to be a part for a time. It hurts that the game won't acknowledge our vows, and I'm being called to the other side. I suppose I should have left you the painting of our first date, but I need to have it with me to remember all the good times we had together. You have the children and hopefully grandchildren to keep you company.

Speaking of our children. I left a gift for them under the bed. Remember to tell them it's only one each, but that one can be anything they wish. Have a good life my love, and I will see you when your time comes. Don't hurry. Once you are here with me we'll have all the time in the world.

Love Diego

Just another look at the traffic/parking situation now that the family has a car of their own (Goopy had an old lemon in his inventory when he moved in).

A superhero stray cat showed up and brawled on the front lawn.

A cat on the warpath on littering. It's always great when pets clean up after sims.

Marta and Goopy entertained themselves all over the house once the rest of the family left for the day. Now are there chimes? Still can't hear...

With a (hopefully, after all that wohooing) baby on the way Marta and Goopy decided they really needed to get jobs to help support their growing family. Sure they had gotten around § 10,000 in wedding gifts from their parents including items such as a wall-mounted digital fish tank and a food processor (Diego even chipped in with an alchemy set). But in a land where money really does grow on trees, 10,000 is small potatoes.

After being rejected for several jobs Marta finally landed one in the gypsy caravan. The had an opening for a  future con artist. Maybe not the most appropriate work for a good sim, but supporting the family was more important.

*If you wonder about the career choice, remember that I roll for careers with the list from the random legacy challenge. Otherwise Marta would have gone into something else...what I don't know.

Goopy got a new haircut, a snazzy sweater to hang over his shoulders and a can do attitude. He headed over to Barny's (one in the row of saloons in the giant beauty chain) to get hired. As he arrived he spotted the other stylist and the tattoo-artist making out.

His lead in to the interview was "Hey, I'm a guy!" He was hired immediately. He decided not to tell them that he had a wife, at least not until later.

Life in the Almeria house moves on. The teens do their homework (albeit under protest) and Marta and Goopy are still waiting for some good news.

Adora seems happy, even if she has a sad glint in her eye whenever she plays the guitar. Diego's note is hidden in her dresser as is his present for the kids. It's not quite time for them to receive it yet. The heir has to be picked first.

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 12
« Reply #41 on: April 11, 2013, 05:59:38 PM »
Dude, looking in the door as Goopy walks up you can see them making out and one of them has the same hair and shirt as Goopy!


Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 12
« Reply #42 on: April 11, 2013, 06:01:49 PM »
Dude, looking in the door as Goopy walks up you can see them making out and one of them has the same hair and shirt as Goopy!


Not the same hair style (even if it looks that way from behind) but he did have the same shirt.  I found it hilarious, what with all the prejudice bout only gay men working in beauty saloons... Maybe Goopy and the 2 guys can be the Fab 3?

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 12
« Reply #43 on: April 11, 2013, 06:04:17 PM »
I loved the proposal scene! GREAT!

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Almeria Random Town Jump; chapter 12
« Reply #44 on: April 11, 2013, 06:12:05 PM »
I loved the proposal scene! GREAT!

Thanks! Marta just has a forceful personality, I wanted it to come across.

