Author Topic: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Girl's timing  (Read 11718 times)

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - As for one day
« Reply #30 on: April 09, 2013, 06:08:31 AM »
They are going to have their hands full with all those toddlers to train.

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Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Help me!
« Reply #31 on: April 11, 2013, 11:36:04 AM »
They are going to have their hands full with all those toddlers to train.
Yup, they were all very busy training all of them but they got it done in time.

Help me!

Time to start the training, now this is going to be a handful.

When I moved in I honestly didn't think Justine would live long enough to be able to get enough happiness points to get a medium grave since she was 98 days old at the time.
But she finally got the happiness points to change her lifetime wish and with the help of a wish enhancing elixir she got the points.

Oh bummer Tsuyoshi got bald as a teen... But whoa, Geoffrey's gene's are going strong in his daughters son.

Oh look who is growing up into an adult, have fun Konkon!

Time as well for the triplets birthday. Hallelujah, we made it through their toddler days.
Kei is up first! She got the ambitious trait.

Sayaka is up next! She got the family oriented trait.

Last up is Mari! She got the cat person trait.

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Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - If...
« Reply #32 on: April 12, 2013, 10:24:56 AM »

Justine passed away tonight at 113 days old. She will be missed.

As Justine passed away two of the triplets poped a wish to max the medical career and the last triplet wants to be a star anchor.
I guess that means that Kei and Mari are going to be doctors while Sayaka works as a journalist.

Sayumin had her elder birthday tonight.

Gage Briody has apparently found Immortality. At a time when the townies that were toddlers at the start of the game are elders he is still an adult...

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - The future's sun
« Reply #33 on: April 15, 2013, 03:10:33 PM »
The future's sun

Justine has appeared for her first haunting of the family, but seriously couldn't she have picked something else to haunt?

Father and daughter playing together.

Ah yes, got Kei on Honor roll, now to just wait for their birthday and start the tutoring for her teen honor roll.

Time for the triplets to have their teen birthday.
First up as always is Kei.

Ooops, it's a fire!

Now let's try this again...
She got the workaholic trait.

Now it is Mari's turn, no fires this time please...
Mari got the genius trait when she grew up.

Last this time is Sayaka. She got the natural cook trait.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - The future's sun
« Reply #34 on: April 15, 2013, 03:28:10 PM »
Happy birthday girls,I like that they all got distinctive features and don't look like generic bland Sims.

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Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - The peace!
« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2013, 06:39:28 AM »
The Peace!

Time to start tutoring once again...

Time as well to start supermaxing science.

I entirely forgot about Kaori's elder birthday...

Hmm, Kaori refuses to go to work despite it being a work day for her, better have her retire than possibly get fired...
Darlene and Tsuyoshi, her nephew, was at the consignment store with her when she retired.

Ah yes prom once again.

Will anything interesting happen tonight?
Mari was crowned prom queen.
Looks like Sayaka found a romantic interest in Jessika Vahlrot.
Mari got into a fight. Kei found a romantic interest in Filiph Westman, unfortunatly tomorrow they will go back to friends since he is a babysitter and thus totaly ineglible as a husband, they can remain friends though.
Mari also found a romantic interest in Donell Berner. Kei decided to pick a fight with a classmate but got her ass kicked instead.

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - In the midst of youth
« Reply #36 on: April 22, 2013, 08:20:43 AM »
In the midst of youth

Just after prom ended Johnson died.

Off all things Johnson had to posses when he came back, he had to pick the fridge...

Konkon won't be able to come along to the next house, but one of her kittens sure can.
Say hello to Yossui, he will help bring in the next generations of kittens...
Meh, another cat without a tail...

Congratulations Kei on making it on honor roll once again, now just to wait out the remaining days until you are an young adult.
Perhaps we'll be able to find an eligible spouse for you by then, only babysitters and paper delivers in school so far...

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Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - In the midst of youth
« Reply #38 on: April 22, 2013, 12:47:59 PM »
I'm waiting with bated breath for the cat with a tail!
You know what, so am I, I wonder when he or she will appear or if I'll go the entire dynasty with tailless cats.

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Bravo!
« Reply #39 on: April 29, 2013, 10:27:15 AM »

The science skill really isn't difficult at all to supermax, 5 days left until Kei ages up into a young adult and she has her supermax done.

Oooh kittens! Say hi to Gocchin, the new tomcat.

Iiip Sayaka don't leave the stove unattended while cooking dear...

I didn't know a new kitten warranted a note in the newspaper.

It is finally time for the twins young adult birthday!
Kei up first as always. She got the lucky trait when she grew up.

Mari is up next! She got the ambitious trait when she grew up.

Last up is Sayaka! She got the charismatic trait when she grew up.

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Bravo!
« Reply #40 on: April 29, 2013, 03:09:56 PM »
Even after all that happened all I'm interesting in finding out is - does the kitten have a tail?

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Bravo!
« Reply #41 on: April 29, 2013, 03:24:47 PM »
Even after all that happened all I'm interesting in finding out is - does the kitten have a tail?
Nope, no tail like the rest of them, I would have told if there was one. *laughs*

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Bravo!
« Reply #42 on: April 29, 2013, 03:51:34 PM »
Nope, no tail like the rest of them, I would have told if there was one. *laughs*

Maybe we should start placing bets? ::)

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Bravo!
« Reply #43 on: May 03, 2013, 01:53:00 PM »
Maybe we should start placing bets? ::)
Do that if you want to, if it happens it will happen.

3, 2, 1 breakin' out

Time to get her into her career and to start the spouse hunting!
Unfortunately Sunset Valley is pretty much dead except from some original townies that are still living, I hope to see some new people soon.

Oh dear, while the entire family was at the girls graduation, Yossui died back home, the funny thing is that Sayumin is older than him...

The newspaper is getting downright depressing, only deaths and people moving away form Sunset Valley for the last 10 days...

To amuse both myself and Kei as well I had her look for celestial bodies with the telescope, to my surprise she got a black hole worth 10 000!

Ah, happy birthday Gocchin!

Sayumin, the first cat adopted into the family died today.

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Brainstorming
« Reply #44 on: May 10, 2013, 05:56:32 AM »

My first heir Kaori passed away tonight. She will be missed.
6 days, 3 visits to the household, we've been keeping you busy haven't we ol' grim.

I honestly didn't expect Kei to be able to pull off one promotion a day but she has and she is thus at level 7 of 10 of her needed career.
But oh dear no spouse options at all so far, and only one opportunity done so far. Everyone else is getting several option but the one who needs them gets none.

Oh dear what is going on? It is funny that of all the people they decided to experiment on it is the one that doesn't go outside much...

One week left until the girls turn into adults, can Kei really get everything done before then or will it take longer...

It is also time to move Mari out, I wish her the best of luck...