Author Topic: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Girl's timing  (Read 11702 times)

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Let's go!
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2013, 08:13:43 AM »
That's right we are alive!

Oh look who woke up cranky!

Time for the twins birthday again.
Kaori is up first! She got the workaholic trait.

Then it is Yuko's turn! I gave her the great sense of humour trait.
Oh yeah she definitely looks like Geoffrey.

Time for me to start tutoring Kaori. I had forgotten how long it takes to tutor someone without the challenge done, 16 hours of tutoring done at least now.

Time to Tori's adult birthday as well, she decided to have it in private at the library.
You can tell by her expression before that of course she got a mid-life crises.

Time to see how many wedding gifts we can get this time...
Of course the proposal happens in the bathroom as usual for the sims.

Welcome Connor Van Watson to the household. No makeover for him, I like his style.

I forgot to get Geoffrey a cake so he aged up to elder alone in his bedroom.

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - That's right we are alive!
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2013, 02:02:10 PM »
It's so fun how sometimes twins look like one parent each. Great going so far.

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Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - That's right we are alive!
« Reply #17 on: April 04, 2013, 04:28:32 AM »
Romance, my dear boy!

And just like I planed it she got on honor roll on Friday with 4 days left until she becomes a teen!
Now to just wait out the days remaining until she is a teen.

Time for the twins teen birthday!
Kaori, our heiress, is up first as always. I gave her the trait natural cook.

Then it is time for Yuko to age up. I gave her the charismatic trait.

The future potential spouse has been picked and his name is Joe Keaton.
They will also attend prom together.

Ah Friday again and once again honor roll is complete, now only to wait out the days until she is a young adult to really get working on her requirements.

Tonight is the prom, will anything interesting happen tonight?
Looks like Yuko found some romance with Sam Sekemoto.
Kaori and Joe just danced the night away having a great time.
Someone stepped on Yuko's foot and she decided a fight was in order.

Oh my Geoffrey is turning out to be quite a fabulous painter. 35 paintings done so far - 11 masterpieces and 16 brilliant ones.

Nothing much is happening in the family at moment except Tori throwing fundraisers, Geoffrey painting and Yuko working on her alchemy skills when not in school.

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Romance, my dear boy!
« Reply #18 on: April 04, 2013, 11:50:50 AM »
Sad days

Ouch, that poor Bunch family Jack and Judy died on the same day...
And even more townies are starting to die off, Cornelia Goth has died as well.

Oh my Tori was visiting the park on her day off and guess who decided to kiss each other? Stiles Mcgraw and Simis Bachelor.
For extra amusement from my side Tori has the betrayed moodlet without ever having been involved with either of the two.

4 days left until the twins ages up into young adults, I wonder how many paintings Geoffrey will be able to complete before he dies? His current count is up at 52 paintings.

Wait, what? Ghost can give donations to your blog. I just got a donation from Gaylord Koffi...

Molly French has also passed away now...

Time for the young adult birthday of the twins.
Kaori, the heiress is up first. She got the ambitious trait.
Yup, she definitely resembles her mother a lot. I decided to change her hair a bit.

Then it is yuko's turn. She got the ambitious trait as well.

Now it is truly time to get to work on her moving requirements.

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Sad days
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2013, 09:44:22 AM »
Do your best!

3 days until her first day of work? Better work from home so that she can get her first promotion on her first day.
Oh how sweet, Joe works at her workplace as well.

Oh bummer, the first opportunity given requires Kaori to make some wok and I don't feel like traveling yet to get it.
I wonder if Emma Hatch has it? If not time to use the sim finder to find sims with the natural cook trait.

No luck yet, I better travel to china to pick it up, time to do 3 adventures as well since we are allowed 3 per generation.
it took two days to complete the adventures and get anything else I felt that was needed from china.

The day after Kaori got back from her trip to china Geoffrey passed away that night just before midnight.
He was 95 days old and had a good life after he moved in, he got to spend it mostly painting or doing whatever he likes during his final week.

I'm sorry girls, but I can't resurrect him, we need his grave too much unfortunately.

Time to start preparing for Yuko to get married. I decided to pick Mortimer Goth for her husband.

Another cooking opportunity and it is another world adventure recipe, better buy and read all the recipes at the bookstore while sharing cooking secrets with Jared and Emma.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Do your best!
« Reply #20 on: April 05, 2013, 11:18:58 AM »
Mortimer has some good genes he will make a great husband.

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Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Do your best!
« Reply #21 on: April 06, 2013, 12:16:52 PM »
Ray of light in the middle of summer

Mortimer had his adult birthday while working on his street art skill at the library.

The baby is here! Welcome baby Tsuyoshi. he is clumsy and a light sleeper.

Ah finally got one of the two world adventure recipes needed for the work and cooking opportunities she got.

Time for Tsuyoshi to grow into a toddler, I wonder who he will resemble?
Where do those lovely dark blue eyes come from?

Why is that whenever I adopt a cat I get a cat with either no tail at all or one with merely a stump.
Either way say hi to Sayumin.

Kaori and Sayumin is getting along splendidly which is good since she will move to the new house with Kaori.

Ah yes, all is going according to my plan. Only one promotion left - should be done tomorrow - one more opportunity to get and complete and 10 paintings to place and take a photo of and it is still 3 days left until she turns into an adult.

Time Tsuyoshi to grow into a child. I rolled the eccentric trait for him.

I wish Kaori's workplace would stop asking for produce, there are no gardeners in the house...

On Sunday it was apparently Ayesha's elder birthday, yes I delayed it since I needed her around the house.

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Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Ray of light in the middle of summer
« Reply #22 on: April 07, 2013, 01:55:16 PM »
Happy summer wedding

The final opportunity is here! The family maid decided that he was out of shape and needed some personal training.
Easily completed.

Kaori can now finally propose to Joe.

Finally it is time for her adult birthday and thus she can get married and move in with her long time boyfriend.

Time to place and take photos of the paintings left behind.

Time for a wedding.

Her moving requirements have already been added to the heir post.
Kaori moved on week 9, day 4.

Now it is time to go and make the heir, I'll introduce Kaori's new household in the next post, the only one that you will have met before is Sayumin, the family cat.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Happy summer wedding
« Reply #23 on: April 07, 2013, 01:58:26 PM »
Congratulations on moving.

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Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Happy summer wedding
« Reply #24 on: April 07, 2013, 05:40:20 PM »
Great to see you moving on. I'm looking forward to meeting the new family.

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - Happy summer wedding
« Reply #25 on: April 08, 2013, 11:05:04 AM »
Thank you both, this gen is going well. I was totally wrong about Justine below, she lived for much longer than I thought she would.
Career has been decided by the heir herself. I admit I'm still a bit crazy after the baby and toddler day, but things are settling down.

One - Two - Three

Eh, the family inventory didn't come along? Bummer, there went my fabulous fridge.
Meh I suppose one of the spare kids will have to learn how to cook then.

Hmm the house is really small, but I can definitely work with that.

Justine Keaton is still alive, but she is 98 days old so she won't have enough lifetime happiness points to provide the needed tombstone.
She can still help out the household if she stays alive for a few days.

Joe is 14 days away from being an elder. His traits are loves the outdoors, can't stand art, virtuoso, athletic and dog person.
He wants to be friends with 15 dog, I better change that one to something more manageable. He as of right now works in the culinary career along with Kaori, that will most likely change though.

Alright, the baby is on it's way.
Kaori wants a girl, will she get her wish?

Time to adopt another cat and get the cat breeding started.
Say hi to Johnson. And it is another cat without a tail, will I ever get one through adoption that has a whole tail.

Time to get the first litter of kittens, I wonder how many it will be...

The baby is coming! It is week 9, day 7.

Welcome to baby Kei! She is friendly and a genius.
Eh, twins again? Oh well welcome and well to baby Mari! She is friendly and good.
Iiiip, triplets? Oh dear... Welcome as well to baby Sayaka! She is friendly and a couch potato.

Time to see if I can fit 3 cribs into the tiny nursery/bedroom...
Let's see if all of the household can survive the next ten days as well.

Offline ratchie

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - One - Two - Three
« Reply #26 on: April 08, 2013, 11:09:49 AM »
It is a pity you cannot fit two babies in the same crib. Hello there little babies.

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Offline CreativeCrayola

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - One - Two - Three
« Reply #28 on: April 08, 2013, 01:48:29 PM »
Well done with the move, and hello to the triplets!

Offline Margerita

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Re: The Kimura Deca Dynasty - As for one day
« Reply #29 on: April 09, 2013, 06:03:48 AM »
As for one day

Bored cat playing with the toilet.

The current maid is going to be fired for refusing to do any housework at all.

Oh good the replacements is the last maid from the previous house, now he is good.

Ah, kittens! Say hi to Konkon our little female kitten.

Time now for the triplets birthdays and to hopefully complete toddler training for all of them.
Kei is up first!

Next up is Mari!

And the last to get a cake is Sayaka!

Ok, one with daddy's hair, one with grandma's hair and one with mommy's hair.