Author Topic: The Sundae Immortal Dynasty (New Entry 3/11)  (Read 11438 times)

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Re: The Sundae Immortal Dynasty (New Entry 2/19)
« Reply #30 on: February 20, 2014, 07:13:18 PM »
Wow, Lavender is pretty! I like her new hair. :)
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Re: The Sundae Immortal Dynasty (New Entry 2/19)
« Reply #31 on: February 26, 2014, 12:18:42 AM »
Entry 5/ Immortal 2 - Crimson

Immortal 4 - Crimson enjoyed watching her daughter grow up. She loved that my mom always involved her. So when your grandma Lavender asked our grandma Crimson to teach her to drive, of course she said yes.

~Crimson's present time~

Lavender - Mommy dearest I have a question I've been meaning to ask only you?

Crimson - Yes.

Lavender - Well, I was hoping that, since your the best driver and all that you'd teach me how to drive.

Crimson - ..Alright.

Lavender - EEEEH! Shall we go then?

Crimson - Right now? Alright then.

*sigh* I love my daughter. I love how responsible and outgoing she is. However, I don't know why I have this gut feeling that I might not come back from this drive. Snow, my love if by some chance we are truly connected please come out looking for me after an hour.

Lavender - Make haste please mom.

Crimson - mmhmm

Lavender - So how do I start the car?

Crimson - Foot all the way on the clutch then turn the key.

I watch her struggle two times and sadly I'm happy. Maybe she'll....

*The car starts up*

Crimson *startled* - Good job.

Lavender -  ;D

Crimson - Now remove the emergency break and put the car in first.

Lavender - First is left and up right?

Crimson nod.

Lavender - Okay, here we go.

The car is now in motion and...she's doing... well... except... she keeps... making the car... jerk. I'm...

Lavender - How're we doing.

Crimson - Fine...just stop...stepping on the... break so much.

Lavender - Alright.

*Exhaling* Lavender, she's doing better we've finally made it out of the driveway.

Lavender - Where do you want me to drive you?

Crimson - Just drive a little further. We have insurance.

Why me. Why not my mom or your dad, why me.

*The car stalls and stops in front of the neighbors house.*

~Meanwhile back at the Sundae house~

Snow - She asked for the space upstairs for her sleepover tonight.

Vanilla - Seems reasonable. What're her demands?

Snow - A Foosball table, chandeliers, and bean bag chairs. She asked me to ask if you'd make them some lobster thermidor.

Vanilla - Hah! Of course.

Snow - You're enjoying this?

Vanilla - Eh. It passes the time.
~Crimson's present -end~

Immortal 4 - Later that night Lavender invited her friends over and they had a great time. They didn't stay up late either. My mom convinced them to get their beauty sleep.

A few days later grandma Crimson was being rewarded with an award by the city her happiness over it didn't last long as she was told only she was able to attend no one from our household. They sent a limo and she scowled the whole ride there.

After the ceremony she decided that she and Lavender needed more mother daughter time. She scheduled them a trip to egypt.

Immortal 4 - Next entry, Egypt.

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Re: The Sundae Immortal Dynasty (New Entry 2/25)
« Reply #32 on: March 06, 2014, 07:03:33 PM »
Entry 6/ Immortal 2 - Crimson

Immortal 4 - The trip to Egypt was short lived.

Grandma Crimson's entry isn't that extensive but from what is here, it says that she and Lavender mostly saw sights. My mom had taken an interest in photography and wanted to expand her skills.

They rode scooters and bought a few to take back home. They excavated some pottery from sand.

They even found an old ship.

There's a note here on the bottom of the page. It says, "Lavender was so excited to go see the pyramids tonight, to bad she found out they were filled with dust, cobwebs, and other things she described as horrid upon entry" .

Lavender - Lies.

Immortal 4 - Really? It goes on to say, "My daughter scoffed, mumbled something about getting dirty and ran back to her scooter in a hurry".

Lavender - I  think we remember that night different.

Immortal 8 (to be)- Then what did happen grandma?

Lavender - ...Something different.

Immortal 4 - Care to elaborate?

Lavender - No, actually I do not.

 Immortal 4 - Okay then, more story to follow after a quick bathroom break.

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Re: The Sundae Immortal Dynasty (New Entry 3/06)
« Reply #33 on: March 11, 2014, 11:39:22 PM »
Entry 7/ Immortal 2 - Crimson

Vanilla and the others go down the stairs to the museum library.

Immortal 6 - I like when we take bathroom breaks they usually last days.

Immortal 8 (to be) - Your bathroom breaks last days? You should probably get that checked out.

Immortal 6  *stops in tracks* - Don't yours?

Lavender - Come now sweetheart let's take our seats.

Vanilla - Okay Immortal 4, we're all situated you can begin again.

Immortal 4 - Very well then, Grandma Crimson and my mom returned from their lovely trip to Al Simhara just in time for prom. Your grandma Lavender exfoliated her skin and re-dyed her roots for the occasion.

Lavender - I exfoliate my skin everyday not just for special occasions. I dye my roots every six weeks.

Immortal 4 - Grandma Crimson and Grandpa Snow had gotten a one of a kind dress made just for her.

Lavender - Also typical behaviour. My wardrobe has always been one of a kind.

Immortal 4 - She attended prom with one of her best friends Landon.  She was voted prom queen and the dj played her favorite song.

When she returned home just like grandma Crimson had once done she'd allowed them to live vicariously through her.

The following week brought about the Spring festival. The family decided to go and spend the whole day. Well, Grandpa Snow and grandma Crimson more-so.

Granny Vanilla and my mom didn't really care for the festival so much. But they got into the groove my mom went egg hunting, they all took the annual family photo, and grandpa and grandma danced the night away.

With nightfall came rain and grandma Vanilla swiftly headed home.

Lavender - I remember that night. It was the night I'd almost become frost bitten and pale as a ghost.

My parents were in the corner kissing and didn't even care. I was smart enough to leave an outfit in the trunk so I changed clothes. You see little one you're grandma Lavender is very smart.

Immortal 4 - *sigh*  We've already warned you to stop making this about you.

Lavender - I'm not. I'm just letting her know that she has cunning running through her veins.

Immortal 4 - Cunning huh?

Lavender - I was a perfect child.

Immortal 4 - ....tell her about the time you were arrested.

Immortal 8 (to be) - You were arrested?

Immortal 4 - It was the night of the festival she'd decided to sneak off around the town and take pictures because, what does it say here, " she was deeply inspired by the moments she'd spent in Egypt".

She heard sirens from around the block and decided to run she made it all the way to the Stadium before the police officer caught her.

Lavender - This whole situation that has been made up has never happened. Look it up there's no record of any of this.

Immortal 4 - The only reason there's no record is of grandpa Hank's name holding weight at the academy.

Lavender - You would know. You just wait till your book when I get to read.

Vanilla - Okay cat and mouse reel it back in.

Lavender to Immortal 4 -  >:(

Immortal 4 to Lavender -  8)

Immortal 4 - Although I like to tease my mom I have to say she did give an Oscar worthy performance when she avoided her punishment.

Lavender - Thank you! But I was most definitely sincere.  ::)

Immortal 4 - She got off scot free.

Vanilla - She is cunning indeed.

Immortal 4 - For the next chapter we need to skip over to my mom's book and then we'll come back to grandma Crimson's.

Immortal 8(to be) - Why?

Vanilla - It's a little hard for the other's to explain so i'll tell it.

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Re: The Sundae Immortal Dynasty (New Entry 3/11)
« Reply #34 on: October 01, 2014, 08:31:06 AM »
I'm moving this to the Stories Graveyard due to inactivity.  fansidoodle, you can revive this story by contacting a moderator.

