Author Topic: The Libros Decadynasty: Graveyard Please  (Read 46850 times)

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Libros Decadynasty: Chapter 15 Advancing...and Singing?
« Reply #105 on: May 07, 2013, 09:33:16 AM »
To experience really bad singing, get the karaoke machine. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing Spine's toddler pictures.
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Libros Decadynasty: Chapter 15 Advancing...and Singing?
« Reply #106 on: May 08, 2013, 12:21:30 AM »
Awww, so much cuteness! Rabbit is my favourite. Break dynasty rules and keep him in the current household forever. When he had to sleep in his mum's bed to protect him from the monsters under his bed . . . hahaha! So, everything Rabbit = good. Poor Spine, no one is watching him age up. I'm shocked he didn't age up in a black suit. IF is Hatchworth = soooo much win. And every scene with him. Especially the moustache thing. I was dying. I like Danny and Luisa's couple time. It looks so familiar. ::) Is The Jon going to make an appearance, or are we pretending he doesn't exist?
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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Libros Decadynasty: Chapter 15 Advancing...and Singing?
« Reply #107 on: May 08, 2013, 08:03:20 AM »
Well, yeah. Nina is Nina and always be Nina. I notice that there is some changes in your storytelling. I can tell that just looking at your writing style. I love Luisa and Danny bonding time! Usually when reading into someone story, their bonding time quite different from this one :P

Some reference that you had in your story! Totally love it!
Poor little Spine :P

Rabbit's my favorite in this story. He is unique and really awesome! I hope that he will make the honor roll.
I'm glad you're enjoying Rabbit.  He's rapidly become a favorite of mine as well.

To experience really bad singing, get the karaoke machine. Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing Spine's toddler pictures.
I've heard some funny things about the karaoke machine, but I have other items higher on my shopping list  :=)

Awww, so much cuteness! Rabbit is my favourite. Break dynasty rules and keep him in the current household forever. When he had to sleep in his mum's bed to protect him from the monsters under his bed . . . hahaha! So, everything Rabbit = good. Poor Spine, no one is watching him age up. I'm shocked he didn't age up in a black suit. IF is Hatchworth = soooo much win. And every scene with him. Especially the moustache thing. I was dying. I like Danny and Luisa's couple time. It looks so familiar. ::) Is The Jon going to make an appearance, or are we pretending he doesn't exist?
The Jon may or may not make an appearance as such.  Don't worry, I'll fix the Spine's wardrobe  :=)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Libros Decadynasty: Chapter 16 Teeny Bopping
« Reply #108 on: May 12, 2013, 01:21:48 AM »
Pippin:  Welcome to a typical day at the Libros household.

Pippin:  Where they're crazy about genies.
Nina:  Hey, genie lady.  I have to eat at some restaurant because I'm famous.  You wanna be my wing woman?
Genie Lady:  Sure.

Nina:  The car's over here.  Turn around.  It's behind you.

Pippin:  Oh look.  Luisa's teaching young Spine to talk.

Luisa:  You don't want a girl like auntie Nina because she's a bit trashy.
Spine:  Tachy.

Pippin:  Are you getting your homework done so you can make honor roll?
Rabbit:  I already made honor roll.  Now I'm working on writing my musical.
Pippin:  Your musical?
Rabbit:  Yep.  I'm calling it, "Rabbit Hops to It."
Pippin:  That pun's so bad it hurts.

Danny:  Okay, Spiners, just sit still and go potty.
Spine:  (thinking) What was wrong with diapers?  This is humiliating!

Pippin:  And here's Danny the daddy in a happier interaction with Spine...with no fighting over whether or not the potty is a terrible device of torture.

Danny:  Since I have the day off for Love Day, I'm going to help my little man learn how to walk!
Luisa:  Honey, where's Rabbit?
Danny:  I thought you had him...
Pippin:  Don't worry, he just ran over to the park for a dance party.


Boogie wonderland

Dance, dance, dance

Boogie wonderlaaaaand!

Pippin:  The family got invited over to Dina and Alfred Alfred's for a party.

Albert:  Welcome, earthlings.

Pippin:  Danny, stop doing a double take.  That's not your wife.  It seems that Dina had a makeover. 
Dina:  Oh, Luisa, I see you imitated my new look.
Luisa:  Umm, yes.  I suppose I did.

Danny:  Why is Dina booing herself?
Luisa:  Well, with her new hairstyle, I'm not sure she realizes that's still her.

Rabbit:  Hi, Angeline.  Mommy keeps calling your mom my aunt, but you're not my cousin and I think she's going to marry you off to my brother.
Angeline:  Is he cute?
Rabbit:  He's kind of like a burrito.
Angeline:  I like burritos.
Rabbit:  Good.  He's your perfect man then.  Well, perfect burrito, anyway.

Rabbit:  Adult parties are boring.  Spine, see if you can get mommy to take us home.

Rabbit:  Well done!  Dad, why are you booing my brother?
Danny:  I...umm.. nothing.

Dina:  Bye, Luisa.  Your new hairstyle looks really nice.
Luisa:  Umm, thanks.  Yours too.

Pippin:  Oh, random-not-entirely-naked woman thinks your hair looks rather lovely too.
Dina:  Oh, aren't you so sweet and...furry.

Nina:  I made you guys a present since it's Spine's birthday tomorrow.
Luisa:  Thanks, that's really sweet.  You do know that tomorrow is Rabbit's birthday, right?
Nina:  He's the short one, right?

The next day...

Rabbit:  No, Spine!  We're not trying to leave this party!

Luisa:  Blow out the candles, baby.
Pippin:  Finally, an heir who made honor roll as a child.
Rabbit:  What's that?
Pippin:  I...umm...nothing...

Rabbit:  Ahh!  Get me to the dresser ASAP!

Rabbit:  That's better.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Libros Decadynasty: Chapter 16 Teeny Bopping
« Reply #109 on: May 12, 2013, 02:45:07 AM »
Rabbit's dance party was epic. His and Spine's little move at the party was nice too. I still want to see Spine in a suit. I wish they were twins  :'( but oh well, they still have a nice dynamic. I would have thought of Spine as older, though. Okay, now I'm rambling. Ignore that.
Dina looks funny, like she was dressing as Luisa for Spooky Day or something. And Rabbit's Teen look is really nice. I like it.
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Re: The Libros Decadynasty: Chapter 16 Teeny Bopping
« Reply #110 on: May 12, 2013, 11:23:09 AM »
Oh my watcher, Rabbit! I've missed quite a bit, but Rabbit is just fabou!
And, well, Spine is well trained... ;D

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Offline Eldridge

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Re: The Libros Decadynasty: Chapter 16 Teeny Bopping
« Reply #111 on: May 14, 2013, 08:16:13 AM »
That was an interesting story and the dance is really something. I love how you dress Rabbit with the thing you love!
Steampunk's style! I really interested how to see you dress Spine's later. Congratulations for being the honor roll.
Real world is annoying lately, I can't update my story nor Simming like I usually do. But, whatever no one cares except some people anyway (like you Pippin). Sorry for put something like this, really off-topic... :)
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Offline Trip

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Re: The Libros Decadynasty: Chapter 16 Teeny Bopping
« Reply #112 on: May 14, 2013, 08:17:33 AM »
I've been reading, but I guess I've been very silent.

Every chapter is awesomely hilarious, and Rabbit's really handsome now that he's a teen!
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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Libros Decadynasty: Chapter 16 Teeny Bopping
« Reply #113 on: May 14, 2013, 08:41:08 AM »
Oh my watcher, Rabbit! I've missed quite a bit, but Rabbit is just fabou!
And, well, Spine is well trained... ;D
Everyone should have a little brother as helpful as Spine  :=)

Rabbit's dance party was epic. His and Spine's little move at the party was nice too. I still want to see Spine in a suit. I wish they were twins  :'( but oh well, they still have a nice dynamic. I would have thought of Spine as older, though. Okay, now I'm rambling. Ignore that.
Dina looks funny, like she was dressing as Luisa for Spooky Day or something. And Rabbit's Teen look is really nice. I like it.
No idea why story progression decided to change Dina's look, but I was quite amused that it turned her into Luisa's doppleganger!
Agreed, Rabbit has mad crazy dance moves for days!

That was an interesting story and the dance is really something. I love how you dress Rabbit with the thing you love!
Steampunk's style! I really interested how to see you dress Spine's later. Congratulations for being the honor roll.
Real world is annoying lately, I can't update my story nor Simming like I usually do. But, whatever no one cares except some people anyway (like you Pippin). Sorry for put something like this, really off-topic... :)
Rabbit is quite the fashionista!   Glad you dig his style.
The real world does get overwhelming sometimes, but we've all got each other's back here on the forum.  This is where smiles live.

I've been reading, but I guess I've been very silent.

Every chapter is awesomely hilarious, and Rabbit's really handsome now that he's a teen!
Thanks for commenting, Trip!  Glad you've been enjoying it. 
I was also rather pleased with how Rabbit turned out.  Danny and Luisa make a rather nifty gene pool.

Offline PeregrineTook

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The Libros Decadynasty: Chapter 17 The Bare Essentials
« Reply #114 on: May 19, 2013, 12:44:38 AM »
Rabbit:  Hey, Spine!!  You're really tiny now.

Danny:  Go in your room, Rabbit.  I got you a surprise.
Rabbit-Aww, thanks, Dad!

Rabbit:  It's even in my favorite color!
Luisa:  (to Danny) Not that he isn't talented, but we can get him lessons, right?  Because that just sounds awful.

Pippin:  Look at this sweet mother and son moment.

Luisa:  And when you beat your foe, it's standard to say, "checkmate," not "check it, sucka!"
Rabbit:  Are you sure?  "Checkmate" just seems so bland.

The next day
Pippin:  So, Rabbit, your school wanted you to collect butterflies?

Rabbit:  Yep, and the cab driver was really excited about it.

Rabbit:  I will call him Fluffy and he will be my Fluffy.

Rabbit:  So, I just walked by the trash and...WOAH!!  MOM!!!
Danny:  Oh, umm, hi Rabbit.
Pippin:  Why are you naked in front of your whole family, Luisa?
Luisa:  Some of us are just comfortable with our own bodies.
Rabbit:  Maybe it's not quite okay to be naked in front of the baby, at least?
Luisa:  Okay.

Pippin:  Not sure this was the better choice.
Luisa:  What do you mean?
Pippin:  Did we add an insane trait to you while I wasn't looking?

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Libros Decadynasty: Chapter 17 The Bare Essentials
« Reply #115 on: May 19, 2013, 04:39:55 AM »
Wow, Luisa. Put some clothes on! Who knows what effect this will have on your teenage son? Probably not a good one!
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Offline Eldridge

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Re: The Libros Decadynasty: Chapter 17 The Bare Essentials
« Reply #116 on: May 19, 2013, 05:16:32 AM »
First... I don't understand... Why Luisa is naked o_O
Is adding an Insane trait to a Sim will make a Sim naked?

Second, that was some cab! I never seen something like that. Is this a glitch?

Third, I love family bonding moment! Rabbit-Spine, Rabbit-Luisa :D
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: The Libros Decadynasty: Chapter 17 The Bare Essentials
« Reply #117 on: May 19, 2013, 11:23:32 AM »
Wow, Luisa. Put some clothes on! Who knows what effect this will have on your teenage son? Probably not a good one!
I think Rabbit is secure in who he is not to be too damaged by that.  Of course, he also liked dressing up as a princess...

First... I don't understand... Why Luisa is naked o_O
Is adding an Insane trait to a Sim will make a Sim naked?
Second, that was some cab! I never seen something like that. Is this a glitch?
Third, I love family bonding moment! Rabbit-Spine, Rabbit-Luisa :D
No idea why she was naked.  I had Rabbit out doing some exploring and then came back home having cued up Danny to do care for Spine, and when Rabbit gets back, there's Luisa all pixelated and I thought it was strangely amusing, so I went with it.  Then she decides to go out front and play chess.
The cab was pretty clearly a glitch, but I rather enjoyed it.  What's funny (and I didn't take any shots of it) is that Rabbit ran to where he was going and the cab just appeared by him after he got there and then zoomed a bit forward.  It was weird.

Offline Eldridge

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Re: The Libros Decadynasty: Chapter 17 The Bare Essentials
« Reply #118 on: May 21, 2013, 05:52:55 AM »
Aaaaaah! I just realized! Steam Powered Giraffe! The name! That name! Love it! Love it!
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

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2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline ILoveDolls

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Re: The Libros Decadynasty: Chapter 17 The Bare Essentials
« Reply #119 on: May 21, 2013, 04:12:24 PM »
This is ridiculously amusing. Gosh, I love Luisa and crazy Nina the most, of course!  Was Luisa streaking? That could be it. And hate to tell ya, but Rabbit is scarred for life!!

