Pippin: The governor's mistress, I mean, Nina got a new look.
Pippin: And started enjoying the feeling of power.
Nina: Oh look, you're the big bad wolf and you smell like all three little pigs.
Police woman: Grrr...
Spine: Okay, this wasn't a failure, I've simply learned yet another way
not to do it.
Luisa: You're a piece of garbage!
Rabbit: Mom, I don't think you quite get what "trash talk" means.
Nina: So, my secret boyfriend is busy, and I'm bored, and the genie doesn't want to dance anymore, so you and I will just have a nice
friend date, okay? No kissing, no messing around, just talking.
Leslie: Sure, that's fine. Did I ever tell you about the time I went fishing past midnight at the graveyard?
Nina: Never mind.
Pippin: And there's Kellie, the potential wife of convenience, playing some foosball, but who's this in the foreground?
Luisa: I think I should go introduce myself.
Luisa: Hi, I'm Luisa Libros.
Tessa: I'm Tessa Rao.
Luisa: Rao? As in, Roger and Mia's daughter?
Tessa: That's me.
Luisa: That makes you a townie. We should talk more.
Pippin: What are you doing, Luisa?
Luisa: Just ensuring that my son has options. I got to marry for love, he shouldn't have to settle for convenience.
Nina: This is still just a friend date.
Leslie: Sure thing, pal!
Leslie: Wooo, that was intense! You might be the best friend I've ever had!!
Nina: Yeah, whatev, you can leave now.
Rabbit: Oh look, another random man leaving our house.
Nina: Yeah, that happens.
Rabbit: So, you wanna take Spine's random friend trick-or-treating so I don't have to?
Nina: Let me think about it...no.
Rabbit: Well, random little girl, some day, all of this will be mine.
Random little girl: The window?
Rabbit: No, not the window! The house. All of it. Even the music studio I'm going to build over the kitchen.
Random little girl: So, can I get some candy now?
Rabbit: Hold on, just let me envision it a moment longer...
Pippin: Hey look, everyone has party horns.
Spine: Yes, apparently celebratory blaring on plastic mouthpieces with cardboard sound cones is a rite of passage.
Spine: For Spooky Day, I could have gone as Mr. Fantastic.
Luisa: Spine, you have...hair!!
Spine: Yes! Now I just need the requisite age-up makeover and this update will be complete.
Pippin: Stop breaking the fourth wall, it creeps people out.
Spine: This is Spine, signing off.