Pippin: Welcome to a typical day at the Libros household.
Pippin: Where they're crazy about genies.
Nina: Hey, genie lady. I have to eat at some restaurant because I'm famous. You wanna be my wing woman?
Genie Lady: Sure.
Nina: The car's over here. Turn around. It's behind you.
Pippin: Oh look. Luisa's teaching young Spine to talk.
Luisa: You don't want a girl like auntie Nina because she's a bit trashy.
Spine: Tachy.
Pippin: Are you getting your homework done so you can make honor roll?
Rabbit: I already made honor roll. Now I'm working on writing my musical.
Pippin: Your musical?
Rabbit: Yep. I'm calling it, "Rabbit Hops to It."
Pippin: That pun's so bad it hurts.
Danny: Okay, Spiners, just sit still and go potty.
Spine: (thinking) What was wrong with diapers? This is humiliating!
Pippin: And here's Danny the daddy in a happier interaction with Spine...with no fighting over whether or not the potty is a terrible device of torture.
Danny: Since I have the day off for Love Day, I'm going to help my little man learn how to walk!
Luisa: Honey, where's Rabbit?
Danny: I thought
you had him...
Pippin: Don't worry, he just ran over to the park for a dance party.
Boogie wonderland
Dance, dance, dance
Boogie wonderlaaaaand!
Pippin: The family got invited over to Dina and Alfred Alfred's for a party.
Albert: Welcome, earthlings.
Pippin: Danny, stop doing a double take. That's
not your wife. It seems that Dina had a makeover.
Dina: Oh, Luisa, I see you imitated my new look.
Luisa: Umm, yes. I suppose I did.
Danny: Why is Dina booing herself?
Luisa: Well, with her new hairstyle, I'm not sure she realizes that's still her.
Rabbit: Hi, Angeline. Mommy keeps calling your mom my aunt, but you're not my cousin and I think she's going to marry you off to my brother.
Angeline: Is he cute?
Rabbit: He's kind of like a burrito.
Angeline: I like burritos.
Rabbit: Good. He's your perfect man then. Well, perfect burrito, anyway.
Rabbit: Adult parties are boring. Spine, see if you can get mommy to take us home.
Rabbit: Well done! Dad, why are you booing my brother?
Danny: I...umm.. nothing.
Dina: Bye, Luisa. Your new hairstyle looks really nice.
Luisa: Umm, thanks. Yours too.
Pippin: Oh, random-not-entirely-naked woman thinks your hair looks rather lovely too.
Dina: Oh, aren't you so sweet and...furry.
Nina: I made you guys a present since it's Spine's birthday tomorrow.
Luisa: Thanks, that's really sweet. You do know that tomorrow is
Rabbit's birthday, right?
Nina: He's the short one, right?
The next day...Rabbit: No, Spine! We're not trying to leave
this party!
Luisa: Blow out the candles, baby.
Pippin: Finally, an heir who made honor roll as a child.
Rabbit: What's that?
Pippin: I...umm...nothing...
Rabbit: Ahh! Get me to the dresser ASAP!
Rabbit: That's better.