This is a subsidiary story going along with the decadynasty I'm currently doing. Hope you enjoy both!The Libros DecadynastyNina: Hi, I'm Nina. There's like some weird green diamond over my head...? Must be Lucy. I hear she's in the sky with diamonds.
Dina: And I'm Dina...oh wait, I just realized our names rhyme.
Nina: OMG! You're totally right!
(A moment of shared laughter)
Oh, and that's Luisa with the glasses. She lives with us, but she's not really that important.
Nina: Today, I decided to throw a party.
Dina: A tea party?!?
Nina: No, a boy-girl party, only without inviting any other girls.
(Shared laughter again)
Nina: Hey, what are
you doing, D?
Dina: Telling my dreamy boss that I'm quitting my job. I mean, I've been there so long I'm all the way up to level 5! I could practically retire at this point! Guess I'll go get a part-time job at the bookstore since boring Luisa is going there to buy a stupid book anyway. See ya!
Nina: Now that they're gone, think I'll text a woohooty call.
Nina: Thanks for coming over so quickly.
and you can leave now. Thanks.
Nina: Who is it?
Strange Llama Guy: I'm here to tell you about the great opportunities awaiting you at Sims University!
Nina: Hold that thought just a quick sec. I've got to take care of some company real quick-like.
Nina: Come on over here, Captain!
Nina: Okay, Llama man, I'm all done. You can come in.
Dina: What comes before Part B?
Nina: I don't know, what?
Dina: Part-A!!!!
Nina: ?
Luisa: It's funny because it sounds like par-tay...
(Shared laughter)
Dina: Hi, strange llama guy!
Strange Llama Guy: I have a name, you know.
Strange Llama Guy: Names are overrated.
Nina: You should spend the night before you head back to that foreign country you came from.
Strange Llama Guy: No, University isn't a...I mean, thank you kindly, ma'am. I appreciate the hospitality as I'm so far from home.
Dina: Wait, you're saying the strange llama fellow
doesn'tcome from another country?!?
Luisa: Nope, University is a place where people go to learn and get better jobs and have the chance to meet new people and experience life-changing things.
Dina: I like quitting my jobs. I should go to the Mystical Land of University.
Luisa: Again, it's not another country. It's actually about a half hour's drive away. You aren't listening, are you?
Nina: Can you leave quietly, please? I'm trying to sleep.
Dina: So, I've heard some interesting things about the Kingdom of University, and I think we should go there.
Nina: Are there guys there?
Dina: That's the interesting thing I heard about it.
Nina: I'm in. Let's fill out these paper thingies and see what happens.
Nina: Hmmm...
Dina: Uhh......
Dina: Square root? Must be a trick question. Trees are round.
Nina: Eeinie, meanie, miney moe...
Scores: Dina-1176, Nina 1235![](
Nina: You mean I get a 1000 simolean scholarship? You mean it will cover all but 50 simoleans for my sister and I to take 6 credits in our first semester? What are credits? And what's a semester?
Dina: They sent an
ice cream truck to get us? I love this magic kingdom already!!
Tune in next time to see the ditzy..I mean..."academic" young ladies arrive on campus