NOTE: YAY pictures are back for good!I had a nice talk with Geoffrey. Such a nice man, I think its his wife that puts the bad image on the family!
We somehow made it up to his and Nancy's room! She was right there!
We both new that we were in love, after only one day!
But I new what we had to do. We had to face Nancy!
Once we got that taken care of we went over to my house.
I dont know how I ended up in those clothes!?
But one thing I did know was that the time was right!
I know I want to spend the rest of my life with this guy. Well the rest of his life with him. Because I love him. And I know he is going to be a great father to the heir, and I know he's going to support us all the way through. He understands, and he's ready to hop on this crazy immortal dynasty ride!
We moved in Geoffrey and his son Malcolm. Malcolm really dislikes me. After all I broke up him and his mom but he doent understand. I really hope to gain a realtionship with him. Poor kid.
(Players Note: He has the Shimmershine last name, which I'm not overjoed about but it will work. )
Geoffrey and me went off to celebrate
Bye, Ill check in with you again soon!