Congratulations Saltpastillen! Your dorm felt like a mini-campus by itself! As always I'm open to comments on my build. I couldn't resist going non-traditional and building for a specific degree. A business office for business students with skilling objects for the business and criminal careers and studies (charisma, athletic, mixology, and a little logic) mixed in with a ton of party equipment - it was a bit too much fun to build!
Gogowars - I really liked your layout and the decorating style you used. The dorms felt very student-like with a mixture of uniform university issued furniture, comfortable yet perhaps too casual furniture, and furniture that looks like you have to assemble it yourself. Really great dorm vibe!
Neashleigh - It's quite blue and refined - your build looks like it could easily be an elegant sorority house. Great structure!
Salpastillen - I loved all of the little touches in your build, from the chairs in front of the rebel ranting podium to the 'warring' school factions to the vampire room/awesome room for initiation and other secret ceremonies. Really great outdoor space as well!
Chuckles - Very nice use of colour blocks in the interior! I swear I've been in those university buildings before. And the combination exterior is very creative.
Ladybug - Some of the overhead layout shots do look empty, but your close ups show cozy student housing. It's a very cute little dorm with great use of school colours and themes!