Author Topic: The Ironstar Immortals: The Final Update 12/14  (Read 101827 times)

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: New, Teenaged Freedoms (4/28)
« Reply #180 on: May 03, 2013, 09:55:58 AM »
Nooo! Goodwin!  :'(

Oh, at first I thought that was Marc's hair. I guess Amy's is a bit lighter, though. Yes, foreign reproduction works entirely differently, specifically so that there are always people in the location. So they end up with some weird things going on there.

Samhain is so gorgeous. He and Ferrus Alchimia need to start an Adorable Neurotic Boys' Club.

And he didn't even get a moment of introspection!

Marc's hair is streaked with a deep blue, while Amy's is a bright teal. It's a weird thing to memorize. :P

I've never seen foreign lands act that way until recently, so I'm still kind of excited.

I'd rather keep the two of them in separate worlds, lest we create a vortex of adorableness. Which might be worth the risk...

Ehh... but playing it on mute is not fun. I always amused when Sim talking about rubbish thing :P. Simlish like a rubbish. I wonder that Human language will be rubbish too on Sim. But, usually I still have my musics anyway ;D And another problem is eww ghost thing. That make me annoyed a lot. I hate to re-assigned the action queue just because that one of thing >:(

Nooo! Lang :'( .
Oh, I wished to see his descendant too in your dynasty. Too bad that he was died already. Rest in peace Lang. Maybe you will be lucky in my attempt to do a DecaDynasty ::)

Well, thank you for provided information then.

I am astonished and amazed how many family last name that I knew in your Dynasty.
That was really a lot of work. Keep it up :3

I have troubles with the colliding sounds of real life, and I don't need to experience it even more in the game. Though I like listening to the Simlish music (Darkwave station = <3).

Ah, decadynasties. They're hell. ;D

Oh yes, the amount of surnames in the family is magnificent.

I finally caught up the other day; good work (and impressive breeding program) so far! And it has, in fact, produced a very pretty boy in Samhain.

I will have to remember about foreigners when the spouse pool starts to run dry...

(oh my God a new reader)

Thanks for the kind words! Samhain's just a perfect thing.

I'll have to comment on your dynasty too. I'm far too inconsistent with that (though I read every update).

Ugh, Marco James is just too cute, also! And Samhain continues to be just off the charts gorgeous; I really like the red outwear outfit with the red gloves. I continue to enjoy Vega's schemes, even if it is sort of sad for the various townies who become entwined. I hope that they will eventually find peace when they discover the purpose behind everything Vega is doing. After all, their lineage will live on, in some form or another.

By the way, I just sent my two pollinators off to a foreign land. I hope their children make children, like the townies in your game seem to be doing! Thanks again for letting us all know about that.

I'll have to find a good end for them. It's something I haven't put much thought into, to be honest. :-X

I hope so too! The Fouchier boy had a daughter sometime later, so there's hope for your foreign colorful children. Screwtape's illegitimate French children have yet to give him grandkids, as far as I'm concerned.

Your stories are so unique. This was a fun read and I can't wait to get more.

I like Clarissa more than Sheila. Of course, I'm addicted to spicy sims, lol. I'm not going to cheat and look at the family tree, but I think I know where this is going. I so love convoluted family trees!

Awesome, Trip.

Great words from my favorite legacy writer!

Clarissa was definitely amusing, though she's far from the worst-behaving sim I've had.

Samhain is adorable - with or without make-up - but he looks better with.
Have I ever mentioned that I really like the way you write?
If I have, i'm mentioning it again. I love it.



In current game news: well, most of you know this by now, but if you don't, I have terrible news.

I failed.

You heard me. After doing so well with everyone's requirements, totally not messing up on alloting household space, and getting to generation five's birth, I failed because I forgot to direct Samhain to eat his ambrosia, and Sheila the ghost ate it instead.

So what does this mean for my beloved Ironstars? Some people say I should continue with this dynasty as a non-HoF attempt, to which I say "aw heck no."

Now, now, I'm meeting people halfway: I'll update up to my point of failure, but I won't continue. The old saves have retired to my external hard drive and aren't coming out of retirement. I want to do a Hall of Fame-worthy dynasty without, to be honest, wasting time on something without a sufficient reward.

(I'm also busy at this moment, so seeing new updates might take a bit)
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Offline Eldridge

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: New, Teenaged Freedoms (4/28)
« Reply #181 on: May 03, 2013, 10:08:41 AM »
Ah, decadynasties. They're hell. ;D

Haha, yeah... But, never know until I try right. First I must go through the hell that I am facing around. Several crashing and Error 12 make me paranoid enough with the Dynasty that I currently had ;D


Well, that was reasonable enough.
I can see your point, after all you already done so many Immortal Dynasty attempt.

Their stories may be end, but they still lives in our heart, Trip! Vega, Screwtape, Sheila and Samhain!
The rest is not important XD *mimicking corrupted Goodwin*

It's okay! Take your time, Trip.
But, promise us when you come back again that will be an amazing update with amazing touch of ending XD

And hope someday you will coming here again with your stories! And make sure H-O-F attempt :)
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Offline sunshine_2406

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: New, Teenaged Freedoms (4/28)
« Reply #182 on: May 03, 2013, 01:56:48 PM »
I'm so sorry that you failed so far in, it's horrible to be doing that well. If it makes you feel better I was at generation 6 when my dynasty failed :P

I hope that the next dynasty you start will be in the Hall of Fame, you deserve that after all the hard work and different tries you've had.
From the moment I fell down that rabbit hole I've been told what I must do and who I must be. I've been shrunk, stretched, scratched and stuffed into a teapot. I've been accused of being Alice, and of not being Alice, but this is my dream. I'll decide where it goes from here.

Offline Niana

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: New, Teenaged Freedoms (4/28)
« Reply #183 on: May 03, 2013, 05:28:58 PM »
Oh no, Trip! I saw your posts in the challenge thread, that's terrible (and ironic at the same time that it was Sheila who failed it for you). I have no doubt you have ideas percolating already for the next go-round, and I can't wait to see what you come up with :)

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: New, Teenaged Freedoms (4/28)
« Reply #184 on: May 03, 2013, 07:24:10 PM »

Oh noes. I'm so sorry to read this! This has been such an enjoyable story and I will continue to read so long as you continue to update.

Offline Tiamet

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: New, Teenaged Freedoms (4/28)
« Reply #185 on: May 08, 2013, 01:41:13 PM »
I'm sorry to hear about Sheila throwing a spanner in the works.  I was really enjoying this.  But I respect your decision to stop since it won't be HOF.  Isn't that what we're all aiming for?   ;)

Good luck on your next attempt.
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Offline Trip

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: The Tickets
« Reply #186 on: May 09, 2013, 10:03:50 PM »
Well, that was reasonable enough.
I can see your point, after all you already done so many Immortal Dynasty attempt.

Their stories may be end, but they still lives in our heart, Trip! Vega, Screwtape, Sheila and Samhain!
The rest is not important XD *mimicking corrupted Goodwin*

It's okay! Take your time, Trip.
But, promise us when you come back again that will be an amazing update with amazing touch of ending XD

And hope someday you will coming here again with your stories! And make sure H-O-F attempt :)

They'll always live in my heart. I had a lot of time to get attached to my Ironstars.

I'll get back on the dynasty horse faster than you think. I'm plotting...

I'm so sorry that you failed so far in, it's horrible to be doing that well. If it makes you feel better I was at generation 6 when my dynasty failed :P

I hope that the next dynasty you start will be in the Hall of Fame, you deserve that after all the hard work and different tries you've had.

Yeah, I felt really bad for you when I read that on the immortal dynasty thread.

I hope so too!

Oh no, Trip! I saw your posts in the challenge thread, that's terrible (and ironic at the same time that it was Sheila who failed it for you). I have no doubt you have ideas percolating already for the next go-round, and I can't wait to see what you come up with :)

I am quite persistent when it comes to making new dynasty ideas.


Oh noes. I'm so sorry to read this! This has been such an enjoyable story and I will continue to read so long as you continue to update.

Thanks. :)

I'm sorry to hear about Sheila throwing a spanner in the works.  I was really enjoying this.  But I respect your decision to stop since it won't be HOF.  Isn't that what we're all aiming for?   ;)

Good luck on your next attempt.

Maybe not all, but a good 90% of us have the same goal. ;)


And in general, thanks for the support from everybody. It's devastating to lose so much hard work, but I'm pushing through.

Now, where was I?


“I'd listen, but what is it with you, Anderson, and giant squid?”

Regardless, Samhain found crazy Bobbie Whelohff to be a great friend too. Clarissa watched over the two, plus Jerrod Greenwood, as they went out for a midnight snack. She and Screwtape might have not liked their son staying out late, but the restaurant was theirs and it was still business.

However, it didn't explain why she was fine with Samhain eating at the competition.

He brought the absurdly rich Cody Carlton out for a date. Clarissa loved the Carltons; they were classy, cosmopolitan, contemporary, and the Carlton kids were just around Samhain's age. He thought that Cody was very nice; he heard rumors of how unpleasant her mother could be, but Cody didn't stick to them.

“We're just friends, right?” asked Samhain.

“If you can still get me this good food as a friend, then for sure!”

That wasn't quite what Clarissa had in mind.

She wanted to forget about what would inevitably happen to her son, since it was becoming clear that she couldn't influence things to go her way. Instead, she was forced to soak it out with her hot young husband.

“My spousal unit, are you still in a state of disapproval about Rebecca?”

“Shouldn't you be too? We went to high school with those Knack girls,” said Clarissa.

“I lack a clear idea about Rebecca, but it is not about the age difference. Where would we be without the difference?”

“Sheesh, then I wouldn't be old!”

Screwtape knew that there wasn't anything wrong with an old lady just because they were old. The age and experience that drew him to Clarissa was still there in her age, and if that was still a way that someone could appeal to Samhain, he would support that the whole way. However, he doubted about how much of was because of Samhain's own desires, and not because of his grandma's idea of sentiment.

Even if it was the daughter of his dearly departed uncle Harwood.

As age became less of an issue, it was time for Beck to embrace a few wrinkles during one of her gym visits.


There was a groove to the way of the Ironstars, and the chaos that would erupt wasn't apparent in the least. It was a steady bass pulse, not dissimilar from a heartbeat, and the whole house could dance to it even though their awareness of it barely reached their subconscious, even as the threat of dissonant notes loomed.

From Marco James dancing with his grandma Eva to the beat, unaware of the omen his lineage meant for the entire family...

...To Samhain grooving out to the same beat with Anderson, unaware of the impact of the great many choices that his adulthood would bring.

Indeed, it was Samhain's 18th birthday, and he was to make the most of it. He invited as many of his high school friends as he could, plus some of Beck's family, and whoever else wanted to come. Bobbie and Josue cheered him on as he made a wish.

As much as he loved high school and all the friends it gave him, Samhain wanted to leave it, even if just for the sake of keeping his crush out of handcuffs.

But while he didn't see the greatest perils of adulthood, he still worried about if the family would approve of the one choice he knew was set in stone.

“No matter what, it's my choice,” he thought as the sparkles took their toll.

He wanted to ask grandma Vega what to do about what he called a mysterious want, and in private at their park, but Vega knew that his desires were obvious and in-line with her specific vision.

“Just wait until the afternoon. I needed to save something for your graduation gift!”

Because of that, his diploma meant very little that day. His grandma had an answer waiting in a box in her hip pocket.

“Congrats, lemon-tart,” she said while she drew Samhain in for a congratulatory hug. “You're my favorite grandson, and I know just what you want.”

It was in a white box with red trim, like any of her gifts were, but she made sure that he knew what it was. “I know that you always wanted to study martial arts, so I have a ticket to Shang Simla. Two, actually, because maybe you want to bring a friend.”

He accepted the box, and kept one eye on his travel buddy.


Since Samhain is totally legal now in the story, I'll just say something really obvious: he gives Antone Dreamweaver a run for his money.

Oh yeah, I went there.
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Offline azokka361

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: The Tickets (5/9)
« Reply #187 on: May 09, 2013, 10:45:06 PM »
Since we've already formed an opinion about Samhain's level of gorgeousness, allow me to say: Beck is seriously beautiful. Thank you, Harwood!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: The Tickets (5/9)
« Reply #188 on: May 09, 2013, 11:10:04 PM »

It's true; they're both so gorgeous. Can you imagine the adorableness of their nooboos? And as if Samhain wasn't gorgeous enough, now you're telling us he's going to get all muscle-y and buff? Whew!

Offline Tiamet

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: The Tickets (5/9)
« Reply #189 on: May 10, 2013, 01:08:26 AM »
*fans self*  Oooh, them cheekbones!  What a heartbreaker!
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: The Tickets (5/9)
« Reply #190 on: May 10, 2013, 01:19:12 AM »
Holy mackerel. He got hotter. Fantastic. Considering how beautiful Beck is, I am scared at the cuteness levels their nooboo will reach. Seriously.
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By samoht04

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: The Most Romantic Spot in the World (5/10)
« Reply #191 on: May 10, 2013, 03:58:21 PM »
Since we've already formed an opinion about Samhain's level of gorgeousness, allow me to say: Beck is seriously beautiful. Thank you, Harwood!

Come on, you have to thank Julienne too. ;)

Harwood's kids are very hit-or-miss in terms of looks. His ugly kids are "kill it with fire and delete from memory" ugly, but his beautiful kids are absolute stunners. Beck really surprised me, though. She's an anomaly in that her facial structure is a legitimate blend of both her parents' facial structures (Julienne's cheekbones, jaw, and chin, but Harwood's profile and ears. I actually have all three of them saved to my bin and I compared sliders, like normal people do), and it worked far better than I thought it would. She's seriously the prettiest kid I've gotten from Harwood, or possibly from any pairing of original townies.

It's true; they're both so gorgeous. Can you imagine the adorableness of their nooboos? And as if Samhain wasn't gorgeous enough, now you're telling us he's going to get all muscle-y and buff? Whew!

I don't even need to imagine their nooboo's adorableness. It isn't a spoiler to say that generation four was at least as stunning as Beck.

He needs to achieve that Physical Perfection LTW somehow, doesn't he?

*fans self*  Oooh, them cheekbones!  What a heartbreaker!

I'm so glad that everyone else appreciates Samhain. He's about ten times more gorgeous than I ever imagined an immortal of mine would be.

Holy mackerel. He got hotter. Fantastic. Considering how beautiful Beck is, I am scared at the cuteness levels their nooboo will reach. Seriously.

Apparently that was possible. He even pulls off that ridiculous hairstyle just because he's Samhain.

Prepare to be scared in a few chapters, then!


Vega was warned about Shang Simla. Time passed in a choppy rate, and that new friend made might be stuck in an esoteric hole the next day. Still, she existed to spoil her grandson, and if it was Shang Simla that Samhain wanted, it was Shang Simla he got.

Plus, he insisted that it was the most romantic spot in the world.

He could hardly believe that he could finally act on years of suppressed desires for someone who was always his beloved, even with the years separating them.

“Oh my god, I love your feelings!”

She was the one, for sure.

He took her across the village to a peaceful garden, and after feeling the new romantic charge in her embrace, Samhain knew it was the right time for the one gesture that would bind her to him.

After years and years of waiting, Rebecca and Samhain could finally share their coveted kiss in the most beautiful place on earth.

Of course, the trip was meant for Samhain to find a direction in his life. He swatted at the training dummy, sparred with whoever wanted a challenge, and he built up his strength to keep both him and Beck in a good mood.

But while he was in such a romantic place, it was hard to keep away from his beautiful new girlfriend. He truly could admire everything about her, from her laugh to the curve of her waist, and in Shang Simla, there wasn't an inkling of disapproval from anyone.

The passage of time in Shang Simla wasn't as choppy as the Ironstars feared, but for Samhain it went by too fast. He had four hours until his flight back to Twinbrook departed, and he had one other task that was far too beautiful to him to be done in the swamps back at home.

“We've waited long enough,” he said, digging the box out of his pocket.

“Are you sure? You're still young,” said Beck.

“I'm not too young for you.”

He slipped the first gold ring onto Beck's finger. They had to wait until they were back in Twinbrook for the last rings, because of a grim reality to the nature of Beck's family. She was the only one of her mother's children who would ever marry or have children. Even if both of Beck's parents were gone, her grandpa Nick and both of her siblings were still alive, and she couldn't deprive them of their last chance to see a Knack get married.

They would have scheduled the wedding for right after they arrived back in Twinbrook, but there was a different and smaller celebration waiting when they came home.

Marco James still hated the crowds that the household created, but he wanted to grow up so he could try his hand at sculpting.

Rebecca was bored at seeing the kid grow up. Marco's peculiar habits always bugged her, from his devotion to the studio to the insistence that he didn't want to make friends. Samhain saw a bit of it too, but he could hardly criticize the boy. He loved his auntie Sheila, and he was her son.

He looked in the mirror upstairs. There was a rumor that his mother was considered one of the most gorgeous—if hidden—women in Twinbrook, and he had to think that her looks did him justice.

Family celebrations gave Samhain a good time to announce his engagement to his parents, regardless of their opinions. He worried about the worst, but he had to take the plunge as his bride and her family grew older.

“Well, I'm engaged now. Can we rent out the beach?” asked Samhain.

“Offspring, I think it is wonderful that you are binding yourself to Harwood's offspring in a marital ceremony!”

“That's a good thing, right? Mum?”

“Honey, dad and I had a talk while you were gone, and we just want you to be happy with whoever that is,” said Clarissa.

“But I'll whoop your rear if you don't give me a grandnooboo!”

That was settled! The invitations were sent out to whoever had a name that stood out.

The night before the wedding, Clarissa decided that it was time for a small family reunion of her own at The Red Rendevouz. Goodwin was long-dead, but the Jenni and Clarissa's sisters still stuck around, and they didn't have forever to make some final connections. All they could agree on was a game of foosball, though.

“Bethany?” Clarissa asked one of her sisters, “Is there something wrong?”

“I think it's unfair,” Bethany said, turning her back to the family. “There's something weird about Screwy. Why couldn't I ever get married or have a nooboo? I've, well, I've never even been kissed. Really, did any one of our friends? Just you, Screwtape, and that Knack girl.”

“Come on, it's just luck,” said Clarissa.

“Luck and those grey freaks. I can't die happy like this.”

She thought it was just the classic worry that always plagued the Jones-Brown lineage. Clarissa had a wedding to focus on, and she was feeling so lively. There was no way that Bethany was that badly off.

After so many years alive, Clarissa had very few worries.

Her son, well, it was a stressful time.

“Sam, don't fret. It's our night,” said Beck. Her voice usually could cut through the air, but in the crowd, it was hardly a whisper.

Surrounded by Knacks, Whelohffs, and Marco James laughing to try and get over his fear of crowds and the open air, Rebecca slipped a golden band onto Samhain's finger.

“I promise to love you for your personality and not just your sexy muscles,” she said. Her grandpa Nick impatiently waited. He knew what his youngest grandchild had to say in a marriage, and while he was proud of her for finally fulfilling his wish to see a grandchild get married, he was more anxious to hear what Samhain had to say. He knew the family for decades, but he still didn't know if they were good enough for his own blood.

“I promise to love you through everything. Through the wrinkles and every time you forget that you were sculpting, and through all the sweat of working out. I promise to always feel overwhelming desire when I look into your beautiful eyes or fall into your arms,” he said.

While it wasn't their first kiss, it meant the most to them. It was a unique moment for Twinbrook, where the descendents of its citizens were still young, and both of their families could watch. They were possibly the last Ironstars that didn't have to feel alone in their heritage.

Sheila looked on, a distance away from the crowd. She gently smiled, even with the grim reality that she would never be the mother of the groom. It wasn't even her age, but Marco seemed averse to the idea of settling down any more than he was forced to by being born an Ironstar, and it was even more grim to think that he couldn't accept a happy relationship.

But Samhain was the next-closest thing to a son for her. In another universe, he might have been her own son, and the connection that Sheila felt to the Ironstars was strong and painful like a barbed wire around her chest.

Screwtape offered his good words to the new couple. “Offspring, I feel emotions of pride this night. You and Rebecca make a fantastic martial union!”

That night, the Ironstars found their happiness for a few brief hours.

The bride and groom were restless before they were anywhere close to a bedroom or a shower.

Sheila hugged her son, making sure that he felt the love and attention that she always felt was lacking in her life. Even with the circumstances presented by the household, she wanted him to be happy somehow. While Sheila dreamed of being a grandmother, she was willing to accept any path that her son chose, as long as he felt appreciated for it.

“I'll be there when you're truly happy,” she whispered to him.

The good events of the night closed with a game of golf between the parents of the groom. Clarissa still had a good swing, even as an old lady. She thought that the same would hold true for what was left for her family, even if they weren't at the wedding. She even wondered why they stayed at home, until she noticed a message from Angelique on her phone.

“It's Angie. Bethany...she didn't wake up before work. Call back immediately.”


This was three pages long in my OpenOffice document. Yikes.

I'm pretty sure that I'm under the image limit (I counted 24), but if I'm wrong, just let me know so I can fix it. :)

I would have been pretty disappointed if Samhain and Beck didn't pop any wishes for each other, but they didn't want to disappoint me. Those two were so madly in love with each other until the bitter end. <3
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: The Most Romantic Spot in the World (5/10)
« Reply #192 on: May 10, 2013, 04:10:51 PM »
I'm about to cry. So much emotion in that chapter. I particularly liked the analogy of the barbed wire. I know what she's talking about. Screwtape continues to amuse with his vocabulary. And oh my heavens, Samhain was born to wear that suit. My stars. That was beautiful. Don't ever let him wear his Everyday again, he needs to walk around in that. He is so beautiful. And bittersweet about poor Bethany. Wow. Like I said, it's a stew of emotions in here.
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By samoht04

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: The Most Romantic Spot in the World (5/10)
« Reply #193 on: May 10, 2013, 05:39:25 PM »
That was amazing. Beautiful and bittersweet all rolled into one package. Samhain and Becky are a cute couple no matter the age difference. It's nice that ol' Nick is still around to see his granddaughter wed...though sad about Bethany. :(

And since you've mentioned it already that their nooboo is adorable, I certainly can't wait to see it. :)

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: The Most Romantic Spot in the World (5/10)
« Reply #194 on: May 11, 2013, 12:50:56 AM »
Beautiful wedding!
Sad about his Aunt Bethany, though. :( That was a bit of a downer ending.

I absolutely love how Screwtape talks, "Offspring! Parental unit." So cute.

I'm looking forward to reading your next attempt, Trip.
And i'm sorry this one didn't work out..what an unexpected betrayal. Hah.