Author Topic: The Ironstar Immortals: The Final Update 12/14  (Read 105840 times)

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: Sheila's Wish Panel (4/16)
« Reply #120 on: April 17, 2013, 07:26:47 AM »
Well, it's always nice to see fellow Watcher update their Immortal story :3

Well, Sheila/Screwtape are really meant for each other (for me :P). They are just like Mortimer Goth and Bella Bachelor, you know? Except Sheila will not be taken by Aliens ::)

Ooooh... I'm more curious about this one. I must keep stay tune so I will not missing anything!

Haha, that was a good one. But, pure scum or not I will always love him. He is already my favorite character instead Goodwin ::) (I guess that I am really more interested to a bad boy type when it is come to character)


I never use them in normal game play because it's feel like a cheating, but motive mobiles are quite a handy when it is come to Dynasty!

I just laugh at the gizmos! look at those face, that was priceless! And I love how you keep Screwtape with Che in three screenshot. Well, he was another of my favorite character at university! I hope his friendship with Che will last long enough.

Aww... Poor, Sheila. Well, she did express her feeling to Screwtape though. Glad for her, even it was wrong.

They are kind of like Morty and Bella. I just need a red dress for Sheila now!

I had a good laugh at those gizmos too, and Che's expressions. He's just awesome! It was a friendship that lasted until Che's death.

It's wrong, but such wrongness is the spice of my dynasty. ;)

Star-crossed lovers that should have been, yet could not be. I know it's about strategy, but's sort of bittersweet.

It took me a while to realize how bittersweet their relationship was. It ended on a sweeter note, I can say that much.

Poor, poor Sheila. What could have been.......

If only this was a different sort of challenge. Even just on a genetic level; Sheila makes absolutely gorgeous children (it helps that the man who became her fiance had some excellent genes too). Screwtape and Clarissa had their moments of cuteness though, especially as they got older.

Oooh, intrigue! I love it! Screwtape is quite dashing, after all...

He's a secret master of seduction, but just wait until you see generation three! #3 gives Screwtape a run for his money.

Congratulations on getting further in-game than you have before! Hopefully that bodes well for finishing!

I didn't even know you *could* get a Dirtbag reputation. I'm going to have to try now though. I also would have liked Sheila and Screwtape to end up together but sadly it's not to be. I totally understand about strategy.

I'm really hoping so too. Well, so far, so good. The file isn't even that laggy yet. Thanks for the encouragement!

I had to look up reputation on the Wiki, and apparently you can go even further than Dirtbag by being a Slimeball. I feel like an underachiever now. There are so many levels of reputation that I never knew existed in the game, and Sinbad didn't uncover all of them.

Buahahaha.... Don't worry, Rosa! It's not like I hate Goodwin or something. Yes, I love him too but the difference is the size of the love that I give :P
Well, I'd say Goodwin is already lucky. He is handsome, has a good genetic, good traits, has a girlfriend, many who loves him and  soon he will becoming a father. But, Sinbad? He is another puppy that I must keep for myself save.  ;)

He deserved a little love too. That's why I want to discuss it with you, well if the story of them be realize someday :P

Have fun with Sinbad! He's a load of fun to play.

Oh Shelia, resorting to streaking to get Screw's attention?  Haha! Poor girl, I hope she finds someone. She does seem better suited for him, I think, but then again we haven't really seen a lot of Clarissa. Maybe she'll grow on me.

Congrats on Sinbad hitting dirtbag! He must've produce what, 20ish kids to get that illustrious title?  ;D

Clarissa blended into the background a bit, but I didn't hate her at all. She had her own charm, and she gave me plenty of museum pieces.

Sheila's streaking was entirely autonomous too! I blame it on her (completely random) flirty trait. She looked very happy while doing it, so whatever.

It was a large number that I can't fully reveal, but what a title it is. I am so proud of Sinbad!

Google actually tells me there's one worse, called "Slimeball"  ;D (10 or more betrayals, dirtbag is only 4)

Aww, poor Sheila... can't wait to see who she winds up with, at least her progeny will get to join the dynasty down the line, I'm sure :)

I clearly need to play more cheaters. Slimeball seems like an honor.

No one's a true dynasty helper without eventual genetic contributions. ;)

Oh, and thanks for commenting. :D

Goodness, I didn't even realise there were these titles! Odd because I did at one time look them all up. I guess I just didn't notice those as much. So Dirtbag and Slimeball require them to be caught cheating?

Yeah, they have to be caught. Sinbad wasn't exactly the master of subtlety either.

Update coming later. I might play ahead, but writing ahead isn't exactly my thing...
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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: A Kiss for Sheila (4/21)
« Reply #121 on: April 20, 2013, 09:40:32 PM »
Sorry for a brief hiatus. I have my reasons, most of them being "I'm addicted to playing my dynasty instead of writing it." And while some people play a few weeks or even a generation ahead, I'm a full two generations ahead of where my story is. I think that's when I should start writing. :P

So how are my Ironstars doing at the moment? Fine as ever. Generation four is all grown up now. Also, you might notice that I linked to an updated family tree on the first post. Click on it if spoilers make you happy.


“Sheila, I am married, and I will not stand for this less than a year after my marriage!”

Poor Sheila. She never chose wisely, but she had a feeling that she would fall in love again, or delude herself into believing she was in love.

In fact, falling in and out of love was a common thing in Sheila's mind when she was young. When Mahmoud, one of the local frat boys, kept inviting her and Screwtape to parties, she decided that he was close enough to her Screwtape. They could both cook, she guessed.

Some of her new habits became frightening to Screwtape, from the keg to brawls.

He felt a twinge of worry when she saw her lose a fight against Ludo Vicco the werewolf, and Harold Assange just laugh it off at her expense.

There were plenty of things for Screwtape to fret over. It consumed him for the term, consuming him as Sheila took his heart piece by piece, or maybe just his sympathy. There was no one he knew better, he told himself.

The parties persisted every night. Mahmoud might have been obsessed. Someone thought it was a great idea for Sheila to take her romance with Mahmoud a little further, for the sake of jock influence.

“Uh, no,” said Mahmoud, flatly disgusted.

“Then why am I always on the list?” asked Sheila.

“Someone has to fill it up. Anyways, no. I'd rather not woohoo with the campus flirt.”

It wasn't her fault that she just wanted love, or even mere attention disguised as love. Sheila sulked for hours as Mahmoud returned to the crowd. She always wished for Screwtape, deep down, but she had to cross the option off her list.

That was hard, though. He was standing right there.

“Greetings, best friend,” he said.

“I thought you had to study?”

“Dr. Noetal has informed me that I am on the Dean's List, so I am free of academic worries for the night. I arrived to partake in the consumption of juice and petty dares.”

“Nothing wrong with that,” Sheila said.

“But, I was thinking back at our rented house...”

“...I called parental unit Vega for some romantic advice, and she enlightened me about the regrets of our immortal mission. I was then enlightened to something unusual about myself.”

He looked his best friend in her beautiful blue eyes. They always looked weary, but the stresses of university added new bags, and her lids felt heavy under the pressure of love she hardly understood.

“Sheila Jane Drudge, I love you.” Screwtape's voice descended into a vulnerable whisper.


“You are my closest friend, and such a title does injustice to the relationship we have. Sheila, you are by far the most physically and mentally appealing person I know.”

And that night, Sheila's biggest wish was granted.

Screwtape knew that he had to stay with Clarissa, at the expense of his true happiness with Sheila. However, Screwtape was an incredibly intelligent young man, perhaps even more so than his father, and while not as perceptive as Vega was, he could consider the outcomes of future actions.

He knew of a path, one that could keep him and Clarissa as a happy couple, and grant Sheila the unconditional love and attention she craved and truly needed. Screwtape had few emotions outside, but he poured all those resources into his heart. He had the heart for two women, and the empathy for his dear Sheila to give her the next best thing.

Before finals day, Screwtape swam out to one of the islands, not too far from the campus in distance, but it was a long distance to swim. Surrounded by an autumn fog and the New Simland autumn foliage, Screwtape confirmed his plans. After stretching the kink out of his back, he called a friend and prepared to play a waiting game.

On graduation night, Screwtape graduated with high honors and a coveted degree that didn't change him as much as they advertised it would.

As for Sheila, she never intended on getting a degree anyways.

After attending the ceremony in support of Screwtape, she managed to squeeze in one last run of her favorite university pastime.

The flight back was long, and it sent more worry through Screwtape. He felt a paradigm shift, but maybe it would be for the better. And for one of the parts, he was absolutely right. Right as they were returning home, there was only one thing that they heard from Vega.

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Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: A Kiss for Sheila (4/21)
« Reply #122 on: April 20, 2013, 09:57:30 PM »
Whoa, I won't spoil the spoilers, :o That's amazing that you're so far ahead in the gameplay. I guess that means the dynasty is going exceedingly well. :D

I admit, I got a bit teary-eyed with miss Sheila. All that she wants is a little attention, a little love, to mean something to someone.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: A Kiss for Sheila (4/21)
« Reply #123 on: April 21, 2013, 05:02:28 AM »
Spoilers? Heck no! Maybe in some dynasties, but not this one. The twists are always fresh! I did not see that one coming! I love it, though. I can't wait to see what happens next. Write more, Trip!  >:( ;)
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By samoht04

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: A Kiss for Sheila (4/21)
« Reply #124 on: April 21, 2013, 05:49:45 AM »
I guess, that was kinda cool Trip. You already way ahead and you still can write the story. Bravo!
Nah, no spoiler. Story is so much fun without spoiler. I do love to see few surprise.
Poor Sheila, I was gonna cry when I saw this story. Why it's not her... Why. Okay, I'm crying now. *walked away*
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: Samhain (4/21)
« Reply #125 on: April 21, 2013, 01:45:29 PM »
Whoa, I won't spoil the spoilers, :o That's amazing that you're so far ahead in the gameplay. I guess that means the dynasty is going exceedingly well. :D

I admit, I got a bit teary-eyed with miss Sheila. All that she wants is a little attention, a little love, to mean something to someone.

It is indeed going well. Documenting all of my progress on the family tree was quite a project.

She's one of those sims that you want to hug. Thank goodness for Screwtape's foresight. He'll give her the next best thing, for sure. ;)

Spoilers? Heck no! Maybe in some dynasties, but not this one. The twists are always fresh! I did not see that one coming! I love it, though. I can't wait to see what happens next. Write more, Trip!  >:( ;)

I'm glad you enjoy my twists! I didn't have any idea what to do with my screenshots from university until I made it into a twist.

I'll try that "writing on a regular basis" thing. :P

I guess, that was kinda cool Trip. You already way ahead and you still can write the story. Bravo!
Nah, no spoiler. Story is so much fun without spoiler. I do love to see few surprise.
Poor Sheila, I was gonna cry when I saw this story. Why it's not her... Why. Okay, I'm crying now. *walked away*

Two generations gave me plenty of time to think about events. It's also very hard to play ahead and keep writing, because I get very engrossed in the latter.

I'm one of those people that likes spoilers, but I can understand why others don't.

It's not her because I wasn't able to get Eva and Shamus to try for baby as early as I hoped. :P That, and they seemed happy enough with the next best things.


The sun rose, and Screwtape and Clarissa welcomed a little grey boy into the world, just as his grandma Vega wanted. Clarissa walked out with a severe expression; she really wanted a daughter, but a grey son had to do. They originally chose Saturnalia as a name, but since it was a boy, he needed a name that sounded a little more masculine. He was named Samhain Ironstar.

Vega wanted a grandchild from the moment Clarissa moved in, and she was predictably attached to Samhain, especially since she saw parts of his future already, and the little man was destined for his own greatness.

Clarissa was a different type of person. Her malice was hard to contain, and as much as she loved her son, she would shout expletives from the megaphone in the same breath.

And Sheila was merely happy for Screwtape and his new family. Screwtape told her of his solution, and it brightened Sheila's outlook, though he wasn't kidding about the waiting game. For then, she had all the time she wanted to care for Samhain. He was an adorable little thing, after all.

Even Sinbad found himself entangled in the nooboo frenzy of the Ironstars, but it was through Zo's children. Thankfully, their rich grandfather spoiled them with candy that was always out for Sinbad to steal. He loved candy, after all.

Speaking of their rich grandfather, times weren't so great for him.

With the living room illuminated by black-lights (an idea that the Ironstars later scrapped for the sake of their non-grey friends), Samhain celebrated his first birthday. Even Sinbad could cheer; after all, there were good things about an annoying and useless slug becoming a little less annoying and useless.

Every account of Samhain's toddler years mentions that he was “absolutely freakin' adorable.”

Of course, his grandma Vega adored him, especially after his hair grew out longer and his new red clothes made him stand out. She started to conform to all the stereotypes of grandmothers, from babysitting him while Screwtape and Clarissa were at work to collecting photos of him in her wallet. Naturally, she wanted to go to he Red Rendevouz and share the precious memories of her grandson with whoever was there.

It took a while. Vega was constantly distracted by other things.

Finally, she found one of her best friends there, and considering all the special plans that Vega had for the unsuspecting teen, she needed to gush about Samhain to her.

“Rebecca, you just won't believe how cute he is.”

“I'd say that he's calm and pensive,” said Vega.

“Really, what's the appeal in that?” asked Rebecca. “Oh, but he is a cutie. You gotta tell me more!”

“Sam's always a good kid. He loves his little toy robot.”

“He really likes that mushy hotdog puree that his dad always makes. I think it's disgusting to clean up.”

“And, and he likes to learn. Mum and dad do a great job with that. He's a smart kid. You like smart kids, right?” asked Vega.

“I think I'd like any of them. My sisters hated me."

“Ah yeah, unexpected baby of the family and stuff.”

“Anyways, he's the apple of my eye."

“Well, auntie. I love that little niblet of yours!” Rebecca's wide grin lit up Vega from within; she remembered that smile and the relaxed gaze in her big eyes from the first day she was in Twinbrook, cornering Rebecca's father in the elixir shop.

“Rebecca, I knew you'd like it. Good luck in school.”

“Thanks! And auntie, you can just call me Beck.”
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Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: Samhain (4/22)
« Reply #126 on: April 21, 2013, 01:53:27 PM »
The gray skin and the blonde hair make for a very interesting combination. My GOSH is Sam just adorable, though. :)

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: Samhain (4/21)
« Reply #127 on: April 21, 2013, 05:52:17 PM »
I love it! He's adorable! He looks just like his grandfather. I see we'll be adding Harwood and Julienne's genes soon as well. Good, good. I love Twinbrook, so reading your stories is extra fun to see the combination of all my favourite townies' genes!
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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: Samhain (4/21)
« Reply #128 on: April 21, 2013, 09:39:24 PM »
Samhain is so cute!!!! How could he be anything else? ???
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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: Samhain (4/21)
« Reply #129 on: April 21, 2013, 09:45:48 PM »
Saimhain is adorable! He is unique like Screwtape when he at the same age like him.
What his name meaning anyway? Or... Any reference for that? I would love to hear more depth on Saimhain :D

Well, Sheila. Hang in there okay!
Haha, how funny when I looking at Sinbad there. Hi, there! Hope that you will not get caught with stomachache thing ::)

Great update, Trip! I just can't wait to see more ;D
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: Samhain (4/21)
« Reply #130 on: April 21, 2013, 09:52:07 PM »
Oooh, I just snuck a look at the family tree and I'm really excited to see how this all plays out! You certainly have been busy with those townies.  :o

Oh, Screwtape. This may sound silly, but after the previous chapter I was half-expecting him to clone himself. I still wouldn't object to that because hey, more Screwtape!

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: A Rotten End (4/22)
« Reply #131 on: April 22, 2013, 12:03:36 AM »
The gray skin and the blonde hair make for a very interesting combination. My GOSH is Sam just adorable, though. :)

He's definitely a striking little thing. I agree on his adorableness, especially since I've seen him throughout all stages of his life and can confirm that he never stopped being cute.

I love it! He's adorable! He looks just like his grandfather. I see we'll be adding Harwood and Julienne's genes soon as well. Good, good. I love Twinbrook, so reading your stories is extra fun to see the combination of all my favourite townies' genes!

I love how he has Goodwin's big eyes. I can see why you're obsessed with him!

Yep, I'm not being subtle at all with my plans for Rebecca, am I? Harwood's genes really worked out well for her, and that's reason enough for her to join the family. The huge age gap be darned!

Samhain is so cute!!!! How could he be anything else? ???

True that. :P

Saimhain is adorable! He is unique like Screwtape when he at the same age like him.
What his name meaning anyway? Or... Any reference for that? I would love to hear more depth on Saimhain :D

Well, Sheila. Hang in there okay!
Haha, how funny when I looking at Sinbad there. Hi, there! Hope that you will not get caught with stomachache thing ::)

Great update, Trip! I just can't wait to see more ;D

I love the uniqueness of all of my toddlers.

Samhain was an ancient Gaelic festival that marked the end of the harvest. It eventually evolved into what we know as Halloween. And it sounded cool. ;D

Oooh, I just snuck a look at the family tree and I'm really excited to see how this all plays out! You certainly have been busy with those townies.  :o

Oh, Screwtape. This may sound silly, but after the previous chapter I was half-expecting him to clone himself. I still wouldn't object to that because hey, more Screwtape!

Ah yes, I decided that if I needed to compensate for a broken story progression, I should take it ten steps beyond anything I've tried before. There is no such thing as too many original townie children, after all.

That would have been an interesting idea, though Sheila would still have to find a different babydaddy. I never wrote this rule down, but I have a very strict "No inbreeding" rule, and clones still count as relatives by my rules. And having two Screwtapes around might create a vortex of boringness that I'm not willing to risk. :P


When a ghost walked into the diner after one of Screwtape's shifts, it was unfortunate that his lack of humor meant a missed opportunity for a joke.

His real hobby outside of cooking was still street art. In spite of all the pleading from Vega, he stuck with it. He even said that it was legal because he owned the diner.

“Screwtape Fisheye Ironstar!” yelled out a voice, accompanied by police sirens. “We know that you own the place. It's still illegal.”

“I am fully aware of the law, officer, but my artistic expression relies on using public property.” He didn't have to go to jail, but the 1,000 simoleon fine still hurt him.

He was forced to stay at home with his art. It wasn't like Vega cared about the lawn anyways.

But that was the only negative thing. Even his relationship with Clarissa grew stronger after a rough start. He didn't say a word about the dealings at university, but he quickly vowed to be a better husband. Clarissa was still a good person, and he knew all too well that she wouldn't be around forever.

Samhain didn't care. He was too busy being adorable for the whole household. Clarissa grew to love him; there was no denying that he was her son based off that nose alone.

Even more importantly, Sheila's woes finally left her. Her laughter seemed more sincere when she tickled Samhain after his nap. There was something left; a very important question, but she could wait. The best part was already there.

So what would become of Sinbad?

His pout grew stronger. He spent all his time with Zo and the kids; she had another set of twins. He had to rely on Zo for companionship; no one else accepted him. Oliver was appalled with his dirtbag ways, and balked at the thought of him seeing Jade any more. Lolly wanted to just be friends, and not even that. Sofia refused to speak with him. Vega refused to take him to Egypt to find even more irresponsible woohoo.

“Hey handsome, thanks for the good time this morning,” said Zo, her little Lavar in her arms. “Do you mind taking care of the kids tonight? Screwtape gave me a long shift. Maybe you should talk to him about that.”

Poor Sinbad, he got himself into the slimy world of illegitimate children, casual romance, and monstrous child support payments. And why? He could blame it only on Vega. He was her marionette, and she encouraged him on. More women, more woohoo, more children.

If people called him rotten, it was because they never knew Vega.

That afternoon, he felt it all come to its merciful end.

It felt unreal at first; in spite of all his inner vitriol towards the life he was forced to live, it was something that seemed to integral to his being to end. And then it did. Sinbad Rotter was dying.

He died close to Lavar; his brow furrowed as he recalled his life with the Ironstars. The little tyke was unaware of anything that was happening, especially that he and the other Rotter children were all that Sinbad lived for in the end, the only thing he left behind that truly mattered in the mind of Vega.

“Just tell me why this all happened!” Sinbad's voice was wrought with desperation.

“Rotter, I've never been able to figure out that crazy lady myself.”

Sinbad never got his answer, at least not while still bound to earth. He was described as hateful, miserable, rotten, and difficult. Sinbad was fine with leaving behind that legacy, but the one paved with child support checks was one that filled him with malice he kept in his heart even after his dying breath.


Life had to go on. Samhain was about to grow up.

“Wow Angie, I never would have guessed,” said Clarissa.

“Yeah, but it's freakin' Julienne Knack!” Angelique said, a little muffled by another passionate kiss. Julienne wasn't willing to let Harwood's death twenty-odd years ago get in the way of a new flame. The girl had to flirt.

Screwtape held his son for the last time, filled with pride for his little boy.

“I would like to note that our birthday setup is fireproof and absolutely safe,” Screwtape yelled out to the crowd. They didn't really care; they were there only for a birthday.

Samhain tried his hardest with the candles, but his tiny lungs weren't quite ready for the task. Daddy was there to help, making his own wish.

Little did the guests know that it was a shared birthday. Sheila had a wish too, maybe close to what Screwtape had in mind. There was just one more thing she wanted, and the key to her last wish was right up the road.

Samhain spent the rest of the night playing video games for the first time; grandma Vega always did and they seemed so fun. Life went on as it always did, but Samhain was still naïve to the world, looking at it with good will in his wide grey eyes. He didn't know the Ironstar cycle yet.

When another life ended...

...Sheila woke up in the old Pidgin Mansion some days after her birthday, hoping that one began.


With Sinbad dead, it's time to count his children.

Did he have six, like Harwood? Nah. That's amateur stuff.

Did he have eight, like Justin from the Claviculas? Again, amateur.

Sinbad ended up with a grand total of fifteen children from four different women. Two with Jade, one with Lolly, five with Sofia, and seven with Zo. To say that he did his job is an understatement.

Oh, and with Julienne and Angelique making out at the party, there's nothing wrong with that, though it was incredibly wrong at first glance. You see, one of Julienne's daughters looks like Angelique from the back because they both have blond hair in a bun, so I was wondering how broken the family tree was to make that happen until I noticed that it was actually Angelique.

However, the family tree of Sinbad and the Greenwoods truly broke around the time generation four was a child, so I saw one of Jade's kids with Sinbad flirting with one of Emerald's kids with another live-in. That's unacceptable no matter how I look at it!
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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: A Rotten End (4/22)
« Reply #132 on: April 22, 2013, 02:20:54 AM »
Oh my gosh, if he did clone himself so both women would be happy, that would be so Tenth Doctor of him!
I'm with you on the inbreeding thing. I'm on generation 3 in the Callahans and the dating calls are getting weirder. Aunts, uncles, cousins, in-laws, all so weird.

You did an excellent job with Clarissa. She looked weird to me when I first saw her, but when you got hold of her, she actually looks really good now, if still more like Jenni than Goodwin. I think she has his cheekbones though.

Screwtape is too much fun for such a boring person. It's entirely illogical how funny he is. That line about the fireproof cake set-up--hahaha

Awww, good-bye Sinbad. You left an amazing legacy of which you can be proud. That is really well done. So much variety for future generations to choose from.

I hear you, Angelique! Julienne Knack is a catch!

Still waiting on the edge of my seat to find out what happens with Sheila! The Pidgin mansion? Hmmm.

And finally...child Samhain. Oh. My. Gosh. Can we say 'baby heartbreaker'? He is the most gorgeous child I have ever seen. (Sorry, Callahans!) That is why you always need Goode genes in a dynasty! (not even a pun that time, just the facts) And that hairstyle is perfect.

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By samoht04

Offline Eldridge

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: A Rotten End (4/22)
« Reply #133 on: April 22, 2013, 07:44:45 AM »
Whoa, whoa... Rosa's comment too dangerous (it's contain spoiler). Must. Avoid. That.

Well, thank you for the explanation about Saimhain name, Trip. That was really cool, I love the background story for the name ;D

Hahaha, look into Sinbad stats, he was too awesome. 15 children, well well well...  Well, good luck in the afterlife then. It's funny when I do makeover for Sinbad and Goodwin they have the maximum value of the eyelash. Are they supposed to be a beauty pair or what? When I look into Goodwin, well he's the pretty boy. But, Sinbad... *speechless*

Saimhain still adorable when he was a child. I can't wait to see when he grow up.

I love this. Because that I play Twinbrook now, so I can see who else the Sims that I can recognize in your story. After several conquest, who is the most beautiful in Twinbrook, Trip? Or, at least decent looking :D
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Ironstar Immortals: A Rotten End (4/22)
« Reply #134 on: April 22, 2013, 02:18:16 PM »
Eld, so not a spoiler. Don't worry about it. I haven't told you anything.
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By samoht04