Author Topic: The Evans Storyless Immortal Jail --Done--  (Read 24208 times)

Offline Orange Iguana

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Re: The Evans Storyless Immortal Jail --Last Updated 3/19/2013--
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2013, 08:34:06 PM »

Sean Evans -- Third Generation
Lifetime Wish: Alchemy Artisan
Career: Alchemist
Supermax: Alchemy
Lifetime Rewards: Suave Seller, Fireproof Homestead, Collection Helper
Real Estate: Lucky Llamas Stadium, Lovely Lake Park and Playground
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
Opportunities: Archeology Exhibit, A Fishy Science Project, Scavenger Hunt: Rare Elements, The Writing Club, Outside Reading, Scavenger Hunt: Butterfly Bonanza
Best Friends: Emanuel Aragon, Ezekiel Goetz, Hector Shelley, Glen Cornish, Tim Gentile, Leif Pierson

Traits: Couch Potato, Heavy Sleeper, Supernatural Fan, Born Salesman, Neat, Over-Emotional [Jock], Hates the Outdoors [Honorary Degree]

Generation 3 was perhaps the fastest I've ever completed the requirements on an immortal ever. This is not taking into consideration that paintings have to be done and best friends have to be summoned by Jack when Sean hits elder.

What you may notice right off the bat is his BlackOps. You are reading this correctly, I used almost every single school and scavenger hunt opportunity I could for Sean's six BlackOps. The reason for this is because Alchemy only has the philosopher stone questline for opportunities. Since later generations are going to supermax pre-Pets skills, meaning skills that have ops, I decided to do every single child/teen opportunity I could get and not have to worry about getting Sean a rabbit hole job or raise another skill. This ended up paying off because Sean never got the philosopher's stone opportunity.

Alchemy is one of the easiest skills to supermax. Just learn every recipe, make 150 vials of bliss after a trip to the grocery store, and throw them at someone. Boom, you're done. I had Sean buy a collection helper so that it would be easier to find red admiral butterflies and smoky quartzes. The only potions I need Sean to make are wish enhancing serums and liquid job boosters. Wish enhancing serums are obvious but the liquid job boosters are going to be for professions and self-employment careers. In fact, by simply buying elixirs at the consignment store and reselling them, Sean was able to max out the career in one day. Liquid job booster for the win.

Once Sean hit young adult, I had Jack summon a wife with the sim finder app immediately. They got married, had a baby, and the wife went and bought some toddler writing books to prepare the fourth generation. I also had the wife learn the Science skill to clone alchemy ingredients, particularly red admiral butterflies and smoky quartzes. Once Sean had made some liquid job boosters and enough wish enhancing serums to last the dynasty, Sean was locked in his cell where he will remain for the rest of the dynasty. Sean is simply no longer needed and with everyone in the family having too much happiness points, a new strategy involving food replicators will ensure that no immortal, with the exception of Daniel and "portrait time", will ever have to leave their cell.

On a final note, Sean was a shining example of why you should never get a level in the Jock social group. Whenever Sean wasn't eating, sleeping, or watching TV, he was doing the school cheer over and over again. Needless to say, it was extremely annoying.

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Re: The Evans Storyless Immortal Jail --Last Updated 3/21/2013--
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2013, 10:43:20 PM »
Congratulations to Sean -  by chance you remembered to place the arboretum and the vault of antiquity right?  Without either of those, you can't get the alchemy mastery opp.  Figured that out on my life states dynasty recently.

Wow you're really zooming through.   Makes me feel very slackerish.  Good job ;D
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Re: The Evans Storyless Immortal Jail --Last Updated 3/21/2013--
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2013, 10:47:27 PM »
Congratulations to Sean -  by chance you remembered to place the arboretum and the vault of antiquity right?  Without either of those, you can't get the alchemy mastery opp.  Figured that out on my life states dynasty recently.

Well that explains everything for me too. [/off topic]

Yes, alchemy is indeed an easy supermax, though using science to clone ingredients never came to mind. You keep astounding me with clever little solutions. And congrats on three immortals in about a week's time.
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Re: The Evans Storyless Immortal Jail --Last Updated 3/21/2013--
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2013, 10:59:01 PM »
Congratulations to Sean -  by chance you remembered to place the arboretum and the vault of antiquity right?  Without either of those, you can't get the alchemy mastery opp.  Figured that out on my life states dynasty recently.

Wow you're really zooming through.   Makes me feel very slackerish.  Good job ;D

...Oh, really? That's incredibly sad. I wish I knew that before I started mine...
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Offline Orange Iguana

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Re: The Evans Storyless Immortal Jail --Last Updated 3/21/2013--
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2013, 11:12:37 PM »
Congratulations to Sean -  by chance you remembered to place the arboretum and the vault of antiquity right?  Without either of those, you can't get the alchemy mastery opp.  Figured that out on my life states dynasty recently.

Well that explains a lot. I didn't place either one in Lucky Palms which I guess explains why Sean never got the opportunity.

Yes, alchemy is indeed an easy supermax, though using science to clone ingredients never came to mind.

Sadly, you can't clone spotlight mushrooms which are needed for liquid job boosters. The spotlight mushrooms are considered too large to clone. I ended up having Sean run around with the collection helper gathering those. Every ingredient in the wish enhancing serum can be cloned though.

Offline Orange Iguana

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Re: The Evans Storyless Immortal Jail --Last Updated 3/22/2013--
« Reply #20 on: March 22, 2013, 11:57:16 PM »
Minor update.

With everyone in the family having more happiness points than I know what to do with, I decided to leave the food replicator open for all immortals to grab. This is the result.

The two other food replicators are in Jack and Daniel's cells respectively. The plan is that once an immortal has eaten ambrosia for the first time and used the dresser/mirror for the last time ever, the dresser and mirror in their cell will be sold and replaced with one of the food replicators containing ambrosia. They've all been upgraded by Sean's wife.

The fourth generation is going okay. She has her job, LTW, and supermax taken care of and is currently a young adult. Since I made her do writing, I'm hoping there will be enough opportunities with writing alone that she can take care of her BlackOps. If not, I'll make her join the Journalism career in hopes of there being opportunities there. The fifth generation has already been born and will be supermaxing charisma. She'll also be the only other generation to attend university. This is so that she can start politics at level 4 and hope she doesn't run into the rabbit hole bug like last time.

I also should mention that opting out of the celebrity system has turned out to be a very bad idea. Without celebrity opportunities, I have less options to fulfill the BlackOps requirement in case something goes wrong or I pick a supermax that doesn't have opportunities (anything introduced from Pets and beyond). Oh well, I'll have to make do without it.

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: The Evans Storyless Immortal Jail --Last Updated 3/22/2013--
« Reply #21 on: March 23, 2013, 12:29:26 AM »
I have loved your previous attempts and the jail idea is something I have personally thought of but could have never done as brilliant as you have. Good luck in getting into the HOF!
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Offline Orange Iguana

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Re: The Evans Storyless Immortal Jail --Last Updated 3/30/2013--
« Reply #22 on: March 30, 2013, 09:15:16 PM »

Michelle Evans -- Fourth Generation
Lifetime Wish: Professional Author
Career: Self-Employed Writer (Twice)
Supermax: Writing
Lifetime Rewards: Acclaimed Author, Bookshop Bargainer, Philosopher's Stone
Real Estate: Imagine That! Theater, Mick's Master Karaoke
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
Opportunities: Book Donation, A Masterpiece, To Boldly Go, Channel Surfing, Digitizing Your Notes, A History of One
Best Friends: Felicia Hutchins, Whitney Ridgeway, Sierra Dewitt, Cristina Gregg, Brittney Huber, Leilani Wilkins

Traits: Couch Potato, Hates the Outdoors, Bookworm, Perfectionist, Over-Emotional, Neat [Nerd], Heavy Sleeper [Honorary Degree]

Back in the Doe Dynasty, I managed to get my writer immortal to supermax writing and max the self-employed career before becoming an adult. I wanted to see if I could do that again. Previously, I had not read any books before starting the typing process but with University Life came comic books. Each comic book is only thirty pages long and counts towards your "books read" stat. Apparently reading a certain amount of books boosts typing speed but I never tested it for myself. At only thirty pages a pop though, why not try it this time? Most people are a fan of specializing in children's books but me, I stick to the four books a genre rule until masterpieces, then specialize in that. Not a big fan of having to level painting or taking childish to unlock the genre.

The writing process began at the toddler age. Since Sean no longer had a use in the dynasty and every immortal and non-immortal were locked away, I was controlling only one sim and that was Sean's wife. Occasionally I had to let out Daniel to paint some portraits. Sean's wife was responsible for taking care of Michelle and maxing handiness to start upgrading some of those food replicators. Unfortunately, I sold all of my witch elixirs when doing Sean's career so this meant no upgrading through magic.

The liquid job boosters ended up being more potent than I thought when I unlocked masterpieces during Michelle's teen days. It ended up contributing so much experience to each of Michelle's masterpieces that Michelle had maxed out the career after finishing her third masterpiece titled "Two Thousand Pages of Me Writing Only the Word "Ni."" I was really hoping her first masterpiece titled "This Novel Sucks and You Should Feel Bad for Reading It" would be her most profitable book. I originally intended on having Michelle specialize in masterpieces but because the career was maxed out on only her third one, I went ahead and wrote a fifth sports novel, new to University, to specialize in it. Later on in Michelle's life, she would end up changing her specialty to masterpieces. I'll explain later.

After Michelle had finished her career, supermax, and lifetime wish, I had thought it would be safe to lock her in her cell. As Michelle grew older, I began to get worried about her BlackOps requirement. The opportunities that require traveling no longer work as the second phase will not appear. What a waste of a trip to China that was. The family is opting out of the celebrity system so this means no celebrity opportunities either. To ensure she gets her six, I had her join the Journalism career in an attempt to get some career opportunities. In addition, I had her repeatedly Chat with Someone on her laptop to meet new people, hoping this would encourage more skill opportunities. Writing opportunities seem to be all about requests from people you know, who I assume are all your fans. In the end, having Michelle temporarily join the Journalism career was completely necessary as Michelle would have been stuck at 5 out of 6 BlackOps had she relied on only writing skill opportunities. Repeats don't count unfortunately (she got Book Donation twice and A History of One three times).

When Michelle finally got her sixth opportunity that was doable, I had her quit the Journalism career and rejoin the Writer career. Sure, she already maxed it before, but I want her to be level 10 at a career when she's immortal. This is why the self-employed writing career was maxed twice by the same immortal. After she maxed it, she was told 100 jokes by her daughter so the fifth generation can complete a charisma challenge, then locked away for the rest of the dynasty.

After hitting elder, it was the same deal. Portrait, Jack social networking for Michelle's friends, and ambrosia. Before eating the ambrosia, I did have to check to see that all of the elders that were summoned were not part of her daughter's massive friend list. Fortunately, all of her best friends were in University.

Warning: This next statement may shock or offend simmers who grow attached their sims. Reader discretion is advised.

Because non-immortals no longer need to do anything for the family other than care of babies, I have adjusted my spouse strat. Every remaining generation until the 8th will be female so that I can have Jack summon an elder spouse. This way, they can take care of the baby until it becomes a child, die of old age, and they'll be out of my hair sooner. This strategy worked beautifully for this generation because Michelle's husband ended up dying of old age before Sean's wife had joined The White Ghost Clan.

Offline Niana

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Re: The Evans Storyless Immortal Jail --Last Updated 3/30/2013--
« Reply #23 on: April 27, 2013, 01:24:12 AM »
I don't remember if I've commented or not, but -- I still love the concept and the speed :) I've been tempted to do a speed run myself after seeing yours and vinyl's, but the museum value will probably irk the perfectionist in me.

I wanted to ask, are you bothering giving your immortals multiple death flowers? It's honestly amazing how much you seem to get done considering you really only have one-two Sims going at a time.

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Re: The Evans Storyless Immortal Jail --Last Updated 3/30/2013--
« Reply #24 on: April 27, 2013, 08:38:02 AM »
Really love your approach here! The poor immortals! The house reminds me of a experimental lab/ Sean and Michelle look really great!

I was reading through your Doe dynasty and its so sad you didn't qualify for HoF. Best of luck this time around!
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Re: The Evans Storyless Immortal Jail --Last Updated 3/30/2013--
« Reply #25 on: May 01, 2013, 01:36:12 PM »
This. Is. So. Awesome.  The Evil Sim in me loves it!


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Re: The Evans Storyless Immortal Jail --Last Updated 3/30/2013--
« Reply #26 on: May 15, 2013, 03:13:57 AM »
I do like this, It's a very unique idea.

Offline Vinyl

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Re: The Evans Storyless Immortal Jail --Last Updated 3/30/2013--
« Reply #27 on: May 15, 2013, 08:20:36 AM »
This is an absolutely brilliant approach to immortal management!  I hope everything is still going well in this household!

The elder spouse strategy is a good one, but I wanted to caution you that they can die on the very day they become an elder (happened in my immortal dynasty to a potential husband).  Since I'm not sure if both parents have to still be alive when the heir is born I wanted to warn you about that rare potentially game-ending possibility.

However, I've been playing with the sim finder app and I've got a solution.  Sims the game conjures out of thin air by the app have all so far come at the very start of their age bar.  Working backwards, if an adult sim is summoned three or so days into the heir's child lifespan they should be three days away from elder on the day of the heir's young adult birthday.  They should still die in plenty of time, and they're pretty much guaranteed to be alive for the birth of the next heir (assuming an immediate pregnancy, of course).

Also, if you ever need ops in a hurry for any of your other immortals, base game rabbithole careers are positively crawling with them.  And if you can enroll heirs in afterschool programs each one in highschool except for study hall has a unique opportunity attached, as well as ballet and scouting in the child stage.

Good luck with this dynasty and I do hope to see an update soon.  This concept is so close to my efficiency-minded simming heart - I just love it!

Offline EtnaFan666

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Re: The Evans Storyless Immortal Jail --Last Updated 3/30/2013--
« Reply #28 on: June 16, 2013, 08:15:57 PM »
A question, Orange... after you finish this, are you going to do any other Dynasty(like Life States)? Since you have Social Networking, may I recommend the Townie DecaDynasty? No rules involving life fruit so you never have to grow it, you'll get your ten NPC Friends and Best Friends easily with Social Networking and it has the supermax and real estate requirements and the requirements are much more forgiving.

I feel torn; part of me is sad that you have decided to lock up all your Immortals until they pose for their final picture  :'( , but the other part of me is already creating an Immortal Dynasty jail for their future immortals.  ;D Please update with future installments!
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Re: The Evans Storyless Immortal Jail --Last Updated 3/30/2013--
« Reply #29 on: June 17, 2013, 11:54:06 AM »
Wow... this fascinates and horrifies me at the same time!  The jail cell idea for immortal management is BRILLIANT!  But I do get attached to my Sims and to the stories that unfold, so I don't think I could do this, but I give you all the credit in the world for the idea as well as the implementation!  Good luck!