Pippin: And at last, we have come to the end of our competition. After Simweeks of the competitors working on their skills (and building their fan bases), it is finally time to announce our winner. I'll hand things over to Mr. Parker.
Mr. Parker: And here are our competitors--Jamal, Patrizia, Ellody, and Janicia.
First off, I'd like to chat with you, Ellody.
Ellody: Is that a bad thing?
Mr. Parker: You managed to get up to level 4 in social networking, level 6 in charisma, and level 8 in writing.
This gives you a total score of 18...and means you came in last place.
Ellody: I prefer to say "third runner up."
Mr. Parker: Janicia, one of our exquisite artists, posted a level 8 in photography, sculpting, and painting. This gives you a grand total of 24...and puts you in third place.
Janicia: Well, at least I can still make a living with my art...or become the next Dread Pirate Roberts...
Mr. Parker: Patrizia and Jamal, come over here please.
Patrizia: So, we're the top two?
Jamal: Is that cheese real?
Mr. Parker: Patrizia, you worked very hard.
Patrizia: Thank you, sir.
Mr. Parker: and you got your sculpting to level 6, painting to level 9, and you maxed photography. This gives you a total of 25.
And you, Jamal, managed to collect 15 different types of rocks, gems, and metals, and you maxed both handiness and logic. Since every 3 items in the collection equaled one point, this gives you a total of 25.
Patrizia: You mean, after all that exhausting work, it comes down to a tie?
Jamal: I don't like water, it's like milk with no flavoring...or color.
Pippin: Yes, Patrizia, it is a tie.
Patrizia: This seems to be one of those once-in-a-blue-moon things. What do we do?
Mr. Parker: Actually, we'd already planned on this. In the event of a tie, the winner becomes the contestant who maxed the most skills.
That's you, Jamal.
That's right, this is the guy who will carry the hopes and burden of starting an immortal dynasty.
Janicia: It's okay, Patrizia, you did really well.
Pippin: Actually, she did extremely well. In fact, she'll be rewarded with a miscellaneous story of her own. In the meantime, I hope you all enjoyed this season's episode of "The College Daze Competition" and will tune in next season. Also, please tune in to see Jamal begin his quest for immortality. Thank you, readers, and we'll see you again next time.