Pippin: Friday started off with the competitors doing whatever they saw fit for the first few hours
Jamal and Ellody both decided they wanted a shower. This created an issue.
But as we've seen before, he has bigger issues with Janicia
and she quite literally got the upper hand this time around.
Sweet Patrizia certainly thought someone in the household was wonderful.
Yep, Mr. Parker knows that al the ladies fawn over a man who can fix the computer. Especially it he fixes it while in his pajamas.
Shortly thereafter, the household got back to the task of working on their skills.
And fortunately, Mr. Parker got to work on fixing the dishwasher
and after a hard day of work, they decided to run down the street to crash a party.
Janicia danced
Patrizia stood awkwardly in the dining room
Ellody and Mr. Parker hit the foosball table
Janicia made a drink...while Patrizia still stood awkwardly in the dining room
and Jamal gravitated towards a chess match
and Patrizia finally moved a few feet over.
One by one, our competitors made their way home for some rest before their last day.
Mr. Parker stayed at the party even after being kicked out and stood texting and surfing the web in their driveway until about 6 in the morning.
Jamal hit the bookstore to finish off his handiness and logic skills (and complete his Tinkerer LTW thus enabling him to purchase the collection helper)
and nothing distracted him from his studies.
Patrizia had already maxed photography and was working on maxing her painting (in addition to doing a bit of sculpting)
Janicia didn't even bother to change out of her sleeping clothes before she started working on her painting
And Ellody blogged until her fingers bled. Well, not literally, because she just got her nails done.
Jamal put his collection helper to use
and promptly at 8:00 Saturday night, the competition was ended.
Tune in tomorrow to get final interviews with our contestants and then on Friday for the big announcement of our winner!