Author Topic: Who will be the Founder of my Immortal Dynasty?--The Winner is Announced!!  (Read 49000 times)

Offline MarianT

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But we know that Patrizia is the fairest. Incidentally, Jamal, you're holding a wrench not a screwdriver.
When the Zombies Come(Completed)--100 Nooboos Nabbed

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Well, this was a good read while I am eating noodles :P
I never have experience like Jamal before, you see... the ice cream things! It's random?
Ahh, Patty. That surely make me feel hungry! Krabby Patty lol.
Mmm, more zombies! Well, Squirt should send Nadia here, so she will have the spare if something happen to Mr. Calvin ::)
Magic Mirror, huh? What is the interesting feature of that kinda things? I prefer you know something like Magical Wardrobe :P
This was actually only the second time I've had a Sim get something from the ice cream truck, so I don't know what's random and what's normal.
Krabby Patty.  Hadn't thought of that. 
The magic mirror can do makeovers and stuff, but I generally just use it as a mirror or for random chatting moments.

Uh, Ellody, I don't think you are the sane one.
Not sure any of them qualify for that role :=)

But we know that Patrizia is the fairest. Incidentally, Jamal, you're holding a wrench not a screwdriver.
It was hard to capture it with the screenshot, but he was actually hammering on the showerhead with the wrench rather than twisting/turning anything.  And I agree, Patrizia is just lovely  :=)  I tried to give her a bit more spotlight time in this update since Jamal and Ellody (and even Janicia) upstage her most of the time.

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Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Who will be the Founder of my Immortal Dynasty?--A Surprise Birthday
« Reply #107 on: April 09, 2013, 02:02:04 PM »
Pippin:  When last we left our competitors, Ellody was making friends with Mr. Parker's new ladyfriend...the werewolf

Mr. Parker, meanwhile, was chatting with Jamal.
Mr. Parker:  You realize putting berets on the toilet paper doesn't make it French, right?
Jamal:  I can dream, can't I?

Pippin:  When Mr. Parker realized the lovely Gracie Loveland had stopped by to visit, he rushed outside to greet her

and was a bit taken aback by her new look

Mr. Parker:  Whoa, that's a pretty serious underbite you've got there!
Pippin:  The rest of the household settled in for the night...and awoke to serious hunger

and they found that Mr. Parker's visitor was still there

but they were more focused on eating and breakfast chit-chat.

Jamal:  We could cover the whole world in toilet paper.
Ellody:  Why would we want to do that?
Patrizia:  It would be really pretty if it was purple
Jamal:  And French

Pippin:  And the household got back to work at developing their skills while helpful Gracie cleaned up their dishes.
Jamal decided to take some time out to make friends with the werewolf housekeeper

through pillow fights

and ghost stories

but the big news of the day was a birthday.

Welcome to adulthood, Mr. Parker
This update brings us to the end of Thursday, so we'll have one last update before we crown our winner

Offline Eldridge

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I'm kinda sad when I knew that this wonderful story will be over soon.
I will be missed Jamal a lot with his toilet paper, if he is not win :P

Well, one last update before we know who is the winner.
And then we will know who is worthy enough to be the chosen one in Pippin's Immortal Dynasty.

Good luck
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Who will be the Founder of my Immortal Dynasty?--A Surprise Birthday
« Reply #109 on: April 09, 2013, 07:35:45 PM »
Why was it a surprise? I love Jamal and his French toilet paper. Hahaha.
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By samoht04

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Who will be the Founder of my Immortal Dynasty?--A Surprise Birthday
« Reply #110 on: April 09, 2013, 10:35:55 PM »
I'm kinda sad when I knew that this wonderful story will be over soon.
I will be missed Jamal a lot with his toilet paper, if he is not win :P

Well, one last update before we know who is the winner.
And then we will know who is worthy enough to be the chosen one in Pippin's Immortal Dynasty.

Good luck
It has been a fun little project and fun to write, so I'll miss it too, but I won't miss the file crashing on me as it has so very many times!

Why was it a surprise? I love Jamal and his French toilet paper. Hahaha.
Well, it was a surprise mostly because I wasn't really paying attention to it.  Being focused on the competitors (especially this close to the finish line), I was almost ignoring Jameson outside of a few moments of interacting with Gracie or doing fishing/working to help support the household.  He had actually just run an errand for me when his birthday happened, hence it wasn't a party or anything. 

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Who will be the Founder of my Immortal Dynasty?--Coming to a Close
« Reply #111 on: April 10, 2013, 06:51:09 PM »

Pippin:  Friday started off with the competitors doing whatever they saw fit for the first few hours

Jamal and Ellody both decided they wanted a shower.  This created an issue.

But as we've seen before, he has bigger issues with Janicia

and she quite literally got the upper hand this time around.

Sweet Patrizia certainly thought someone in the household was wonderful.

Yep, Mr. Parker knows that al the ladies fawn over a man who can fix the computer.  Especially it he fixes it while in his pajamas.

Shortly thereafter, the household got back to the task of working on their skills.

And fortunately, Mr. Parker got to work on fixing the dishwasher

and after a hard day of work, they decided to run down the street to crash a party.

Janicia danced

Patrizia stood awkwardly in the dining room

Ellody and Mr. Parker hit the foosball table

Janicia made a drink...while Patrizia still stood awkwardly in the dining room

and Jamal gravitated towards a chess match

and Patrizia finally moved a few feet over.

One by one, our competitors made their way home for some rest before their last day.

Mr. Parker stayed at the party even after being kicked out and stood texting and surfing the web in their driveway until about 6 in the morning.

Jamal hit the bookstore to finish off his handiness and logic skills (and complete his Tinkerer LTW thus enabling him to purchase the collection helper)

and nothing distracted him from his studies.

Patrizia had already maxed photography and was working on maxing her painting (in addition to doing a bit of sculpting)

Janicia didn't even bother to change out of her sleeping clothes before she started working on her painting

And Ellody blogged until her fingers bled.  Well, not literally, because she just got her nails done.

Jamal put his collection helper to use

and promptly at 8:00 Saturday night, the competition was ended.

Tune in tomorrow to get final interviews with our contestants and then on Friday for the big announcement of our winner!

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Offline Swirl-Girl

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Re: Who will be the Founder of my Immortal Dynasty?--A Surprise Birthday
« Reply #112 on: April 10, 2013, 07:01:25 PM »
I love your updates, especially the ones starring Jamal. Which is all of them. I ought to go update my story...
I like Gracie, she's a good dog, I mean, uh. (I think Nadia is getting to me ;D!)
Oh my gosh! Who is going to win! I'm practically bouncing!

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: Who will be the Founder of my Immortal Dynasty?--Coming to a Close
« Reply #113 on: April 10, 2013, 08:44:01 PM »
Ah! The suspense is murdering me in my sleep! Wait--that's not a thing? People don't say that? Oh well, I don't mind.
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By samoht04

Offline Eldridge

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Re: Who will be the Founder of my Immortal Dynasty?--Coming to a Close
« Reply #114 on: April 10, 2013, 09:22:38 PM »
Oh, my! For the Llama's! What are you doing to my our Jamal, Janicia! Stay away from him  ::)
I still have my hope for Jamal to be the winner though.

Hahaha... weeeell, looking at Patrizia and fellow admirer of Mr. Parker...
Maybe I knew the reason why Rosa (in her Life States Dynasty) always exposed Zack in his sleepwear :P :P :P

Can't wait for next update. I'm still sad though, it's like when I watching my favorite cartoon and they say it's the last episode.
But it is okay. I can handle it. If I miss them, I can read this again from the beginning ;D
“Sometimes the little things in life mean the most.” ― Ellen Hopkins

My Stories:
1. The Demosthenes Immortal Dynasty: Kev's Corner #08 - Thankful (31/12/13)
2. The Goode-Rotter's Life Story: Case Eleven - Signs of Love (27/12/13)

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Who will be the Founder of my Immortal Dynasty?--The Last Chats
« Reply #115 on: April 11, 2013, 10:55:10 AM »
Pippin:  As we come to the close of our competition, Mr. Parker sits down to have a final chat with each of our contestants.
Mr. Parker:  Thank you, Pippin.  First off, we have the lovely novelist, Ellody Cayzine.

Ellody:  Thank you, Jameson.  Always a pleasure to be around a gentleman with such good taste.

Mr. Parker:  This competition definitely stretched the competitors to strive for their best.  What is the biggest thing you learned about yourself from going through this?

Ellody:  I'd have to go with the beauty of simplicity.
Mr. Parker:  SIMplicity?  Was that a pun?
Ellody:  Yes, but not intentionally.

It's more like approaching life like a novel.  We're all just stories in the end.  Just make sure it's a good one.

Mr. Parker:  Speaking of writing, is that one thing you'll definitely continue after you leave the house?
Ellody:  Oh, good gracious yes!

In fact, I'd love to see one of my books made into a movie.  I could even star in it.  I'm quite the actress, you know.
Mr. Parker:  Well, thank you, Ellody, that's about all the time...

Ellody:  So any directors out there, this is one young lady who could make acting a serious career. 
Mr.  Parker:  Umm, yes.   Well, thank you, Ellody.  I'll be getting on with my next interview now. (Leaves)

Ellody:  And did I mention that I sing?  Yep, singer, actress, author...the classic triple threat...

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Who will be the Founder of my Immortal Dynasty?--The Last Chats
« Reply #116 on: April 11, 2013, 10:59:00 AM »
Hahaha! Oh yes, classic. At least Mr Parker made his escape!

That was a pun.
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By samoht04

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Who will be the Founder of my Immortal Dynasty?--The Last Chats
« Reply #117 on: April 11, 2013, 11:05:58 AM »
Pippin:  Next up, we asked Patrizia Noire to have a chat with our Mr. Parker.
Mr. Parker:  Thank you for joining me, Patrizia.  Please, have a seat.

Patrizia:  Thank you, sir.

Mr. Parker:  You're so polite.  Does that come from your upbringing?
Patrizia:  Yes, my father always taught me to be respectful of others.  Formality was very important to him.

He taught me so much.  Much more than my teachers ever offense intended.
Mr. Parker:  None taken.

Patrizia:  While you and many other teachers have given me lessons about things, my father helped my find my passion for art.

I guess things like science and math never really were quite my cup of tea.
Mr. Parker:  Well, that's about all the time we have.

Patrizia:  Thank you for having me in the competition.  It has been my pleasure.
Mr.  Parker:  Are you okay, Patrizia?

Patrizia:  I'm just so relieved that the pressure of the competition is over.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Who will be the Founder of my Immortal Dynasty?--The Last Chats
« Reply #118 on: April 11, 2013, 11:20:17 AM »
Pippin:  Our next competitor joining us for the final chats will be Janicia Strough. 
Janicia:  Thanks, Pippin.

Mr. Parker:  So, Janicia, we all know you as a fantastic artist.  What other interests do you have?

Janicia:  Well, not many people know this about me, but I actually love gardening.

Of course, it's mainly because I like to paint pictures of the flowers once they bloom.

Mr. Parker:  So, if you don't end up winning the competition, what do you think the future will hold for you?

Janicia:  If you're implying children, that might be in the cards for me. 

But of course, art is absolutely in my future.
Mr. Parker:  Well, thanks for chatting with us, Janicia.

Janicia:  My pleasure.  Thanks for having me.

Offline PeregrineTook

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Re: Who will be the Founder of my Immortal Dynasty?--The Last Chats
« Reply #119 on: April 11, 2013, 11:41:55 AM »
Pippin:  And finally, our only male competitor, Jamal Jawarholal.
Jamal:  A hat's wearing me.

Mr. Parker:  Is're holding?

Jamal:  It wasn't salad dressing.  It was glue.
Mr. Parker:  Umm, so, what career do you think you might want, Jamal?

Jamal:  Career? 
Mr. Parker:  Yes.  You know, like a job?

Jamal:  I like sleeping.
Mr. Parker:  Umm, I'm not sure that's really...

Jamal:  BBOOOOO!!!
Mr. Parker:  Well, this is going swimmingly.

Jamal:  I don't like swimming.

Swimming makes me turn orange and green.
Mr. Parker:  So, Jamal...

Jamal:  Your voice sounds like snails on a chalk board.
Mr. Parker:  I think you mean "nails."

Jamal:  You make me tired.
Mr. Parker:  And that's about all the time we have...
Jamal:  School buses look like Twinkies.
Mr. Parker:  Thank you.

