Pippin: As we enjoy the last half day of the vacation, Ellody keeps working on that charisma skill. As we all know, the best way to do that is to ignore the room full of interesting world travelers and chat with acquaintances from back home.
Ellody: Can you keep it down, Pippin? I'm on the phone.
Pippin: Meantime, Janicia says forget the people, let's just enjoy the scenery.
Janicia: I did not say that and you're misquoting me. I could press charges.
Pippin: (aside-- Can we get legal on that right away?)
And meantime, Jamal decides to socialize...with Patrizia...in the bathroom...
Jamal: The toilet paper is softer here.
Patrizia: You know, it's bad enough having the camera crews trying to follow me into the bathroom, you really don't need to lead them in.
Jamal: You're welcome. Now, about that toilet paper...
Janicia: (singing) The hills are alive, with the sound of...
You're filming, aren't you? (Blushes and tries walking casually away)
Jamal: And I'd like an extra order of the toilet paper to go. What do you mean you don't deliver toilet paper? You're a pizza place, aren't you? And don't pizza places deliver?
Pippin: Sadly, night is upon us, and the time has come to leave this lovely spot, so our competitors say their goodbyes to Champs LeSims
and return stateside where they resume their skill building.
Our artists continue their friendly rivalry to be the best artist
but this is interrupted by the call to graduation. Seems that had been forgotten in the excitement for the trip.
Janicia was named the valedictorian and showed up looking like the shining example of a serious scholar.
Janicia: I'm pretty sure the term "valedictorian" is Latin for "wear whatever you want."
Pippin: I somehow doubt that...anyway, all of our crew graduated with highest honors. In addition to being valedictorian, Janicia was voted Most Likely to Be a Millionaire. Jamal was voted Most Likely to Take Over the World.
Jamal: I'm wearing a wig.
Pippin: Ellody was voted Most Likely to Write a Bestselling Novel. And Patrizia was voted Most Artistic.
Janicia: WHAT?!?!?
Pippin: And what does a young group of high achievers do after their graduation ceremony? You guessed it: naptime!
but later, it was a special graduation surprise for a certain writer
a congratulatory sing-o-gram. This didn't come from any French woman, by the way.
Ellody: Yeah...I know...
Pippin: And finally, we close the busy day with a pizza party (graduation robes optional).
Congrats, crew. Now it's just wait and see who will be crowned our champion.