Pippin: It was another beautiful morning in the household. Everyone was getting up and ready for their days (including some serious yawning and stretching for Ellody)
Given that the number of teens, and therefore mood swings, had been reduced to only two, Jameson reflected that it was probably one of the best mornings thus far. He whistled a far-too-happy tune as he made his way to the mailbox.
One might speculate that it was a happy love tune given the growth of his platonic relationship with Ellody, but it sounded more like Ozzy Osbourne's "Crazy Train."
He stopped short as he noticed an odd-looking envelope.
He pulled it out and realized it was a message about the competition from yours truly. It said:
It is my privilege to inform you that a special treat awaits you.
When all members of the household have become young adults,
whether by honor roll or natural aging, those who remain in the
house will be going on a vacation to one of three locations: France,
China, or Egypt. The location will be determined upon the final age-up.
Simmingly yours,
When the household was up and about, Jameson shared the exciting news. Everyone celebrated in their own way.
playing a happy tune,
or unclogging the toilet.
Jamal: (laughs sadistically as he sloshes more water on the floor)
Pippin: Speaking of Jamal, he's managing to find a way to keep his relationship with Benni going
even though she hasn't aged up yet.
Stats-wise for our young adults, Jamal has a 7 in handiness, a 6 in logic, but only 6 of his needed 30 gems and rocks.
Patrizia is almost at 6 in painting, though her piano skill is still at a 1.
Fellow artist Janicia is up to a 5 in sculpting and has nearly reached 4 in painting.
Ellody, the novelist who is trying to write herself into her own love story, has a 4 in writing and a 3 in charisma.
Our teens, on the other hand, have pending birthdays. In fact, Rovin, who typically wandered away from his homework to check on his garden or play darts, met with his birthday before he had made the honor roll.
Sadly, that's why he's now saying goodbye.
He literally had some ups and downs in his time with the household.
As he leaves, he knows he's stronger for the experience
He was not our champion, but he definitely added to the household.
Rovin: Take good care of my garden, Mr. Parker.
Jameson: I will do my best
Pippin: And with that, Rovin drove off into the night.
Farewell, Rovin Skule.